
Body Armor and Ballistic-Resistant Protective ProductsRFP-AR-21-001Question and Answer Rev 9Q. What product lines are you looking for? What product standards are required?See Section 4.5 Product Category See Section 4.4 Product Standards 4.6 Product Specifications and all of Section 4 Scope of Work Q. Attachment?E: Are the required products in the Market Basket section and the non-market basket section is optional??See Section 5.3.5 Cost ResponseQ. Will multiple awards be made? How many awards will be made?See Section 6.1 Evaluation Process. How many awards is unknown. Q. Can we bid acting as a dealer or distributor of the manufacturer?See Section 3.6 Proposal Requirements. Q. What are the payment terms requested?See Section 6 of Exhibit DQ. Do you anticipate extending the bid due date?Find updated due date on RFP.Q. What additional details are you willing to provide, if any, beyond what is stated in bid documents concerning how you will identify the winning bid?See Section 6 Evaluation and Award Selection ProcessQ. Was this bid posted to the nationwide free bid notification website at ?free? Other than your own website, where was this bid posted?No. This was posted on Colorado free website ColoradoVSS, the link to this solicitation was posted on NASPO ValuePoint free website NASPO ValuePoint, this was posted on multiple State websites with links to the solicitation.Q. What products need to be responded to in the solicitation to be awarded?Review Section 4 Scope of Work, Section 5 Proposal Submission Instructions and Section 6 Evaluation and Award Selection Process. Q. If other buyers request quotes for this solicitation where do I provide the solicitation response.For information on solicitation response see section 5.2 Sealed Proposal Submission and 3.12 Certification of Independent Price Determination. Watch ColoradoVSS for all revisions to the solicitation. Q. Cost Response do all of the products need to be supplied in the Market Basket?Review Section 5.3.5 Cost Response and revision 3 of Attachment E. If interested in attending the Pre-Proposal Webinar please see pre-proposal webinar attachment. Q. Where is Exhibit A and Participating Entities?See page 27 of the Body Armor and Ballistic Products RFP file. Review section 1.5 Q. Is the manufacturer required to sell through distributors?No – review section 4.3Q. Ceiling pricing and decreases in pricing. Price changes, decreases in pricing will be provided to all Participating Entities for the same purchases. See section 1.8 If a discount is provided for a volume purchase for example the same volume discount pricing will be provided to all Purchasing Entities. Price decreases will remain in effect for the time that it is provided by the Awarded Vendor. Q. Secretary of State registration in Colorado location question. To be registered with the Secretary of State in Colorado a vendor does not need to be located in Colorado. Please find information here: Q. What if an Awarded Vendor exceeds the 60 day delivery time frame due to unforeseen circumstances.The Awarded Vendor would work with the Purchasing Entity concerning the details of the delivery delay. Review Section 3.5.3 of the RFPQ. Delivery location question to dealer or end-user. Exact delivery location will be determined with the Purchasing Entity. See section 4.10.1Q. Is a vendor required to be registered in Colorado to respond to this RFP?A vendor is required to be registered in Colorado in order to be awarded this RFP. Q. How many points for meeting different requirementsThe amount of points will be decided by the evaluation committee, read section 6 Evaluation and Award Selection Process. Q. Section numbering question.Find Rev 10 of RFP for numbering clarification. Q. Are there page limits for responses?See section 5.1.10 b) see Section 5.3.2 a) 2)Q. Is it possible to add or remove products to an Awarded Vendors product list?Review Section 4.4 on Product Standards. Review of products being added or removed will be approved by the Lead State after contracts have been executed. Q. Samples that may be required from the Vendors – what is the sizing breakdown.Sample sizing and requirements have not yet been determined to be required by the evaluation committee and Lead State. Q. Utah Terms and conditions Section 35 Administration Fee what is it? Not determined at this time. See section 6 b Administrative Fees of Exhibit D NASPO ValuePoint Master Agreement Terms and Conditions.Q. Exhibit C State of Colorado Model Contract – Section 8.E. What constitutes “performing services” outside Colorado?Performance outside the US or CO applies to "Services".? I do not believe the purchase of a good, armored?vest, fabricate form parts made in many locations constitute a "service".? If a vendor is concerned, they can still submit the notice that the product it is selling to the State is produced in various locations outside?Colorado.??Q. Exhibit C State of Colorado Model Contract – Section 16 A. Please clarify that "Work Product" excludes all rights and materials associated with the development of new products or updates to existing products developed by Contractor following the Effective Date of the Agreement, unless such updates or products were developed in conjunction with the State.Work product typically involves development of a software system or enhancement of the system.? If the software was created especially for a State requirement, then the Work product interests of the State would apply.? If a vendor develops an armored vest for a general market need, rather than for just the State, then the vendor owns any intellectual properties of the product.? If the product is specially developed for the State, then the State may have interest in the development of an intellectual component of the specifically designed and produced product for the State.Q. Question received on Section 4.6.10See modified text in red in Section 4.6.10 Q. Question received on Section 4.6.16See modified text in red in Section 4.6.16Q. Question received on Vehicle ArmorThis solicitation does not include Vehicle Armor. Q. Question received on Section 4.6.9See modified text in red in Section 4.6.9Q. Question received on Section 4.1.3See modified text in red in Section 4.1.3Q. Question on Attachment AFind modification with Section 6 Attachment A Q. Question related to fitting.See section 4.8.2 and 4.1.3Q. Question related to fitting and which items require fittingProduct categories 4.5.1 , 4.5.2 and 4.5.3 require fittings. Q. New products questions.See 4.4 Product Standards. Other products that are not identified in Section 4.5 Product Category will not be awarded. Read Section 4.4.5 and 4.4.6 for information on New NIJ Standards that are not yet released. Q. Admin Fee Question Review 1.9 in RFP file and Section 6 b Exhibit D. Pricing for product is provided in Attachment E and Section 5.3.5. Please find all Participating Addendums, Master Contracts, and price lists for all current NASPO Portfolios on the NASPO website for reference on admin fees. Q. Agents/Distributors that do not have an office building what should be put in Attachment D for address.Use the headquarters address for active law enforcement or agents/distributors without office building. Common practice in industry where there is not a business address locally is to use the corporate address and indicate the area/jurisdiction/state that the agents represent if desired.Q. If vests in one Manufacturer Catalog # have different pricing what is to be provided? For each item listed in the product and price list Attachment E, provide one price for the item. Q. What is the budget?The budget depends on the budgets of the Participating Entities and is not known. Review Exhibit B for prior spend. Q. Please read updated Section 5.2 for instructions on returning solicitation. Q. Public Record question. See definition in definition section. See Section 3.7 Confidential or Proprietary Information. Find modified Attachment A. Q. Agents, Distributors, Manufacturer questions. If a Manufacturer who is responding provides sales and distribution different than as written in the RFP please provide details about how the Manufacturer is different and how it provides to its customers in the response for the evaluation team to review. Please provide details for the evaluation to consider in addition to the requested requirements of the RFP. Q. Question of State eligibility and listing of States in Exhibit A. Additional states not listed in Exhibit A are eligible to complete participating addendums. See Section 1.5.1 As copied from NASPO ValuePoint website for Eligibility: All states, the District of Columbia, and US Territories are eligible to use NASPO ValuePoint contracts. Within each state, the State Procurement Official determines if his/her state is eligible.Each state determines, in accordance with its own state statutes, whether it will use each NASPO ValuePoint contract and which entities within their state may use each NASPO ValuePoint contract, including state agencies, higher education institutions and political subdivisions. In some states non-profit organizations are eligible.Q. Insurance questionsRead Section 20 of Exhibit D NASPO ValuePoint Master Agreement Terms and Conditions and 3.10.3 of the RFP. The State of Colorado is also a Participating State. Q. Question on price response format.See Section 3.6.3Electronic bid submission information is located in Section 5.2Q. Questions on Attachment EPlease see Market Basket and Non-Market List, please see modified items in Red, please provide pricing in Attachment E not a different style of price sheet see Question 46. Q. Question on alternate price lists requested from different States. Awarded Vendors are required to provide the same pricing to all of the Purchasing Entities. See question 15 above. Q. Question on Section 3.12.1a. Please see all of Section 3.12 for detail on Independent Price Determination. Q. Question on 5.1.9 Extra materials as noted in this section are not being requested. Q. Past Experience questionSee section 5.3.6 and 6.2 there is not a required format to provide this information. Please find updates to files marked in red. Q. Question on Exhibit E Carriers Level II and IIA male and female. See Lines 8, 9, 11, and 12 in Attachment E. Q. Question on Ballistic-Resistant VestSee Section 4.5.1Q. What is to be provided - a plate carrier with front and back ballistic plates, or would it only require a front plate in Lines 7 and 8 of Attachment ELines 7 and 8 are for soft armor vests.Q. What is to be provided - a plate carrier with front and back ballistic plates, or would it only require a front plate??(Attachment E)Lines 13 and 14 address hard armor plates in a carrier and the supplier should specify whether front and back plates are being provided in the plate carrier or whether only a front plate is being provided in the plate carrier. Q. What is to be provided a tactical carrier with soft ballistics and Front and Back Plates, or would it only require a Front Plate with soft ballistics? (Attachment E)Lines 15 and 16 address stand-alone plates that may be inserted into a pocket on a soft armor ballistic-resistant vest. These may be offered as a pair of plates (front and back) or a front plate only.Q. If soft armor is required in question 58 what level of soft ballistics would be required?Soft armor is not required to be specified with a stand-alone plate. The purchase is responsible for determining how a stand-alone plate will be used (such as, inserting into a pocket on an existing soft armor carrier, replacement plate). ?Q. If a tactical carrier is how much coverage is required? It is a basic tactical carrier or Full Tactical with groin, collar, throat and shoulders?The supplier should specify the style of carrier being provided. Groin, collar, throat, and shoulder protectors are accessories and are shown in the non-market basket list.Q. Contract Routing Number Question 4 in Attachment G?Put RFP-AR-21-001 into this field. For existing contracts this would be the contract number. Q. Question on Spike-Edged Blade Stab-Resistant Vests. (lines 31-48 Attachment E)The model of vests that protect against both threats. The products that have met this are listed twice with the same model number. Q. Combination Vests – female question on Attachment E.Find most recent modifications made to Attachment E in blue. ................

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