The meeting was opened at 20.20 by the Chairman (Phil Brewer) who thanked all those present for attending the meeting.

1. Present

P. Brewer - Chairman, A. Shah - Hon Sec & Fixtures Sec, D. O’Brien (Hon Treasurer), C. Lovett (Equipment Officer), J. Clark, M. Mensah, G. Bateman, Sunny Backory and A. Gunalan

2. Apologies for absence

A. Gudgin, R. Martin, M. Willis, N. Spackman, C. Wall, L. Kelly and K. Wingrove.

3. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 5th June 2018.

3.1 The minutes of the AGM held on Tuesday 5th June 2018 were approved unanimously. Matters arising from this meeting were all covered within other items on the agenda.

5. The report of the Hon Secretary

5.1 AS expressed his thanks to everyone involved at the club including the committee members, team captains, players and supporters. Special thanks to Tracy for providing the excellent catering and Pete Fahey for running the bar throughout the season.

5.2 On the playing front congratulations to the 3rd XI winning division 6 North relatively comfortably by 7 points having scored an impressive 83 goals in 18 games on their way to the title. It was a tough season for the 1st XI who were trying to rebuild having lost a number of key players that were hard to replace although there were promising signs from some of the new young players who were probably playing in the 1s sooner than would have been ideal. The 2nd XI also had a difficult season reflecting problems with player available throughout the club although there were some really good performances during the season whilst the 4th XI finished creditable mid-table in division 7 North.

5.3 AS reported that overall our discipline was reasonable but there was one unpleasant incident that had resulted in a misconduct charge and a large fine for Tyler Brown that as yet had not been resolved resulting in the player being placed under a sine die ban.

5.4 AS reported that he had recently received the proposed league constitution for the 2019-20 season that showed the 1s would stay in Senior 2 North whilst due to a number of teams leaving the League the 7 north division was being removed meaning the 2s and 4s would both move up a division whilst the 3s would move up 2 divisions from 6 north to 4 north.

6. The report of the Hon Treasurer

1. The Hon Treasurer presented the accounts for year ended 31st May 2019 and reported that there had been an increase in the income from both annual subscriptions (up £800) and match fees (up £2455) that reflected not just an increase from 3 to 4 teams but also a slight increase to the number of games played. Income from sponsorship had however fallen by £667 mainly due to the loss of funding from Barclays. The overall expenditure had by increased over £4,000 that reflected running an additional side including an increase to the cost of pitches (up by £1,200), an increase to the expenditure on new kit (up by £1,500) and an increase to the expenditure on awards (up by £350). In addition, the club had to make a £500 contribution to SOSA.

2. Overall the net position for the period ended 31st May 2019 was a deficit of £1,578 with the cash at bank amounting to £1,255.

3. The Hon Treasury stated that he was concerned that there had been a significant increase to value of debtors that stood at £1,166. With the exception of one significant debt of over £200 related to the previously mentioned misconduct charge (for which the player Tyler Brown is banned sine die from all football until the debt is cleared), there weren’t any substantial individual debtors but there were some players who owed match fees, fines for discipline or payment for the awards dinner. It was agreed unanimously that all debts would need to be cleared by the start of the 2019-20 season and failure to do so would result in player suspensions and if necessary further action to recover debts.

4. The Hon Treasurer stated that the club could not continue to operate at a loss in future seasons and would therefore need to ensure the prompt collect of annual subs and match fees, try to increase income from sponsorship and reduce costs by taking better care of equipment. Failure to do this could mean that consideration would need to be given to increasing the player annual subscription. Phil Brewer said that Titan would sponsor a new kit for the 2s and Sunny Backory advised that he would look at trying to get a sponsor for a new kit for the 3s.

5. The annual accounts for the year ending 31st May 2019 were approved unanimously.

7. Report from the Equipment Officer

1. CL stated that paying for the laundry of kits continued to deliver benefits in that the kits are being washed promptly and properly and there are less items needing replacement due to incorrect washing or being lost. CL stated that a number of shirts had to be replaced for each team most likely as a result of players taking kit home with them and not returning it whilst it is also necessary to replace socks at least once a season. He would be looking to purchase two new kits for the coming season that would hopefully be covered by sponsorship monies.

2. Match balls continue to be a major expense at over £300 a season and despite playing at the school (as opposed to Ludgrove) they still seem to go missing and he request that captains take more care of the match and indeed all equipment. Apart from this there is no major investment required in equipment for the coming season other than replacing some lost items and replenishing first aid kits.

7. Annual subscriptions and match fees

1. Proposed by PB and seconded by DOB that the annual subscription and match fees should remain unchanged as noted below:-

• Annual Subscriptions (to be paid by 30th Sept or within 4 weeks if joining part way through a season when the subscription will be pro-rated with agreement from the Club Sec or Treasurer)

– Full Members £50

- Full time students £25

- Vets (playing only Vets games) £25

• Match fees to remain unchanged - £10 or if preferred a one off payment of £200 to cover all matches during the season (part refund negotiable if unavailable through injury).

• Concessions for match fees – players still attending school will not pay match fees. Full time students and unemployed will pay 50% of the agreed match fees. Players to whom concessions apply may be required to provide proof of their eligibility.

2. The proposal on annual subscriptions and match fees were agreed unanimously.

8. Election of Officers and Team Captains

8.1 The following Club Officers were nominated and duly agreed upon.

President – A. H Gudgin

Vice Presidents R. Morley, M. Payne, P. Brewer, A. Shah, B. Phasey, D. Chapman, C. Lovett, M. Willis, B. Toms and G. Dewhirst

Chairman – P. Brewer

Hon Secretary – A. Shah

Hon Treasurer – D. O’Brien

Hon Fixtures Secretary – A. Shah

Hon Auditor – A. Shah

Social Secretary – shared role C. Wallis and L. Kelly.

Equipment Officer - C Lovett

PB referred to the sad passing of past president Den Payne who will always be remembered as a true stalwart of the club.

Executive Committee – the members of the Executive Committee to consist of the following club officers - President, Chairman, Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Hon Fixtures Secretary, Equipment Officer and Rep to SOSA. In addition, all team captains will also be members of the Executive Committee.

Reps to SOSA – P. Brewer, and C. Lovett.

8.3 Election of Team Captains/Managers. The following team managers, captains and vice captains were nominated and duly agreed upon.

1st – Manager – C. Lovett and Captain – Neil Spackman.

2nd – Captain – J. Clark and J. Weeks

3rd – Manager Sunny Backory Captain – A. Gunalan

4th – Captain – M. Mensah

Super Vets – K. Wingrove

9. Report from the SOSA representative

9.1 M. Willis (MW) had provided a written report by email regarding latest SOSA business. AGM was scheduled to be held in July and all members of the football club can attend (exact date will be posted on the website).

9.2 SOSA finances were currently in a reasonably good position although the funds are needed to cover the ongoing maintenance works and well as a potentially significant increase to rates should an expected review of the premises be undertaken (some other clubs in the area have been hit with increases of more that £2,000 per annum).

9.2 As has been the case for a number of year SOSA continue to be concerned that during the football season people simply do not come back to the club for a drink resulting in poor income from the bar during the winter. This is in contrast to the cricket club and Chase Side youth who both hold a number of social events during the year whilst the football club only hold their annual dinner. As has been discussed and agreed in previous seasons the football club needs to try and hold a number of social events during the season. CL stated that the joint social secretaries planned to hold a number of events during the year including a race night, poker night and possibly a start of season barbeque

9.3 As was the case for 2018-19 SOSA indicated that it is likely that the football club will need to make a contribution to SOSA for 2019-20 that will again be £500.

10. Pre Season Friendlies

10.1 AS reported that no friendlies had currently been arranged. It was agreed that one friendly would be arranged for 17th and 24th August, three for the 31st August and three for 7th September (1st XI likely to have a league game on this date).

11. Any Other Business

1. Gary Bateman (GB) stated that he had 15 youth players who were looking for a pathway into adult football and were keen to join the club as an additional team for the 2019-20 season. GB stated the he was happy to be a senior player helping to manage them but would need at least 2 other senior players to help with this especially transport for away games. A discussion followed and it was agree that the league would be approached to see if we could enter and additional team in the league for the 19-20 season. If the league agreed to our request as we would be committing the club to a significant amount of expenditure (i.e. additional pitch hire and purchase of new kit and equipment) the new players would be required to show commitment and would therefore be required to cover the total estimated costs of running an additional side in advance of the new season. It was estimated that this would be around £250 per player, the equivalent all match fess (20 games) and annual subscription. In addition, GB agreed to obtain registration forms from all for the new players to be submitted to the league in support of a request to enter an additional team.

2. CL stated that with regard to the grass pitch there would likely be issue regarding the lines from the running track and there were not planned out of season repairs. He would liaise with the school to see if they would be able to organise additional works and if possible he would undertake some minor works himself. In addition, the club needed to be more active with the school in trying to attract alumni to the club and it was agreed we should have a presence at appropriate school events such as the school fete and the sports days to advertise the club.

3. CL stated that he would also be working with the school on a playing pitch strategy for improving the pitches (the grass pitch in particular) including applying for funding through the school. In the longer term we should also be working with the school to see if there was a possibility of the school getting floodlights for the 3g pitch meaning that it would therefore open up the opportunity of using it for training

The meeting closed at 21:50.

Aaron Shah Phil Brewer

Hon Sec Chairman


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