
Social Media Marketing PlanPrepared by: Jeannie Dimico12/11/2015The Write StuffHeadquarters: Seattle, WATable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary/Overview3Social Media Presence4Competitive Analysis4SWOT Analysis6Goals6Strategies7Target Market8User Personas8Tools & Implementation11Facebook11Twitter11Twitter Posts12Goodreads13Content Development13Monitoring & Tuning14Budget & ROI14Appendix:Proposed Logos15Branding Research 16Wireframe19Official Website20Executive Summary/OverviewThe Write Stuff brings books to life with comprehensive book publishing services to include editing, layout and design, self-publishing assistance, and marketing and promotions. As technology has advanced so has the way we read books. The e-reader offers the non-traditional author the ability to publish a book without the hassle of traditional publishing methods. However, inexperienced authors do not know how to maneuver the different self-publishing systems or how to properly edit and design a book for distribution. The Write Stuff is entering the market with very little competition providing an opportunity to expand our presence with the right tools.The primary focus of this social media marketing plan is to use various social media platforms to find, engage, and recruit new customers (both readers and authors). We have examined our current social media presence, competitive comparison, and target market analysis in order to develop our social media goals and strategies.Social media goals for The Write Stuff company include:Increase the brand and product awareness among the book community.Build a reputation with authors, readers, bloggers, and other publishing companies.Inspire word-of-mouth recommendations.Increase social media followers.Drive traffic to the website.The following plan explains the comprehensive social media strategies that will be used to achieve these goals. These strategies include listening, interacting, engaging, embracing, connecting, and contributing to the social web. The plan also describes how we will implement, monitor, measure, and tune our social media efforts. A detailed budget explains our expected costs for the first year of our social media marketing campaign, as well as the expected return of investment. The chief executive officer, Jeannie Dimico, will oversee the implementation and execution of the plan.Social Media PresenceAs a new company created in October 2015, The Write Stuff is currently establishing its presence on social media and does not currently have a sizeable presence or an engaged audience. The company has a small and limited presence established on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads. The Write Stuff Facebook page has 58 followers, followed by Goodreads with 2 followers and Twitter has 3 followers. These have had little success engaging the small audiences that the company currently has access to. The company has failed at generating a comment from a follower on any of the three social media platforms it uses. The Facebook page has garnered 3 unique likes, while the Twitter and Goodreads pages have not had any engagement. As such there is not enough information to extract reliable data from the key metrics when auditing The Write Stuff’s social media presence. Competitive AnalysisWe identified several competitors in the book publishing and editing market, then compared their services to that of The Write Stuff. We used our research to identify our strengths and weaknesses then determined our goals and strategies for our social media campaign.The Write Stuff[COMPETITOR #1]The Creative Penn[COMPETITOR #2]APE the BookOVERVIEW: Provides services for book editing, publishing, layout and design, and marketing and promotions.OVERVIEW: Author, Joanna Penn, has a website dedicated to how to publish a book based on her journey as a successful author.OVERVIEW: This website is dedicated to the use of the book APE (author, publishing, and entrepreneur).Additional value:Provide an all in one place for services for self-publishing a book.Additional value:They provide an all in one place to go for self-publishing information.Additional value:Provides minimal tools, resources, and downloads.Details: Provide a personal and interactive approach to book publishing. Details:She provides books, blogs, and podcasts about proven methods and resources. Free video training and ebook.Details:The site is designed to promote the purchase of APE.Cost: The cost is determined by the service provided, bundle packages are available.Cost: The information on her website is free but if you would like to purchase her books, you’ll have to pay.Cost: Some free information but the cost to purchase the book is $9.99 to $20.73[COMPETITOR #3]Book Baby[COMPETITOR #4]Jane Friedman (author)[COMPETITOR #5]CreateSpaceOVERVIEW: It is an eBook distribution site that helps with self-publishing.OVERVIEW:She provides a blog post on how to get your book published.OVERVIEW: Professional services for every step of the publishing process.Additional value:They have partnered with a dozen book editing service sites. Lots of informationAdditional value: She provides resources for writers and links to books.Additional value:They have a very simple and easy to follow website.Details: They have a very detailed network of services and lots of additional information on their website.Details:She has additional blog posts from other writers with various information related to book publishing.Details:This is a subsidiary of Amazon that focuses solely on self-publishing with services in editing, layout and design, and marketing.Cost: The information on the website is free but you have to pay for the services which vary from books to editing companies. Cost: The information is free but there are links to resources such as books that cost money.Cost: Services vary in price starting at $25.SWOT AnalysisStrengthsThe brand is new and unique.Consumers are interested in the brand.Lots of information is available.The services are priced lower than competitors.WeaknessesThe brand does not have a lot of experience in publishing books.The brand is new and does not have consumer support.OpportunitiesThe publishing market is forever changing, this brand has the ability to market those changes.This brand is able to embrace new authors.The brand can create a community of authors and readers.The brand is able to combine multiple services.ThreatsIf self-publishing platforms (Kindle, Kobo, B&N, etc.) were to shut down, the brand would no longer be of use for publishing.Other companies are already successful in the market.GoalsOur research shows there is lots of information and resources regarding book publishing, editing, designs, and marketing but there are few companies dedicated to all of these aspects like The Write Stuff. It is apparent that a significant opportunity exists to attract and retain new authors and readers with a comprehensive social media marketing campaign.The following social media goals are designed to achieve this undertaking: Increase the brand and product awareness among the book community.Build a reputation with authors, readers, bloggers, and other publishing companies.Inspire word-of-mouth recommendations.Increase social media followers.Drive traffic to the website.StrategiesThe Write Stuff will use best practices to ensure successful execution of our social media plan to meet and exceed our goals. Our comprehensive social media strategies include:Listening to see where the company brand is being mentioned and what is being said about the brand.Interacting with customers on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads where our target audience is situated.Engaging customers to drive word-of-mouth recommendations with examples of work created by The Write Stuff such as books published, covers created, editing attributions, and marketing and promotional tools.Embracing customers by establishing book community where readers and authors can forge relationships, improve customer satisfaction, and provide valuable feedback about the brand and its products.Connecting with customers and potential customers by offering discounts and giveaways on services, as well as current works to help promote current authors.Contributing content to popular blogs for widespread exposure for the brand and author which will in turn increase website traffic and sales.Target MarketThe majority of The Write Stuff’s customers are readers turned writers, varying in age from teens to middle-age. They contact The Write Stuff in hopes of gaining knowledge and support in getting a book published whether it is editing, layout and design, marketing and promotion, or maneuvering self-publishing platforms.The following are three personas that represent our target market.User Personas#1- Persona Type: The College Grad Name: J.A. MadisonAge: 23Location: Atlanta, GAJob Title: CopywriterBack story: She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. She has been writing stories ever since she was in middle school. She won her state writing award in High School. Her teachers often told her she should publish her writing. She was on the student newspaper in college. She has had some success with her stories on fanfiction and wattpad.Motivations: She doesn’t know where to start in getting a book published. She needs this website to help her get the resources needed to publish her book.Frustrations: She doesn’t think she is good enough to get published by a traditional publisher. She is concerned with self-publishing because the information is vast and confusing.Their ideal experience: She would find the resources and services she needs to self-publish as well as a community to connect with other authors.Quote: “I was able to connect with other authors and learn what it takes to publish a successful book. I have more confidence now and I can’t wait to get started!”#2- Persona Type: The Middle Age MomName: Marie JenningsAge: 39Location: Colorado Springs, COJob Title: Stay at home momBack story: She got a job as school teacher right out of college. She married her college sweetheart when she was 24 and they had their first child, Gabriel (14), when she was 25. She went back to work almost immediately. She had Elizabeth (10) a few years later, and again went back to work. When she got pregnant with their third child, Zachary (6), she decided to stay home with the kids and be more involved with their extra-curricular activities. Now that Zachary is in school, she volunteers at the school because there are no teacher positions available. She wants to do something productive in her spare time, and one of her favorite hobbies is reading. She has decided that she wants to write her own book.Motivations: A google search later and she has found this site. She is overwhelmed with all the things involved with getting a book published. She needs this site to help her navigate her way to getting her book published.Frustrations: She believes her husband will think she is crazy and getting in way over her head but she doesn’t care.Their ideal experience: She will write a great book, find a great editor to polish it, an illustrator/design artist to create a beautiful cover, and beta readers that will love her book. She will also connect with others who will review and promote her book, proving to her husband that she can do this.Quote: “I never thought I’d see my book published but the staff at The Write Stuff helped me navigate the craziness that is self-publishing. I am a successful author because of them.”#3-Persona Type: The Experienced AuthorName: Alex HallAge: 45Location: Seattle, WAJob Title: AuthorBack story: He is a successful author with a traditional publishing company. For the last 20 years he has produced best-selling books for his readers but the content was controlled by his publisher. He has written several books that his publisher didn’t want to publish. Now, he wants to publish a book himself without all the constraints of his contract. He plans to self-publish a series under a pen name because these books are not of his regular genre. He hopes to attract new readers.Motivations: He heard about the website from his editor who was complaining about the rise of indie authors and the self-publishing phenomenon but they need guidance. He needs this website to guide him into successfully self-publishing his books. He is concerned that he won’t be able to do it himself because for so many years someone else made the decisions for him and all he did was write books.Frustrations: He doesn’t know where to begin because self-publishing is very different than traditional publishing. He has to wade through all the new author information to get to the publishing info.Their ideal experience: He will get the information needed to self-publish and connect with new authors and readers. He will also share some of his knowledge and wisdom with upcoming authors, and learn a few things in return.Quote: “I was a little apprehensive about using a website to find information about self-publishing but I am so glad I found this one. They have supported me 100%, and I have gained some new readers and friends in the process.”Tools & ImplementationIn examining the above goals, strategies, and target market, we were able to choose which social media platforms would be used to maximize our social presence on the web. We realize that this is just the beginning to our social media presence. As our brand grows, we are confident that we will be able to include LinkedIn and Instagram into our social media strategy. For now, we feel the following platforms will help us achieve our immediate social media goals.FacebookFacebook is the most popular social network with billions of users worldwide. It is essential to have a presence on this platform. We will utilize the following tactics to connect with our audience:Post content that is of interest to all book lovers (readers and authors) such as quotes, pictures, and videos.Post content twice daily.Respond to questions and comments promptly (usually within 24 hours).Offer giveaways or discounts monthly.Promote services using examples of work i.e. book launch of an author’s new book.Include links to The Write Stuff Facebook page on all promotional materials, correspondence, and website.TwitterTwitter is considered to be the second most popular social network behind Facebook. This platform offers a unique opportunity to not only connect with potential customers but readers, bloggers, other authors and publishing companies. Twitter will be used to reach a large audience with brief messages directing them to our website, Facebook, and Goodreads sites. More specificially, we will utilize the following tactics to strengthen the brand:Post content at least 5 times daily and use hashtags frequently.Retweet tweets to engage users and increase sharing of our content in return.Offer giveaways or discounts monthly.Use shortened links to interesting articles, videos, pictures, etc.Promote customers work i.e. new books thus also promoting our services.Include links to The Write Stuff Twitter page on all promotional materials, correspondence, and website.Twitter PostsHere are the first 10 tweets of The Write Stuff on Twitter:1. Hello Twitter! #myfirsttweet #thewritestuff2. You wrote the book, now let us bring it to life. #thewritestuff3. Who is ready for NYC? TWS Book Signing Dec 11 #thewritestuffinNYC4. #WhenAngelsFall by @jackie coming 12/15/15. Who wants an ARC? I’ve got 5!5. Where is your favorite place to read? Show us your reading space! #booknooks6. This is our favorite pic of books! Share your favorite to win a free service! 7. Do you know when to use these? We do! Let us edit your book! #thewritestuff8. @jkrowling, We feel the same way! #books #happy9. What would you write? #beinspired #thewritestuff 10. Let us help you find your audience with our promotional services! #thewritestuffGoodreadsGoodreads is the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations with over 40 million users. It offers access to every aspect of the book community including readers, authors, bloggers, editors, illustrators, etc. Goodreads will be used to integrate The Write Stuff brand into the book community. We will use the following tactics to create a network of consumers:Promote services through current customer works i.e. new books, cover designs, and marketing.Offer giveaways or discounts monthly.Engage readers with message boards and groups.Offer free books and Advanced Read Copies (ARC) of new books in return for reviews.Follow authors for maximum exposure.Content DevelopmentIt is important to realize that each social media platform offers a unique interaction with our consumers. The Write Stuff will use social media monitoring tools to create a content plan for each social media platform. A calendar of content will be used each month to maximize the generation of quality content that can be used multiple times. This will also allow us to adjust content and interaction according to consumer response.Monitoring & TuningSocial media monitoring is essential to The Write Stuff’s social media marketing plan. We will use multiple analytic tools, such as Facebook insights and Google analytics, to ensure that each social media platform is being used effectively to meet our goals. We will also use quantitative metrics called key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of our social media marketing plan. As part of the tuning process, will make adjustments to strategies as necessary to maximize the chance of success.The Write Stuff KPIs for the next year include:Reach 1000 fans on our Facebook Page50% growth in the number of comments on Facebook posts50% increase in visits to company website from Facebook adsGain 250 Twitter followers50% growth in the number of retweets50% increase in visits to website from tweet linksReach 500 friends on Goodreads50% growth in the number The Write Stuff author books added to shelvesBudget & Return of InvestmentOur first year social media marketing and advertising budget is as follows:ExpenseCostSocial Media Manager (current employee)$5,000 (addition to current salary)Facebook Ads$1,500Goodreads Ads$1,500Google Ads$1,500Social Media Monitoring Tools$1,500Total Expenses$11,000We are a new company so we do not have the means to dedicate a large budget to social media marketing and advertising. The Write Stuff will spend approximately $11,000 the first year on expenses related to our social media marketing plan. However, the majority of the social media goals for The Write Stuff are not directly related to sales, therefore standard return on investment (ROI) analysis will not be feasible. We predict a 150% ROI in the first year, and an increase ever year as we build our business.AppendixProposed Logos Branding Research We created a survey using in order to gain feedback from the general public in regards to the name and logo of the new company. The survey reached a total of 23 people. The name “The Write Stuff” was the clear winner with “By the Book” coming in second. In reviewing the results we found that the logo originally associated with “By the Book” was a favorite and the participants felt it associated more with the integrity of the company. Therefore, the final logo incorporates the name “The Write Stuff” with the red book logo from “By the Book” as well as a the W from “The Write Stuff” logo and a change in font and colors. Here is a snapshot of the results of the Polldaddy survey:Wireframe (original design)This was the original design for The Write Stuff website. The website builder, , enabled us to design a website that is better than our original plan. The templates allowed us to create a website to fit our needs. A snapshot is provided below but you can view the finished website here: The Write Stuff Official Website ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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