
48615603235960Think about that – what if you are already coming into enough leads to double or even triple your income, but you are the choke point. You fail to follow up and so you fail to close.??Incubating leads is the key to creating a real estate business that provides consistent, predictable results. It’s not sexy, flashy, or necessarily fun but contacts create contracts.00Think about that – what if you are already coming into enough leads to double or even triple your income, but you are the choke point. You fail to follow up and so you fail to close.??Incubating leads is the key to creating a real estate business that provides consistent, predictable results. It’s not sexy, flashy, or necessarily fun but contacts create contracts.46907679357360412345004123453530601140460Use the 4 Step FLAG Follow Up System to Convert Real Estate Leads into Closings??How well do you follow up with potential leads? Do you have a systematic plan for contacting them over an extended period or do you instead only work with “now” clients???In a study conducted by McGraw-Hill, it was found that only a shocking 2% of sales are made on the second contact, yet this is where most real estate salespeople throw in the towel.?Darren Hardy of Success Magazine describes it this way, “Uber Successful Salespeople and Entrepreneurs master the mundane, they don’t bail on the trail.”???How many times have you given up on the 1 yard line, 5 minutes from a miracle but you failed to make the call, send the email, or shoot out a text? Now is the time to model the most successful real estate agents in the business and follow up on leads like a machine. Embrace the work and let go of outcome. Your job isn’t outcome, it’s doing the work, and the work is following up every single day.??00Use the 4 Step FLAG Follow Up System to Convert Real Estate Leads into Closings??How well do you follow up with potential leads? Do you have a systematic plan for contacting them over an extended period or do you instead only work with “now” clients???In a study conducted by McGraw-Hill, it was found that only a shocking 2% of sales are made on the second contact, yet this is where most real estate salespeople throw in the towel.?Darren Hardy of Success Magazine describes it this way, “Uber Successful Salespeople and Entrepreneurs master the mundane, they don’t bail on the trail.”???How many times have you given up on the 1 yard line, 5 minutes from a miracle but you failed to make the call, send the email, or shoot out a text? Now is the time to model the most successful real estate agents in the business and follow up on leads like a machine. Embrace the work and let go of outcome. Your job isn’t outcome, it’s doing the work, and the work is following up every single day.??3222171160417003403601115060003505201097280 center683260The FLAG System - 4 Steps to GreatnessF - First Contact?On first contact, use permission based marketing to gain the clients consent to continue the relationship. Offer something of value, a commodity that the client will want from you in exchange for contact information. For example:?“We have a listing coming on the market in the next day or so that might be a good fit. Can I text you the information?”??“Can I send you over some comparables in the neighborhood???“Would you like to see the appreciation rate for the neighborhood over the past five years?”?“Would you like to know what the seller and the last mortgage they obtained?”??L – Listen Closely?When a client is speaking always look for ways to dig deeper in to the conversation with open ended questions that require a thoughtful response like:? “What about this listing appealed to you? Why do you need <X>?”?“What are you looking for in your next home?”??“What do you like about the neighborhood?”?“What’s your housing situation now? Do you need to sell a home?”?“Why are you considering a move?”A – Action Point???Once you have placed the client into your CRM database, take the time to determine your next step, your action point. Flagging the next step is essential to follow up. Ideally pick a specific day and time to reach back out to the client and as soon as the contact has been completed. Rinse and repeat. Flag the client for a future contact.??G – Give Value??To create a relationship that leads to a sale, lead with the client need. Focus on giving value during every interaction with the client by personalizing the contact to their needs. For instance:?00The FLAG System - 4 Steps to GreatnessF - First Contact?On first contact, use permission based marketing to gain the clients consent to continue the relationship. Offer something of value, a commodity that the client will want from you in exchange for contact information. For example:?“We have a listing coming on the market in the next day or so that might be a good fit. Can I text you the information?”??“Can I send you over some comparables in the neighborhood???“Would you like to see the appreciation rate for the neighborhood over the past five years?”?“Would you like to know what the seller and the last mortgage they obtained?”??L – Listen Closely?When a client is speaking always look for ways to dig deeper in to the conversation with open ended questions that require a thoughtful response like:? “What about this listing appealed to you? Why do you need <X>?”?“What are you looking for in your next home?”??“What do you like about the neighborhood?”?“What’s your housing situation now? Do you need to sell a home?”?“Why are you considering a move?”A – Action Point???Once you have placed the client into your CRM database, take the time to determine your next step, your action point. Flagging the next step is essential to follow up. Ideally pick a specific day and time to reach back out to the client and as soon as the contact has been completed. Rinse and repeat. Flag the client for a future contact.??G – Give Value??To create a relationship that leads to a sale, lead with the client need. Focus on giving value during every interaction with the client by personalizing the contact to their needs. For instance:?46902829359024412345004123454197351290955003403601115060003505201097280 46101009346565412345004123453403601115060Potential Sellers:??“Listen I thought you might find it interesting that two properties closed in your neighborhood last week and those sales could affect your home value. Would you like me to shoot you an email with the details?”??“I had a thought, many of my potential sellers like to see what they are competing with because on average a home buyer will look at 12-15 homes. Would you be interested in looking at the homes actively for sale in your neighborhood to see how they compare to yours?”??Potential Buyers:??“The property we looked at last week just had a price reduction, so I wanted to be sure you were aware of it… by the way a couple new listings have hit the market as well.”??“Would it be ok if I set you up in MLS matching service? It’s free and any new listing that hits the market will be matched up against your criteria and sent to you as an email. That way you never miss a listing.”??00Potential Sellers:??“Listen I thought you might find it interesting that two properties closed in your neighborhood last week and those sales could affect your home value. Would you like me to shoot you an email with the details?”??“I had a thought, many of my potential sellers like to see what they are competing with because on average a home buyer will look at 12-15 homes. Would you be interested in looking at the homes actively for sale in your neighborhood to see how they compare to yours?”??Potential Buyers:??“The property we looked at last week just had a price reduction, so I wanted to be sure you were aware of it… by the way a couple new listings have hit the market as well.”??“Would it be ok if I set you up in MLS matching service? It’s free and any new listing that hits the market will be matched up against your criteria and sent to you as an email. That way you never miss a listing.”??35052010972803505201097280340360111506000350520109728035052010972803505201097280 ................

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