
To:NameRE:Weigh the FactsA recent study has shown that homeowners net approximately 5?% MORE when selling through top-producing brokers than when they sell privately. Another 12 years of results supports this claimThe following comparison is based on facts, surveys, and nearly 38 years of experience of Mike Stott, your professional REALTOR?.- COMPARATIVE REPORT -FOR SALE BY OWNER VS Mike Stott (FSBO) Northwest Atlanta Properties1. THE BUYER’S ADVANTAGE Buyer’s greatest advantage Buyers expect to pay fairfrom you is to save the samemarket price through the MLScommission you are trying to save. 2. PRICING Your price is a “guesstimate.” Our suggested price is based on recent sales of comparable properties and based on the input of thousands of REALTORS?. An appraiser will support our price. In our area, appraisers call me before they complete some appraisals.3. EXPOSURE One salesman Thousands of Active Limited advertising REALTORS? through the MLS to whom I give one-half of the commission for selling yourhome to their buyers Print, mail, telemarketing, internet,email, direct mail, and social networking to 27 websites and cutting-edge SEO optimization4. QUALIFYING Buyers will not tell a stranger REALTORS? work closely with (the owner) how much they earn or howtheir purchasers and qualify them:much money they have for a downdown payment situation, incomepayment. They will not even tell you and amount of mortgage. We eventhe truth about what they think of your overcome truthful objections.property Most FSBO buyers are financially We professionally pre-approve andunqualified to purchase your home counsel our buyers in advance FSBO buyers often pre-qualify Professionally represented buyersthemselves at a lending institution,are 100% pre-qualified. If they arebank, or trust company. If they qualified and they want to buy aqualify for a $300,000 house, they$300K house, I show them houses inshop for a $400,000 house, and try to buy the $275K to $325K range. Ourit for $300,000.buyers sign a contract to this effect.5. ACCESSIBILITY No one home, kids answer, one Keys and REALTORS? spouse says that the other knowsimmediately available for every the details, wrong attitude, languagequalified buyerbarrier, attempts to sell on the phone, etc.6. DO YOU KNOW THE RISKS? FSBO sellers run the risk of crime Hire us and Sellers are safe robbery, etc. You never knowknowing all showings have a licensedwho may be walking through yourREALTOR? accompany pre-qualifiedhouse.customers who are truly in the market Who shows the home alone more A REALTOR? attends every often: you or your spouse?showing and will have a photo on either business or ID cards from (your area) real estate board.7. CONFLICT Conflict and personal emotion in We act as a third party and negotiating a sale on your own property.negotiate for both the seller and buyer. Emotions are left at the door. Sanford Systems associates are trained to handle all of the major personality types with tact and skill.8. COSTS Do you know how much selling costs are? We are involved constantlyFor example, tax implicationsin the transaction. We strive to reduceor lawyer’s fees to write or review offer, these costs, and we know how to disbursements, mortgage prep, insurer’s negotiate fees and in some cases, fees and about 20 other selling costs.eliminating them altogether.Email: FSBO - Comparative FSBOvs. Sanford TeamPage 4FOR SALE BY OWNER VS SANFORD PROFESSIONAL (FSBO) REAL ESTATE TEAM9. “FIRST TIME” HOME BUYERSMost need complete guidance throughout the sale (i.e., how much to offer, how, where, when, why, lawyers, mortgaging, etc.) Many would be too scared to make an offer on their own. Most want to work with a real estate agent.10. DEPOSIT CHECKS Usually end up with the purchaser’s Must be in trust account. Thelawyers where you have NO control.Department of Real Estate monitors this to ensure that all deposits are in trust. It is out of the buyer’s hands.11. TRANSFEREES and WHY THEY USE PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENTSFSBOs hardly ever have a chance to reach this market.REALTORS? work with transfers from other cities all the time (a large portion of our business). Referral networks are strong with most of the top real estate companies.They have been referred to and have confidence in the REALTOR?.They do not know the city, prices, neighborhoods, location of schools, churches, etc.They do not have the time to play the FSBO game.They know the majority of listings are really for sale through the MLS.They know the complete transaction will be handled competently, and they do not have to stay in town to see it through.Email: FSBO - Comparative FSBOvs. Sanford TeamPage 5FOR SALE BY OWNER VS SANFORD PROFESSIONAL (FSBO) REAL ESTATE TEAM12. MORTGAGES Private sellers are usually not able to Mortgage lenders continually give answer the purchaser’s questionsus updated “product” information. Inabout mortgages.fact, we have a loan officer on our team. Sellers do not have control of the sale We maintain control of the sale, and are likely forced to send thestaying in close contact with thebuyer “out in the woods” shoppingmortgage companies. We ensure thefor a mortgage. This may tie up thedeal does not fall apart because of property for weeks while waiting forwaiting for inept financing. Mortgagemortgage approval. Worse, the buyerpre-approvals are required within might want to use a relative or frienddays of acceptance.as their loan officer. 13.ESCROW Often both buyer and seller are We have earned good escrownot aware of which closing agentscontacts for:to use for the sale. a. prompt serviceb. economical servicec. efficient service d. unbiased service 14. ADS, SIGNS, TELEMARKETING, DIRECT MAIL, AND THE INTERNETEven though it is generally known that the actual house can sell from an ad or sign, OUR EXPERTISE in handling prospective purchasers from these sources is a direct result of our years of professional experience in the real estate industry. We employ full-time telemarketers, direct mail experts, and webmasters to pull those buyers in! We have hundreds of those buyers calling in on our listings, too!Email: FSBO - Comparative FSBOvs. Sanford TeamPage 6FOR SALE BY OWNER VS SANFORD PROFESSIONAL (FSBO) REAL ESTATE TEAM15. OFFER You, as one owner, will more likely It is not uncommon for me to getget one offer at a time.more than one offer which will probably get you a better price. More salespeople mean more offers. 16. POSSESSION No proper preparation for We have smooth transitions from the possession, resultingcontract to title, from closing to keys.in slow release of funds.A walk-through with clients ensures a smooth close, because we eliminate last minute problems. Cutting- edge contract clauses anticipate and eliminate problems. 17. MORE MONEY THROUGH MLS Statistically, FSBO sellers net 7% to We get you more! We help to 10% less than sellers who use a broker. reduce expenses, and we help preventlegal problems, which statistically means more in your pocket, even after paying a commission. We also do it faster and cut carrying costs!Let us help you achieve your goals. Call me at XXX or email me at XXX soon!Sincerely, ................

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