PDF Import Direct From China and Many Other Countries - Amazon S3

[Pages:121]Import Direct From China and Many Other Countries

Your Guide To Finding The Best Suppliers, Best Products, and Best Prices And How To Easily Organize The Importing Procedure


Copyright ? 2016

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without express, written permission from the authors.


A NOTE FROM THE AUTHORS ............................................................................................................... i CHAPTER 1: IS IMPORTING COMPLICATED? .................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 2: GETTING STARTED.......................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 3: RULES AND REGULATIONS ........................................................................................... 7 CHAPTER 4: FREIGHT........................................................................................................................... 15 CHAPTER 5: UNDERSTANDING AGENCIES AND DISTRIBUTORSHIPS ..................................... 19 CHAPTER 6: STANDARDS .................................................................................................................... 21 CHAPTER 7: PRODUCT SOURCING.................................................................................................... 23 CHAPTER 8: .................................................................................................................. 27 CHAPTER 9: ................................................................................................. 30 CHAPTER 10: MY PREFERRED B2B SOURCING PLATFORMS...................................................... 32 CHAPTER 11: HOW TO GET SUPPLIERS TO COME TO YOU ......................................................... 40 CHAPTER 12: ASSESSING SUPPLIERS ............................................................................................... 41 CHAPTER 13: SAMPLES AND SMALL ORDERS ............................................................................... 52 CHAPTER 14: CALCULATING ACTUAL COSTS ............................................................................... 57 CHAPTER 15: PAYMENT TERMS ......................................................................................................... 61 CHAPTER 16: TRAVELING TO SOURCE SUPPLIES ......................................................................... 65 CHAPTER 17: ORDER PROCEDURE AND CHECKLIST ................................................................... 72 CHAPTER 18: DROP-SHIPPING EXPLAINED .................................................................................... 75 CHAPTER 19: COUNTRIES OTHER THAN CHINA? ......................................................................... 78 CHAPTER 20: "JUST IN TIME" ORDERING SYSTEM....................................................................... 84 CHAPTER 21: SOURCES OF FREE INFORMATION .......................................................................... 86 CHAPTER 22: FULFILLMENT SERVICES ........................................................................................... 88 CHAPTER 23: AGENTS, TRADERS, WHOLESALERS ? Definitions................................................. 90 CHAPTER 24: MANUFACTURERS NOT WHOLESALERS ?WHY? ................................................. 92 CHAPTER 25: BUSINESS REGISTRATION and TAX ID .................................................................... 94 CHAPTER 26: BUYING LOCALLY ....................................................................................................... 95 CHAPTER 27: CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS FOR IMPORTING ......................................................... 97 CHAPER 28: INSPECTION SERVICES ................................................................................................. 98 CHAPTER 29: CERTIFICATES ............................................................................................................ 100 CHAPTER 30: MINIMUM ORDER QUANTITIES (MOQS), HAGGLING, AND DISCOUNTS FOR BIG ORDERS ......................................................................................................................................... 104

CHAPTER 31: QUALITY ......................................................................................................................106 CHAPTER 32: PUBLIC HOLIDAYS.....................................................................................................110 CHAPTER 33: GLOSSARY OF TERMS ............................................................................................... 111

A note from the primary author, Walter Hay:

This guide is the product of my long personal experience. It is not a rehash of someone else's work, nor is it a result of a research report such as those churned out in their thousands by poorly paid freelance writers. Big numbers of Internet marketers sell e-books on subjects that they really know very little about, some even pretending to be experts with experience.

I have been importing since 1987 and I have visited China and many, many other countries numerous times. Prior to commencing my importing business I was exporting my own products to Asia/Pacific countries, including Taiwan, where my biggest customer was located.

While my heart bypass surgery has slowed me down physically, it has not affected my brain. As a result, you get the benefit of my wide experience in down to earth, practical advice. Towards the end of this book you will find an invaluable step-by-step check list that if followed, will greatly reduce your risks and help increase your profits.

I could have doubled the size of this report with unnecessary words, but I have kept it as brief as possible while ensuring that you have all the information you need to start your own profitable importing business.

A note from co-contributor, Jim Cockrum:

It's an honor to partner with Walter on this book. While nearly all of the content is his, I've added in a handful of resources and some basic suggestions based on my background in helping online entrepreneurs run successful online businesses. My team and I have helped thousands do just that since 2002, and our reputation & results are second to none.

As promised--this book is primarily about how to source products. It's not about exactly WHAT to source nor is it an in depth manual about HOW to sell it. Those topics are covered thoroughly in other places such as the all-time best-selling "how to" course about selling on that my team and I created at . As a reader of this book you get a great discount on that course if you don't have it yet.

Over the years I've uncovered numerous legitimate strategies for finding profitable products to sell, and I'm proud to have now found and partnered with a foremost authority on importing. Walter, my team and I stand by ready to help you with any questions you might have!

To discuss questions that might be of interest to our community of online entrepreneurs, please join our Facebook group here and post your thoughts and questions MySilentTeam Facebook Group.

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The short answer is that it can be, but by following the methods I set out for you it will be easier than you can imagine. I simplify the process for you without any mumbo-jumbo. In preparing this article, I looked at what importing guides are available online, and found that some of the information is misleading, much of it is out of date, some uses jargon that is not explained, some is unnecessarily complicated, and much of it is designed to try to get you to use someone else's services as "facilitator" or "sourcing agent." They do this by giving the impression that if you try to do it yourself you are risking disaster.

To minimize competition, importers like to maintain secrecy about their methods. They try to give the impression that you need a degree in importing as well as knowledge of endless rules and regulations. The reason behind this is that many importers hope to act as wholesalers to sell products to you in bulk. They then expect you to sell those products to the end user for a profit. There may be times when you would go to such people, but I will tell you more about that later.

This book is based on the idea that if you know what kind of products you want to import, and you know how or where you are able to sell them, why not have all the profit for yourself? Why pay those importers? Why not do the importing yourself?



So you think it's too hard? Don't let the established importers fool you. Don't be fooled by people promoting their sourcing services on their "helpful" importing blogs. Don't be discouraged by looking at official customs and excise websites where you will find endless details telling you about the rules and regulations. Soon you will find out how easy it really is to do your own importing.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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