Work Kenya

Summer 2017

Widows and Orphans in Rural

Kenya (WORK)

Charity Number: 1119959

Issue 32

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W.O.R.K. Charity Number: 1119959



St Bakhita is our main and largest health centre that serves the very poorest in Bungoma. It has been in existence since 2009. The health centre started as a small dispensary on the market providing basic first aid and simple care. Initially it was called ‘Emmanuel Medical Clinic’:


The Clinic grew & so in 2010 WORK bought some land & a purpose built Health Centre was constructed. This is now St Bakhita & has full Out-patient facilites, Laboratory, a Minor Theatre and 25 beds for In-patients , including Maternity.

In Maternity there are often 3 deliveries a day!


For St Bakhita to continue to offer this necessary care we need

urgently to build a new children’s ward. We have started to raise funds for this and so far are managing! We have raised about £25,000 of the £40,000 we need so are doing fairly well with enormous help from many of you so a huge THANK YOU!


The Clinic has got increasingly busy with demand for the cheap but good health care that is offered.


Everyone is treated who comes to St Bakhita, many have nothing and a lot pay ‘in kind’ with bananas, eggs,

chickens & vegetables.

The Clinic is now so busy that at times there are 2 children in one bed!



Progress at St Bakhita’s……

Faith with baby Memory

Setting up mobile Clinic in empty store!

Kids waiting to be treated for Jiggers

Patients at the clinic

Health care in rural Kenya is not easy to access and you need money and transport to get there. SO WORK has started an Outreach programme! St Bakhita has taken teams of staff to far rural villages to help treat the very sick. This includes one village where almost 100 children were treated for jiggers! These are tiny worms that eat into the foot or hand destroying flesh!

More recently St Bakhita has started 2 mobile clinics to rural villages to provide health care where there was none.


Health care is vital, without it babies, women and men die! WORK is stuggling to reach as many as possible.


WORK also funded a day for children of parents who have HIV to be tested so they can get the treatment and diet.

Outreach news...........

Have you ever……

Seen your baby sister die of Cholera

Never owned a pencil

Been bitten by a crocodile as you collect water

Not gone to school as you had no clothes

Never seen a computer

Had your head shaved with a razor blade

Had to walk an hour to collect dirty water as there was none nearby

Been beaten when you get to school late as you were attacked on the way there


Tries to offer hope

and a chance to

improve quality of life

where there is NO


Fund raising news.......

Many of you have been really very inventive and provided funds for WORK through a variety of ideas! THANK YOU!

Philly Kersey completed an assault course on bouncy castles..... not too many bumps & bruises

Mark and Teresa Foden have started a ’14 club’ and raise funds each month

Kingsbridge has a ‘Buy-a-brick’ wall to help towards our new Children’s ward.

Maddy and Melvin Messina are holding book and car boot sales – and still smiling!

ALL of you are so generous and none of what WORK provides would be possible without you...... asante sana.


One FREE way to raise funds for WORK is via ‘giveasyoulive’. If you ever use the internet to shop you can raise money FREE for WORK if you:

1. Register with ‘giveasyoulive’

2. Name WORK as your nominated Charity

3. Shop On-line using the ‘giveasyoulive’ web site

Then when you buy On-line the shop you use will donate a percentage to WORK! So free (to you). Most of the common and big shops are registered with ‘giveasyoulive’ including: Tesco’s, M & S, Amazon, Ebay etc etc.

This is the Give as you live logo:


19, Fosse Road


South Devon TQ7 1NG

Phone: 01548 852670

Email: workkenya@

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Recent Winners in 2017 are:

Keith Oram, Peter Butler, Katazyna Stanowowy, Hyacinth Parke, Sam Wills, Pat Pearse, Deidre Coleby, Tony & Gill Page, plus Bob & Nita Trickey

Thank you to everyone who has joined the 100 Club. It is good for WORK and with 27 WINNERS each year it is quite good for you! If you have not joined and would like to please do let us know!!

Do have a look as it can help a great deal.

We have had some good moments this year with some of our orphans gaining excellent qualifications including:

Medicine, Teaching, Social work, Nursing, Trauma care, Plumbing, masonary and loads more…

They have done so well, struggling with difficult home lives and yet suceeding. Without WORK many would have died long ago – so again a very BIG THANK YOU to you for all your care and support…..

Be assured that monies go direct to Kenya! They are used for the orphans and widows there…….


Other WORK news………………

with the help of their ‘Table Banks’ & their animals. They are amazing women who are humbling to know.

Our orphans are all in School or College and trying hard. We have some new kids this year who are very bright & hopefully will suceed as they progress.


As always our focus is on our orphans and widows who struggle with so many hardships to maintain their lives and homes & yet with a smile!


All the Widows are managing

2 of our Marinda widows at the home of one of them

Elisha, an orphan who has waited 3 years to get into Secondary School


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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