
Worksheet for content from class on April 26, 2018Due: The only thing due for this next class is the take-home plete the below questions in preparation for the quiz on May 3, 2018Web related:What is the difference between a static web page and a dynamic web page?What are the technology requirements to build a static web page?What are the technology requirements to build a dynamic web page?What is an n-tier system?What is a web server?What is a protocol?What are examples of protocols?What is the protocol used by web servers?What is the exact name of the most important file on a web server?What is a common file extension of a picture file?What is the most common file extension of a file that is viewable in a browser?Why is alternate text used on a web page? Give as many reasons as you can think of.What types of files are generally stored on a web server?What types of files are generally stored on an application server?What is a firewall?What is DNS?Explain what caching is.What are the 3 primary layers of a software system?Explain why applications, such as the Amazon ordering system, are referred to as n-tier.What is the difference between an absolute and a relative reference with respect to web page content.Go to is the picture of the daffodil not displaying? HINT: You will have to look at the page source to discover why.Was the daffodil picture loaded into the top level directory of the web page? (Does it display when you access ?)2 remaining questions from midtermQuestions from Chapter 5 and Chapter 6What is a business process?What is an activity?What is an example of a business process involved in the registration process?What are examples of activities within that process?What are examples of human actors involved in that process?What are examples of system actors involved in that process?What are resources?What are roles?What are the 3 primary scopes of processes?Give an example of each with respect to SLU.Give an example of an operational processStrategicManagerialWhat types of information systems support operational, strategic and managerial processes?What are the 2 primary objectives of processes?What is an example of a process that focuses on effectiveness at SLU?What is an example of a process that focuses on efficiency at SLU?What are the primary value chain activities?What are the support value chain activities?What are 3 examples of ways to improve processes with IS? (see slide 5-16)What are 2 examples of Non-IS ways to improve processes? (see slide 5-17)What is an information silo and why do silos exist?What is EAI and what are the 3 primary goals of EAI? (see slide 6-5)What problems does EAI solve? (see slide 6-6)?What is ERP?What primary problems does ERP solve?Be able to draw a simple diagram of either an EAI solution or an ERP solution.What are examples of processes that are integrated with ERP? (See slide 6-11)What are the 5 primary components of an ERP or any other information system?What are the benefits of an ERP system? (See slide 6-16)What is an example of an ERP system usedIn manufacturing companiesIn medical service organizationsIn educational organizationsWhat are examples of measures of the benefits of ERP? (See slide 6-17)What are people issues related to the adoption of ERP systems? (See slide 6-20)What is the ERP vendor with the largest market share? (slide 6-24)What are 5 examples of SAP modules? (See slide 6-27)Explain why at important part of SAP and other ERP systems is the sharing of purchase orders with suppliers.Introduction to Chapter 7 questionsExplain what procurement is and its role in the supply chain management process.What are the steps in the procurement process?What are the steps in the fulfillment process? ................

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