OGL 498 Pro-Seminar ITable 1: Organizing and Reflecting on Key Learning's – and Collecting Key ArtifactsCOURSEKEY LEARNING – CONCEPTS, THEORIES, SKILLS, BEST PRACTICES, APPLICATIONS, CASES, ASSIGNMENTS, DISCUSSIONS, SIMULATIONS / ACTIVITIES, TEAMWORK INITIATIVES, READINGS, ANALYSIS, OTHER PROJECTS, ETC.PROFESSIONAL (OR PERSONAL) APPLICATION. AS A RESULT OF YOUR ACADEMICS: HOW DO YOU THINK DIFFERENTLY? HOW DO YOU BEHAVE DIFFERENTLY? WHAT CAN YOU DO MORE EFFECTIVELY? HOW HAVE YOU CHANGED AS A PERSON?TANGIBLE CONNECTIONS TO PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL TRANSFORMATION:EXAMPLES OF WHAT WE USED TO LEARN THE CONCEPTS:POSSIBLE ARTIFACTS TO INCLUDE IN PROFESSIONAL E-PORTFOLIO / WEBSITEOGL 200: Introduction to Organizational Leadership-How managers cope with demands, constraints, and choices confronting them.-How to implement a major change in an organization.-How leaders can increase learning and innovation in organizations.-The traits and skills that cause some people to derail in their managerial careers.-Different concepts of Ethical Leadership- right versus wrong- false advertisement for you company-What leaders can do to developed their own skill.-Breaking down each case study made me take identify what they did good and what they did bad.-How I see what is good for companies and -Ethical leadership is key, you should be honest with your employees, don't mislead them-I behave differently by looking at the bigger picture and making sure to keep in mind how important it is to be real/honest with everyone.- Always look to out for your employees, take assessments of yourself/ have other assess you. -How we connected each weeks learning's with a NYT article and broke it down- -Given case study's and breaking them down of what each mangers type was and what they could have done better. -JFK speech: A vision for the Future- demonstrated how to be honest and show positive and negative of situations.-Mastering test- self assessment and reflect on the self assessment now versus the initial assessment.-Watch inspirational speeches. OGL 220: Behavioral Dynamics in Organizations-Identify core personal values and associated behavioral implications- How your body handles stress and how to manage being stressed. -Exploring concepts about prejudice.-Gender differences affect listening and responding styles.-Set goals and effectiveness of listening.-Characteristics of effective leadership.-Made me realize I can't control everything and how to take it day by day, step by step when things get stressful. -I never realized how stress is so bad on our health, and how we need to learn to manage it before it takes the best of us. -Made us take a step back and analyze what was said about us and how we felt, this has created me to take a look at what I might not see that others see. -Listen actively and don't just hear what you want to hear. -Values assessment and breaking down what each- ex: individual vs collectivist, power distance high vs low, and uncertainty avoidance high vs low. -Conducting an interview with significant others-Watching the documentary: Stress, portrait of a Killer.-Watching and analyzing Ted Talks-Drew Dudley- Everyday Leadership.OGL 240: Introduction to Project Management-Identify self-awareness regarding your existing strengths and weaknesses related to project management.-Define the roles of stakeholders, sponsors, project managers, team leaders, and team members on projects-Identify how to determine project costs, issue estimates, and the role of the cost baseline and reserves.-How to keep team members on schedule for the project.-Identify strategies in leading team meetings, encouraging collaboration, handling conflict, and establishing behavioral norms-Allowed me to identify the type of leadership role I portray to others.-Breakdown the responsible parties of the project, what each person does and why each position is important.-Learn how the cost of everything is important and to have a breakdown of all costs so you are not over budget.-Having a set schedule with a little room for error so that you deliver the project on time and try to predict problems that might arise, but not all and be prepared to tackle them in a timely manner. -Quiz and paper assessing your leadership roles-Module videos: Top 10 project management terms, Role of the Project manager, How to control scope in Project management, How to prioritize work for project teams, How to build project management teams, How to meet your quality targets, and How to capture lessons learned at the end of the project. -Examine and break down different case studies in order to show examples of what we are learning. OGL 260: Resource Allocation in Organizations / Foundations of Finance-Foundations of Financial Management-Financial markets and interest rates-Financial Statements and Cash Flow-Meaning and measurement of Risk and return-Valuation and characteristics of Stocks-Capital budgeting-Short term financial planning-This class helped me to identify how many works and flows in a company.-The interest rates that occur in company.-Appreciate the extent of how numbers and money are so viable and important and we don't give it that much credit.-Participated in Discussions regarding the way finance is important to the company/organizationOGL 300: Theory and Practice of Leadership OR PAF 410: Building Leadership Skills-Personal and position power-WEAA Corrine Fisk Case Study breaking down: Intelligence, Self-Confidence, Determination, Integrity, Sociability-Self-Assessment and Reflection on outcome of Style and Situational questionnaires-End Ch. 4&5-Apply Contingency and Path-Goal Theories to Case Study-Applying concepts of Leadership-Membership exchange-Women and leadership-Leader-follower dynamics, descriptive aspects, prescriptive dimensions-power, dominance and diversity as leadership challenges-This class allowed me explore how women are evolving in upper management of the workforce, how there are challenges with being in management but to identify them and work through them.- Helped me to identify leaders, followers, and the approached of which they use their leadership.-Self-Assessment and Reflection on outcome of Trait and Skill questionnaires.-At the end of Ch.2 & 3-Case studies-Taking the assessments then applying them to the discussions and readings-Exchange concepts and ideas with other classmates on the case studies.OGL 321: Project Leadership, Strategy and Scope-Role that project management plays in an organization-Decision making in project for the organization-Run through simulations-Chose blog entries that pertain to the topic such as decision making and write a paper on it.-Scenarios on Project Objectives and what the best outcome is and Behavior excellence-Simulation of scenario Managing Project Uncertainty-Unrealistic targets do happen and you just have to identify them- Managing highly uncertain and complex projects-Gave us the experience of what it would be like to be in charge of projects and the financial aspect with being thrown different challenges along the way.-Allowing me to identify the project objectives and scope, schedule, resources, progress to be acknowledged. -Being able to all myself to keep an eye out for uncertainties and work through them.-Not always having control isn't necessarily a bad thing you just have to learn from your mistakes as the scenarios allowed us to indentify this, we can't control everything and it doesn't always go our way.-Simulations for each week that broke down different ways to achieve the best outcome-This class allowed me to understand that each person is different, each scenario can present new problems and to remain calm and work through it for the sake of the other team members. BIS 345: Organizational Ethics-Skills associated with ethical decision making-Ethical theories, systems of thought-Analysis of complex moral issues, with connection / application of values, -Critical thinking, creativity, and meta-cognition with respect to moral and ethical issues-This class allowed me to explore how important ethics are and ethical decision with being a good leader-Choosing right from wrong in order to be the best leader possible-I can just further be honest and do the right thing for the benefit of myself and the company I work for.-Don't let others influence my decision of what I know to be right compared to wrong-Ethical Leader Research Paper-Professional Ethical Analysis PaperBIS 343: Social Processes in Organizations-Work close with classmates as a team to complete a project regarding process in organizations-Identify Social Process in an Organization-Work on a website-based online training seminar providing lessons / curriculum for an “organizational social processes-oriented” topic of choice-Participating in weekly milestones as described in this document.-Creating a team charter-Choosing the topic with the team-Complete project plan documentation-Mount Everest Simulation to all work together to get to the top without being injured or loosing others. -Complete lesson and assessment plan with the team mates-Completing the website-Evaluating each team member and their efforts they did on the project.-This class allowed me to identify my strengths and weakness of working with others on a online project.-Putting together and online training seminar, breaking up the responsibilities and putting them all together in order to complete the project. -Helped me to keep in contact with my group/team each week to make the project successful-I learned that it's hard to work with others all online and keep in contact each week and up to date, this was a challenge and I definitely would not have changed it though it challenged me to step outside of my comfort zone. -Evaluations for -Watched Video: Romance at Sea-Put together an Online Training seminar teaching social process of organizations-Mount Everest Simulation with my team-Never realized how difficult it would be to do this website-Grateful to evaluate each person on the efforts they did on the project, not all worked equally.BIS 350: Diversity and Organizations-Exploring the different cultures and how they affect the company in good ways and in bad.-Be aware of your surroundings and how you adapt to different cultures with were you are an economically.-Taking a cultural intelligence pre-test-Culture and Socialization exploring these -Conducting an Interview paper on someone from a different culture-Take a religion implicit association test-Take a race implicit association test-Being aware of discrimination and prejudice-Identifying Multicultural Issues-Involved in reading, quizzes, and discussions about each topic.-Conflict and conflict resolution-Attend a culture of your choice- field trip and write about your experience and what you learned. -This class allowed me to explore different culture and made me aware of how i view or someone could view a situation in a diffident perspective.-Keep you evolving and acknowledging the different ways people think, and different ideas they can contribute.-Helped me to not be so quick to judge and try to see it from a different perspective.-How we perceive something is different then they way someone form a different culture might perceive it, don't judge.-Allowed me to explore a different background, and learn how they do things and what they are all about. -Cultural testing to see what we really know about diversity.-Doing an interview paper on someone from a different culture.-Take the Culture Intelligence Post test to see what things we had learned if any.OGL 355: Leading Organizational Innovation and Change OR PAF 311: Leadership and Change (SB)-Ideas such as competitive advantage, driving forces and critical success factors in organizations-Organizational guiding values, purpose, vision, mission, BHAG’s-Communicating innovation and change strategies-Choose a product and write about their strategy-I chose Fuzzy Water-Analyze and breakdown a company that you feel passionate about- I chose the ASPCA and pertain it to the Leadership in the organization-Writing a paper about a company that you feel is successful and the tools they achieve in order to be successful. -Writing a paper on the Mattel toy products and what they do for their company to attract who they want and be successful. -Also for one of the discussions I chose my company to break it down about open communication, compensations that we had back then, and the extensive employee involvement-In this class I Learned how to look at different companies such as successful, nonprofit, evolving companies and find out what path they chose to be where they are today. -The successful or rewarding path is never easy and you have to be dedicated in order to achieve it.-I will look at companies differently and how much it takes to be involved in order to stay up with the demand of what people want now days. -Realized that just because it may look easy def doesn't mean it is easy.-Made me realize that there are great qualities of my company that I work for and it could always be worse.-Each company had its good qualities and its bad its whether or not they are good enough for you and to help make a change if that's what you are passionate about. -Identifying products and their strategies they use to be successful.-Chose a non-profit that you are interested in and write about their company-Wrote about the success of the Pepsi company and their steps they take.-Choosing organizations that you are passionate about makes it more personal. BIS 357: Assessment in Organizations-General characteristics of the leading organizational assessment models-Primary modes of organizational assessments-Breaking down the case study of Southwest Airlines and the importance of why they are successful.-Identify challenges within an organizations and how they worked through those challenges. -Organizational Assessment: Capacity: case study on Berkshires Hathaway on Buffets investment- Organizational Assessment: Performance and Motivation: Case study of IBM and characteristics-Touched base on the Good to great and Baldrige Award-LESAT and Shingo Prize we also touched base on those readings to learn the performance models. - Taught me how to identify what characteristics are important for successful companies-How the environment effects the company -And framework that is used to be a successful company.-Case study of Southwest Airlines-Breaking down different case studies such as IBM and large money making companies such as Berkshire Hathaway and incorporate our reading into the discussion.OGL 360: Assessment of Leadership Effectiveness-Looking to what's affective leadership and how they are successful- entering journals of leaders we admire-Also identifying five practices of exemplary leadership. -Participating in work book reflections -Reading and analyzing the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly-Reading and discussing the Captain James Cook.-Explore and took the 360 Degree Leadership Assessment -Also interviewed two other classmates and what they wanted to accomplish and what they have already accomplished in life. -Enable others to Act: we explored video clips of Tutu to inspire our knowledge.-Encourage from the heart: we explored back to the 360 degree questionnaire and chose and incorporated different passages into our final discussion/journal topic.-Establish a 20 week plan for leadership development. -Gave me different perspectives of different leaders and their approach as to what they did. -Allowed me to explore my other classmates to see what things we have in common and what things we don't. To know a little more about how you are just as alike and different in some key aspects. -Help you to address things you need to work on and have a plan to be a better leader for the future.-No be stuck in the now but look to be a better person, leaders, companion. -Writing Journals with multiple self assessment topics-Interview and incorporate information from our readings to better understand each other's thinking. -Read different informational pieces, added our thought, and interviewed others to see their side and what they are made of. COM 430: Leadership in Group Communication -Learning objectives vary by section-Theory and process of leadership in group communication-Emphasizing philosophical foundations, contemporary research-Applications to group situations-Discussion of Warren and Bennis and how leaders are made not born.-Touched based on different chapters in the book of Into thin Air. -Values system and emotional intelligence assessment tests we took and discussed our results. -Explored the 9-11 video and assessed the decision making process that occurred by President Bush. -Discussion of how you would deal with an unethical leader and your approach on the situation-Researched The Valley of the Sun United Way and analyzed what they were doing and their leadership they have on others. -Allowing yourself to take a delegation assessment and see if we are a good leader and what we need to work on. -In times of crisis or big decisions it's no easy to make them and there is a process on how to do it. -Gave me a chance to see how you would deal with unethical situations and what you would do in that case. -Allowed me to look at other companies and non-profits and explore what they are all about and their leadership tactics they tackle. -Self awareness of the type of leader we would be or how we would be to others. -To do better I just need to keep on learning others and how to communicate with them individually and in a group.-Read the Book Into the Air and incorporated what we learned with info from the book in a discussion.-Research ways in which companies are growing in leadership and how they delegate.TWC 347: Written Communication for Managers (L)-Learning objectives vary by section-Introduces strategies, formats, and techniques of presenting information to businessand other workplace audiences-Explore business versus academic writing: Watching a short video and start to brand your company.-Reading and creating minutes for your brand/company-Creating a memo for your company and its importance on presentation.-Preparing a persuasive message and creating a communication email.-How to create a grant in order to display your envision, wanting to show what your company, or self is all about. -Take a company and create an annual report to present.-It's very important the way you chose to send different types of communication with your team members and how they response, for example emails in the office versus at home. -I learned that the structure of the way you present the information is key, can make or break your image.-This class taught me important ways to communicate with others in a appropriate manner and how to create a annual report.-I will need to work more on preparing annual reports but at least I got to see what it's like and get a feel for it. -Build a company and logo that pertains to what you believe in and meets the criteria of the class. -Create an annual reportOGL 498: Pro-Seminar I-Background of management and methods that work and don't work.-Framing: Structural, Human Resource, Political, and Symbolic-Structure and re-structuring organizations-Different structures occur in everyday life, companies, sports- Investing in people; people are just as important to organizations and organizations are important to people.-Build HR strategy, hire the right people, keep them, invest in them, empower them, and promote diversity.-Different scenarios and cases in our readings: McDonald's, Amazon and Harvard.-Taking the Leadership Orientations Self-Assessment.OGL 498: Pro-Seminar IINot attended yet/portfolio in progressNot attended yet/ portfolio in progressNot attended yet/ portfolio in progressTable 2: Plus / Delta – Significant Learning Experiences – Structure and Transfer Pick one of your most significant learning experiences from Table 1. Take some time to deeply reflect on the experience. Respond to the following questions / sub-questions as explicitly as possible. Use your imagination and creativity here – this is really all about making connections, and seeing what you can learn about your learning style (and yourself) from the experience!Describe the task / assignment? What, specifically, did you learn? Be sure to address both declarative forms of knowledge (things you learned – concepts, theories, ideas, models) as well as procedural forms of knowledge(things you learned how to do – skills). Com 430- Leadership in Group Communication: I chose this class because I found this to be the most important on developing who I am as a leader and how I want to communicate with others. Given examples of group situations and how to communicate in those situations. Also taking self assessments and finding out how you communicate and what type of style you do best with. Also exploring other organizations and what works best in their leadership roles and what might not work or what they need to work on. Why is it important to you? What connections can you make between this learning and other things you have learned (in school – and beyond)? What connections can you make between what you learned and your life roles and goals?I have learned that in order to be a good leader, manager, or role model you must learn how to communicate with people. Find out what their goals are, how they work, what they are all about in order to provide them with the best leadership you can. No everyone is the same and therefore it takes some adapting and bending to transform to others, while still being true to yourself. I can definitely say that micromanaging does not work and that you can talk down to people and treat them poorly, and expect them to work hard for you. I want to be a person people feel comfortable with and understand I care about them as well. What worked for you?In terms of process, was there something about the assignment structure that appealed to you? How did this task / structure of this assignment differ from other assignments? Was it similar to other assignments / tasks that were meaningful to me? What strategies, skills, procedures proved effective in the completion of this assignment / task? Do you see any patterns or connections in this regard to your preferred approach to learning – such as following an outline, keeping to deadlines, other learning or study skills?Allowing the breakdown of discussions and participating with others in a discussion was very beneficial. It gave me insight as to what others thought of what I wrote and their feedback. Giving up a scenario to look up, read about and then be able to write in our opinion what was important was key. I like to be able to express what I'm all about and what I think and allowing others to give feedback to me as well. Staying on top of your readings, discussion, quizzes were key to being successful. Time management was also essential to be the best you could be. Yes, following and outline and breakdown of your work is very beneficial and allows you to create your own schedule and deadlines within the deadlines your teacher had given you. What can you transfer?Where can you apply / use these skills and knowledge? How can you apply what worked for you (above) to other learning goals or initiatives in your life? Can you connect or adapt this knowledge / skill to other areas of your life? What kinds of metaphorical connections can you make? Can you connect something that was interesting or important with respect to this knowledge / skill to something that you are struggling with?I currently can apply and use all the stills that I have learned now in my job, I am a site coordinator and are working with a team of others at the front office. This allows me to use my techniques and skills that I am learning and practice them on them as well and see how they respond. It's a learning process and so far I have gotten great feedback with who I am becoming. Communication is key, I just went through a coaching seminar plus a 8 week follow sessions with my team, and was able to incorporate things from school to real life. I am in the process of wanting to work harder to get higher in the company and therefore have to hold myself accountable for how I act and how I treat others. Having the opportunity to display my knowledge I have learned and give them information of what I have learned was very special to me and made me feel confident that I will be successful at this.What evidence do you have?Do you have a plan for communicating your learning to others? Are there any tangible outcomes or artifacts that serve as evidence of this knowledge / skill?Currently my plan is to stay on top and make a note to myself of the important things such as remembering to be a good leader, speak to others the way I want to be spoken too. Work hard, put 100% effort into everything I do and to display myself as a good leader. I will make it a note to empower others, encourage others, and treat others the same in order to keep things fair. Assignment #1: Questions for ReflectionPrompt #1: Now that you have completed Assignment #1, what were the most important aspects of this assignment? What moved you the most? Any surprises?The most important aspects of this assignment I feel were breaking down what each class was about and its concepts, then incorporating what you had taken away from the class and how you have applied it to different parts of your life. Looking back I didn't realize all the knowledge I have completed and had been incorporating it into my everyday life. It also gave me a perspective and outline of things I can work on and to remember to keep striving to be better for the sake of being a good and fair leader to others. Being the best I can and providing great feedback and communicating with them in a appropriate manner is very important and moved me. There wasn't really any surprised except I was surprised I completed that many classes and all that extensive work, and never realized how much it was until I started to look back at everything I did. Prompt #2: What are your ideas in terms of how to best illustrate your growth and development over the course of your education and experiences with the Organizational Leadership program?My growth in this program is to realize how important a leader is no matter what field you work in , or your home life, or just being an all around good person. I also understand that they way you speak to people and how you treat them plays a huge role in life as well. And to not be so close minded when it comes to others and their religion, and how each person's diversity plays a role in companies as well as everyday life. Not to take the smallest things for granted and to understand that everyone is working to be better, and in order to be a good leader you have to set the standards high for yourself. I have grown to know that you are important, and as well as everyone else is just as important. I hope to continue to learn and display the character of being knowledgeable, and a guide for others on what they would want to be and how to treat others as well. This program was a great stepping stone for me and will continue to be with me in the future when continuing my education, and bettering the workforce by being an exceptional leader in all I do. ................

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