Epsilon State-Louisiana

Support Early Educators Deliberately SEED PROJECT IDEASBeta Gamma, SEED Project for 2019-2020?“PHASE: Passing along Help, Advice, Support and Encouragement”We have a history in the south of sharing plants with friends and loved ones. These are nicknamed?“Pass-along Plants.”??We (veteran teachers) are taking that same idea with ECE and "Passing along” our help, advice, support and encouragement to the early career educators in our area. We have three ?early career educators who recently joined our membership. ?They will be our contact points with other ECE in their home schools. ?Our ideas include:?1) Reaching ECE: Five Early Career Educators were invited and attended our chapter meeting to share their experiences/needs/concerns/fears in a round robin type discussion.2) Encouraging & Providing Positive Feedback: ?Based upon the feedback from the round robin discussion one of our veteran members will present a program to address those concerns.?3) Passing Along Support: ?Presenting the three ECE chapter members with a?“bucket" of school and desk supplies and having them "pass along" that bucket of supplies to a non-member ECE at their school. DKG information and an invitation to attend the next chapter meeting will also be included in the bucket.?4) Silent Auction: ?The Pampered Chef representative in our area gifted our chapter with a cook stone. ?We will auction it off and funds raised will be used to purchase more supplies and gifts for ECE.5) Support Interactions with Parents: Practical and Helpful Ways to Maintain Positive Rapport with Parents. This program will be presented by one of our chapter members. ?And we will extend invitations to ECE in our area schools.?Alpha Chapter, ?SEED Project (Supporting Early Educators Deliberately)“Filling a Bucket”Ask each Chapter member to provide the name of at least one First year teacher, or the name of a teacher that has been re-assigned to a new school, or a new grade level for the first time.Send these “Early Educators” a Google Form in which we will collect their mailing address, e-mail address, school name, wish list or link to Amazon Wish List.Reserve/homebound Chapter members can help by writing them monthly “bucket filling” notes. These notes can be e-mailed or snail mailed.Alpha Chapter will collect items from the Early Educators Wish Lists at each Chapter meeting through-out the year.These items will be delivered to the Early Educators by Chapter members? (give it to them in some kind of Dollar store bucket!)“Have YOU Filled a Bucket Today?”Alpha Sigma, S...upport E...arly-career E...ducators D...eliberately, 2019-2021“Louisiana DKG State Project”Project Activities and TimelineOctober/November 2019:Select 2 early career educators; our president will give them a card with positive encouragement and support, and invite them to our December Christmas meeting. 2. At our December 2019 meeting, we will present the 2 early career educators with basket filled with literacy and numeracy items, teacher supplies, and gift card(s). We will offer support and friendship to these teachers. 3. January 2020: The president will send another card with encouragement and support to the 2 previous chosen early career educators plus any others that we know inviting them to our February 2020 meeting. 4. At our February 2020 meeting, we will have a meeting geared toward all of our early career educators focusing on “teacher hacks and ideas,” and giving these teachers the opportunity to ask questions and bounce ideas off of the more experienced teachers. We will offer these teachers contact information, if they would like to have it. 5. We will continue to offer advice, support, encouragement, and answer questions throughout the remainder of the school year as needed/requested by this group of early career educators.*We plan to use this plan the following school year, 2020-2021, and make adjustments as needed.**Early Career Educators are teachers teaching in their first 3 years.Alpha UpsilonOur chapter members delivered 20 "New Teacher Survival Buckets", to all LaSalle Parish schools on Tuesday, August 13, 2019, and they were graciously received by the new teachers.Each bucket contained a variety of items that the new teachers could use in their classrooms, along with snacks, etc. such as:Supplies:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Snacks:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Miscellaneous items:Paper clips? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Animal crackers? ? ? ? ? ? ?band aidrubber bands? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Lifesaver mints? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?pack of tissuedry erase marker? ? ? ? ? ?Mounds candy bar? ? ? ? ? a pennypost-it-pad? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Starburst fruit chews? ? ? marblespen? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? bubble gum? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? an encouragement poempencil? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (that listed these itemseraser? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?in it)box of crayonshand sanitizerantibacterial hand wipesAlso included in each "New Teacher Survival Bucket" was a folder, that contained a copy of the DKG mission statement, vision statement, purposes, and history, along with a DKG prospect card, and a contact information sheet, regarding questions about DKG membership and scholarships.At our September chapter meeting, one of our members, Rae Lindsey, who has been appointed as the "new teacher mentor" for Jena High School, will share her training experiences, that she received in a new teacher mentor workshop, that she attended this summer, in order to prepare and train our members to serve the new educators better.Each chapter member will be assigned as a mentor to one or two, new teachers in their school. Retired chapter members will mentor new teachers in schools that do not have DKG members on staff. Members will periodically check on, and offer encouragement to new teachers, in addition to voluntarily helping with school related activities.New teachers will be given an "emergency contact list" of DKG members, in addition to their DKG school mentor, for support purposes.This is our plan!Beta OmicronMake bags for beginning teachers and/or teachers who have been reassigned.? Get wish list from teacher and include needed supplies as listed by teacher.? Invite to meeting.? Send a card of encouragement each month.Omicron Chapter“Cultivating Your Career”A list of teachers who have been teaching for 5 years or less in Tangipahoa Parish will be obtained from the central office. An e-mail distribution list of those teachers will be compiled so that all of them will receive messages from Omicron.Each month of the teaching year an Omicron member will write a timely information sheet to share with the SEED teachers that would help them with their job at different times of the school year. SEED teachers will be encouraged to contact members if they have specific questions. A list of Omicron members who want to participate, with their e-mails, will also be included with the messages sent.A reception will be held on December 10, 2019 for Omicron members and SEED teachers so that they can mingle with each other physically, share ideas, and evaluate their 1st semester. There will also be a short presentation related to teacher stress and coping skills.Alpha Kappa“Sowing Seeds for the Future.......Generations Working Together”?Alpha Kappa Chapter has had an ongoing project for the last several years that recognizes one lucky first year teacher in Jeff Davis Parish. ?Each year after the first 9 weeks of school, our Finance Committee Chairman contacts the School Board Office to request a list of all first year female teachers. ?This list is of only “brand new” teachers, not those just new to the Parish. ?One first year teacher is randomly selected from that list: the printed names are separated and put in a container. One name is pulled and that teacher is presented with a $50 check from Alpha Kappa Chapter. ? ?……………………………………………………………………………………………………..Alpha XiSupport Early-Career Educators Deliberately PlanAlpha Xi Chapter will help the teachers and children at La Belle Aire Elementary School in Baton Rouge for the 2019-2020 school year. This school lost 20% of its faculty last May. This August, several teachers were moved from the grade that they taught in 2018-19 and to a different grade and different building in 2019-20. One teacher is on sabbatical leave for the first semester. Fourth grade has one teacher for each subject. Fifth grade has three teachers: math/science, ELA, social studies. The school has one principal, Mrs. Ross and two assistant principals. Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Edwards are aware that Alpha Xi members will come in and help in various ways during the 2019-2020 school year. In the next few days, Bertha Hinojosa will talk to the newly appointed assistant principal about Alpha Xi’s support to the staff. At this time, the staff is trying to locate students who are on class rolls but have not come to school as of August 9, 2019.La Belle Aire has many students from Central America who don’t speak English. These students need extra help to learn English and to read in order to survive and to succeed in school.Alpha Xi members will survey the teachers to document what each teacher needs from the volunteer at a particular grade level and subject. Three members of Alpha Xi have worked at La Belle Aire in the past. Alpha Xi members will support teachers at the school by providing necessary teaching materials in ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Math. They will work with kids and will help teachers who have expressed a need for assistance. DKG members will encourage teachers to become members of Alpha Xi Chapter. One teacher at the school was the president of a DKG chapter that is no longer in existence. Bertha Hinojosa has been encouraging her to join and attend meetings. Her two boys are older now and maybe this is the year that she will return to DKG. This project will be discussed at the August 19, 2019 meeting of Alpha Xi Chapter and will appear in the newsletter. Contact Person for Alpha Xi’s SEED Project:Bertha Hinojosa Cell #225-317-3444La Belle Aire Elementary 225-275-7480\sAlpha ChiAs an ongoing project, our Chapter, Alpha Chi, continues to provide New Teacher Bags containing a gift certificate to the local Teacher's Aid shop, along with other items needed by first year teachers. We include information on Delta Kappa Gamma and contacts for our chapter.?Beta Chi Chapter SEED ProjectThe members of Beta Chi have collaborated with the Catahoula Parish School Board Office to provide new educator support and training (NEST), which is made possible through funds from the Rapides Foundation Grant. We offer a series of NEST professional development meetings that focus on:Team buildingProviding new teachers opportunities to work with Louisiana state trained mentorsUsing the district's online systems, such as JCampus, to write lesson plans and enter gradesBehavior Management TechniquesQuestioning techniques that promote higher order thinkingParent-Teacher relationships?Special Education inclusion and collaborationSBLC/504 ProceduresSubstitute PreparationActive SupervisionProfessionalismCurriculum ImplementationUsing the Compass rubric?Our first meeting on August 8, 2019 with our new teachers was a huge success, and our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 24, 2019.XI CHAPTERSEED PROJECT1. Welcome new teachers in Acadia Parish at orientation location.2. Provide DGK Brochure.3. Provide form for new teacher to give name, school, and email.4. Provide door prizes donated by chapter members to give to names chosen.5. Invite all new teachers by email to a Xi Chapter meeting to offer support and market DKG .6. Mentor and provide any needed to support.SEED PROJECT IDEAS FROM STATE COMMITTEESFrom Professional Affairs State Committee:Ask members of your church, club, or organization to purchase a book for whatever grade level you are targeting. Write an encouraging note in the front and give these books to a new teacher to use in a classroom library or to give to the students.From Personal Growth and Services:Attend the New Teacher Orientation. Have door prizes. Get their email addresses. Check their interest in DKG. Follow up with teachers during the school year.From Personnel:We challenge all chapters to hold a program at a chapter meeting this year on technology being used not only in our schools, but in our society as well. Examples are how to use Google Docs or Google Drive, going paperless, using Square or Apple Pay, etc. Peggy King suggested encouraging someone to present a workshop at the Louisiana State Organization Convention—“You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tech!”From the District Directors: Use Alpha Sigma plan, adding:Seek these teachers through your chapter for ease. Invite many and do a drawing for a supplykit. Great opportunity for recruitment. ................

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