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MARLOW 10 WEEK PRE-SEASON TRAINING PROGRAMThis programme is designed to increase our aerobic capacity, endurance and base strength while maintaining /developing speed. The following programme is a generic programme for all players at Marlow RUFC. As you prepare for the new season, you can be fitter, faster, and harder with more skill and the ability and understanding of what it takes to win. Losing by small margins should be motivation alone to prepare you for the season ahead, the old saying TRAIN HARD FIGHT EASY works. I would encourage you to train with a partner and use the club facilities especially for the circuit (maybe do it as a group). For the less motivated if you want to succeed this season it’s going take grit, determination and bags of blood sweat and tears. Pre-season training will be conducted in 4-week blocks, use this programme to get into a good place before we start. By the end of block one you should be near the end of this 10-week programRepetitions: The number of times you are to complete the described exercise within each set.Sets: Are made up of a number/ group of repetitions.Intensity: How hard you are looking to push yourself during a certain exercise.Rest Between sets: The amount of recovery time you are aiming to have between every group of exercises you complete.Rest Between Reps: The amount of recovery time you are aiming to have between each repetition. (only applicable to fitness and aerobic training.Monday:Weight Training Programme:Warm up = Rower 10 MinsExerciseReps Sets Rest between Sets Remarks Dumbbell Bench PressDumbbell Bench Press 8-12390 seconds Weight = 70/80 % of 1 Rep maxIncline Bench Press Incline Bench press 8-12390 seconds Weight = 70/80 % of 1 Rep maxLat Pull down Lat Pull Down8-12390 seconds Weight = 70/80 % of 1 Rep maxBent Over RowB O R8-12390 seconds Weight = 70/80 % of 1 Rep maxTriceps Kick BackT Ks8-12390 seconds Weight = 70/80 % of 1 Rep maxSwiss Ball sit ups SB sits 25390 seconds Bridging Bridging 1 minute 22 minutes Warm Down =Treadmill 10 mins easy Stretches: Chest, Triceps, shoulders, Back, Quadriceps, hamstrings, calves.Speed training:Warm up = 5 mins easy joggingSpeed drills = High Knees 2 X 20m. Heel flicks 2 x 20m. High skips 2 x 20m. Ladder runs 2 x20m.ExerciseReps Sets Rest between Sets Remarks 40m Straight sprints 313 mins 40m change direction sprints 313 mins Use Zig Zag cones over 40m. Tuesday30 Minute Run:5 Mins Easy Jog 20 Mins steady pace 5 Mins Easy JogWednesdayWeight Training Programme:ExerciseReps Sets Rest between Sets Remarks Dumbbell Shoulder PressDB Shoulder Press8-12390 seconds Weight = 70/80 % of 1 Rep maxLateral DB Raise Lat DB Raise8-12390 seconds Weight = 70/80 % of 1 Rep maxDB Bicep Curl DB Biceps8-12390 seconds Weight = 70/80 % of 1 Rep maxBarbell Squats BB Squat8-12390 seconds Multi directional Lunges MD Lunge 8-12390 seconds Calf RaisesC R's8-12390 seconds Warm Down =Cycle 10 mins easy Stretches: Chest, Triceps, shoulders, Back, Quadriceps, hamstrings, calves.ThursdayMedium Interval Session:Warm up = 10 Mins Jog 2-3 Laps of pitchExerciseReps Sets Rest between Sets Remarks 200m shuttles 101200m jog recovery 90% intensityWarm Down = 10 mins easy jogging Stretches: Quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes.Friday:Weight Training Programme:Warm up = 10 mins RowerExerciseReps Sets Rest between Sets Remarks Dumbbell Bench Press8-12290 seconds Lat Pull down 8-12290 seconds Triceps Kickbacks 8-12290 seconds DB shoulder Press8-12290 seconds BD biceps curl 8-12290 seconds Barbell Squats 8-12290 seconds MD Lunges 8-12290 seconds Warm Down =Cycle 10 mins easy Stretches: Chest, Triceps, shoulders, Back, Quadriceps, hamstrings, calves.Saturday or Sunday Rugby Specific CircuitWarm up = 5 mins Jogging light stretchingExample: feel free to add in or take out exercises however make it a challenge.Session:Rest between exercises:Short shuttles 5 x goal line to 22None Tackle bag lifts (sausage bag 10 x overhead)30 Sec Tackle bag Shuttles 5 x goal line to 22 1 Min rest 20 Press ups None 20 Sit Ups None Zig Zag cone sprints 40m x 530 sec Tyre Push 10 meter15 Secs Shuttle runs try line to half way x 510 Secs Down ups x 20 30 secs Burpees x 10 Finished RepeatWarm Down = 5mins easy jog stretching.TRAIN DIFFERENTLY ................

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