Amazon S3

Position Description


|Business Unit: | |

| |Enliven Residential |

|Responsible to: |Home Manager |

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|PSC Mission |

|In response to the teachings of Christ we will provide social services that effectively meet the needs of those we serve. |

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|PSC Vision |

|A caring and compassionate society where older people, children, adolescents, families and individuals in need can help |

|themselves to live in dignity and love. |

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|PSC Values |

|Compassion for those in need |

|Putting our clients’ interests before our own. |

|Meeting our clients’ spiritual, physical and social needs |

|Passion for our purpose. |

|Humility in our actions. |

|Respect for people. |

|Professionalism, honesty and integrity. |

|Continuous quality improvement. |

What is PSC?

Presbyterian Support Central is a not-for-profit organisation providing social services in Taranaki, Whanganui, Horowhenua, Manawatu, Wairarapa and the greater Wellington region. It is one of seven autonomous Presbyterian Support regional organisations providing Christian-based social services across New Zealand.

Presbyterian Support Central has been providing responsive social services to older people, children and their families and individuals for over 100 years. We have a committed and professional team dedicated to working with our clients to make a difference together. We are also dedicated to continuously improving the levels of service we provide to our clients and the efficiency with which we do this.

Presbyterian Support Central operates under two service brands:

Enliven (Positive Ageing Services), which provides support to residents in our rest homes and to clients in their own homes and Family Works, which provides social services to families/whanau and communities.

Enliven Residential is a not-for-profit service specializing in the support of older people. The Eden Alternative is an exciting concept which sees us working to build an environment where life revolves around close and continuing contact with children, plants and animals and improves the lives of those we support.

Further information can be found on .nz

Purpose of the Role

To support residents in their daily living and social requirements and ensures the environment remains clean, homelike and facilitates resident independence.

Key Accountabilities

|Key Accountability |Deliverables |Key Performance Indicators/Measures |

|Assistance with the routine |All resident/client assistance is provided accordance |Residents are supported to maintain personal hygiene while |

|activities of daily living for|with: |allowing residents to undertake as much as they are |

|residents / clients |The wishes of the resident. |physically and cognitively able. |

| |Written standards / policies or other requirements. |Residents / clients positioning / mobility needs are attended|

| |The plan for care written by the Registered Nurse. |to. |

| | |Residents / clients elimination needs are attended to. |

| |All tasks are performed in accordance with Enliven |Assistance is provided with residents / clients nutrition as |

| |Residential Policy procedures, protocols, and |required. |

| |guidelines, which include: |Assistance is provided with meeting the residents / clients |

| |Cultural needs |social and spiritual needs. |

| |Incidents, accidents, or near misses, |Any changes or concerns regarding the resident / client are |

| |Hazard management |reported to the Registered Nurse or Senior Staff. |

| |Code of Rights |All required documentation e.g. progress notes is completed |

| |Health Information Privacy Code |in a timely manner. |

| |Infection Control | |

| |Restraint. | |

|Service Delivery |Assistance is provided with tasks related to: |All duties are performed in an efficient manner, to the |

| |stores and linen |required time, and within a negotiated timeframe |

| |plants and animals |Equipment is stored away when not in use. |

| |equipment |Equipment is used correctly. |

| |cleaning |Breakages, malfunctioning equipment are reported to senior |

| | |staff. |

| |Assistance is provided when emergencies occur. |Assistance is provided with maintaining, restocking, and |

| | |rotating stores, linen, and equipment. |

| |The phone, fax, and call systems are used effectively. |Assists residents to waters plants |

| | |Assists with implementing animal care plans. |

| | |Any spills or urine puddles are cleaned up. |

| | |Carry out cleaning requirements which include: |

| | |cleaning the sluice room |

| | |washing wheelchairs, commodes |

| | |cleaning up soiled areas / spills |

| | |keeping linen off the floor. |

| | |Completes other tasks when required such as: |

| | |removal of waste |

| | |laundry and clothing tasks |

| | |making beds |

| | |body removal. |

|Working as a part of |Working under the direction and delegation of a |Any changes or concerns regarding the resident / client are |

|interdisciplinary team |Registered Nurse or the Manager. |reported to the Registered Nurse or Senior Staff. |

| |Day to day supervision by a delegated senior staff |The instructions of the Registered Nurse are followed at all |

| |member. |times. |

| | |Assistance is provided to the Registered Nurse, other members|

| |Working as a part of a team. |of the team (e.g. Dietician, Physiotherapist, Administrator) |

| | |as required. |

| | |Evidence of actively participating in team meetings. |

|Risk Minimisation and Quality |Participation in quality improvement activities. |All customer requests or complaints are reported to the Care |

|Improvement. | |Manager or other senior staff member. |

| |Provides high level customer service. |Evidence of attendance training for orientation, fire, and |

| | |other agreed education / training sessions. |

|Health and Safety |Complies with responsibilities under the Health & |Has been made aware of the PSC Health & Safety manual. |

| |Safety at Work Act (HSWA) 2015 |Understands and complies to the requirements of Health & |

| | |Safety Policy and Procedures |

| | |Proactively reports any unsafe work condition, accident or |

| | |injury. |

| | |Must ensure that resident / client safety is ensured at all |

| | |times. |

| | |All potential or existing risks are proactively identified |

| | |and reported to the Care Manager or other senior staff |

| | |members. |

| | |Proactively gets involved in enhancing and continuously |

| | |adding value to the overall Health & Safety culture and |

| | |systems within PSC |

Key Relationships & Authorities

| | |Reports to: | | |

| | |Home Manager | | |

| | |( | | |

|Key relationships within PSC business |( |Healthcare Assistant |( |Key relationships outside PSC business |

|unit: | | | |unit: |

|Other staff within the Enliven Home | | | |Residents’ families and friends |

| | |( | | |

| | |Has these direct reports: | | |

| | |Nil | | |

Authorities and Delegations

← Nil

Capability Profile


Competent performance in the role requires demonstration of the following competencies. These competencies provide a framework for selection and development.

|Core Competency |Key Behaviours |

|Teamwork |Develops constructive working relationships with other team members. |

| |Has a friendly manner and a positive sense of humour. |

| |Works cooperatively - willingly sharing knowledge and expertise with colleagues. |

| |Shows flexibility - is willing to change work arrangements or take on extra tasks in the short |

| |term to help the service or team meet its commitments. |

| |Supports in word and action decisions that have been made by the team. |

| |Shows an understanding of how one’s own role directly or indirectly supports the work of wider |

| |team |

|Quality and Innovation |Provides quality service to those who rely on one's work. |

| |Looks for ways to improve work processes - suggests new ideas and approaches. |

| |Explores and trials ideas and suggestions for improvement made by others. |

| |Shows commitment to continuous learning and performance development. |

|Taking Responsibility |Is results focussed and committed to making a difference. |

| |Plans and organises work, allocating time to priority issues, meeting deadlines and coping with |

| |the unexpected. |

| |Adjusts work style and approach to fit in with requirements. |

| |Perseveres with tasks and achieves objectives despite obstacles. |

| |Is reliable - does what one says one will. |

| |Consistently performs tasks correctly - following set procedures and protocols. |

|Communication |Practises active and attentive listening. |

| |Explains information and gives instructions in clear and simple terms. |

| |Willingly answers questions and concerns raised by others. |

| |Responds in a non-defensive way when asked about errors or oversights, or when own position is |

| |challenged. |

| |Is confident and appropriately assertive in dealing with others. |

| |Deals effectively with conflict. |

Other aspects of capability not covered by the above competencies:

Essential Professional Qualifications / Accreditations / Registrations

← To have obtained or willing to work towards Level 2 or 3 Certificate in Support of the Older Person.


← Experience in working with people (essential).

← Experience assisting with people in residential homes or other health environments.

Treaty of Waitangi

Enliven, Presbyterian Support Central is committed to working in a multi-cultural way and affirms the place of Maori as Tangata Whenua and seeks to actively promote the spirit of equality and partnership inherent in the Treaty of Waitangi.

The role description will be reviewed regularly in order for it to continue to reflect the changing needs of the organisation. Any changes will be discussed with the position holder before being made. Annual objectives and performance measures will be set each year during the annual performance planning and development meeting.

|I have read this job description and accept it. |

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|Signed: ……………………………………… Date: ……………….. |

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|Employee’s Name: ……………………………………… |

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|Signed: ……………………………………… Date: ……………….. |

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|Name: ………………………………………. |

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|Position: ………………………………………. |

|(On behalf of Presbyterian Support Central) |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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