
Call for Proposals Project: Enabling Effective and Conflict-Sensitive Responses to COVID-19 to Protect Social Cohesion in Fragile Contexts in Africa Target locations: Refugee camps hosting South Sudanese refugees in Northern Uganda including West Nile Publication date: 12 August 2020 Submission dateline: 26 August 2020Implementation Period: September 2020 – April 2021Eligible organizations: Registered CSOs, CBOs, NNGOs with presence in Northern Uganda, particularly with experience working with refugees Subaward amount: From €40,000 to €45,000 Euros Project overviewSearch for Common Ground’s (Search) mission is to transform the way individuals, organizations, and governments deal with conflict, away from adversarial approaches and towards collaborative solutions. Search is implementing a rapid-response 15-month action funded by the European Union (EU) that seeks to support an effective, conflict-sensitive response to the COVID-19 pandemic in a way that prevents further deterioration of social cohesion in fragile contexts in Africa, namely in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Nigeria. The project “Enabling Effective and Conflict-Sensitive Responses to COVID-19 to Protect Social Cohesion in Fragile Contexts in Africa” has been designed in the context of an unprecedented global health crisis that has overwhelmed the capacity of medical and social support systems in dozens of countries, poising them on the verge of collapse. While the crisis has thus far taken the steepest toll in developed societies in Asia, Europe and North America, there is growing concern about the potentially catastrophic impact it could have on countries whose resources and safety nets are already overstretched, and which are ridden with ongoing and latent conflicts. The design of the proposed Action draws heavily upon the existing response capacity of Search teams around the world to undertake urgent and locally appropriate measures to address threats to peace and stability amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, privileging interventions able to drive change on a meaningful timetable, while building in opportunities for adaptation and learning in a fluid situation.In Uganda, the Action will focus on the areas that are currently hosting South Sudanese and Congolese refugees, in the northern and western areas of the country. Many of these populations are mobile, moving back and forth between their country of origin and their current residence. The recent border closures have cut off refugees’ connections to their country of origin, stranding families on both sides of the border with resources stretched thin. Rumours abound in refugee settings in the best of times, and COVID-19 will exacerbate these problems. Search proposes to use its media production capacities in Juba and Goma to produce radio, video, and social media content that will be distributed locally on the radio and TV as well as through popular social media platforms in order to 1) provide accurate information in a variety of languages relevant to refugee populations; 2) combat rumours and misinformation that can undermine confidence in authorities and create divisions, grievances, and violence between groups; and 3) encourage respect for the measures put in place, including discouraging illegal border crossings.The project seeks to achieve three objectives: (1) Increase the effectiveness and conflict-sensitivity of the COVID-19 response; (2) Mitigate the harmful effects of the COVID-19 crisis on social cohesion, stability, and ongoing conflict prevention efforts; and (3) Build global capacities and tools to promote resilience to pandemics and mitigate similar threats across societies. To achieve these objectives, the implementation strategy will be formulated around three activity streams corresponding to the objectives. The activities will focus on; information management (dissemination of credible information and rumour management) (Activity Stream 1), social cohesion and conflict prevention (bridging dividing lines & tackling root causes) (Activity Stream 2), and Conflict-sensitive Responses (incentivizing collaboration, exchange and learning) (Activity Stream 3). Search is seeking to partner with a CSO, NNGO, CBO, legally registered in Uganda and has a strong experience of working with both refugee and host communities in Uganda and is currently operating in Northern Uganda. The partner will engage both the refugee and host communities through awareness raising on COVD-19 and promotion of social cohesion among them. The partner will work closely with the key target communities to strengthen their fight against Corona and fostering peaceful coexistence between them. The partner will also coordinate with all relevant stakeholders in the target communities to successfully implement the activities outlined below. Search will make one award amounting between €40,000 to €45,000 Euros to the successful partner to implement the activities in Northern Uganda (including West Nile), specifically in the target areas listed below. Capacity desired for the Sub AwardeeProven experience of working with refugee communities in Northern UgandaExperience working with various stakeholders including national and local authoritiesExperience working in sensitive contexts, Experience working with youth, men, women, religious leaders and health practitioners,Ability to co-design and implement activities efficiently and effectively.Experience in using media platforms (including radio and social media) to engage communities Eligibility criteriaBe a non-profit organisation legally registered to operate in the target locations. Demonstrated experience in the fields of conflict, good governance, media or health; and a commitment to conflict sensitivity and principles of do no harm.The objective of the sub-grant must be designed to contribute to the results under Objectives 1 or 2 of this action, and be implemented to the benefit of one of the areas identified as fragile within the targeted countries.The proposal must be cost-efficient and feasible, with well-defined tasks and responsibilities, realistic timelines, and a clear sustainability plan where appropriate.Innovation and potential for scaling-up and replication will be an asset.Interested sub awardees are hereby invited to submit their proposal, answering the following objectives:Objective 1: Increase the effectiveness of and conflict sensitivity of the COVID-19 response.Objective 2: Mitigate the harmful effects of the COVID-19 crisis on social cohesion, stability and ongoing conflict prevention efforts.Target LocationsThe project will be implemented in the refugee camps in Northern Uganda hosting South Sudanese that fled the conflict in their home country to seek refuge and who are now at the risk of COVID-19 pandemic. The following refugee camps will be targeted for the project activities. Adjumani DistrictNyumanzi Refugee Settlement CampAyilo Refugee settlement camp Agojo Refugee Settlement Camp Boroli Refugee Settlement campOlwa Refugee Settlement campGulu DistrictPalabek Refugee campYumbe DistrictBidi – Bidi Refugee Settlement CampMoyo DistrictMorobi refugee settlement in Moyo districtParolinya refugee settlement in Moyo DistrictActivitiesThe partner will be engaged in the following project activities.Name of activityDescription of activityDeliverable(s)Start-up phase(a) negotiation and signatureof sub-agreements with Search, including introduction to narrative and financial reportingtemplates;(b) internal start-up meeting with Search to discuss rollout, budget and personnel management, and plan activities;Signed sub-award agreementParticipation in 1 internal project launch meeting;Coordinate with all relevant stakeholders for easy facilitation of all project activities in the refugee camps Search for Common Ground has no physical presence in the project location and therefore the contracted partner will lead the coordination activities with relevant stakeholders including government authorities, humanitarian partners, camp leaderships and community leaders from both refugees and the hosts. The activities will include among others’Securing required approvals from relevant authorities to conduct activities in the target refugee campsContact and consult with camp leadership to seek their buy-ins before carrying out activities Identify key local stakeholders to work with during the project periodConduct monthly meetings with relevant stakeholders they work with within the community Attend humanitarian and camp coordination meetings and represent the best interests of the project and SearchCarryout any other coordination activities that will enable smooth implementation of the project Letters of approval/no objection from the Office of the Prime Minister and NGO Bureau if requiredLetters from camp chairmen of the target camps A report and list of key local stakeholders consultedMonthly meeting reports Provide office space for Search’s focal point and visiting team members Search will not be establishing a fully staffed and running office in the field but seeks to share the office space with the partner while providing contribution. The contracted partner will provide an office space to be used by Search’s focal point and other staff members who will be visiting the project location. 1 office room provided for Search. Street broadcast on loudspeakers of Lugara Shabab radio programs and “Boda-boda man” radio drama seriesSFCG has observed that not everyone in the community listens to radios and this leads to many being left out. The reason is because not many people within the affected communities own radio sets or can afford to buy batteries regularly. In most communities, only men own radio sets and afford their batteries to keep on listening to news as their conviction to keep abreast with their political environment. To bridge the gap and ensure everybody has access to the COVID related information, SFCG will use “Boda-Boda street talk show” to air radio programs on loudspeakers. The partner will hire boda-boda (rickshaws) and mount loudspeakers on them and send them to the streets of the refugee camps to broadcast the radio programs. Hire Boda-bodas/rickshaws for street broadcasts (number of Boda-bodas and days for broadcast to be specified in the budget and work plan) Broadcast 12 episodes of 30-minute Lugara Shabab radio programs on Boda-boda street talk show in the target refugee camps Broadcast of 24 episodes of Boda-boda Man radio drama on Boda-boda street talk show in the target refugee camps Broadcast 24 PSAs/radio spots on COVID-19 and peaceful coexistence Small initiatives led by women & youth for social cohesion between refugees & host communitiesFollowing mapping and consultative meetings with local youth and women groups in the refugee and host communities, SFCG will work with CSO partners on the ground to support small initiatives from the youth and women leaders of the two communities. These activities should be carried out collaboratively by the youth of the host and refugee communities to promote peaceful coexistence. The partner CSO in collaboration with Search’s focal point on the ground will identify local youth and women groups from both host and refugee communities to engage them to collaboratively initiate and implement the small peacebuilding initiatives List of identified youth and women groups from both host and refugee communityIn collaboration with Search, share with the identified groups, a call to compete for the initiativesOversee the implementation of 8 small peacebuilding initiatives Provide progress reports on the implementation of the initiativesShare with Search photos and success stories from the initiatives Community monitoring visits to assess impact of the initiativesSFCG’s DM&E will be conducting quarterly monitoring visits to assess how the project objectives and outcomes are being achieved, and progressive impact of the local initiatives. During the DM&E visit, the partner should facilitate the work of the staff in the camps, secures any required approvals to conduct assessments and support in any DM&E related recruitment e.g of enumerators. Facilitate 2 monitoring visitsQuarterly reflection meetings SFCG’s program team in Juba, Northern Uganda based focal point and DM&E officer will be holding quarterly program reflection meetings to assess and evaluate the progress of the project implementation and make adjustments where necessary. Regional team (RPM and DM&E) might also attend the meetings. The CSO partner will also be required to participate in these meetings as it’s involved in implementing key activities of the project. Participate in 4 quarterly program reflection meetings Visibility of Search and DonorThe partner will ensure visibility of Search and the donor (EU) during the implementation of project activities. Approved visibility guidelines will be shared with the partnerUse approved designs for project, Search and donor visibility. Other initiatives to promote social cohesion and cooperative fight against CoronaThe partner should be able to initiate any other activities mentioned here and that contributes to the achievement of the project objectives. Monthly narrative reports on the activities implemented Project Key Indicators PROJECT OBJECTIVES The project will be accountable for achieving the project-specific objectives listed below. The project will report against the indicators listed below to measure progress towards achieving its project-specific objectives. Impact (Overall Objective): To support an effective, conflict- sensitive response to COVID-19, in a way that prevents further deterioration of social cohesion in fragile contexts.Outcome Indicator: % of respondents who report COVID-19 responses are conflict-sensitive. Target: 75%Specific ObjectivesSO1. Increase the effectiveness and conflict-sensitivity of the COVID-19 response Outcome Indicator: % of individuals who report accepting and trusting the efforts deployed by responders to COVID-19. Target: 100SO2: Mitigate the harmful effects of the COVID-19 crisis on social cohesion, stability, and ongoing conflict prevention efforts. Outcome Indicator: % of participants who report that the interaction/exchange/dialogue in this action enabled them to have positive and/or meaningful relationships with individuals across dividing linesOutput indicators pertaining to the partner activities EO1: COVID-19 messaging reaches all constituencies of the target regions, providing accurate and trustworthy information via trusted messengers and via tailored and culturally appropriate messages, hence increasing community acceptance of COVID-19 measures. Quantitative # of media products produced and broadcast on Boda-Boda street talk show. Target: 120# of people reached with media programs aired on FM radio stations and Boda-boda street talk show. Target: 100,000 % of the population surveyed who report being aware of the action’s media products. Target: 60% Qualitative% of the targeted influencers who believe that they can make a positive difference to address COVID-19 in their community. Target: 80%% of the population surveyed who demonstrate feeling ownership of the media messaging produced on COVID-19. Target: 60% % of the population surveyed who report being satisfied by the speed/level of response they received on COVID related issues by responders. Target: 60% EO2: Dialogues, feedback mechanisms and other exchange platforms enable groups to connect across dividing lines, hence reducing tension and divisions in times of health crisis.Quantitative# of initiatives - including virtual - that bring people together across dividing lines (disaggregated by type). Target: 8 # of participants in these initiatives. Target: 80 % of the population surveyed who reports having interacted with individuals of another group (remotely or in-person). Target: 75% Qualitative: % of the population surveyed who agree with the statement “I feel safe interacting with another group thanks to project activities” (disaggregated by dividing demographics). Target: 75%The specific timeframe for each activity will be agreed upon during the startup meeting and indicated in the costed work plan, and updated during partners’ coordination meetings.Selection criteriaThe proposals must answer the aforementioned objectives and demonstrate: feasibility, sustainability, and focus on engaging the most vulnerable communities, and contribute to conflict- sensitive response to COVID-19 in the target locations.The sub grantee should design how to implement the aforementioned activities and also where possible include other creative initiatives that contribute to the achievements of the project objectives. The sub grantee will be responsible for submitting and preparing monthly progress reports to Search for Common Ground (Search). Demonstrate value for money. SelectionSearch will select the received applications based on the aforementioned selection criteria. Each applying organisation should submit a project for no more than 10 months with clear activities to achieve the anticipated deliverables. Submission Submit a detailed proposal through the SFCG’s provided concept note template (attached), explaining clearly how the organization has been working with the refugee and host communities in the target locations and how you qualify to conduct these activities. Please submit a detailed work plan (in chart form), an indicator-based performance monitoring plan and a budget for the activities using the attached templates. Submit your application not later than 17:00 hrs EAT on 26 August 2020 to Search for Common Ground, South Sudan through the email: ssdprocurements@ ................

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