
Mr. Brush

A.P. United States History

APQ#15R-Conservatism and Cultural Diversity in the 1920’s

1. By “normalcy” President Warren G. Harding meant not only peace after World War I but also

[A] a renewal of the Progressivist reform movement

[B] a return to an emphasis on domestic reform in place of Wilson’s foreign adventures

[C] an end to idealistic crusades and efforts at large-scale reform

[D] the establishment of new norms of international behavior

[E] U.S. membership in the newly formed League of Nations

2. All of the following were characteristic of the 1920’s EXCEPT

[A] progressive reform and union growth

[B] voting rights for women

[C] prohibition and bootlegging

[D] consumerism and easy credit

[E] Ku Klux Klan power and popularity

3. Which of the following best characterizes the writings of American authors F. Scott Fitzgerald, e.e. cummings, and Sinclair Lewis?

[A] Glorification of modern American capitalism

[B] Disillusionment with modern American society

[C] Celebration of Black culture

[D] Glamorization of war

[E] Reaffirmation of traditional American values

4. The Republican Presidents of the 1920’s favored

[A] membership in the League of nations

[B] stringent federal regulation of American business

[C] reduced American tariffs on foreign imports

[D] tax cuts for wealthy Americans

[E] forgiveness of European war debts from the First World War

5. Droughts, high tariffs, bankruptcies, and low prices during the late 1920’s had the greatest impact on

[A] urban America

[B] the United States Stock Market

[C] rural America

[D] maritime ventures

[E] Northern manufacturers

6. The Volstead Act

[A] allowed the government to purchase railroad companies from private companies

[B] provided a tax cut to wealthy Americans

[C] provided enforcement of the Eighteenth Amendment

7. Which of the following was considered to be the symbol of post-World War I consumerism?

[A] television

[B] automobile

[C] refrigerator

[D] phonograph

[E] radio

8. A. Mitchell Palmer is associated with

[A] the red scare

[B] the Harlem Renaissance

[C] Prohibition

[D] Black Sox scandal

[E] the motion picture industry


• Politics-period of Republican President domination-Harding, Coolidge and Hoover; political scandals, economic policy (Laissez-faire), election of 1928-Al Smith

• Social and Cultural-urban vs. rural; Red Scare, immigration policy and its restrictions the resurgence of the KKK, Scopes Trial, writers of the Lost Generation; consumerism; Black artistry and writers of the Harlem Renaissance

• Economics-problems with farmers; stock speculation, buying on margin, and the stock market crash; Hoover’s response to the Depression


1. The 1920’s are often viewed as the era that signaled the onset of “modernity” in American culture. In what ways can American culture in the 1920’s be seen as a battleground of conflicting responses and reactions to modernity?

2. The crisis of the Great Depression was met with many different political responses. Identify and explain the various political approaches advanced to end the Depression. What did they share in common and how were they different?

3. Discuss how the 1920’s represented social, economic, and cultural discord among Americans. In your essay discuss THREE of the following:

a. urban versus rural attitudes

b. nativism versus immigration

c. science versus religion

d. the red scare

4. Discuss the extent to which the United States underwent a cultural transformation in the 1920’s.

5. “The business of America is business”. Explain the significance of this statement in terms of United States government policies in the 1920’s and long-term impact of those policies.

6. During the presidential election in 1920, the Republican candidate Warren G. Harding called for a “return to normalcy” after the activism of the Progressive era. How did Harding and his successor, Calvin Coolidge, respond to the public clamor for a “return to normalcy”?


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