America: The Story of Us Episode 2: Revolution

[Pages:2]America: The Story of Us Episode 2: Revolution

1. New York 1776 Population: ___20,000 2. Commander of the Rebel Army is ___General George Washington________________________ 3. June 29th how many British war shipped were off of New York? 45________________________ 4. What do the British want to terrify the colonists into ___submission______________________ 5. What is the penalty of High Treason? ___Death_______________________________________ 6. What document will change the world? Declaration of Independence 7. Your rights come, not from the _King/government__, they come from _God_________ and they

can't be _taken away from you__________________________ 8. July 12th _2 British war ships_____________________________ open fire on New York City. 9. August: Number of British troops arriving by ship __32, 000_____________________________

a. Biggest attack on NYC until ___September 11, 2001 10. What were the Americans fighting for? For their lives __________________________ 11. September 17, 1776 _New York__________________________ is under fire. 12. A British Redcoat has _6____________ times more experience than a Patriot. 13. September 20, 1776 New York is in British __hands. 14. How many Patriots POWs die throughout the war? 12,000______________________________ 15. How many British soldiers were in the Americas by June, 1777? ____8000________________ 16. What becomes the British army's worst enemy? __American frontier _____________________ 17. What are the new war tactics unleashed by Washington?

a. __Sharpshooters____targeting Native American scouts_________________________ b. __gorilla warfare________________target British officers _________________ 18. With the loss of General Simon, the British lose __1000 (twice as many as the patriots)___ men. 19. The addition of the French forces the British to fight on land____ & sea____________

Valley Forge:

20. Describe the conditions: Freezing temperatures; has an army of 14,ooo men and no houses; Army grows sick; 1/5 have no shoes; dysentery spread through the camp; survive on flour and water ? no meat; Washington was an inspiration; small pox arrives;

21. What is far more lethal to the Patriots than the British soldiers? _small pox ______________ 22. What new idea is tried to save those infected with the virus? _inoculation________________ 23. How many of those inoculated die? ___1/50 __________________________________ 24. Who is the new recruit that is introduced in 1778 that changes the course of the war? __Baron

Von Steuben ______________________________________

25. What does von Steuben have to tell the Patriots before they will do an order? _tell the reason why

26. How does he change Valley Forge? a. Organizes housing: moves latrine away from living quarters; rebuild kitchens ______ b. Writes a training manual with methods still used today ____discipline; order; hygiene

27. What is the new and deadly weapon von Steuben introduces? _bayonet ____________ 28. In addition to weapons and skills what does von Steuben give the soldiers? New attitude ____ 29. What is Washington's secret army? ________________________________________________ 30. In New York, an estimated ____20%_______________ of colonists are Loyalists.

October 17, 1781: Yorktown, VA

31. How has Washington's Army retrained itself? a. sharpshooter_____________________________________________________________ b. _training discipline new weapons c. __spy network ______________________________

32. How are the British back in Great Britain feeling about the war? __too long; too expensive ___ 33. How many British troops are waiting behind Yorktown? ___9000 34. How many Patriots break through and storm the British?____400 ________________________ 35. What happens two days after the Battle of Yorktown?

a. _______British surrender__________________________________________ b. ______begin negotiations for peace _________________________________________ 36. April 30, 1789: What happens to Washington?__He is inaugurated 1st president of the US _____________________________________ 37. How many Americans lost their lives for our independence? __0ver 25,000


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