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 Use of this Book

The American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists? currently provides specialty certification in the following specialties: Environmental Engineering

AP Air Pollution Control ES Environmental Sustainability GE General Environmental

Engineering HW Hazardous Waste Management

and Site Remediation IH Industrial Hygiene RP Radiation Protection SW Solid Waste Management WW Water Supply and Wastewater Environmental Science AR Air Resources EB Environmental Biology EC Environmental Chemistry EM Environmental Microbiology ET Environmental Toxicology GW Groundwater and the

Subsurface Environment HM Hazardous Waste Management

and Site Remediation SM Solid Waste Management SR Surface Water Resources SS Sustainability Science There is an additional specialty listed in the Roster of Board Certified Environmental Engineers (BCEE): SE Sanitary Engineer The "Sanitary Engineer" specialty was used by the Academy between 1955 and 1974 to recognize the general practice of sanitary engineering without classification as to specialty. BCEEs issued a certification for "Sanitary Engineer" during that period may continue to use that certification as long as they remain members in good standing. The Bold Face Initials for specialties shown above are used throughout Who's Who in Environmental Engineering and Science? to indicate the specialty certification of each Board Certified Environmental Engineer, Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member,

and Board Certified Environmental Scientist of the Academy who is a member in good standing on January 31, 2017.

Persons seeking environmental engineering specialists for employment are encouraged to consult the Roster of Board Certified Environmental Engineers or the Roster of Board Certified Environmental Engineering Members contained in this book as a starting point. However, it is the responsibility of each user to determine if a Board Certified Environmental Engineer or Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member is qualified to perform the particular service or function sought.

Persons seeking environmental science specialists for employment are encouraged to consult the Roster of Board Certified Environmental Scientists contained in this book as a starting point. However, it is the responsibility of each user to determine if a Board Certified Environmental Scientist is qualified to perform the particular service or function sought.

Those who have been conferred the title, Board Certified Environmental Engineer by the Academy are licensed, Professional Engineers, and therefore, are legally empowered by one or more states to practice engineering and to use the title, "Professional Engineer" or "P.E." Further, to denote their status as a Board Certified Environmental Engineer, they are authorized by the Academy to use the title, "Board Certified Environmental Engineer (BCEE)". Those whose Certification Status is listed as "Active" have fulfilled the Academy's requirement for annual continuing professional development as detailed within this book.

Board Certified Environmental Engineering Members are members who have been conferred the title, "Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member (BCEEM)" by the Academy. Board Certified Environmental Engineering Members meet all requirements of the BCEE but do not possess a P.E. license.

Board Certified Environmental Scientists are members who have been conferred the title, "Board Certified Environmental Scientist (BCES)" by the Academy.

NOTICE TO USERS COPYRIGHT 2017 by American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists, Inc. (AAEES)?

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use of the Roster of Board Certified Environmental Engineers, Roster of Board Certified Environmental Engineering Members or Roster of Board Certified Environmental Scientists by copying, Xeroxing, programming on computers, or in any other manner or form is strictly prohibited without the written consent of AAEES. The information contained herein has been prepared for the personal use of AAEES and its members in connection with professional matters. It is not to be used as a basis for circulation or promotion by others. By the receipt and retention of possession of Who's Who in Environmental Engineering and Science?, the recipient agrees not to use the Roster of Board Certified Environmental Engineers, Roster of Board Certified Environmental Engineering Members or Roster of Board

Certified Environmental Scientists for any commercial or promotional purpose whatsoever. Permission to use the list of Board Certified Environmental Engineers or Board Certified Environmental Engineering Members or Roster of Board Certified Environmental Scientists for mailing and fee to be charged may be obtained by contacting the Executive Director, 147 Old Solomons Island Road, Suite 303, Annapolis, Maryland 21401; telephone 410-266-3311, email info@. AAEES assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or validity of the information included in the listings in the Roster of Board Certified Environmental Engineers, Roster of Board Certified Environmental Engineering Members or Roster of Board Certified Environmental Scientists which is provided by each individual.

Who's Who in Environmental Engineering and Science (ISSN 2325-8438) is published by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists, Inc., 147 Old Solomons Island Road, Suite 303, Annapolis, Maryland, 21401. This book was printed in the United States of America; original cover design by William C. Anderson, P.E., BCEE.

147 Old Solomons Island Road Suite 303

Annapolis, MD 21401

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Board Certified Environmental Engineers, Board Certified Environmental Engineering Members,

and Board Certified Environmental Scientists

in good standing as of January 31, 2017 58th Edition

An American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists? Publication

Definitions of Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science

The professional discipline of environmental engineering is defined as the application of engineering principles to improve and maintain the environment for the protection of human health, for the protection of nature's beneficial ecosystems, and for environment-related enhancement of the quality of human life.

The professional discipline of environmental science is defined as the application of scientific principles to improve and maintain the environment for the protection of human health for the protection of nature's beneficial ecosystems, and environment-related enhancement of the quality of human life.

Definitions of environmental engineering and environmental science as adopted by the Board of Trustees of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists.


Table of Contents

Use of this Book.........................................................................................................1 Definitions of Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science.....................4 Preface......................................................................................................................7 American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists...........................9 Objectives................................................................................................................10 History...................................................................................................................... 11 Organization............................................................................................................12 Officers 2017...........................................................................................................13 Trustees 2017..........................................................................................................14 Trustees at Large.....................................................................................................16 American Academy of Environmental Engineers Certification Board......................17 American Academy of Environmental Scientists Certification Board.......................18 Committees 2017.....................................................................................................19 State Representatives.............................................................................................24 Representatives to Other Organizations..................................................................29 Past Presidents........................................................................................................30 Staff. ........................................................................................................................ 31 Specialty Certification...............................................................................................33 Introduction..............................................................................................................34 Certification Requirements - BCEE.........................................................................36 Certification Requirements - BCEEM......................................................................37 Certification Requirements - BCES.........................................................................38 Certification Procedures..........................................................................................39 Certification Actions.................................................................................................41 Certification Status...................................................................................................43 Awards........................................................................................................................45 Awards.....................................................................................................................46 Honorary Members..................................................................................................49 International Honorary Member...............................................................................50 Student Team Award................................................................................................51 Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Awards..............................52 Environmental Communications Awards.................................................................65 Education...................................................................................................................67 Accredited Environmental Engineering Programs...................................................68 Kappe Lecture Series..............................................................................................70 Roster of Board Certified Environmental Engineers.............................................71 Introduction..............................................................................................................72 Alphabetical Listing..................................................................................................73 Roster of Board Certified Environmental Engineering Members.......................285 Introduction............................................................................................................286 Alphabetical Listing................................................................................................287 Roster of Board Certified Environmental Scientists............................................295 Introduction............................................................................................................296 Alphabetical Listing................................................................................................297 Index of Board Certified Individuals......................................................................309 Geograpical Listing................................................................................................ 311 Specialty Listing.....................................................................................................333 In Memoriam..........................................................................................................354 Roster of Members..................................................................................................355 Member Listing......................................................................................................357




The complexities of modern life with its ever-increasing reliance on sophisticated technology and confrontations with nature have created a need for experts of all types. The challenge facing those who need those experts is to find the right one.

This edition of Who's Who in Environmental Engineering and Science presents the names of men and women who have voluntarily proven that they have special knowledge in environmental engineering or environmental science. Those individuals have been awarded the title, "Board Certified Environmental Engineer" or "BCEE", "Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member" or "BCEEM", or "Board Certified Environmental Scientist" or "BCES" by the Academy to testify that they satisfy a set of strict and professional requirements in their respective areas.

Each Board Certified Environmental Engineer (BCEE) is tested and interviewed by a panel of peers to ascertain his or her competency in specific environmental engineering specialties. Backed by a professional background including a minimum of a Baccalaureate or higher degree in environmental engineering (or related engineering degree acceptable to the American Academy of Environmental Engineering Certification Board--AAEECB) from a college or university of recognized standing, an engineering license, eight years experience (four of those years in responsible charge) and the acceptance by the Academy, each Board Certified Environmental Engineer is fully qualified to practice his or her skills in one or more of these areas:

Solid Waste Management Water Supply and Wastewater Individually and collectively, Board Certified Environmental Engineers have accepted the responsibility of self-regulation for excellence, continuing professional development, and leadership in the practice of environmental engineering. Each Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member (BCEEM) is certified through Eminence. Backed by a professional background including a minimum of a Baccalaureate or higher degree in environmental engineering (or related engineering degree acceptable to the American Academy of Environmental Engineers Certification Board--AAEECB) from a college or university of recognized standing, a minimum of 20 years' experience in academia, consulting, government, industry, or the military (10 of those years in a senior capacity), a position of leadership in their organization, a record of honors, awards, and scholarly publications, and acceptance by the Academy, each Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member is fully qualified to practice his or her skills in one or more of these areas: Air Pollution Control Environmental Sustainability General Environmental Engineering Hazardous Waste Management and

Site Remediation Industrial Hygiene Radiation Protection Solid Waste Management Water Supply and Wastewater

Air Pollution Control Environmental Sustainability General Environmental Engineering Hazardous Waste Management and

Site Remediation Industrial Hygiene Radiation Protection Sanitary Engineering

Board Certified Environmental Engineering Members do not possess a P.E. license.

Each Board Certified Environmental Scientist (BCES) is tested and interviewed by a panel of peers to ascertain his or her competency in specific envi-



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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