
Fahimeh Rezayat


University of Virginia, Ph.D., Systems Engineering, 1987.

Western Michigan University, M.S., Applied Statistics, 1981.

Western Michigan University, M.S., Operations Research, 1980.

Tehran University, B.S., Economics, 1970.

Professional Experience:

2003-2005 Chair, Department of Finance and Quantitative Methods, School of Business and Pubic Administrations, California State University Dominguez Hills

1989-2003 Professor, School of Business and Public Administrations, California State University Dominguez Hills.

1988-1989 Program Coordinator, School of Management Information Systems and Engineering, National University, Los Angeles and Las Vegas Campuses.

1987-1988 Adjunct Instructor, School of Business, and Information Systems and Engineering, National University, Los Angeles.

1984-1987 Adjunct Instructor, School of Management, California State Universities, Dominguez Hills and Pomona.

1982-1984 Teaching/Research Assistant, Department of Systems Engineering, University of Virginia.

1979-1980 Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Western Michigan University.

1976-1978 Statistical Analyst, Institute of Social Studies and Research, Tehran University.

1972-1976 Head of Long-Term Planning of the University, Department of Budget and Planning, Tehran University


International Portfolio Diversification: A Study of Linkages among the U.S., European and Japanese Equity Markets, during 1999-2001,” Journal of Multinational Financial Management (co-authored with Dr. B. Yavas), resubmitted 2005.

Estimating One-Step Ahead Forecast Interval When a Realization is Short, Using Re-

Sampling-Based Calculation of Information Matrix," Journal of Applied Mathematics and

Decision Sciences, resubmitted, Sept 2005.

A Study of Correlation of International Equity Markets using Exchange-Traded Funds, Journal of Asia Pacific Business, (co-authored with Dr. B. Yavas & H. Bilici), vol. 5, PP: 67-82, 2004,(Also in Proceedings of the Western Decision Sciences Institute, Mexico, April 16-19, 2004)

The Impact of culture on Managerial Perceptions of Quality, “International Journal of Cross Cultural Management,” (co-authored with Dr. Yavas) vol.3, PP:211-232, 2003.

"Short term Linkages among the U.S., the UK., French, German, and the Japanese Stock Markets during 1999-2001, Reading book of Global Business and Technology Association, Eds: N. Delener and C.N. Chao, (co-authored with Dr. Yavas ),PP:1126-1133, 2003.

"A Cross-country Analysis of Managerial Perceptions of Quality," Contemporary Developments in

International Business, Eds: K Fatemi and D. Jourdan, (co-authored with Dr. Yavas), pp: 105-116., 2002.

“Analysis of Short Term Linkage among the Daily Movement of the U.S., the U.K., and the Japanese Stock Markets during 1999-2001,” Proceedings of the American Statistical Meetings-Business and Economics Sections,, pp: 2002,

“The Impact of The Daily Movements of The U. S. and The U.K. Stock Markets on the Japanese Stock Market During 1989-1997: A Multivariate Approach,” Journal of Current Research in Global Business , (co-authored with Dr. Basseer ),Vol. 3, pp., 2002.

“Estimating a One-Step-Ahead Forecast Interval Using Resampling- Based Information Matrix: A Simulation Approach,” Proceedings of The Joint Statistical Meetings, Business and Economic Statistics Section, 2001.

“Analysis of the Linkage among the Daily Movement of the U.S., the U.K., and the Japanese

Stock Markets,” International Business Trends, Contemporary Readings, Eds: Fullerton and

Moore, (co-authored with Dr. Basseer), pp: 182-189, Aug 2001.

“A Cross-country Analysis of Managerial Perceptions of Quality: Evidence from US, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan," Proceedings of the Western Decision Sciences Institute, (co-authored with Dr. Yavas), pp: 298-300, April.2001.

“The Impact of the Daily Movements of the Japan and the U.K. Markets on the U.S. Stock Market: A Multivariate Approach,” Proceedings of International Business Association Conference, (co-authored with Dr. Basseer) , pp: 41-55, Los Cabos, Mexico, May 2001.

"Estimating the Uncertainty Bound for predictions via Resampling-Based Information Matrix: An Application,” Proceedings of INFORMS-KORMS, Seoul, June 2000.

"Daily Relationship between the Japanese and the U.K. Stock markets-An Empirical

Investigation," Proceedings of the 8th annual conference of International Business Association,

(co- authored with Dr. Basseer), pp: 41-46, 2000.

"Constrained SPSA Controller for Operations Processes," IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, part B, Vol. 29, pp: 645-649, 1999.

"A New On Line Quality Management Tool," Proceedings of the EUROMA International Annual Conference, pp: 821-828, 1999.

"Daily Relationship between the Japanese and the U.K. Stock Markets-An Empirical Investigation," Proceedings of the 8th annual conference of International Business Association, Global Perspectives, (co-authored with Dr. Basseer), PP: 41-46, 1999.

“Constrained SPSA Controller for Operations Processes," Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp: 2698-2702, June 1998.

“Integration of Statistical Process Control and Engineering Process Control-A Neural Network Application," Manufacturing Decision Support Systems, Ed: Parsaei, Chapman and Hall, pp:238-252, 1997.

"Predicting the U.S. Economy Recessions Using Information Theoretic-Based Probability Forecast Method," International Business Practices, Contemporary Readings, (co-authored with Dr. Mostaghimi) pp:196-202, 1997.

"Probability Forecast of Downturn in U.S. Economy Using Classical Statistical Theory," Journal of Empirical Economy, (co-authored with Dr. Mostaghimi), vol. 21, pp: 255-279, 1996.

"Neural Network-Based Model-Free Controllers as Repeated Adjustment Scheme, When Some Operations Attributes' Values Are Constrained," Proceedings of The Joint Statistical Meetings, Quality and Productivity Section, pp: , 1996.

"On the Use of SPSA-based Model-Free Controller in Quality Improvement," Automatica, vol. 31, no.6, pp: 913-915, 1995 (also in proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1994).

"Scoring Information-Theoretic Forecast of a Turning Point in U.S. Economy," Proceedings of the Forth world Congress: Innovation, Technology and Information Management for Global Development and Competitiveness, (co-authored with Dr. Mostaghimi), pp.671-677,1995.

"Neural Network-based Model-Free Controllers as Repeated Adjustment Scheme," Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings, Quality and Productivity Section, pp. 1995.

"Locating the Faulty Component in a Malfunctioning Repetitive Operations Process," IEEE Transactions on Reliability , vol. 43, pp: 431-438, 1994.

"Neural Network Controller and Quality Improvement: An Application," Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings, Quality and Productivity Section, , pp: 1994.

"Neural Networks and Quality Control When the Process Dynamics are Unknown," Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp: 3237-3242, 1993.

"Neural Networks and Quality Improvement," Proceedings of the American Statistical Association Meetings, Quality and Productivity Section, pp: 95-100, 1993.

"A Statistical Index for Predicting Downturn in Business Cycle," Proceedings of the American Statistical Association Meetings, Business and Economics Section, (co-authored with Dr. Mostaghimi), pp: 210-214,1992.

"Bayes Test for Locating the Faulty Component in a Malfunctioning Operation Process," Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Business and Economics Section, pp:140-145, 1991.

"Preliminary Results on Isolating the Source of Malfunction in a Production Process Using Bayesian Methodology," Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Business and Economics Section, pp: 432-436, 1990.

"Selecting the Order of ARMA Models, An Approach Based on Economic Analysis," Applied Time Series Analysis, Ed. Chan, Scientific Publishers. (co-authored with Dr. Anandalingam,) 1989.

"Using the Instrumental Variables Technique for Selecting the Order of ARMA Models," Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, (co-authored with Dr. Anandalingam ),pp: 3029-3065, 1988.

"Selecting of the Order of ARMA Models for Short Realizations," Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Business and Economics Section, 1987.


"Short term Linkages among the U.S., the Uk., French, German, and the Japanese Stock Markets during 1999-2001,”Global Business and Technology Association International Conference, Budapest, July 2003.

“Analysis of Short Term Linkage among the Daily Movement of the U.S., the U.K., and the Japanese Stock Markets during 1999-2001,” the Joint statistical meetings--Business and Economics Sections, New York, US, Aug., 11-15, 2002

“Estimating a One-Step-Ahead Forecast Interval Using Resampling- Based Information Matrix: A Simulation Approach,” The Joint Statistical Meetings, Business and Economic Statistics Section,” Atlanta, Aug., 2001.

“Analysis of the Linkage among the Daily Movement of the U.S., the U.K., and the Japanese

Stock Markets,” International Business Trends, Portugal, Aug., 2001.

"Estimating the Uncertainty Bound for predictions via Re-sampling-Based Information Matrix: An Application,” INFORMS-KORMS, Seoul, June 2000.

"A New On Line Quality Management Tool," IV International European Operations Management Association Conference, Venice, Italy, June 7th - 8th, 1999.

"Constrained SPSA Controller for Operations Processes," American Control Conference, 1998.

"Predicting the U.S. Economy Recessions Using Information Theoretic-Based Probability Forecast Method," International Business Practices Conference, Athens, Greece, 1997.

"Neural Network-Based Model-Free Controllers as Repeated Adjustment Scheme, When Some Operations Attributes' Values Are Constrained," The Joint Statistical Meetings, Quality and Productivity Section, 1996, pp.... (Also the Institute of Management Sciences Meeting, Singapore, June, 1995).

“Scoring Information-Theoretic Probability Forecast of a Turning Point in U.S. Economy,” Fourth World Business Congress Conference, Turkey, July 1995.

“Neural Network-based Model-Free Controllers as Repeated Adjustment Scheme,” Joint Statistical Meetings, Orlando, Aug., 1995.

“On the Use of SPSA-based Model-Free Controller in Quality Improvement,” The 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec., 1994.

“Neural Network Controller and Quality Improvement: An Application,” Joint Statistical Association Meetings, Aug., 1994.

“Neural Networks and Quality Control When the Process Dynamics are Unknown,” The 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec., 1993.

“Neural Networks and Quality Improvement,” Joint Statistical Meetings, Aug. 8-12, 1993.

“Neural Networks and Production Quality Improvement when Process Dynamics are Unknown,” Conference on Applied Probability in Engineering, Computer, and Communication Sciences, June, 1993.

“Locating the Faulty Component in a Malfunctioning Operation Process,” ORSA/TIMS Meetings, Los Angeles Chapter, March, 1992.

“Predicting a Turning Point Using Measuring Change Methodology,” The 33rd Joint National Meeting of the Institute of Management Sciences, and Operations Research Society of America, April, 1992.

“Locating the Faulty Component in a Malfunctioning Operation Process,” Applied Physics Laboratory, the Johns Hopkins University, March, 1992.

“Bayes Test for Locating the Faulty Component in a Malfunctioning Operation Process,” The American Statistical Association Meetings, Aug., 1991.

“An Information Theoretic Approach to Predicting Down Turning Points in Business Cycles,” The 31st Joint National Meeting of The Institute of Management Sciences, and Operations Research Society of America, May, 1991.

"Isolating the Source of Malfunction in a production Process Using Bayesian Methodology, " American Statistical Association Meetings, Aug., 1990.

"Selecting of the Order of ARMA Models for Short Realizations,” American Statistical Association Meetings, Aug., 1987.

Courses Taught at CSUDH and Other Universities:

Operations Research (Business Students: graduate and undergraduate)

Statistics (Business and Mathematics Students: graduate and undergraduate)

Operations Management (Business Students: graduate and undergraduate)

Business Forecasting (Business Students: graduate and undergraduate)

Logistics (Business Students: undergraduate)

Service Operations Management (Business Students: undergraduate)

Quality Management (Business Students: Undergraduate)

Calculus (Mathematics and Engineering Students: undergraduate)

Introduction to algebra (Mathematics Students: undergraduate)

Database Management (Information Systems Students: undergraduate)

Systems Management (Engineering Students: undergraduate)

School/University Committees & Services:

Member of Department RTP Committee 2005-2006

Chair of the Committee charged to develop the MBA-Finance Concentration, 2004

Member of School Curriculum Committees 96-99, 2000-2003,2003-2005

Member of School AACSB Committee 99-2005

Member of University Honor and Leave committee, 2001-2002

Proposed and developed the course outline for Supply Chain Management, 2000,

Member of MBA Taskforce, 98-99,

Proposed and developed the course outline for Service Operations Management 1996.

Community Services/professional Affiliations

The editorial board of International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking,

American Statistical Society,

Institute of Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS),

Decision Sciences Institute.


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