American Association of University Women

|Goals |Objectives |2019-2020 Action Steps |Progress so Far |

|Membership - recruit and retain a membership |A. Increase branch membership by 10%. Increase Legacy |1. Formalize and begin implementation of branch Membership Plan. |___ members at large |

|that represents our strength and diversity |Circle members. |Recruit at least 5 new members. |___ new members |

| | |Invite Members at Large |One new Legacy Circle member |

| | |Outreach for new members |Fliers circulated to increase awareness |

| |B. Retain 90% of 2019-2020 membership. |1. Retain at least ____ members. |April 2020, ____ members |

| | |2. Contact lapsed members. |Lapsed members called |

| |C. Increase member involvement in branch programs, |1. Encourage new members to participate in branch projects or |Season for Nonviolence |

| |projects and events. |activities. |Equal Pay Day |

| | |2. Assign new member mentors |Feminist Fair |

|Program – will provide mission based programs|A. Strengthen programs to members through effective |1. Plan programs to match public policies and mission. |Programs match the current public policies.|

|that assist with the branch’s advocacy |collaborations. |2. Organize speakers for branch meetings. |All of the speakers were confirmed. |

| | |3. Organize program events open to the public and will increase |Planning meeting scheduled for June. |

| | |visibility. |Member Survey plan in progress. |

| | |4. Organize a program planning meeting for the next year. |TCC STEM Panel |

| | |5. Provide a member survey on the year’s program. | |

|Public Policy |A. Keep abreast of public policy issues from the |1. Encourage members to sign up for Two Minute Activist. |Local candidates invited to speak. |

| |national level. |2. Seek member participation in lobby days. |Attendance at Lobby Days. |

| |B. Attend lobby days. |3. Submit articles to newsletter advising dates for public policy |Voter Registration. |

| |C. Inform members of local and national public policy |events/lobby days. | |

| |issues. | | |

|Fundraising for Greatest Needs Fund |A. Increase member contributions for greatest needs. |1. Recruit a chair for fundraising. |Ticket sales and reception held at Virginia|

| |B. Organize a fundraiser. |2. Set up Little Theater of Virginia Beach ticket sales and reception. |Beach Little Theater. |

|Community Outreach to participate in |A. Increase the branch members community service |1.Provide multiple opportunities of community service. |Pennies for Prescriptions |

|community programs which support AAUW |efforts. | |REACH |

|mission. | | | |

|Local Scholarship |A. Provide support to women 23 and older from Virginia |1. Provide at least two $1,000 scholarships. |Scholarship information available on the |

| |Beach, returning to college. |2. Promote the scholarship to the community. |website. |

| | |3. Present the award at our May Banquet. |Two Scholarships, $1,000 total. |

| | |4. Provide student membership to the awardees. |Basket raffle at Christmas luncheon to |

| | | |raise funds. |

| |B. Provide support for a college student to attend |1. Provide funds for a student to attend NCCWSL. |Funds raised through Auto Bell Gift Card |

| |NCCWSL. | |sales. |

Communications A. Send out monthly newsletter. 1. Retain volunteers to work on (See below)

B. Update Website and Facebook pages, communications

C. Post meeting info in newspaper. 2. Make monthly updates to social

Media referencing Economic Security

Focus and Work Smart Online

3. Ensure meeting information in the

newspaper is clear and welcoming.

■ Newsletter comes out monthly

■ Social media is updated regularly

■ Meetings are announced in the newspaper


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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