Michael J

Michael Joseph Bowler

Associate Professor of Philosophy

Director of Graduate Studies

Humanities Department

Michigan Technological University

Houghton, MI 49931


Ph.D. Philosophy, University of Notre Dame

M.A. Philosophy, Indiana University, Bloomington

B.S. Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, Davis

Academic Appointments

Associate Professor of Philosophy 2011 - Present

Assistant Professor of Philosophy 2005 - 2011

Humanities Department, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI

Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH 2004 - 2005

Visiting Instructor of Philosophy, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH 2003 - 2004

Administrative Appointments

Director of Graduate Studies

Humanities Department, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 2010 - Present

Scholarship and Research


Heidegger and Aristotle: Philosophy as Praxis (London and New York: Continuum, 2008)

(Reviews: Philosophy in Review 30.1; Review of Metaphysics 62.4; Choice January 2009)

Research Grant Proposals:

Principal Investigator

2008 - 2011, National Science Foundation, $299,614

Submitted: March 2008; Review Panel Recommendation: Funded - July 2008

"Responsible Conduct of Research in Science and Engineering Education: Moral Motivation and Ethical Sensitivity in Multi-National Graduate Students"

Co-PIs Susan Amato-Henderson (Psychology), Joseph Holles (Chemical Engineering), Ted

Lockhart (Philosophy), and Jingfang Ren (Technical Communication).

Principal Investigator

2011, National Science Foundation, $289,784

Submitted: March 2011; Review Panel Recommendation: Revise and Resubmit

“Case Studies in Science and Engineering Values: A Biographical/Autobiographical Approach to Ethics Education in Science and Engineering,” Co-PIs: Susan Amato-Henderson, Valorie Troesch and Patricia Gotschalk

Principal Investigator

2010, National Science Foundation, $299,217

Submitted, March 2010; Review Panel Recommendation: Declined

“A Survey of Faculty Perceptions of Responsible Conduct of Research among STEM Graduate Student Researchers,” Co-PIs Susan Amato-Henderson and Tom Drummer

Co-Principal Investigator

2011, National Institutes of Health, $167,825

Submitted, April 2011; Review Panel Recommendation: Declined (“Not Discussed and Designated”)

“Frame-Based Media Analysis of the 2009 USPTF Mammography Recommendations,”

PI: Marika Seigel, Co-PIs: Michael Bowler, Ann Brady, Melanie Barbier, Sarah Hawley.

Peer-reviewed Publications:

“Does a STEM Researcher’s Role Orientation Predict His or Her Ethical Sensitivity to Responsible Conduct of Research?” Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education 2011 (June 2011)

First author with co-authors: Susan Amato-Henderson; Tom Drummer; Joseph Holles; Joanna Schreiber; Ted Lockhart; Debra Charlesworth; and Jingfang Ren.

“Assessing Role Orientation Among STEM Researchers: The Development of a Research Role Orientation Inventory," Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education 2010 (June 2010)

First author with co-authors: Susan Amato-Henderson; Tom Drummer; Joseph Holles; Joanna Schreiber; Ted Lockhart; Debra Charlesworth; and Jingfang Ren.

"Testing for Ethical Sensitivity to Responsible Conduct of Research among Multi-National STEM Researchers," Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education 2010 (June 2010)

First author with co-authors: Susan Amato-Henderson; Tom Drummer; Joseph Holles; Joanna Schreiber; Ted Lockhart; Debra Charlesworth; and Jingfang Ren.

“A Quarrel Between the Ancients and the Moderns: Aristotle's Realism and Modern Skepticism,” Newsletter of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, vol. 4, no. 2, 2004

“Thinking, Thought, and Nous in Aristotle’s De Anima,” Newsletter of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy 1999/2000, no. 4

Book Chapter:

“Heidegger on Hermeneutic Rationality: Logos and World,” in Phronetic Rationality, edited by Maria Luisa Portocarrero and Andrzej Wiercinski (Portugal: University of Coimbra Press, Forthcoming).

Book Review:

Invited review of Gadamer’s Dialectical Hermeneutics by Lauren Swayne Barthold

Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, April 2010 (2,870 words)

Work in Progress:


Hermeneutical Heidegger (Proposal Accepted; Manuscript in Preparation: Northwestern

University Press), Co-edited with Ingo Farin


(Invited, Peer-Reviewed Submission) “Empirical Approaches to Research Ethics in Multi-National Contexts” (tentative title), Journal of Professional and Research Ethics (JOPRE) and the Ethics CORE online encyclopedia (Abstract accepted; Article in preparation)

Book Chapter:

“Hermeneutic Subjectivity,” in Hermeneutical Heidegger, edited by Michael Bowler and Ingo Farin. (In preparation)

Conference Proceedings:

“Case Studies in Science and Engineering Values: A Biographical/Autobiographical Approach to Ethics Education in Science and Engineering” (with Valorie Troesch; Abstract under review)

“Moral Motivation and Ethical Sensitivity in STEM Researchers” (with Susan Amato-Henderson, Tom Drummer, et. al.; Abstract under review)

Educational Projects

Project Director (2010 - 2015) - International Online Responsible Conduct of

Research Training Collaboration. I am Michigan Tech’s project director on a collaborative project sponsored by 22 universities worldwide to develop an international online training program for responsible conduct of research (RCR) in conjunction with the Epigeum Group (). As a project director, I will help to develop the curriculum for a series of online modules to train faculty and students in responsible conduct of research, beta test the modules at Michigan Tech and suggest improvements to the product, implement tutor-guided workshops using version 1.0 of the online modules at Michigan Tech, and suggest improvements to the design of the modules for the next three years. This will replace the CITI online RCR training that Michigan Tech currently uses. The project is being supported by the Vice President for Research Office and I will be working with the Office of Research Integrity and Compliance to implement the program on campus.

Conference Papers/Presentations

“Does a STEM Researcher’s Role Orientation Predict His or Her Ethical Sensitivity to Responsible Conduct of Research?” First author with co-authors: Susan Amato-Henderson; Tom Drummer; Joseph Holles; Joanna Schreiber; Ted Lockhart; Debra Charlesworth; and Jingfang Ren.

Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education

Vancouver, Canada, June 2011

“Bringing Empirical Methods to Bear Upon the Study of Ethics and Ethics Education in Science and Engineering,” (Invited presentation) Co-authored with Susan Amato-Henderson

Pacifichem 2010 - The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies

Honolulu, Hawaii, December 2010

“The design, implementation, and results of a survey of faculty perceptions of STEM graduate students’ preparedness to meet the challenges of research integrity,” (Invited presentation) Co-authored with Susan Amato-Henderson

Pacifichem 2010 - The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies

Honolulu, Hawaii, December 2010

Invited Commentary on P. Christopher Smith’s “The Disembodiment of Speech”

Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Philosophical Hermeneutics

Seattle University, Seattle, WA, September 2010

“Assessing Role Orientation Among STEM Researchers: The Development of a Research Role Orientation Inventory,” First author with co-authors Susan Amato-Henderson; Tom Drummer; Joseph Holles; Joanna Schreiber; Ted Lockhart; Debra Charlesworth; and Jingfang Ren.

Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education

Louisville, KY, June 2010

"Testing for Ethical Sensitivity to Responsible Conduct of Research among Multi-National STEM Researchers," First author with co-authors Susan Amato-Henderson; Tom Drummer; Joseph Holles; Joanna Schreiber; Ted Lockhart; Debra Charlesworth; and Jingfang Ren.

Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education

Louisville, KY, June 2010

“World and Culture: Toward an Existentialist Conception of Culture” (invited presentation)

34th Annual International Association of Philosophy and Literature Conference

University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, May 2010

“On the Trajectory of Heidegger's Thought and Why We Should Reexamine Aristotle” (invited presentation)

27th Heidegger Symposium,

University of Dallas, Dallas, TX, April 2009

“Assessing Moral Motivation and Ethical Sensitivity Among Multi-National Graduate

Students: Implications for Research and Teaching” (poster presentation)

National Science Foundation Ethics Education in Science and Engineering Meeting

NSF headquarters, Arlington, VA, January 2009

“Dreyfus on Heidegger: Dasein, Disclosure, and World”

26th Heidegger Symposium,

University of Dallas, Dallas, TX, April 2008

Commentary on James Wood’s “Freedom in the Philebus”

American Catholic Philosophical Association Annual Meeting

Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, November 2007

“How Philosophy Became Historical: Paul Natorp and the Path to Hermeneutics”

Canadian Philosophical Association Annual Meeting

University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, May 2005

“A Quarrel Between the Ancients and the Moderns: Aristotle's Realism and Modern


Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy

American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Annual Meeting

Pasadena, CA, March 2004

“Dialectic and First Principles in Aristotle's Topics”

Ancient Philosophy Society Annual Meeting

Trinity College, Hartford, CT, April 2003

Commentary on Joseph Trabbic's “Aquinas and Continental Philosophy of Religion:

Finding a Way Out of Onto-theology”

American Catholic Philosophical Association Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, November 2002

“Aristotle on Episteme and Dialectic”

Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy Annual Meeting, Binghamton University (SUNY), Binghamton, NY, October 2001

“Thinking, Thought, and Nous in Aristotle’s De Anima”

Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy

American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Annual Meeting,

Albuquerque, NM, April 2000

“Heidegger and the Reappropriation of Aristotle’s Notion of Praxis”

Notre Dame Philosophy Graduate Student Colloquium

University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, February 1999

“A Phenomenological Argument Against Perduring Entities”

Indiana University Graduate Student Philosophy Conference

Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, November 1995

Commentary on Trenton Merricks’ “On the Incompatibility of Enduring and Perduring Entities”

American Philosophical Association Central Division Annual Meeting,

Chicago, IL, April 1995

Invited Presentations and Workshops


Invited participant in curriculum-design workshop for International Online Responsible Conduct of Research Training Collaboration

London, England, July 2011

Invited participant, workshop on "Ethics in Science and Engineering: Redefining Tools &

Resources," Sponsored by the National Center for Digital Government; the Science, Technology and Society Initiative; the Center for Public Policy & Administration; and the University Libraries; with funding from the National Science Foundation

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, October 2009

(More information at: )


“The Precautionary Principle as an Ethical Principle OR Does One Have a Moral Obligation to Prevent Future Possible Harmful Acts?”

Invited presentation to Michigan Tech’s Nanotechnology Enterprise Initiative

Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, November 2010

“Preserving our Humanity in a Nanotechnological Age”

Invited presentation as part of teacher workshop on nanotechnology sponsored by Michigan

Tech’s Nanotechnology Enterprise Initiative

Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, February 2010

“The Ethics of Nanotechnology and Science”

Invited presentation to Michigan Tech’s Nanotechnology Enterprise Initiative

Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, December 2009

“The Role of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Society”

Invited presentation to Michigan Tech’s Nanotechnology Enterprise Initiative

Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, March 2009

“The World as Thought and the World as Lived: Husserl and Heidegger on the Concept

of World”

Kenyon College, Gambier, OH, April 2003


“How Philosophy Became Historical: Paul Natorp and the Path to Hermeneutics”

Humanities Department Colloquium

Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, December 2005


Undergraduate (* - multiple sections):

Michigan Technological University:

Introduction to Philosophy*

Ethical Theory/Moral Problems*

Political Philosophy*

Kenyon College:

Introduction to Philosophy*; Introduction to Logic; Husserl and Heidegger;

Hermeneutics; Medieval Philosophy; Modern Philosophy; Advanced seminar on Plato;

Advanced seminar on Aristotle

University of Notre Dame:

Introduction to Philosophy*; Existentialist Themes*

Indiana University South Bend:

Introduction to Philosophy; Introduction to Ethics


Michigan Technological University:

Special Topics in Philosophy: Continental Philosophy

Communication in Cultural Contexts

Independent study - Gadamer's Hermeneutics

Independent Study - Techne and the Philosophy of Technology

Directed Reading - Alasdair MacIntyre's After Virtue.

National, University and Departmental Service


Elected Officer (Member-at-large and member of the Executive Committee) of the Engineering Ethics Division of the American Society for Engineering Education, 2010 - 2013

Paper reviewer for Engineering Ethics Division of the 2011 Annual Conference & Exposition of the American Society for Engineering Education.


Graduate Faculty Council, Michigan Tech, 2010 - Present

Cognate Reviewer, University Strategic Faculty Hiring Initiative, Michigan Tech, 2007 - 2009

Faculty Sponsor, Philosophy Club, Michigan Tech, 2005 - 2006

Co-faculty Sponsor, Philosophy Symposium, Kenyon College, 2003 – 2005


Director of Graduate Studies, Humanities Department, Michigan Tech, 2010 - present

Department Steering Committee, Humanities Department, Michigan Tech, 2008 - present

Graduate Program/RTC Steering Committee, Humanities Department, Michigan Tech, 2005 – 2008, 2009 - Present

Advisor, Undergraduate Minor in Ethics and Philosophy, Humanities Department, Michigan Tech, 2010 - present

Search Committee Chair, Philosophy Tenure-Track Position, Humanities Department, \ Michigan Tech, 2010 - 2011

Search Committee Member, German Lecturer Position, Humanities Department, Michigan Tech,

2005 - 2006

Thesis Supervision and Advising

Master’s Committee Chair:

Thomas Adolphs, Michigan Technological University, current

Dissertation Committee Member:

Dennis Walikainen, What’s It Like There? Toward a Rhetoric of University Maps

and Tours, Michigan Technological University, completed: April 2009

Thomas Vosecky, Uncovering Poiesis: The Role of Production in Education, Work,

and Life, Michigan Technological University, completed: April 2011

Heather Jordan, Diversity Determinism: Examining the Global Promises and Perils

of Synchronous Online Collaboration, Michigan Technological University, completed: June 2011

Kevin Hodur, Michigan Technological University, current

Joanna Schreiber, Michigan Technological University, current

Graduate Comprehensive Examination Committee Member:

Kevin Hodur, Michigan Technological University, completed: January 2010

Joanna Schreiber, Michigan Technological University, completed: December 2010

Mies Martin, Michigan Technological University, current

James Rudkin, Michigan Technological University, current


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