Unit 8 Worksheet – Writing a Review

NOTE: When submitting your paper for grading, do not submit the worksheet; only use it to help build your paper.

Step 1: Preparing Your Essay

|Element |Writing |

|Select a scene from a book, TV| |

|show, or movie, and describe | |

|what is happening in the | |

|scene. | |

|What makes this scene so | |

|great? | |

|Include a memorable quotation | |

|from the scene, or paraphrase | |

|an action that occurs. | |

Step 2: Write Your Essay

|Element |Writing |

|Paragraph 1: | |

|Provide a summary of the scene. | |

|Paragraph 2: | |

|Use analysis to closely examine the | |

|scene and explore why it is so | |

|compelling. | |

| | |

|Make a claim about what makes this | |

|scene great. | |

|Is it the descriptive language? | |

|The skillful acting? | |

|The realistic dialogue? | |

|The exquisite set design? | |

|Or something else? | |

| | |

|Be sure to include a memorable | |

|quotation from the scene, or | |

|paraphrase an action that occurs. | |

| | |

|Paragraph 3: | |

|Include a response section in which | |

|you defend your love of the book, | |

|show, or movie, explaining how the | |

|element you selected to analyze | |

|illustrates the appeal of the work for| |

|you. | |

| | |

Step 3: Check Your Work

Make sure your submission does the following:

Incorporates a quotation or paraphrase in the summary

Reflects an understanding of the use of summary and analysis

Has a clear paragraph structure

|Writing Foundation Checklist: Put an X in |Paragraphs |

|each column after you have checked your | |

|writing for the following writing elements: | |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Punctuation | | | | | |

|Spelling | | | | | |

|Proofreading | | | | | |



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