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In a typed paper, choose 4 of the following questions. Answer each in 1-2 complete paragraphs. Be sure to identify each question by its designated number below.


1. What is the American Dream?

2. How has the American Dream changed over time?

3. How do diverse cultures view the American Dream?

4. How have significant historical events affected the American Dream?

5. How will new opportunities of the 21st century challenge the American Dream?

6. What makes your area of interest an effective medium for sharing the American Dream?

7. What is your American Dream?


Product: Choose one product below that you will create on the topic of the American Dream.


| |Description |Product |

|Photographer |With your artful eye, you capture |Design a photo essay that shows the American Dream. Show |

| |the images of the American Dream. |how the Dream has been affected by time, cultural |

| | |influences, and significant historical events. |

|Lawyer |Your passion for controversy and |Prepare a legal brief about the status of the American |

| |debate guide your vision of the |Dream. (Legal brief includes: title, who vs. whom, |

| |American Dream. |statement of facts, argument, conclusion, references.) |

|Poet |Using your poetic grasp of language,|Create a poet's notebook that shows the American Dream. |

| |you seek out the heart and soul of |Your notebook includes samples of your poetry that shows |

| |the American Dream. |how the "Dream" has been affected by time, cultural |

| | |influences, and significant historical events. |

|Politician |With a finger on the pulse of the |Write and deliver a speech that traces the political |

| |American people, you trace |events that shape the American Dream. Your speech shows |

| |significant political events that |how the "Dream" has been affected by political response |

| |shape the American Dream. |to cultural influences and significant historical events.|

|Producer |Lights, camera, action! You show the|Make a storyboard for your movie. Sequence the scenes to |

| |story of the American Dream through |produce a movie of the American Dream. |

| |stories, films, and a script for a | |

| |movie. | |

|Comedian |You find the irony in the American |Write a standup comic script or create a political |

| |Dream. |cartoon or comic strip that expresses irony or the |

| | |humorous side of the American Dream. |

|Musician |With your ear for melody, you play |Write the sheet music or record music that characterizes |

| |the music of the American Dream. |the American Dream based upon your research. |

|Reporter |On the newsbeat you report and |Write a news article that reports the results of your |

| |chronicle the events which shape the|research on the American Dream. (Article includes: title,|

| |American Dream. |who, what, when, where, and how.) Your news article |

| | |describes the events that have shaped the American Dream |

| | |through the decades. |

Research: You must create a bibliography that cites 2 primary and 2 secondary sources related to the American Dream. Use MLA style.


Photographer - Mr. & Mrs. David Vincent and daughter, Martha, by their sod house

Poet - "Dedication," Robert Frost's presidential inaugural poem, 20 January 1961

Politician - "Americanism", Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923

Producer - Arrival of immigrants, Ellis Island

Lawyer - Petition for change of venue, 1886 June 10, Evidence from the Haymarket Affair, 1886-1887

Comedian - Katzenjammer Kids: "Policy and pie"

Musician - The old cabin home. H. De Marsan, Publisher, 54 Chatham Street, New York

Reporter - The Independent gazetteer, or, The chronicle of freedom, 1788

Gathering primary sources:

As a class, on the board, we will create and continually add to, a list of "tried and true" search terms and good research websites. The Library of Congress Web site is one example. The Smithsonian would be another.

If you finish – Extension Activity

Who are the dreamers that inspire us today? Ask students to read about or interview others who have a dream. Enrich this project with your own web resources, books, movie clips, interviews, or guest speakers.



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