
TUGAS RUMAHHitung bunga pada setiap pinjaman di bawah iniPokok Pinjaman ($)Tingkat Bunga (%)Jangka Waktua.4.00072? tahunb.45.0009? 3 bulanc.130.00010,442 bulanJoe Hale meminjam uang sebesar $23.000 dengan tingkat bunga 8% jangka waktu 119 hari. Jika bank menghitung bunga dengan the exact interest method, berapa jumlah bunga atas kredit tersebut?Karen Mitroff pergi ke bank dan meminjam $15.000 dengan tingkat bunga 9?% untuk jangka waktu 250 hari. Jika bank menggunakan ordinary interest method, berapa banyak bunga yang harus dibayar karen?Berapa bunga dan maturity value atas pinjaman sebesar $15.400 tingkat bunga sederhana 6?% jangka waktu 24 bulan?Apollo Air Taxi Service meminjam $450.000 dengan tingkat bunga 8% jangka waktu 9 bulan untuk membeli pesawat terbang baru. Hitunglah maturity value untuk pinjaman tersebut.Pinjaman yang diproses tanggal 4 April akan jatuh tempo pada tanggal 18 Juli. Berapa jumlah hari bunga dari pinjaman tersebut?Ryan McPherson meminjam $3.500 pada tanggal 15 Juni dengan tingkat bunga 11%. Jika pinjaman tersebut jatuh tempo pada tanggal 9 Oktober, berapa jumlah bunga (amount of interest) pinjaman Ryan tersebut, jika manggunakan the exact interest method?Tanggal berapakah jatuh tempo dari kredit yang diambil pada tanggal 9 September dan jangka waktu kreditnya selama 125 hari?Pada tanggal 21 Oktober, Jill Voorhis pergi ke Regal National Bank, dan mengambil pinjaman sebesar $9.000 dengan tingkat bunga 10% ordinary interest selama 80 hari. Berapa maturity value dan maturity date pinjaman tersebut?Jika Saudara adalah manajer akuntansi pada Kool Ragz, Inc., sebuah perusahaan pakaian jadi untuk pria dan wanita. Perusahaan tersebut membutuhkan pinjaman sebesar $1.800.000 dengan jangka waktu 90 hari untuk kebutuhan membeli bahan baku dalam jumlah besar dengan harga obral. Tingkat bunga pinjaman jenis itu di bank Saudara, yaitu Bank BCA, adalah 11% menggunakan ordinary interest. (a) Berapa jumlah bunga pinjaman tersebut? (b) Setelah menghubungi per telepon, ternyata Saudara mendapati bahwa Bank Mandiri berani meminjamkan dengan tingkat bunga 11%, tapi menggunakan exact interest. Berapa jumlah bunga dari penawaran ini? (c) Agar Saudara dapat tetap berbisnis dengannya, Bank BCA menawarkan pinjaman dengan tingkat bunga lebih murah, yaitu hanya 10,5% menggunakan ordinary interest. Berapa jumlah bunga dari penawaran ini? (d) Jika Bank Mandiri ingin menyaingi penawaran terbaru Bank BCA dengan cara membebankan bunga $1.250 lebih murah dan tetap dengan exact interest, berapa % tingkat bunganya? Bulatkan hingga 2 digit di belakang koma.Telex Electronics meminjam uang dengan tingkat bunga 9% jangka waktu 125 hari. Jika jumlah beban bunga sebesar $560, gunakan ordinary interest method untuk menghitung pokok pinjaman.Menggunakan the ordinary interst method, berapa tingkat bunga pinjaman dengan pokok pinjaman sebesar $25.000 selama jangka waktu kredit 245 hari jika jumlah bunga (amount of interst) sebesar $1.960? Bulatkan jawaban Saudara ke 2 digit di belakang koma angka persentase.Hitunglah berapa jangka waktu kredit pinjaman $15.000 bunga 9,5% jumlah bunganya sebesar $650?Rita Peterson meminjam $15.000 bungan 12% ordinary ineterest selama jangka 100 hari. Pada hari ke 20 pinjaman tersebut, dia melakukan partial payment (pembayaran bertahap) sebanyak $4.000. Pada hari ke 60, ia melakukan pembayaran lagi sebesar $5.000. Berapa maturity value pinjaman tersebut setelah melakukan partial payment?Kendall Motors, a Buick dealership, borrowed $225,000 on April 16 to purchase a shipment of new cars. The interest rate was 9.3% using the ordinary interest method. The amount of interest was $9,600.For how many days was the loan?What was the maturity date of the loan?Mike Drago took out a loan for $3,500 at the Gold Coast Bank for 270 days. If the bank uses the ordinary interest method, what rate of interest was charged if the amount of interest was $269? Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a percent.Tiffany Francis borrowed money from her credit union to buy a car at 13.5% simple interest. If the loan was repaid in 2 years and the amount of interest was $2,700, howmuch did Tiffany borrow?What is the maturity date of a loan for $5,000 at 15% exact interest taken out on June 3? The amount of interest on the loan was $150.You are the owner of a Supercuts Hair Salon. What rate of interest were you charged on an ordinary interest loan for $135,000 in equipment if the interest was $4,400 and the time period was from January 16 to April 27? Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a percent.Michelle Payne deposited $8,000 in a savings account paying 6.25% simple interest. How long will it take for her investment to amount to $10,000?Pamela Boyd borrowed $20,000 at 6.5% ordinary interest for 150 days. On day 30 of the loan, she made a partial payment of $8,000. What is the new maturity value of the loan?The Mutt Hut Pet Shop borrowed $60,000 on March 15 for 90 days. The rate was 13% using the ordinary interest method. On day 25 of the loan, The Mutt Hut made a partial payment of $16,000, and on day 55 of the loan, The Mutt Hut made a second partial payment of $12,000. What is the new maturity value of the loan?What is the maturity date of the loan?You are the owner of four Taco Bell restaurant locations. You have a business loan with Citizens Bank taken out 60 days ago that is due in 90 days. The amount of the loan is $40,000, and the rate is 9.5% using ordinary interest.You currently have some excess cash. You have the choice of sending Citizens $25,000 now as a partial payment on your loan or purchasing an additional $25,000 of serving supplies such as food containers, cups, and plastic dinnerware for your inventory at a special discount price that is “10% off” your normal cost of these items.How much interest will you save on this loan if you make the partial payment and don’t purchase the additional serving supplies? How much will you save by purchasing the discounted serving supplies and not making the partial payment?(Optional) What other factors should you consider before making this decision? Erin Lang signed a $20,000 simple discount promissory note at the Sovereign Bank for a student loan. The discount rate is 13%, and the term of the note is 330 days. What is the amount of the bank discount, and what are Erin’s proceeds on the loan?What is the effective interest rate of a simple discount note for $40,000 at a bank discount rate of 11% for a period of 270 days? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a percent.Legacy Lumber received a $35,000 promissory note at 10% simple interest for 6 months from one of its customers. After 4 months, the note was discounted at the Keystone Bank at a discount rate of 14%. What are the proceeds Legacy will receive from the discounted note?Bob Schaller purchased $10,000 in U.S. Treasury bills with a discount rate of 4.6% for a period of 26 weeks.How much interest did Bob earn on the T-bill investment?How much was the purchase price of Bob’s T-bills?What was the effective interest rate of Bob’s T-bill investment? Round to the nearest hundredth of a percent.Use the ordinary interest method, 360 days, to solve the following word problems (No. 29 – No. 32). Round to the nearest cent when necessary.Roni Lockard signed a $24,000 simple discount promissory note at the Pacific National Bank. The discount rate was 14%, and the note was made on February 19 for 50 days. What proceeds will Roni receive on the note?What is the maturity date of the note?Chris Gill signed a $10,000 simple discount promissory note at a bank discount rate of 13%. If the term of the note was 125 days, what was the effective interest rate of the note? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a percent.Pinnacle Manufacturing received a $40,000 promissory note at 12% simple interest for 95 days from one of its customers. On day 70, Pinnacle discounted the note at the Berryville Bank at a discount rate of 15%. The note was made on September 12. What was the maturity date of the note?What was the maturity value of the note?What was the discount date of the note?What proceeds did Pinnacle receive after discounting the note?Christy Thomas purchased $150,000 in U.S. Treasury bills with a discount rate of 4.2% for a period of 4 weeks.How much interest did Christy earn on the T-bill investment?How much was the purchase price of Christy’s T-bills?What was the effective interest rate of Christy’s T-bill investment? Round to the nearest hundredth of a percent.Richie Powers is the owner of American Eagle Boats, a manufacturer of custom pleasure boats. Because of the economic recession and slow boat sales recently, American Eagle has begun accepting promissory notes from its dealers to help finance large orders. This morning American Eagle accepted a 90-day, 9.5% promissory note for $600,000 from Champion Marine, one of its sales dealers. You are a manager for Atlantic Bank, and Richie is one of your clients. Atlantic’s discount rate is currently 16%. Richie’s goal is to discount the note as soon as possible, but not until the proceeds are at least equal to the face value of the note, $600,000.As his banker, Richie has asked you to “run the numbers” at ten-day intervals starting with day 20 and advise him as to when he can discount the note and still receive his $600,000. (Challenge) Calculate the exact day the note should be discounted to meet Richie’s goal. ................

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