Dear Prospective Allied Member:

Allied Membership is a special membership program designed for contractors, engineers, and every professional with an interest in improving the built environment. If you own or work for a company that may be interested in connecting with architects, then the AIA Central Oklahoma Allied membership is the right choice for you.

Allied membership runs January 1 – December 31. This is an individual membership and entitles one member of your company to attend our chapter luncheons free of charge. Additional employees are welcome to attend but there will be a fee for them to attend.

We invite our members to:

• Use the title Allied Member of AIA Central Oklahoma

• Enjoy discounted or free admission to AIA Central Oklahoma social, educational & networking events

• Get involved with one or more of the active AIA Central Oklahoma Committees

• Attend member’s only events

• Use our online job listing and resume file to post and search for a job

• Receive the AIA Weekly newsletter and AIA Advisor quarterly newsletter

• Receive one electronic AIACOC membership mailing list per year

• Listing on the AIA Allied Web Page and in the AIA Central Oklahoma Directory

• 30% discount on paper documents purchased through the AIA Central Oklahoma Office

I have enclosed an Allied Membership Application, if you are interested in getting involved in the AIA Central Oklahoma Chapter, please complete the form and return it to the AIA Central Oklahoma office with a check for $300, payable to AIA Central Oklahoma or include your credit card information on the form.

If you have any questions regarding membership, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime at aiacoc@ or 405-948-7174.

Allied AIA Central Oklahoma members are in a unique position to enjoy, contribute to, and benefit from the resources of AIA Central Oklahoma.

We look forward to meeting and working with you!



Central Oklahoma Chapter

Melissa Hunt

Executive Director

**Please note that this is individual allied membership. This is not a company membership and the person listed on the application will be the member entitled to the membership benefits listed above. If you are interested in Corporate Membership, the cost is $500 per year and allows for up to five individuals from your company to participate in the chapter. Please see page 3 for the Corporate Allied Membership Application. If you are an architect or intern architect, you are not eligible for Allied Membership.


Individual AIA Central Oklahoma


Please note this is membership in the AIA Central Oklahoma Chapter and does not include membership in any other chapters or in AIA National. This is for individual membership only; it does not cover other members of your company.

Personal Information


Mr. Mrs. Ms. First Name Last Name


Company Name


Company Address


Company City/State/Zip




Company Phone Company Fax


Company Web Address

COMPANY DESCRIPTION (50 words or less):





PAYMENT INFORMATION: Individual Affiliate Membership is $300 per year.

Prorated April 1st to $250.

θCheck θVisa θMastercard θAmerican Express

Card # ___________________________________________________________________

Name on Card: _____________________________________________________________

Billing Address: _____________________________________ Billing Zip: ______________

CVC#_______________ Expiration Date: _______Signature: _______________________

Fax Application: 405.948.7397/ Mail: AIA Central Oklahoma, 3535 N. Classen, Oklahoma City, OK 73118.


CORPORATE AIA Central Oklahoma


Please note this is membership in the AIA Central Oklahoma Chapter and does not include membership in any other chapters or in AIA National.

Personal Information


Mr. Mrs. Ms. First Name Last Name


Company Name


Company Address


Company City/State/Zip




Company Phone Company Fax


Company Web Address

Additional Employees on the Membership:

Name: Email:


COMPANY DESCRIPTION (50 words or less):





PAYMENT INFORMATION: Individual Affiliate Membership is $500 per year.

Prorated April 1st to $450.

θCheck θVisa θMastercard θAmerican Express

Card # ___________________________________________________________________

Name on Card: _____________________________________________________________

Billing Address: _____________________________________ Billing Zip: ______________

CVC#_______________ Expiration Date: _______Signature: _______________________

Fax Application: 405.948.7397/ Mail: AIA Central Oklahoma, 3535 N. Classen, Oklahoma City, OK 73118.


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