ÊTRE - blackburndana

Nom: __________________________ Date: _____________ Classe: _____6th Grade Semester 2 FINAL Study Guide Part ILES VERBES à SAVOIRthe verb “être” means: To____________________ Conjugate in the present tense:JeNousTuVousIl/ ElleIls/ Ellesthe verb “porter” means: ____________________Conjugate in the present tense:the verb “avoir” means: ____________________Conjugate in the present tense:Révision: Que veut dire …????manger?? ____________________ ??aimer?? ___________________???adorer?? ____________________? ??détester?? __________________lES V?TEMENTS- Qu’est-ce que tu portes aujourd’hui?You are shopping in France for “une nouvelle tenue” with your friend. Tell her what the following articles of clothing mean in French. Don’t forget le/la/les!pants ______________________shorts______________________-266700-180975005752465-29527500rain coat ___________________jeans_______________________skirt ______________________swim suit ____________________coat _______________________dress _______________________sweater ____________________T-Shirt _____________________man’s suit ___________________woman’s suit __________________shoes ______________________boots________________________socks_______________________umbrella _____________________jewelry _____________________tie __________________________bracelet ____________________ scarf _______________________earrings _____________________hat _________________________necklace ____________________gloves _______________________sunglasses __________________purse ________________________watch ______________________LA FAMILLEMother________________Father________________Sister________________Brother________________Daughter________________Son________________Grandma________________Grandpa________________Aunt________________Uncle________________Cousin (f.)________________Cousin (m.) ________________Wife________________Husband________________Mother-in-law ______________Father-in-law _______________Friend (f.)________________Friend (m.)________________A Dog ________________A Cat _________________A Hamster ________________A Fish _________________Les Adjectifs Possessifs Possessive adjectives are used to express possession or ownership. For example: MY pants, HIS dog, THEIR family, OUR money. Fill in the Chart of Possessive Adjectives for MY and YOUR (familiar) in FRENCH. Les Adjectifs Possessifs My, Your (fam.), His/Her, Our, Your (formel.), TheirENGLISH Possessive Adjectives Les Adjectifs Possessifs FRAN?AISSingulierPlurielMasculinFémininMasc. /Fém.MYYOUR (one friend)Comment dit-on? *Remember, your choice of mon/ma/mes or ton/ta/tes is based on the object in possession, not the person who possess the object*My sister_____________________________Your tie ______________________________Your brother _____________________________Your shoes_______________________________My pants____________________________My socks _______________________________5230495190500Qui est la fille de ma grand-mère?C’est _____ ___________________ ou _____ ________________.Qui est le fils de mon père?C’est ______ ___________________.Qui est dans ta famille? _______________________________________________________________5744210255905____________________________________________________________________________________Comment dit-on…?? How do you say …??I wear my sunglasses and my swim suit in the summer when (“quand”) it’s sunny.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________You (a friend) wear your boots and your rain coat in the spring when it rains. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Dessinez tes tenues favorites?! Qu’est-ce que tu portes à une boum (to a party) en été? Que portes-tu en hiver?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Dessinez et écrivez les vêtements. Draw & label the articles of clothing.1)2)Qui suis-je?? Comment es-tu?? Les Descriptions!?TRE et les ADJECTIFSComment dit-on?Where are you from??__________________________________________I am from Atlanta. __________________________________________Where were you born?? __________________________________________I was born in Paris. __________________________________________What are you like?__________________________________________Les Nationalités (Nationalities) Write the masculine and feminine forms!American________________________________Canadian________________________________English (British)________________________________French________________________________Philippe is American.________________________________________________________He is Canadian. ________________________________________________________?lodie is British.________________________________________________________She is French.________________________________________________________469709527051000Masculin and Feminine ADJECTIFS. Write the masculine and feminine forms!187896529972000 Mad________________________________________________________Happy________________________________________________________Kind________________________________________________________Mean________________________________________________________Embarrassed_ ________________________________________________________Smart________________________________________________________Sorry________________________________________________________Serious________________________________________________________Brunette________________________________________________________Redhead________________________________________________________Blond________________________________________________________Strong________________________________________________________Interesting________________________________________________________Neutral Adjectifs (Spelling doesn’t change for masculine or feminine) Sad__________________Nice_________________________Rich__________________Easy_________________________Honnest __________________Difficult_________________________Poor__________________Young_________________________Funny__________________Position of adjectivesCircle one: Adjectives usually come (BEFORE / AFTER) the noun they modify.BANGS – Circle One. BANGS is the acronym for categories of adjectives that come (BEFORE / AFTER) the noun they describe. Write the feminine and masculine forms.Beauty Pretty_______________________Beautiful/ Handsome_______________________Age Old _______________________Young_______________________Number Numbers51308005905500Good/bad Bad_______________________Good_______________________Size Fat_______________________Small_______________________Large_______________________??Comment es-tu??? ??Je suis…?? ??Comment tu n’es pas???? ??Je ne suis pas…??___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Dialogue- Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb être or the correct adjective.Geneviève (f.) Bonjour Jacques! ?a va?Jacques (m.)Je ________(am) _________(tired), mais ?a va bien. Merci. Tu es très _____________(pretty) aujourd’hui.GOh, non. Tu _______(are) trop ___________(kind). Je suis ________________(embarassed).…Tu conna?s l‘élève _____________ (shy) à l’école??JOuais. Le gar?on ___________(dark-haired)?? Il est _________(mean)?!G Quoi?? Je pense qu’il est très ____________________(nice).Et, je pense qu’il est ________(strong) et qu’il est un ___________(handsome) gar?on.J Bof?! Tu as tort?!(Psht, you are wrong?!) Il est ___________(ugly) et _____________(bad) .GTu n’es pas ______________(kind)?!Vas t’en?! (go away?!)Fill in the blank with an appropriate adjective, and then express the adjectives by drawing the emotion or sentiment or description in the boxes below.Quand il pleut, je suis ______________________.Quand c’est mon anniversaire, je suis ________________________.Quand je porte ma tenue favorite, je suis ________________________.Quand je suis méchant(e) à mon ami(e), je suis ______________________.Mes parents sont _____________________.Mon ami, il est ___________.La Nourriture:C’est une boisson?:Un café crèmeb. une baguettec. une pommed. des épinardsPour le petit-déjeuner, je mange _____________________ a. le steak-fritesb. les pommes de terrec. les ?ufsd. le ma?sQu’est-ce qu’on ne mange pas pour le dessert en France??a. du fruitb. du fromagec. une tarte aux pommesd. un oignonQuelle nourriture n’est pas verte??a. une salade b. un jambonc. les petits-poisd. les haricotsC’est rouge.a. une carotteb. un ananasc. une fraised. le pouletPour le ____________________ (repas-meal), on bois un chocolat chaud et on mange une omelette au fromage, un croissant à la confiture, des raisins, et une crêpe au chocolat.dégoutantdélicieuxbonpas malle petit-déjeunerle déjeuner le go?ter le d?nerle dessertDécris ton repas favoris?! Quel repas aimes-tu bien?? Qu’est-ce que tu aimes manger? Quelle nourriture détestes-tu manger?? Et pourquoi??______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5774055111760000__________________________________________________________________________LES GRANDS CHIFFRES/ NOMBRES/ NUM?ROS de 40 à 10040_______________________41_______________________42_______________________44_______________________50_______________________51_______________________53_______________________55_______________________60_______________________61_______________________64_______________________66_______________________70_______________________71_______________________75_______________________77_______________________80_______________________81_______________________86_______________________88_______________________90_______________________91_______________________97_______________________98_______________________99_______________________100_______________________Les Mathématiques. You are helping your friend’s little sister study for her next math quiz. Solve the following math problems by spelling the numbers out in French. (6 points)23. 33 x 3 = ___________________________________________5488305550545024. 18 x 4 = __________________________________________25. 10 x 10 = ___________________________________________26. 95 – 1 = __________________________________________27. 80 + 6 = ___________________________________________28. 68 – 5 = ___________________________________________La Culture:La nourriture: Il y a quelle nourriture dans…??Une boulangerieUne poissonerieUne confiserieJe fais du magasin aux Galéries Lafayette! What is the name of France’s popular “centre commercial des grands magasins” (department store mall)? __________________________________________________________What is the name of the road where it is popular to shop and upon which L’Arc de Triomph is situated? _________________________________________________________________Le Numéro de Téléphone en FranceSuppose you’re a Frenchman shopping sur la rue Les Champs d’?lysées. At H&M, you make a new Parisian friend. You both exchange numbers. Give the following French telephone numbers in word form. Don’t forget the phrase at the beginning!(01)54 7378 97 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(06)48 65 82 95 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What “l’indicatif” (area code) do “téléphones portables” have in France?__________What “l’indicatif” (area code) is used in Paris? __________59975757188200rightbottomL’argent en France = Money in France 25. What symbol takes place of a decimal for money in France? ______________26. What currency is used in France? ______________________27. What is the symbol for the currency used in France? ___________________28. What is the U.S. dollar’s equivalent to one unit of France’s currency? ______________________Révision:Comment s’appelle le président de France?_______________________________________What are two famous French monuments? ______________________________________________________________________________Which American monument was a gift from France ?_________________________________Les PronomsWhat pronoun (Je/ Tu/ Il/Elle, Nous, Vous, Ils/ Elles) would replace the subjects?of the following sentences?Ta s?ur, ______aime bien le beau gar?on. Madame Blackburn, ______ êtes très gentille! ;) Les amis et moi, _____ sommes amusants. Le père, le fils, et la mère, _____ sont une famille heureuse et grande.Moi, ____ suis contente.Ma s?ur, _______ (you) est si méchante?!?Comment t’appelles-tu??Comment s’appelle ton meilleur ami/ ta meilleure amie??Quel ?ge as-tu??Quel ?ge a ton grand-père??Quelle est ta couleur préférée??Qu’est-ce que tu portes aujourd’hui??As-tu froid?? chaud??Quel saison adores-tu et pourquoi??Quel jour est-ce??Be Prepared to:Observe a Family tree and determine whether the following statements are True or False. Match English terms to their French equivalents.Answer simple questions after reading a short excerpt of dialogues.Fill in the blank in dialogues or single sentences.Use the appropriate Possessive Adjective (My, Your) when describing one’s possessions.Listen to spoken French and write or respond to what you hear.?TREM H L R N F T M E N Y T T C BR I B L F Y T L X O F N X H CM B G B E E L N B U J O L H AP P T Q W E W X V S M S W N FM L M U S V G Q T S W S T I HR K T S E T E S U O V L K G MC L O S Y S J X Q M V I O Y VK N K S E S Z Z A M J T N A RT K I O I E Q A H E P Z T Y KN O L U H U L C Y S S C V C KQ K S Z C A J L B A X Z R D AK E K I J Z E W E O B A G S TJ I L E S T R G F D Z Z B Q WS F O F J I F L R V T W K X WQ X D G V W B K R G F C H S JDEFINEJE SUIS _______TU ES _______IL EST _______ELLE EST_______DEFINENOUS SOMMES_______VOUS ?TES_______ILS SONT _______ELLES SONT_______Les Adjectifs fran?ais!G B N A Z I D E A P G E G L HX R G O N L Z N H D R S E F EJ U G N B G M J G C K S N Z UT N E G I L L E T N I A T S RN P G R B A N A S J D R I E EA S A O U T C I I E L A L H UH V N U I E A I S S C B B C SC N I L V V H O R N E M E A EE Z L E U R L U A E B E L F IM E T A U E E R Y W M S L X WE Q M P M X F F O R T A E N MC A N A D I E N S I A L G N AP C D R E T S I R T P E T I TK R V I E L L E D N A R G L TF K E U Q U I W H Q O X C T ZDEFINEAM?RICAIN________________ANGLAIS________________ANGLAISE________________BEAU________________BELLE________________BON________________BONNE________________BRUN________________CANADIEN________________D?SOL?________________EMBARASS?________________F?CH?________________FORT________________FRAN?AIS________________GENTIL________________DEFINE GENTILLE________________GRAND________________HEUREUSE________________HEUREUX________________INTELLIGENT________________MAUVAIS________________M?CHANT________________PAUVRE________________PETIT________________RICHE________________TRISTE________________VIELLE________________VIEUX________________377317020256577914597155238950597155C M Y D X Y N M V E S Z F U W U N T D D D O D D S C O O L H D K F G Q X V N G G N A C Y N U U N E A Z N W M G E T E U C M O U H T F E E N C V Z J B T A A P A X H G E O O I T I J M E C W Q D G R R N Q J I N N E N F H O T N A H P ? L ? E Z U P R P L O J I C L L X C H G M A N S A Z Y A G P D S E G T U H R U P G V K E E E A F O I O W S ? W A O O H S U X N G C B S E F D V P C I T L X C Y A F G N S O R N A Q R W U O V O L H O G M A I N K C A T L O C R O A T A P L D C V S O A Y R D G C H E V A L S A C S I N O I L M W U D K Q U A E S I O I M H L C P B W W X M V N I R I X Y Y S H R E E E T Q W O O X H L Q K G T H W Z R S U F U B V W Z E T P N V K Z Q B K N W U Z O R M K B R F O D G F O D I C X R O G O H S E F C O C L M H M T G T I G R E Z R R F H K R E U X K M P Q E O N W Q T L W S P V Z V F P H I 4060825285115girafehippopotamelionmoutonoiseauourspoisson020000girafehippopotamelionmoutonoiseauourspoisson2469515294640ratserpentsingesouristigrevachezèbre020000ratserpentsingesouristigrevachezèbre662305280035agneauchatchevalchiencochoncrocodileécureuiléléphant020000agneauchatchevalchiencochoncrocodileécureuiléléphantLes animaux à la fermeAcross1. The Dog2. The Chicken/Hen5. The Mouse6. The Goldfish8. The Rooster9. The Donkey11. The Horse13. The Goat14. The Owl15. The DuckDown1. The Hamster3. The Guinae pig4. The Sheep5. The Rabbit7. The Cat10. The Cow11. The Pig12. The TurkeyLES V?TEMENTSc g l g e i x e d c w z n s m w s g t ha h t u i t m c h f a q o k h f t b s ih h a f n u t a h c l i l z m c n x h mv i t u t e u e x a j u a e t n a m i pp v g s s s t u u j p t t c p z g z r ei i o q s s p t t q b e n s b x p w t ro c n u n b e j e n s k a f h a l h r mg c r s m w t t k s a a p u t x d b m ev e h a j w g r t e f l c u p f e y y as f o u l a r d o e v k l g k j i g j bf x g k b n e t y h s k p o e r q e m lx e m y o f j p v u s u u h c k r c e en j i f m o q s a n d a l e s u b h t sc s r m k b y b t g r x l j t o b e a gm a i l l o t d e b a i n n t l o m v xr o b e l j y b n x j q i t o q k i a je r t n o m u a j o u e e u d p q s r pw f m b p u e p v b c s s q w g b e c jw x l h w j v h e h w o g w a h h b w rs r e i s i m e h c n m v m g a w o w xCherchez les mots fran?ais.Bathing suitBootsHatCapWatchRaincoatSweaterShortsShoesTieSocksSuitGlovesScarfDressBlouseBeltSandalsSkirtStockingGlassesShirtshirtT-ShirtPantsJeansCoatJacketLes Chiffres jusqu'à 100Across1. 712. 514. 427. 448. 8810. 7711. 6414. 5515. 1016. 3017. 6618. 8020. 9921. 9122. 53Down1. 613. 815. 606. 507. 868. 979. 10011. 7512. 4013. 7018. 9019. 20 ................

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