To enter new account, once you log into client. E Merchant view you need to go the tabs on the left to NEW ACCOUNT
• Once you open the tab there is NEW ACCOUNT tabs underneath it click on that.
• In the “enter account number” section enter: 518089030000020. This will be a template account you will use.
• You will than click on the Copy button.
• [pic]
• In the Merchant Number section you will enter the MID number being used for the account you are entering
• The areas that have a square on it are the areas you will replace with the new account information.
• Once you have replace all the information hit NEXT at the bottom of the screen
Click NEXT
• On this screen just click NEXT
• Hit NEXT
• In this screen click SUBMIT, nothing to update.
• Once you hit submit you should get the message below. The new entry is complete now you can go to the card types and enter them.
• The areas in red for card type’s visa/mc credit and debit will be the fields that you will be updating when entering those card types. Below you will see explanation of each field and when to use it. Remember this are only for visa/mc debit and credit.
• Process Flag-will be can deposit tickets and request authorizations for the card type to be active.
• Due/assessment flag-when account is on regular fees (qual, mid and non) this field will stay as don’t charge fees. When account is on interchange rates the fees field will be charge dues and assessments
• Discount method-there are two choices 06-net billing, 01-gross month end billing (all interchange accounts will go on 01-gross month end billing)
• Qualifying Rate-Visa master card rate
• Income other percent-when an account is on interchange rates you will enter the Basis points in this area.
• Mid qualifying Rate-mid qual surcharge this fee has to be the qualifying rate plus the surcharge
• Non qualifying Rate-non qual surcharge this fee has to be the qualifying rate plus the surcharge
• Pricing grid Id-There are different grid that are used here:
▪ Credit Debit (if merchant has different rates for visa/mc debit if rate is the same as credit use credit rates)
01000010-gross 01000020-gross
06000010-net 06000020-net
• Pricing grid selection: Should be principal
• Tiered discount grid id: there two different grid id for this section:
0606ABN-retail and interchange accounts
0604MOTO-for accounts that will be keying in their transactions ex. (moto, internet)
• Tiered discount grid section-should be Principal
• Business/Category Code: this will be the sic code assigned to the account
• Interchange Fee Flag: If account is on interchange pricing you will change this to Pass
• Visa Incorporation Status: the incorporated status will depend on type of business the merchant has. See below choices.
• Mastercard purchase card type-business type will be the only one to be changed to the type of business the merchant is. Ethnic type-unknown, business owner type-unknown, business certification-unknown
Once the information above is complete you can hit UPDATE
Card Types
|Merchant: |[pic] |Card Type: |[pic] |Credit/Debit: |[pic] |
| | | |[pic] | | |
|Card Type Information |
|Chain Code: | |Settlement Flag: |Y |
|Process Flag: |Can deposit tickets and request Authorizations |Due/Assessment Flag: |Don’t charge fees |
|Reimbursement Flag: |Y |Volume: | |
|Floor Limit: |$00000 |Item: | |
|Discount Method: |01 |Expense Other Percent: |0.000% |
|Participation: | |Expense Other Rate: |$0.00000 |
|Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Income Other Percent: |0.000% |
|Mid Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Income Other Rate: |$0.00000 |
|Non Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Additional Percent: |0.000% |
|Sales Volume Fee Code: |Use PCF setting |Sales Volume Fee Grid ID: | |
|1st Revolving Rebate Rate: |0.000% |2nd Revolving Rebate Rate: |0.000% |
|Pricing Grid ID: |01000010 |Pricing Grid Selection: |Principal |
|Tiered Discount Grid ID: |0606ABN |Tiered Discount Grid Selection: |Principal |
|Card Fee: |$0.00 |Interchange Fee Flag: | |
|Enhanced Recover Reduced Percent: |0.0000% |Fee Class: |101 |
|Business/Category Code: |7531 |Incorporation Status: |Individual/Sole Proprietorship |
|Cardholder Activated Terminal Indicator: |The merchant does not use cardholder-activated terminals |Account Funding: |Not Participating in program |
|Visa Tier Volume Indicator: | |Visa Tier Volume RR: | |
|Visa Business Identification: |10000558 | | |
|Transaction Type |
|Sales: |Y |Returns: |Y |
|Cash: |Y |Payments: |Y |
Card Types
|Merchant: |[pic] |Card Type: |[pic] |Credit/Debit: |[pic] |
| | | |[pic] | | |
|Card Type Information |
|Chain Code: | |Settlement Flag: |Y |
|Process Flag: |Can deposit tickets and request Authorizations |Due/Assessment Flag: |Don’t charge fees |
|Reimbursement Flag: |Y |Volume: | |
|Floor Limit: |$00000 |Item: | |
|Discount Method: |01 |Expense Other Percent: |0.000% |
|Participation: | |Expense Other Rate: |$0.00000 |
|Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Income Other Percent: |0.000% |
|Mid Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Income Other Rate: |$0.00000 |
|Non Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Additional Percent: |0.000% |
|Sales Volume Fee Code: |Use PCF setting |Sales Volume Fee Grid ID: | |
|1st Revolving Rebate Rate: |0.000% |2nd Revolving Rebate Rate: |0.000% |
|Pricing Grid ID: |01000010 |Pricing Grid Selection: |Principal |
|Tiered Discount Grid ID: |0606ABN |Tiered Discount Grid Selection: |Principal |
|Card Fee: |$0.00 |Interchange Fee Flag: | |
|Enhanced Recover Reduced Percent: |0.0000% |Fee Class: |101 |
|Business/Category Code: |7531 |Incorporation Status: |Individual/Sole Proprietorship |
|Cardholder Activated Terminal Indicator: |The merchant does not use cardholder-activated terminals |Account Funding: |Not Participating in program |
|Visa Tier Volume Indicator: | |Visa Tier Volume RR: | |
|Visa Business Identification: |10000558 | | |
|Transaction Type |
|Sales: |Y |Returns: |Y |
|Cash: |Y |Payments: |Y |
Card Types
|Merchant: |[pic] |Card Type: |[pic] |Credit/Debit: |[pic] |
| | | |[pic] | | |
|Card Type Information |
|Chain Code: | |Settlement Flag: |Y |
|Process Flag: |Can deposit tickets and request Authorizations |Due/Assessment Flag: |Don’t charge fees |
|Reimbursement Flag: |Y |Volume: | |
|Floor Limit: |$00000 |Item: | |
|Discount Method: |01 |Expense Other Percent: |0.000% |
|Participation: | |Expense Other Rate: |$0.00000 |
|Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Income Other Percent: |0.000% |
|Mid Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Income Other Rate: |$0.00000 |
|Non Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Additional Percent: |0.000% |
|Sales Volume Fee Code: |Use PCF setting |Sales Volume Fee Grid ID: | |
|1st Revolving Rebate Rate: |0.000% |2nd Revolving Rebate Rate: |0.000% |
|Pricing Grid ID: |01000010 |Pricing Grid Selection: |Principal |
|Tiered Discount Grid ID: |0606ABN |Tiered Discount Grid Selection: |Principal |
|Card Fee: |$0.00 |Interchange Fee Flag: | |
|Enhanced Recover Reduced Percent: |0.0000% |Fee Class: |012 |
|Business/Category Code: |7531 |Industry Identification: | |
|Cardholder Activated Terminal Indicator: |Not A cardholder-activated terminal (CAT) |Security Protocol: |Not used |
|Purchase Card Types |
|Business Type: |Corporation |Ethnic Type: |Unknown |
|Business Owner Type: |Unknown |Business Certification: |Unknown |
|Transaction Type |
|Sales: |Y |Returns: |Y |
|Cash: |Y |Payments: |Y |
Card Types
|Merchant: |[pic] |Card Type: |[pic] |Credit/Debit: |[pic] |
| | | |[pic] | | |
|Card Type Information |
|Chain Code: | |Settlement Flag: |Y |
|Process Flag: |Can deposit tickets and request Authorizations |Due/Assessment Flag: |Don’t charge fees |
|Reimbursement Flag: |Y |Volume: | |
|Floor Limit: |$00000 |Item: | |
|Discount Method: |01 |Expense Other Percent: |0.000% |
|Participation: | |Expense Other Rate: |$0.00000 |
|Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Income Other Percent: |0.000% |
|Mid Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Income Other Rate: |$0.00000 |
|Non Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Additional Percent: |0.000% |
|Sales Volume Fee Code: |Use PCF setting |Sales Volume Fee Grid ID: | |
|1st Revolving Rebate Rate: |0.000% |2nd Revolving Rebate Rate: |0.000% |
|Pricing Grid ID: |01000010 |Pricing Grid Selection: |Principal |
|Tiered Discount Grid ID: |0606ABN |Tiered Discount Grid Selection: |Principal |
|Card Fee: |$0.00 |Interchange Fee Flag: | |
|Enhanced Recover Reduced Percent: |0.0000% |Fee Class: |078 |
|Business/Category Code: |7531 |Industry Identification: | |
|Cardholder Activated Terminal Indicator: |Not A cardholder-activated terminal (CAT) |Security Protocol: |Not used |
|Purchase Card Types |
|Business Type: |Corporation |Ethnic Type: |Unknown |
|Business Owner Type: |Unknown |Business Certification: |Unknown |
|Transaction Type |
|Sales: |Y |Returns: |Y |
|Cash: |Y |Payments: |Y |
• Process Flag-will be can deposit tickets and request authorizations for the card type to be active.
• Due/assessment flag- this field will be as don’t charge fees.
• Income other rate- this will be the non-bankcard trans fee
• Business category code-will be the sic code assigned to account
• Descriptor,- you can get the information from the non monetary online entry spreadsheet
• Payment Code:-process tickets every three days
• Industry code-11 for lodging, 12 for restaurant , or 20 for retail and mail order merchandise
• Business identification-will be the American express number
• PCID-you can get the information from the non monetary online entry spreadsheet.
Card Types
|Merchant: |[pic] |Card Type: |[pic] |Credit/Debit: |[pic] |
| | | |[pic] | | |
|Card Type Information |
|Chain Code: | |Settlement Flag: |N |
|Process Flag: |Can deposit tickets and request Authorizations |Due/Assessment Flag: |Don't charge fees |
|Reimbursement Flag: |N |Volume: |0.000% |
|Floor Limit: |$00000 |Item: |$0.00000 |
|Discount Method: |00 |Expense Other Percent: |0.000% |
|Participation: | |Expense Other Rate: |$0.00000 |
|Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Income Other Percent: |0.000% |
|Mid Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Income Other Rate: |$0.0000 |
|Non Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Additional Percent: |0.000% |
|Sales Volume Fee Code: |Use PCF setting |Sales Volume Fee Grid ID: | |
|1st Revolving Rebate Rate: |0.000% |2nd Revolving Rebate Rate: |0.000% |
|Pricing Grid ID: | |Pricing Grid Selection: |Do not use a pricing grid |
|Card Fee: |$0.00 |Business/Category Code: |7531 |
|Payment Code: | |Descriptor: |0068 |
|Industry Code: |Retail and Mail Order Merchandise |Business Identification: |3121508162 |
|PCID: |010005 | | |
|Transaction Type |
|Sales: |Y |Returns: |Y |
|Cash: |N |Payments: |N |
• Process Flag-will be can deposit tickets and request authorizations for the card type to be active.
• Due/assessment flag- this field will be as don’t charge fees.
• Income other rate- this will be the non-bankcard trans fee
• Business identification-will be the discover number
• Business category code-will be the sic code assigned to account
Card Types
|Merchant: |[pic] |Card Type: |[pic] |Credit/Debit: |[pic] |
| | | |[pic] | | |
|Card Type Information |
|Chain Code: | |Settlement Flag: |N |
|Process Flag: |Can deposit tickets and request Authorizations |Due/Assessment Flag: |Don't charge fees |
|Reimbursement Flag: |N |Volume: |0.000% |
|Floor Limit: |$00000 |Item: |$0.00000 |
|Discount Method: |00 |Expense Other Percent: |0.000% |
|Participation: | |Expense Other Rate: |$0.00000 |
|Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Income Other Percent: |0.000% |
|Mid Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Income Other Rate: |$0.25000 |
|Non Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Additional Percent: |0.000% |
|Sales Volume Fee Code: |Use PCF setting |Sales Volume Fee Grid ID: | |
|1st Revolving Rebate Rate: |0.000% |2nd Revolving Rebate Rate: |0.000% |
|Pricing Grid ID: | |Pricing Grid Selection: |Do not use a pricing grid |
|Trust Fund Grid ID: | |Trust Fund Grid Selection: |Do not use a trust fund grid |
|Card Fee: |$0.00 |Merchant Reference/Locator Number: |36980 |
|Business Identification: |601101308017985 |Business/Category Code: |7531 |
|Transaction Type |
|Sales: |Y |Returns: |Y |
|Cash: |Y |Payments: |Y |
The sections below will be done for all debit card types
• Process Flag-will be can deposit tickets and request authorizations for the card type to be active.
• Due/assessment flag- this field will be as don’t charge fees.
• Income other rate- this will be the debit trans fee
Card Types
|Merchant: |[pic] |Card Type: |[pic] |Credit/Debit: |[pic] |
| | | |[pic] | | |
|Card Type Information |
|Chain Code: | |Settlement Flag: |Y |
|Process Flag: |Can deposit tickets and request Authorizations |Due/Assessment Flag: |Don't charge fees |
|Reimbursement Flag: |Y |Volume: |0.000% |
|Floor Limit: |$00000 |Item: |$0.00000 |
|Discount Method: |00 |Expense Other Percent: |0.000% |
|Participation: | |Expense Other Rate: |$0.00000 |
|Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Income Other Percent: |0.000% |
|Mid Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Income Other Rate: |$0.00000 |
|Non Qualifying Rate: |0.000% |Additional Percent: |0.000% |
|Sales Volume Fee Code: |Use PCF setting |Sales Volume Fee Grid ID: | |
|1st Revolving Rebate Rate: |0.000% |2nd Revolving Rebate Rate: |0.000% |
|Pricing Grid ID: | |Pricing Grid Selection: |Do not use a pricing grid |
|Trust Fund Grid ID: | |Trust Fund Grid Selection: |Do not use a trust fund grid |
|Card Fee: |$0.00 |Fee Class: |009 |
|Business/Category Code: |0000 |Business Identification: |00000000000000000000 |
|Online Debit Fee Calculation Flag: | | | |
|Transaction Type |
|Sales: |Y |Returns: |Y |
|Cash: |N |Payments: |N |
In the address1 if merchant has a suite or apt number enter the suite number in address1 and place the address in address2
In the address if merchant has a suite or apt number enter the suite number in address and place the address in address2
Same as batch fee
This date should be start present month and year and stop year 2047
Monthly minimum
• Authorization income grid select will be a P
• Authorization income grid id: Please see attached spreadsheet this fee is transaction fee.
Statement fee
This date should be start present month and year and stop year 2047
Retrieval fee
Chargeback fee
Change this field to MonthlyCalcuIncome when account is on interchange rate
This date should be start present month and year and stop year 2047
This section will be entered how the screen shows
These three sections will be filled in automatically
Social security or Employer ID
SSN-Sole prop.
EIN-corporate, LLC etc…..
Tape or ETC it depends on if merchant is in fdr-omaha or fdr-nashville , fdr-north see attached for how to set it up depending on platform
This section also depends on what platform merchant is on see attached
Tape reference should be 7
Merchant’s bank information from voided check
Next review date can be changed to a present month and one year later
You will need to enter business phone number
The special visa recovery warning bulletin will need to be updated like below.
0922 which translated to: 0-unspecified, 9-can transmit, 2-has magnetic strip read capability, 2-can accept pin entry
Make sure the mid number you are working on is shown here
Divide the monthly volume by 4 and enter the result here
Average ticket on application
Enter the percent merchant will be keying in transactions
Click next
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