
Component 2/Unit 8a

Quiz with Key

1. What is the large professional organization that advocates for physicians?

a. American Medical Association

b. American Physicians Association

c. College of American Physicians

d. Medical Physicians of America

Answer: a

Objective: Define traditions, ethics, and values for medical professionals

2. In the Preamble of the Code of Ethics discussed in this lecture, what is the responsibility of the physician, first and foremost?

a. To the physician’s colleagues

b. To the patient

c. To the patient’s family

d. To society

Answer: b

Objective: Compare the professional code of ethics to the legal responsibilities of physicians

3. The Preamble of the Code of Ethics discussed in this lecture states that the code of ethics is not laws, but rather

a. Regulations to be followed by physicians

b. Societal standards and values

c. Essential elements of honorable behaviors

d. Professional values

Answer: c

Objective: Compare the professional code of ethics to the legal responsibilities of physicians

4. According to the Code of Ethics studied in this lecture, physicians are free to treat patients of their choice, except

a. If the patient is on Medicare

b. For patients with disabilities

c. Routine health visits

d. Emergency situations

Answer: d

Objective: Compare the professional code of ethics to the legal responsibilities of physicians

5. According to the Code of Ethics studied in this lecture, a physician should support

a. Access to care for all people

b. Rationing of health care

c. Treatments that provide the most value for the money

d. Care for all children

Answer: a

Objective: Compare the professional code of ethics to the legal responsibilities of physicians

6. The core values for the National League of Nursing include all the following EXCEPT:

a. Caring

b. Honest

c. Integrity

d. Excellence

Answer: b

Objective: Compare and contrast professional codes of ethics from nursing and physicians.

7. The purpose of a medical practice act is

a. to protect the health and safety of the public

b. to protect patient’s against labor unions

c. to help the public understand the medical profession

d. to promote public health in each state

Answer: a

Objective: Describe the purpose of Medical Practice Acts

8. States also establish other boards including

a. Board of Clinical laboratory scientists

b. Board of radiology technicians

c. Board of medical laboratory technicians

d. Board of pharmacy

Answer: b

Objective: Describe the purpose of Medical Practice Acts

9. Responsibilities of the medical practice boards include

a. Developing licensure examinations

b. Accrediting health care education programs

c. Set criteria for license renewal, suspension, and revocation

d. Develop exceptions so people can practice without a license

Answer: e

Objective: Describe the purpose of Medical Practice Acts

10. The scope of practice is defined as

a. The tasks a healthcare professional can perform in a state

b. The criteria for obtaining a license in a state

c. The requirements for evoking or suspending a license

d. Procedures required to renew a license

Answer: a

Objective: Describe the Purpose of State Licensure of Healthcare Professionals


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