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SCIRUS (comprehensive scientific information search)    

AskJeeves (Meta)    Metacrawler (Meta)    Dogpile (Meta)

Columbia Encyclopedia (6th edition)

Martindale's : The Reference Desk  including  Health Sciences Guide - 2002

The Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology

Kimball's Biology Page

Biotechfind - A biotech search engine


[pic] PubMed - National Library of Medicine's search service MEDLINE - free abstracts and simple search

[pic] TOXNET - Hazardous Substance Data Bank, Mutagenicity Test Data, 2D and 3D Information from NCI

[pic] MEDLINE Plus Health Information

[pic] ChemIDplus - Chemical structures and nomenclature (needs Chime plug-in)

[pic] Agricola - Agricultural Online Access (need to search for IACUC protocol)

[pic] Full-Text and Bibliographic Databases of US Patents - US patent and Trademark Office

[pic] Europe's Network of Patent Databases - Worldwide, European, US and Japan

[pic] Beilstein Abstracts - Titles, abstracts and citations from top journals of organic chemistry

[pic] Sigma-Aldrich Technical Library

[pic] BioMedNet - An online biological and medical research community

[pic] The Library of Congress - Details of published texts

[pic] Code of Federal Regulations

[pic] Pharmaceutical Century - Ten Decades of Drug Discovery


[pic] WebMD - A comprehensive updated text of internal medicine

[pic] Doctor's Guide - Latest information !

[pic] Merck Medicus - An excellent internet clinical resources for physicians and pharmacists

[pic] Medscape CME Center - An excellent collection of Continuing Medical Education programs (papers and streaming video)

[pic] VIRTUAL Hospital -   Educational materials for healthcare providers by University of Iowa Health Care

[pic] Recently Approved Drugs/Indications

[pic] Clinical Pharmacology 2000

[pic] Lab Tests Online

[pic] Lab Tests and Interpretive Guide - Lab Corporation of America, one of the world's largest clinical lab

[pic] - A comprehensive and easy to understand information source by the publisher of Facts and Comparisons

[pic] Online Clinical Calculator -  Medical College of Wisconsin

[pic] New Guidelines for Cholesterol

[pic] WHO Guide to Good Prescribing

[pic] Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation - Harbor UCLA Medical Center - Harbor UCLA Medical Center

[pic] Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy

[pic] Alphabetical List of Specific Diseases/Disorders - Karolinska Institute

[pic] Merck Manual of Geriatrics

[pic] RxList - Comprehensive drug name cross index and TOP 200 Rx Drugs

[pic] Mosby's GenRx

[pic] ACHOO ! Healthcare Online - A great source of information for doctors and patients - also links to thousands of health-related sites across the net

[pic] Emergency Medicine - Hundreds of chapters in searchable format

[pic] Emergency Medicine Informatics - National Center for Emergency Medicine Informatics

[pic] Journal Club on the Web - An interactive medical literature reviews

[pic]   - One of the best sources of monographs with photographs of dosage forms

[pic] Illegal Drugs - Office of the National Drug Control Policy

[pic] New Guidelines for Cholesterol

[pic] World Health Organization

[pic] Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary

[pic] Medical Matrix - Ranked, peer reviewed, annotated, updated clinical medicine resources

[pic] Doctors' Guide - Medical and professional information of diseases and drugs

[pic] UpToDate - Current information on several disease states

[pic] Pharmacometrics (Mathematical treatment of biological data)

[pic] A brief anatomy and physiology of human body

[pic] History of Diseases - by Karolinska Institutet

[pic] Cardiovascular Pharmacology

[pic] ECG Library

[pic] Introduction to Cardiothoracic Imaging - Overview of chest and cardiac diagnostic imaging

[pic] Cadiovascular and Autonomic Pharmacology - The virtual lab is great!

[pic] Cardiovascular Pharmacology - A programmed text

[pic] Cardiovascular Imaging

[pic] Heart Surgery - Quick time videos of heart surgery


[pic] Clinical Trials

[pic] New Medicines in Development - PhRMA

[pic] Office of the Human Research Protection

[pic] Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR Part 46)

[pic] Clinical Trials Listing Service - Listing of more than 35,000 clinical trials and recently approved drug therapies

[pic] - Latest clinical trial listing by NIH and NLM

[pic] Seeking a Perfect Protocol - An article on study design


[pic] Medical Immunology & Infectious Diseases

[pic] Antibiotic Guide - by Medical College of Wisconsin

[pic] Clinical Antibiotics Tutorial - An excellent site for self-learners

[pic] Infectious Disease Services - AZ Dept of Health

[pic] John Hopkins Division of Infectious Diseases Antibiotic Guide - including Palm antibiotic guide

[pic] Dr Stuart's Immunology Lecture

[pic] Medical Microbiology

[pic] Bacteriology at University of Wisconsin - Madison

[pic] Infection & Immunity - University of Leicester

[pic] Virtual Bacterial ID Lab - Howard Hughes Medical Institute

[pic] Traveladvice - Center for Disease Control and Department of Health, UK


[pic] Neuropharmacology and Alzheimer's Research

[pic] Neuroscience on the Internet

[pic] Alzheimer Web Page

[pic] Beta Amyloid as a Potential Target

[pic] The Whole Brain Atlas

[pic] Explore the Brain and Spinal Cord

[pic] Actions of Drugs on CNS - Very resourceful

[pic] CNS Pharmacology

[pic] Neurotransmitters and Chemical Signaling Agents - A brief compilation

[pic] Neurosciences on the Internet

[pic] Combating Alzheimer's - A news story

[pic] MRI of Brain - Animated GIF

[pic] Neurological Disorders - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

[pic] Neuroguide


[pic] Nuclear Medicine and Radiology

[pic] Radiopharmaceutical Drug Information - University of Kansas, School of Pharmacy

[pic] Nuclear Medicine Case Study

[pic] Indiana University, Department of Radiology

[pic] Journal of Nuclear Medicine


[pic] Oncology

[pic] Apoptosis - A general scheme

[pic] Advanced Body Surface Area Calculator

[pic] Cancer Track -  A compilation of valuable links on Cancer, Signal Transduction and Gene Expression by Dr. Appu Rathinavelu

[pic] OncoLink - Disease oriented menus, medical specialty oriented menus

[pic] - A comprehensive source of neoplastic diseases and drugs in use

[pic] A brief cancer tutorial

[pic] Understanding Angiogenesis - A simple site on basics of angiogenesis

[pic] Anti-Angiogenesis

[pic] Recent Trends in Cancer Care

[pic] Methods of administering liposomal encapsulated taxane

[pic] Pancreatic Cancer Action Network

[pic] List of Approved Oncology Drugs with Approved Indications - by FDA

[pic] Naturally Ocuring Rodent Carcinogens in human diet


[pic] Pediatrics

[pic] Pediatrics Emergency Manual

[pic] Pediatric e-Medicine

[pic] FDA's Pediatric Information

[pic] Monthly Review of Pediatric Pharmacotherapy


[pic] Pharmacology

[pic] Medical Pharmacology Modules - Lecture handouts and QuickTime audio

[pic] Study Questions for Pharmacology

[pic] Nuclear Receptor Resources - A short overview of receptors

[pic] Autonomic Pharmacology - A programmed text

[pic] Lecture notes of Autonomic Pharmacology

[pic] Endocrine Systems Lectures

[pic] Active Learning in Pharmacology - Test your knowledge of pharmacology !

[pic] Pharmacology Self-Assessment Exam

[pic] Virtual Pharmacology

[pic] Osteoporosis and Bone Physiology

[pic] 11th Hour - A great site for last minute exam preparation


[pic] Poison control

[pic] Poison information monographs

[pic] Poisonus plants

[pic] Chemical safety information

[pic] Canadian poisonous plant information system - Information on over 250 plants that are poisonous in livestock, pets and human.


Top of Form

Bottom of Form


[pic] PDR (Physicians' Desk Reference) - Searchable database of prescription drugs, multiple drug interaction checker trusted by the physicians - Searchable database of prescription drugs, multiple drug interaction checker trusted by the physicians - Searchable database of prescription drugs, multiple drug interaction checker trusted by the physicians

[pic] PharmaLexicon - A dictionary of pharmaceutical medicine

[pic] Drug Information - by Drug facts and Comparisons

[pic] US Drug Identification List - 600 color photographs of tablets and capsules

[pic] BioDefinitions - A collection of commonly used terms in pharmacy and biotechnology

[pic] Electronic Orange Book - AUTHENTIC info on approved drug products with therapeutic equivalence

[pic] VIRTUAL Pharmacy - Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

[pic] Drug Doses of Commonly Prescribed Medications - University of Iowa Family Practice Handbook

[pic] Tablet/Capsule Imprint Code

[pic] FDA's MedWatch - Safety notifications, labeling changes, recalls and legal notifications

[pic] Consumer Web Site of American Pharmaceutical Association

[pic] Top 200 Prescriptions in 2001 by number of US prescriptions dispensed

[pic] Top 200 Brand-Name Drugs by Retail Sales in 2001

[pic] Top 200 Generic Drugs by Retail Sales in 2001

[pic] Buying Medical Products Online ? Is it safe ?

[pic] - Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology news

[pic] Measuring Units Conversion Tables

[pic] A Guide to Biotechnology Company products

[pic] Pharmaceutical Companies

[pic] Drug Interactions

[pic] Cytochrome P 450 Interactions -  An excellent compilation

[pic] Grapefruit Juice and Drug Interactions

[pic] Food and Drug Interactions - by FDA and National Consumers League

[pic] Online Interaction Checker - Drug facts


[pic] Statistics

[pic] Statistical Calculation Pages - Interactive pages on all statistical tests, from analysis to experimental design

[pic] Statistical Calculators - interactive calculators on which you can run your stats

[pic] Statistical Analysis Tools

[pic] Web Pages that Perform Statistical Calculations

[pic] Introduction to SPSS for Windows

[pic] SPSS Introductory Tutorial

[pic] SPSS 10.0 Tutorial


[pic] Pharmacokinetics

[pic] Acid - Base Tutorial - An excellent page biopharmaceutics and clinical aspects of acid - base physiology and pharmacology

[pic] A First Course in Pharmacokinetics & Biopharmaceutics - Dr. David Bourne, University of Oklahoma

[pic] Basic Pharmacokinetics on the Web - Creighton University

[pic] Online Pharmacokinetic Simulations

[pic] Pharmacokinetics Case Studies

[pic] Basic and Clinical Pharmacokinetics Handouts - Purdue University

[pic] A Short Course on Clinical Pharmacokinetics - University of South Carolina; Logon : Any name, Password : ps676


[pic] Extemporaneous Compounding

[pic] Secundum Artem - Techniques and procedures for extemporaneous compounding

[pic] The Practice of Pharmacy Compounding - FDA regulations on compounding practice

[pic] Professional Compounding Centers of America (PCCA)

[pic] PharmacyOneSource - Drug info, career resources, student resources, directories, surveys etc

[pic] Vaginal Excipients - A comprehensive source of vaginal excipients

[pic] Compounding Formulas from Recent Journal Literature

[pic] FLAVORx - To make the medicines a lot less yucky !



[pic] Pharmacists' Learning Assistance Network (PLAN) - by ACPE

[pic] American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

[pic] Inet Continuing Education

[pic] National Community Pharmacists Association

[pic] A Compilation of Continuing Education by USPHS - Pharmacy Programs

[pic] US Pharmacist - FREE CE

[pic] Free C E - Free CE

[pic] POWER PAK C.E. - Free CE

 Top of Form


[pic] Alternative Medicine Center - A comprehensive collection of most popular alternative medicines

[pic] HerbMed - Evidence based herbal database - an excellent source with PubMed links

[pic] Basic Principles of "Ayurveda" - A holistic system of healing which evolved some 3000-5000 years ago in India

[pic] Ayurvedic Institute and Incompatible Food Combinations

[pic] - The art of living

[pic] National Center for Complimentary & Alternative Medicine at NIH

[pic] A Modern Herbal by Mrs. M. Grieve -  The HTML version of the text first published in 1931

[pic] Alternative and Complimentary Medicine Center -  Lists herbal remedies specific to each disease state

[pic] Herbal Doctor

[pic] - Information on pharmacology and adverse effects of herbs

[pic] American Herbal Pharmacopoeia

[pic] Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the US

[pic] Homeopathic Pathophysiology and Therapeutics 


[pic] International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDIS) Database

[pic] Nutrition and Dietetics Interactive site

[pic] Mayo Clinic Health Oasis

[pic] Food and Nutrition Information Center - National Agricultural Library and USDA - links to 70 sites on herbal substances, vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements

[pic] Nutrition Table for Foods

[pic] Vitamins and Mineral Information - Links to authentic sites on vitamins and minerals

[pic] Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition - Sponsored by Food and Drug Administration

[pic] Health Finder - A service of the US Department of Health and Human Services

[pic] Dr. - Fronted by Dr. C. Everett Koop - former surgeon general

[pic] Medscape - By doctors for doctors

[pic] Netwellness - "Ask an expert" feature

[pic] Healthwell - Log on to a healthier life

[pic] Delicious-Online - Natural doctor and delicious kitchen

[pic] Drug InfoNet - Information and links concerning healthcare and pharmaceutical topics

[pic] Public Health Resources

[pic] YAHOO Health



[pic] Pharmacy Practice and Clinical Medicine Journals - most journals offer full .pdf texts

[pic] Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics - Abstracts

[pic] American Family Physician - Includes a series of clinical quizzes !

[pic] American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy

[pic] Annals of Internal Medicine

[pic] Annals of Oncology - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Annals of Pharmacotherapy

[pic] Breast Cancer Research & Treatment - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Cancer Causes and Control - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Colorectal Disease - Abstracts

[pic] Drug Topics

[pic] FDA Consumer - A magazine of the US FDA

[pic] Helicobacter - Abstracts

[pic] International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding

[pic] Investigational New Drugs - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] International Journal of Cosmetic Science – Abstracts

[pic] Journals of the American Medical Association - Including JAMA, Archives of Internal Medicine, Archives of Family Medicine, Archives of Neurology etc.

[pic] Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology – Abstracts

[pic] Liver - Abstracts

[pic] New England Journal of Medicine

[pic] Pediatrics

[pic] Pharmacy and Therapeutics

[pic] Pharmacy Times - You can ask a compounding question !

[pic] Pharmacy World and Science - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Substance Abuse - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] The Journal of Pharmacy Technology

[pic] The Lancet

[pic] The Pfizer Journal -  Perspectives on Health Care and Biomedical Research

[pic] US Pharmacist

[pic] Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Journals

[pic] Adsorption - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews – Abstracts

[pic] Advanced Performance Materials - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin - Free full texts

[pic] Biomaterials – Abstracts

[pic] Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin - Free full texts

[pic] Colloid Journal - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Colloids and Surfaces A : Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects - Table of contents only

[pic] Critical Reviews in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems - Table of contents only

[pic] Drug Delivery - Abstracts

[pic] Drug Delivery Technology

[pic] Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy - Abstracts only

[pic] Encyclopedia of Materials - Trial subscription

[pic] European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics - Abstracts

[pic] European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Abstracts

[pic] International Journal of Pharmaceutics - Abstracts

[pic] Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Abstracts

[pic] Journal of Chromatography B : Biomedical Sciences & Applications

[pic] Journal of Controlled Release - Abstracts and my personal subscription

[pic] Journal of Drug Targeting – Abstracts

[pic] Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Journal of Microencapsulation - Abstracts

[pic] Journal of Nanoparticle Research - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Abstracts

[pic] Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Analysis - Abstracts

[pic] Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology – Abstracts

[pic] Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences - Online journal of Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences - Free full texts  

[pic] Journal of Polymer Research - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Pharmaceutical Development and Technology - Abstracts only

[pic] Pharmaceutical Research - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Pharmaceutical Science & Technology Today - Abstracts

[pic] Pharmacy & Pharmacology Communications - Abstracts

[pic] PharmSci - Online journal of AAPS - Free full texts Free full texts

[pic] Thermochimica Acta - Table of contents only

[pic] Pharmacology/Molecular Biology/Biotechnology Journals

[pic] BioTechniques - A journal of molecular biology and biotechnology

[pic] BioTechnology Journals on the Web

[pic] Biotechnology Letters - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research - Full articles .pdf files

[pic] Cancer and Metastasis Reviews - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Cancer Research

[pic] Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Clinical Biochemistry - Abstracts

[pic] European Journal of Neuroscience - Abstracts

[pic] European Journal of Pharmacology - Abstracts

[pic] FEBS Letters - Abstracts

[pic] Journal of Neurochemistry - Abstracts

[pic] Journal of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics - Abstracts

[pic] Molecular Biology - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Molecular Immunology - Abstracts

[pic] Nature Reviews - Cancer - Table of contents and summary

[pic] Nature Reviews - Drug Discovery - Table of contents and summary

[pic] Nature Reviews - Genetics - Table of contents and summary

[pic] Nature Reviews - Immunology - Table of contents and summary 

[pic] Nature Reviews - Molecular Cell Biology - Table of contents and summary

[pic] Nature Reviews - Neuroscience - Table of contents and summary

[pic] Neurochemical Research - Kluwer E-Journal abstracts

[pic] Pain - Abstracts

[pic] ReCap Signals - Online magazine of biotechnology industry analysis

[pic] The Scientist - Full articles .pdf files

[pic] Trade Journals

[pic] American Pharmaceutical Reviews

[pic] Bio-IT World

[pic] BioPharm

[pic] Genetic Engineering News

[pic] LC-GC

[pic] Modern Drug Discovery

[pic] Pharmaceutical Formulation & Quality

[pic] Pharmaceutical Technology

[pic] PharmaGenomics

[pic] Spectroscopy

[pic] Today's Chemist at Work


[pic] Contents Direct - Free e-mail service that delivers Elsevier Science book and journal tables of contents

[pic] Medscape's Medpulse - An alert service for latest drug news

[pic] Doctor's Guide E-Mail Edition - An alert service for health professionals

[pic] Publications E-mail Alert Service of American Medical Association


[pic] Food and Drug Administration - Take a Virtual Tour of FDA

[pic] Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) - Guidelines

[pic] Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) - Hand-book contains info on new, generic and OTC drugs as well as interactive flow charts describing review process        Guidance Documents

[pic] - Information on FDA guidelines

[pic] Center for Veterinary Medicine

[pic] Center for Devices and Radiological Health

[pic] Code of Federal Regulations - Title 21- Food and Drugs

[pic] Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act - As amended by the FDA modernization act of 1997

[pic] National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)

[pic] Bureau of the Census

[pic] The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal products

[pic] U S Agency for Health Care Administration

[pic] U S Department of Health and Human Services

[pic] U S Government Information Exchange

[pic] US Agency of Health Care Policy and Research

[pic] National Women's Health Information Center

[pic] Federal Trade Commission

[pic] Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

[pic] Better Business Bureau


[pic] Membrane Transport and Bioelectric Activity - An excellent coverage on physicochemical basis of transport processes

[pic] GLP Manual - World Health Organization

[pic] What is DMSO ?

[pic] Articles Published in Drug Delivery Technology

[pic] From Test Tube to Patient : New Drug Development in the United States

[pic] Biomaterials at Texas A & M University

[pic] Biomaterials Network - Links related to biomaterials, biomedical engineering & medicine

[pic] Gene Therapy - A valuable source of gene therapy links

[pic] Polymers in Controlled Drug Delivery - by Dr. Lisa Brannon-Peppas

[pic] Laboratory of Liposome Research - by Dr. R. A. Schwendner, University of Zurich

[pic] Dissolution Test Development for Pharmaceuticals

[pic] Dissolution Discussion Group - by Vankel Corporation

[pic] Lipid Bank for Web - An excellent compilation of lipid physicochemical and biopharmaceutical properties of lipids

[pic] Transdermal Patch Anatomy - an animation by 3M

[pic] Lipid Analysis Library

[pic] Structural Parameters of Aqueous Phospholipid Mixtures

[pic] Membrane Lipids

[pic] Lipid-DAT - Lipid database

[pic] The Surfactants Virtual Library

[pic] Elan Corporation's Drug Delivery Technologies

[pic] Drug Discovery Online - A virtual community for the drug development industry

[pic] ChemCenter - A comprehensive source of drugs and chemicals

[pic] Drug Discovery Online - A comprehensive source of Drug Discovery Industry

[pic] Companies having drug delivery based products

[pic] PharmWeb - Worldwide pharmaceutical information in the internet

[pic] Product Quality Research Institute - Scientific information to support regulatory policy

[pic] - Informative articles, buyers guide and career services published in BioPharm, Pharmaceutical Technology and Applied Clinical Trials

[pic] Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Companies

[pic] Pharmaceutical Processing Online

[pic] Pharmalicensing - Latest news of pharmaceutical industry

[pic] Pharmaceutical Formulation & Quality

[pic] BioSpace - Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry News

[pic] Excipient Sources and Oral Drug Delivery Companies

[pic] Malvern Online Seminars

[pic] Drug Delivery Companies


[pic] A Guide to Log P and pKa Measurements and their Use

[pic] Calculation of Log P

[pic] ClogP for 140 common drugs and QSAR

[pic] Current Good Manufacturing Practice for Finished Products

[pic] National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Microgravity Crystal Research

[pic] Biological Crystal Growth in Space

[pic] Leading Generic Manufacturers

[pic] High Throughput Screening

[pic] International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council of the Americas


[pic] Macrogalleria - A wonderland of polymer - An excellent collection of introductory polymer topics

[pic] Polymer Data Handbook - A comprehensive resource on polymer physical and chemical data

[pic] Biopharmaceutics Classification System - An article

[pic] E Pluribus Product - How can we optimize selection of drug development candidates ?

[pic] Sustained Release and Enteric Coated NSAIDs - Are they really safe ? - J. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci.

[pic] Biotech Pharmaceuticals and Biotherapy- An Overview - J. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci.

[pic] Multiple Modes of Drug Delivery - Modern Drug Discovery

[pic] Are Lipid Emulsions the Drug Delivery Solution - Modern Drug Discovery

[pic] Lymphatic Transport of Drugs

[pic] Polymorphic Predictions - Modern Drug Discovery

[pic] Implantable Slow-Release Chemotherapeutic Polymers for Treatment of Malignant Brain Tumors

[pic] Polymeric Drug Delivery


[pic] General Chemistry Resources

[pic] General Chemistry Handouts - Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium, Chemical Kinetics, Acids & Bases, Properties of Solutions, Applications of Aqueous Equilibria

[pic] Visual Periodic Table

[pic] Chemical Databases

[pic] Luminaries in Chemical Science

[pic] Chemistry Resources - Incredible collection of college level chemistry

[pic] Chemical Information Online - by National Library of Medicine

[pic] Organic Chemistry Resources - An excellent organic chemistry resource

[pic] Biophysical Textbook Online - by Biophysical Society

[pic] Surfactants Virtual Library - An organized source of surfactant information on the web

[pic] Simulation of Self-Assembled Polymers and Surfactants - Dissertation abstract

[pic] FAQ on Colloids and Emulsions

[pic] Colloidosomes - Self-assembled colloidal composite structure

[pic] Colloidal Forces, Interaction and Stability

[pic] - An online resource for all spectroscopy applications

[pic] FT-IR Information and Tutorials

[pic] Entropy and The Second Law of Thermodynamics

[pic] The Theory of Relativity

[pic] Macrogalleria - Basics of polymer and polymer science

[pic] Surface Chemistry - Application notes

[pic] Inorganic Chemical Thermodynamics - Calculators, solvent database and phase diagrams

[pic] Periodic Table on the Web - Description and isolation of each element

[pic] Physicochemical Data from National Institute of Standards and Technology

[pic] Fundamental Physical Constants - Latest (1998) values of physical constants

[pic] Spectra Online - A searchable database of IR, NMR, UV-Vis, MS, and NIR spectra

[pic] MSDS - Sigma-Aldrich - 90,000 online MSDS from Sigma, Aldrich, Fluka, Supelco and Riedel-de-Haen

[pic] Safety - A comprehensive site on almost everything on safety issues

[pic] Acid and Base pH Tutorial

[pic] Calculators On-Line Center - Contains over 9,625 calculators !

[pic] Stereochemistry of Drug Action

[pic] Measuring Units - Conversion Tables

[pic] On-line Engineering Calculators

[pic] Chromatography

[pic] LC-Calc™ - A handy calculator for LC calculations

[pic] Getting Started in HPLC

[pic] HPLC Online Help

[pic] HPLC - A Users' Guide

[pic] Chromatography Online

[pic] HPLC - User's Guide - Includes good troubleshooting charts

[pic] HPLC Column Troubleshooting

[pic] An Introduction to HPLC

[pic] HPLC Online Help

[pic] Waters Online Seminars

Chromatography supplies

[pic] Waters Corporation

[pic] Agilent Technologies

[pic] Whatman Inc.

[pic] Alltech Associates

[pic] Supelco

[pic] Phenomenex

[pic] Optimize Technologies

[pic] Delta Technical Products Company - Beware of loud music !


[pic] Apoptosis, Cell and Molecular Biology

[pic] Apoptosis and Caspases: the ICE-like cysteine protease family

[pic] Cell Signaling Technology - For nice figures

[pic] Molecular Probes Handbook - Basics on selection of a probe

[pic] Cell Biology Topics by Organelle System - An excellent compilation of organized lectures

[pic] Molecular Biology of the Cell - Web Book

[pic] Cell and Molecular Biology Online - A comprehensive list of links

[pic] Cell Signaling References

[pic] Cell Biology Techniques - by University of Melbourne, Australia

[pic] Cell Biology Laboratory Manual - by Dr. W. H. Heidcamp, Gustavus Adolphus College, St Peter, MN (NSF Project)

[pic] Beginners' Guide to Molecular Biology Lab - An overview of molecular biology techniques

[pic] Biology Links of Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University

[pic] Encyclopedia of Cytokines - 6650+ web pages devoted to cytokine research

[pic] Molecular Biology Protocols - From USDA

[pic] Molecular Biology Protocols - From US Department of Commerce and many links

[pic] Molecular Biology Protocols - A great place for downloading protocols for lab use

[pic] Molecular Biology Lab Manual - Mostly DNA, RNA and oligonucleotide protocols

[pic] DNA/RNA, Protein and Array Tools - An excellent compilation of online tools !

[pic] Protocols Online - A comprehensive listing of molecular biology protocols

[pic] edro's Biomolecular Research Tools - A collection of numerous biomolecular tools

[pic] Molecular Biology Web-Book

[pic] Comprehensive Protocols Collection - Good collection of molecular biology protocols from plasmid to PCR

[pic] Method of Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis and Western Blot

[pic] LabVelocity - An excellent source for protocols, literature, tools and tables

[pic] Molecular Analysis Tools


[pic] Biotechnology

[pic] The History of Modern Biotechnology

[pic] WWW Virtual Library of Biotechnology - A comprehensive source of biotechnology

[pic] Molecular Biology and Biotechnology  - An excellent web course on Biotechnology

[pic] Art's Biotechnology Resource - Biochemistry, Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics

[pic] Computer Applications in Biotechnology - An excellent site on the graphics used in biotechnology


[pic] Immunology & Virology

[pic] MIT Biology Hypertextbook

[pic] BioNet Book - An excellent search engine on all disciplines in biological domain by Institut Pasteur, France

[pic] Medical Microanatomy

[pic] Microbiology & Immunology Web Book

[pic] Immunology Book Case - by Dalhousie University

[pic] DNA Vaccine

[pic] Plasmids

[pic] Lecture Notes and Resources in Virology - University of Rochester Medical Center

[pic] Buffers for pH Control - Enter the parameters you need and click "Recipe Please"


[pic] Suppliers and Resources

[pic] Life Science Market Online - Directory of products and manufacturers

[pic] Bioresearch-Online - Late-breaking industry news, original articles, classified and career information

[pic] BioSupplyNet - Reagent, equipment, supplies and services

[pic] Laboratory Equipment - Online product and literature guide

[pic] LabGuide - Premier directory of all scientific laboratories

[pic] - Order reagents, instruments and glassware from a single website



[pic] Genetics 101 - Genetics in simplest terms possible !

[pic] Education and Genetics - Human genome Project Education Resources

[pic] Genetics Education Center - Collection of links on human genetics and human genome project

[pic] Genomic art - Superb collection of essays accompanying the art and quotes

[pic] Wnt Gene Home page


[pic] Human Genome Project Information - by US Department of Energy

[pic] Pharmacogenomics and Individualized Medicine

[pic] 123GENOMICS - A comprehensive portal

[pic] Genes and Diseases

[pic] Pharmacogenomics : Medicine and the New genetics

[pic] Genomics and Computational Biology Lecture Notes - Harvard

[pic] PhRMA Genomics: A Global Resource - One of the BEST resources on Genomics

[pic] Genomics Today - An excellent collection of links by Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of America

[pic] Genemap '98

[pic] GenomeLinks - Human genome most used links

[pic] The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) - All you want to know about genomic research - All you want to know about genomic research - All you want to know about genomic research

[pic] MITOMAP - A human mitochondrial genome database

[pic] The International Immunogenetics Database


[pic] National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)

[pic] Bioinformatics Resources

[pic] A Guide to Molecular Sequence Analysis

[pic] BLAST        TUTORIAL           Basics of BLAST algorithm

[pic] PAUP (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony) 4.0      Quick Start Tutorial

[pic] Molecular Visualization Freeware - Protein Explorer, Chime, RasMol

[pic] Nodalpoint : Negative Entropy - Bioinformatics news for biogeeks !

[pic] BioInformatics - An excellent site by John Hopkins for genomic information

[pic] BioInformatics and Molecular Analysis, NIH - Analyses including Weizmann Institute's gene cards, ProScan etc

[pic] Bioinformatics Group - Penn State


[pic] Protein Structure

[pic] Principles of Protein Structure - An online course at Birkbeck College in London

[pic] Proteins, Origin and Folding - "The Molecules of Life" - University of Oxford

[pic] ExPASy Molecular Biology Server - DNA -> Protein, Protein -> DNA, 2-D PAGE Analysis

[pic] Swiss-Prot - Protein Knowledgebase

[pic] Scansite - Protein Motif and Database

[pic] The Protein Databank

[pic] Online Analysis of DNA and Protein - A comprehensive report about your gene from mRNA sequenceA comprehensive report about your gene from mRNA sequence.  A comprehensive report about your gene from mRNA sequence

[pic] Caprion's CellCarta™ Proteomics Approach

[pic] DNA/RNA, Protein and Array Tools

[pic] Protein Data Bank - Operated by Rutgers, San Diego Supercomputer Center and NIST

[pic] Genetic Engineering News - Abstracts of articles from the weekly Genetic Engineering News



[pic] Introduction to Nucleic Acids - A short course on nucleic acids        ARCHIVES

[pic] Oligo calculator - Molecular Biology Core, Dana Farber Cancer Institute

[pic] Molecular Analysis Tools

[pic] Primer Design - A collection of PCR design web sites

[pic] The Nucleic Acid Database Project

[pic] The Ribosomal Database Project

[pic] Gene Therapy Subcommittee of ISCT

[pic] Virtual Genome Center - Programs for PCR primer selection, oligo Tm, protein database

[pic] Oligonucleotide Meltingpoint

[pic] Microarray

[pic] Resources for Microarray Technology


[pic] American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists

[pic] American Pharmaceutical Association

[pic] American Heart Association

[pic] American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

[pic] American Society of Consultant Pharmacists

[pic] American College of Clinical Pharmacy

[pic] American Society for Parenteral and Entral Nutrition

[pic] American Association for the Advancement of Science

[pic] American Chemical Society

[pic] American Cancer Society

[pic] Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)

[pic] Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties

[pic] Controlled Release Society

[pic] Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

[pic] National Community Pharmacists Association

[pic] National Home Infusion Association

[pic] National Association of Boards of Pharmacy

[pic] National Association of Chain Drug Stores

[pic] New York Academy of Science

[pic] Idaho State Pharmacy Association

[pic]International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists


[pic] Pharmacy Colleges in United States - Maintained by AACP

[pic] ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) -  World's largest source of education information !

[pic] Richard Felder's Resouces in Science and Engineering Education - Excellent coverage !

[pic] Education Scholar - An online teaching excellence and scholarship development program (NOT FREE !)

[pic] Academic Leadership - An online peer-reviewed journal

[pic] Problem Based Learning Initiative of Southern Illinois University

[pic] Learning Theory and Research - Cognitive Science, Constructivism, Experiential Education etc.

[pic] Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive, Psychomotor, and Affective Learning

[pic] Explorations in Learning & Instruction: The Theory into Practice Database

[pic] Medical Education Online - An electronic journal of medical education topics and a good resource of curriculum development

[pic] Funderstanding - A general overview of learning

[pic] American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy

[pic] AACP Pharmaceutics Academic Section

[pic] American Council of Pharmaceutical Education

[pic] Association of American Medical Colleges

[pic] American Universities Home Pages - Includes links to world universities

[pic] American Association for Higher Education

[pic] Association of American Colleges and Universities

[pic] Journal of Excellence in College Teaching - Abstracts are free

[pic] Teaching at Stanford - An excellent electronic handbook for junior faculties by Center of Teaching and Learning, Stanford University

[pic] Council of Graduate Schools

[pic] Distance Learning Resource Network

[pic] Measuring Up 2000 - The State-by-State Report Card for Higher Education

[pic] What do they know anyway ? Myths and Facts of Student Rating

[pic] 15 Common Beliefs or Misconceptions about Student Rating

[pic] Factors that are Related or Not Related to Student Rating

[pic] Characteristics of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers - by NSF

[pic] iStudent - A general introduction to living in USA

[pic] Syllabus - A magazine of technology for higher education


[pic] Critical Thinking : What it is and why it counts - by Peter A. Facione

[pic] Critical Thinking and Criteria of Assessment

[pic] Foundation for Critical Thinking

[pic] Critical Thinking - by University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

[pic] Fundamentals of Critical Thinking 

[pic] Critical Thinking - How to design the instructions ?


[pic] Accreditation Standards and Guidelines for Pharm.D. Programs

[pic] Standard 2000 Self-Study - Self-Study guide for accreditation of Pharm.D. programs by ACPE (.pdf)

[pic] A Guide for Doctor of Pharmacy Program Assessment - University of Sciences in Philadelphia

[pic] APhA Community Pharmacy Residency Competency Statements

[pic] Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges

[pic] Commission of Colleges of the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges

[pic] Institutional Assessment - Boise State University

[pic] Liason Committee on Medical Education - Accreditation Standards

[pic] 9 Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning  - American Association for Higher Education

[pic] Classroom Assessment Techniques

[pic] Concordia College Assessment Handbook

[pic] Assessment Workbook of Ball State University

[pic] Assessment Manual of Texas A & M University

[pic] Terminal Proficiencies (Competencies) - University of Houston, College of Pharmacy


[pic] Report of the Commission on the Future of Graduate Education in the Pharmaceutical Sciences

[pic] Peterson's Guide - Most popular resource for Graduate and Undergraduate Education - Pharmaceutical Sciences graduate program

[pic] Graduate and Research Liaison Bulletin - AACP

[pic] Is a Career in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Right for Me ?

[pic] U S Universities and Community Colleges (regionally accredited)

[pic] eduPASS - International Students' Guide to Studying in USA

[pic] Interorganizational Financial & Experiential Information of APhA - A source of scholarship/fellowship information

[pic] The Smart Student Guide to Financial Aid

[pic] - A database of 400,000 scholarships

[pic] Gates Millennium Scholarship Program - For minority students promoted by Bill Gates of Microsoft®

[pic] The Princeton Review

[pic]Graduate Record Examination


[pic] Career Opportunities in Pharmaceutical Companies

[pic] Chemist Jobs - Pharmaceutical chemistry and biochemistry jobs

[pic] Pharmaceutical Industry Jobs (Pharma-Job)

[pic] - Biomedical and chemistry jobs





[pic] (lists Pharmaceutical Industry jobs)

[pic] (lists Pharmaceutical Industry jobs)


[pic] Community Pharmacy Residency Program

[pic] Allied Consulting (hospital setting)

[pic] Asereth Medical Services

[pic] Ask the Headhunter - Useful tips for job-hunters, such as attempting to beat the system

[pic] Health Care Solutions

[pic] Innovative Staff Search

[pic] Medhunters

[pic] Med-Options

[pic] Pharmacy Week

[pic] PharmaSTAT Inc

[pic] Pharmstaff

[pic] Professional Healthcare Consultants

[pic] PhR Staffing, Inc.

[pic] RPhLink

[pic] RPh Professional Search

[pic] RPh on the Go

[pic] Sierra Staffing Inc

[pic] Vitalcareers


[pic] Travel and hotel deals

[pic] Qixo - Excellent in getting lowest fare - compares discounted prices from 17 sites

[pic] Priceline - Finds good deals but no choice of airline or time

[pic] Orbitz - Compares fares from a number of airlines

[pic] SideStep - Automatically searches alternative airports for lowest fare

[pic] Travelbuys - A number of sorting options

[pic] Expedia - Overview of all options

[pic] Travelhost - A comprehensive collection of links

[pic] 11th Hour vacations - Last minute vacation deals

[pic] Hotel Deals - Good hotel deals in major US cities

[pic] National Scenic Byways

[pic] Road side America

[pic] The World Fact Book 2001

[pic] Currency Converter

[pic] Directory of the World's Embassies and Consulates

[pic] US Customs Regulations and Duty Information

[pic] Dine-arounds

[pic] ZAGAT - The premier restaurant locator - covers major cities

[pic] - Search by zip code and then by cuisine

[pic] - Select your destination city and look for restaurant

[pic] - Search by zip code and cuisine - gives top 10

[pic] Road Food

[pic] Magazines and News Channels

[pic] Money Online - Personal finance magazine

[pic] Kiplinger's Personal Finance - Personal finance magazine

[pic] Better Investing

[pic] Worth

[pic] Working Money

[pic] Bloomberg - Very similar to Bloomberg's business channel

[pic] CBS Market Watch - A great source for stock, mutual fund and portfolio research

[pic] - Financial television broadcaster

[pic] CNNfn - Financial television broadcaster




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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