
Important InfoMarch 6th: Kindergarten Program @ 8:30March 9 – 13th: Spring BreakMarch 19th: Report CardMarch 26th: Spring PicturesMarch 30th: MKAS Kindergarten Readiness Assessment SightWordsplayyesnot Mrs. Oberle’s Newssoberle@madison-Thank you, parents, for a fabulous Valentine party!! The kids had a blast!!A few Reminders:Review work that comes home daily.Your child’s confidenceContinue to review sight wordsBe sure your child gets plenty of rest each night and a good breakfast each morning.565158382000 *Antonyms(opposites)* Addition and subtraction FactsPledge of Allegiance“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”Have your child point to each word as you read the pledge together. Have them highlight the sight words.Math* Work on counting to 100 –count by 1’s, 5’s and 10’s.* Work on addition and subtraction number facts to 5. *Work on subtraction number sentences. 45720001625603111515875000 ................

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