151193518224500 First Aid /CPR 2015Regional ContestTable of ContentsSchool Facilitator Packet ----------------------------------------------- 3-4Site and Materials RequirementJudge’s Packet ---------------------------------------------------- 5-34Scoring Directions and Contest(Including Written Test and Key)Grievance Form ---------------------------------------------------------- 10Contestant Packet ------------------------------------------------------34-52Contestant Information 36Judges Scenario’s for scoring each contestant37-42Written Test and answer sheet 43-52Instructor Information Packet ---------------------------------------53-54Tools and Equipment Needed by StudentFor Information on ContestHost SchoolFacilitatorPacketMaterials supplied by host school: All information needed to react to scenariosSupplies commonly found in the situation(s) describedContest Set-up:Holding room: An area will be set up in which contestants will assemble to wait their turns. Receptionist’s area: An area will be furnished with a counter for customer service. The area should have: Working telephoneComputerSpace for a flip chart Chairs for other customers An office for a call in customer w/phoneHolding area separate from contest areaProvided by Regional Coordinator:Judges copy of contest, answer sheet for written test (if used), and scoring sheets.Supplied by the Contestant:Approved certifications from the American Red Cross, American Heart Association and the National Safety Council for AED, CPR and First AidOne-page, typewritten résuméObserver Rule:Observers are allowed, but must remain clear of all competition and not talk to contestantsFacilitator InstructionsYou as the facilitator will set up an area for each of the 6 Scenarios. If more than 1 scenario will be run at the same time, make sure there is enough space between them so there is no interference. The scenarios can be judged by one judge, but that judge MUST judge all contestants for the scenario.The contestant will be given situations by the judge for the scenario, and will score them on their performance.The contestant should start in a holding room until called to and then move to the contest area.Once the contestants have competed they should leave the area and have no contact with those yet to compete.Judges may wish to debrief all of the competitors at the conclusion of the contest. If they choose to do this be sure they do not mention anything pertaining to a particular student. Their comments should be general in nature based on their total observations.Judges PacketProject InformationKnowledge PerformanceThere will be two written knowledge tests — one for the American Heart Association and one for the American Red Cross manuals. Maximum points for the written knowledge test will be 10% of the total score.Skill PerformanceAll skills demonstrated will be based on nationally accepted standards as identified by the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, National Safety Council and American Safety Health Institute.Contest GuidelinesContestants will demonstrate their ability to perform procedures or take appropriate action based on scenarios presented related to those listed in the Standards and CompetenciesJUDGES GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - REGIONAL and STATE SkillsUSASkill and Leadership ContestsThank you for giving your time and talent to evaluate our students. Your evaluation of their performance will assist them in their drive to become successful in their chosen occupation. l. Please remember that the contestants are students with job entry level skills. Please judge them accordingly.2.Allow time to orient all contestants prior to the contest. Have students draw for a demonstration time. (Post the times)3.Make sure that each student has an I.D. badge with their contestant number showing. Don't ask student their names or school they are from. Use the contestant list provided to you, to check off the students present. Do not assign contestant I.D.’s to any student that is not on the list. Immediately contact the Regional Coordinator.4.If a student arrives late, IF POSSIBLE, allow them to start the contest. They will not be allowed extra time unless the Regional Coordinator gives the OK.5.There are to be no Cell phones in the contest area. 6. If contestants need assistance in bringing equipment into room, 1 person can help them but in no case can any other person assist them in setting up. 7. Select or appoint a head judge who will oversee the contest and be responsible for tallying and certifying the contest rules.8.Select a judge to keep time and notify the contestant of the time remaining.9.You are to judge every contestant. 10. Familiarize yourself with the score sheet. The point ranges shown are possible points andyou should give the number of points you feel are deserved. Remember to judge on the basisof entry level skills.11.Do NOT discuss your scoring with anyone. This includes other judges, contestants, or advisors. Results should be kept confidential. Do not discuss who #l, 2, 3 should be - use the tallies from the score sheets as given. Only the head judge deducts timing, clothing, and Resume penalties.12.DO NOT allow contestants to talk to ANYONE except other judges. Contestants should not leave the contest or holding area for any reason. No advisors or teachers will be allowed to speak with contestants or to be in the contest or holding area EVER. If there is a problem with advisors, contact the regional coordinator or state director at once.13.Be consistent in your judging14.THERE ARE NO TIES when awarding 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Remember if contestants have an equal score, the judges must refer to the score obtained on the SkillsUSA knowledge test to break the tie. It is not necessary to select a medal winner if no contestant scores 70% or higher of the possible points for the contest.15.Judges are not to alter or change the contests or score sheets. All written materials; score sheets, judge’s sheets, written tests, etc., should be placed in a large manila envelope and turned in to the contest coordinator at the conclusion of the contest.16.There are no uniform or clothing requirements for the regional contests. However, safety items including safety glasses, hard hats, work shoes, etc., will be mandatory as required. Cosmetology contestants must wear the proper clinical shoes - no high heels allowed.17. If any problems arise, notify the regional coordinator or the state director.18. If one contestant discovers an error in the contest or any other problem that needs a judges’ help, it should be shared with all contestants.19.No judge or facilitator may disqualify ANY contestant without the expressed permission of the regional coordinator or state director.20. Resumes shall be collected at orientation, a fifty point deduction of the total contestant score shall be made if the contestant fails to provide a one page resume.NOTE:If a contestant feels that a rule violation occurred during the contest, the contestant may file a grievance. The grievance form may be obtained from the head contest judge and must be returned to same. The head judge must accept the grievance and must make a ruling on the grievance. If the head judge cannot rectify the grievance to the satisfaction of the contestant, then and only then may the contestant ask that the grievance be presented to the official grievance committee for consideration.All grievances must start with the head judge of each contest while the contest is in progress. Time missed while making a grievance report to the judge will be given to the contestant to complete his/her contest without penalty.No grievances will be filed after the contests are concluded.Final interpretations of all contest rules will be made by the Florida State Director or the Regional Coordinator at the regional contests. FLORIDA SkillsUSAGRIEVANCE FORMGrievances:A Grievances will be accepted for a Rule Violation only?Procedure for filing a Grievance:1.Only contestants may file grievances. No Advisors or Spectators.?2.Grievances must be filed DURING the Contest with the LEAD (Head) Judge prior to the ending of the Contest. The Contestant ONLY must file grievances!! The Contestant may only file a Grievance based on a rule infraction, which impacts ONLY the Contestant.Final interpretations of all contest rules will be made by the Florida State Director or the Regional Coordinator at the regional contests. Contestant Number: _____Contest being grieved: __________________Describe the Rule Violation: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Contestant Signature: ______________________________Advisor Signature: ________________________________Lead Judge Signature: _____________________________Resolution by Grievance Committee: _________________Committee Chair Signature: ________________________Date: _________Materials supplied by host school: All information needed to react to scenariosSupplies commonly found in the situation(s) describedContest Set-up:Holding room: An area will be set up in which contestants will assemble to wait their turns. Receptionist’s area: An area will be furnished with a counter for customer service. The area should have: Working telephoneComputerSpace for a flip chart Chairs for other customers An office for a call in customer w/phoneHolding area separate from contest areaProvided by Regional Coordinator:Judges copy of contest, answer sheet for written test (if used), and scoring sheets.Supplied by the Contestant:Approved certifications from the American Red Cross, American Heart Association and the National Safety Council for AED, CPR and First AidOne-page, typewritten résuméObserver Rule:Observers are allowed, but must remain clear of all competition and not talk to contestantsAT THE START OF THE CONTEST:Check off students present, by verifying their contestant number against your sheet.Have students draw for a presentation time.All students will be escorted to the holding room.At their appointment time they will be escorted to the contest room.Once the contestant is ready the contest will begin.Once contest is complete the contestant will be released to leaveContestant cannot return to the holding room.Judges Instructions for contestantSCENARIO 1: You are walking out of your house when you see your neighbor lying on the ground on his lawn.SCENARIO 2: You are entering a restaurant when you see someone who stands up and then falls to the floorSCENARIO 3: You are feeding an infant in her high chair when she begins choking. You are alone. She is conscious. SCENARIO 4: You enter the mail station and hear a scream from the packaging room. You see the manager has just tripped over a box and has an obvious fracture of his left leg. SCENARIO 5: You enter the mail station and hear a scream from the packaging room. You see the manager has just cut his hand with a box cutter. SCENARIO 6: You are at your friends house. You find his 6 year old brother unconscious on the floor. SCENARIO 7: You are outdoors playing with your children. Someone calls for help and says she is having an allergic reaction. She is red faced and reports difficulty breathing. She is able to speak to you.\s\s\s\s\s\s\s(Note: Scenario #8 is optional or can substitute for one of Scenarios #2 thru #7) Scenario #8Contestant:__________AED:You are at a Wal-Mart store when you hear a commotion. People are standing near a woman who has collapsed on the floor. There is an AED available.Check for scene safety`10_____Check for consciousness (tap and shout)15_____Check for breathing (not breathing)Tilt head chin lift Look, listen and feel for 5-10 seconds. Give two slow breathsCheck for severe bleeding15_____Scan entire body. Call for EMS. Continue providing care (use of gloves)AEDTurn on AED, Place pads on victim Analyze Victim20_____Deliver shock when promptedMake sure all are clear of victim for shock. Begin CPRVictim is not breathing and does not have a pulseBegin CPR20_____ Start with 30 compressions (no breaths)Do 5 uninterrupted cycles of 30 to 2Recheck pulse and breathing after 1 minuteVictim has a pulse and is breathing Maintain open airway and continue to monitor10_____ProfessionalismStrong handshake10_____Direct eye contact. Assertive/confident manner.10_____Loud and clear voice during testing10_____Total Points (120 possible)_____ Written TestDO NOT write in this test. Mark your answers on the sheet providedMultiple ChoiceIdentify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.1. Which animal bites should you report to the police or animal control officer?A.report the bite only if the animal has rabiesB.report the bite only if the animal is a skunk, raccoon, fox, or bat C.report all wild animal bitesD.report the bite only if the animal is aggressive or vicious2. A co-worker runs into your workplace and asks for your help. He tells you he was bitten by a dog. His arm is bleeding from the bite. Someone else phones 911 and goes to get the First Aid Kit. You put on your personal protective equipment. What should you do for this victim next?immediately put a dressing on the bite wound, bandage it, put ice over the bandage, andelevate the armgently wash the bite area with soap and water; then apply direct pressure to stop the bleedinggently wash the bite area with soap and water and apply ice to the bite, but do not touch the bite areaapply ice to the bite; then apply direct pressure to stop the bleeding 3. A worker is clearing brush from a site when a snake bites his leg. He asks you to look atthe bite. How can you tell if the bite might be from a poisonous snake?A.poisonous snakebites swell and cause a lot of pain; nonpoisonous snakebites are notpainful and do not cause swelling in the area of the biteB.poisonous snakes are very aggressive; nonpoisonous snakes are very tameC.a victim bitten by a poisonous snake will collapse and become unresponsive very quickly nonpoisonous snakes often leave tooth marks in the shape of a horseshoe; poisonousD.snakes usually leave 1 or 2 puncture wounds4. A co-worker is cutting the lawn when a bee stings him. He tells you that he is allergic to bee stings and asks you to help. What signs tell you that he is having a very bad allergic reaction to a bee sting?A.the victim feels burning at the bite and swelling of the bite area within 5 minutes B.the victim feels numbness and has redness and swelling in the area of t he sting C.the victim's tongue and face swell and he has trouble breathingD.the victim has a lot of itching, redness, or pain in the area of the bee sting5. You find a tick on your arm after walking through a wooded area near your workplace.What is the recommended way to remove the tick?A.hold the tick with your fingers or tweezers and pull until the tick lets goB.pinch the tick as hard as you can with tweezers and twist the tick until it lets goC.place a hot match on the tick until it lets goD.don't remove the tick right away; instead, watch it and remove it only if a rash appears6. On a very, very cold day, an outside worker comes into your workplace and asks you to help, He complains that he has been working outside for several hours without gloves and all his fingers are very cold and numb. Several of his fingers are white with a waxy color. You tell someone to phone 911 and to get the First Aid Kit. The nearest hospital is a few minutes away. What should you do for this victim?A.have him lie down and raise his legs while you wait for EMS rescuers to arriveB.remove any jewelry from his fingers and wrist (if possible); then thaw his frozen fingers in warm waterC.remove any jewelry from his fingers and wrist (if possible), but do not try to thaw his fingers D.gently massage the frostbite area and wrap his fingers in a heated blanket.7. You find one of your co-workers sitting outside against the building. It is a very, very cold day, and she is not wearing appropriate clothing for the cold temperature. Which of the following suggest that she might be suffering from severe hypothermia?A.she acts normally but is shivering and says that she is very, very cold B.she appears confused and sleepy and is not shiveringC.she is shivering a lot and jumping up and down to keep warmD.she is complaining of nausea and headache8. On a very hot summer day you find your co-worker sitting on the floor inside a hot warehouse. The ventilation is poor and there is no air conditioning. Her skin is red and hot. She responds when you ask if she is all right, but her answers are confused. You send someone to phone the emergency response number (or 911). What should you do for her now?move her to a cool area, loosen her clothing, encourage her to dr ink water, and sponge or spray her with cool water'loosen her clothing, but don't try to cool her off with water or anything else if EMS rescuers will be there within 10 minutesloosen her clothing and cover her with a blanket to prevent chills; give her ice chips to chew on until EMS rescuers arrivelay her down on the floor, raise her legs, and keep her airway open until EMS rescuers arrive9. A co-worker spilled a liquid chemical on her bare arm. She tells you that it is burning her skin and asks you to help. The large, very red spot on her arm is beginning to blister. You are sure the area is safe. You ask someone to phone 911 and get the First Aid Kit. . You put on personal protective equipment. What should you do now?do not do anything until you find and read the Materials Safety Data Sheettake the victim to a sink and run water over her skin for at least 20 minutes or until EMS rescuers arriveask the victim to sit quietly; if she feels faint or lightheaded. tell her to lie down and raise her legs on a boxtell the victim there is nothing you can do until you call the Poison Control Center or EMS rescuers arrive10. One of your co-workers has a serious injury. She has lost a lot of blood. You approach her and offer to help, but she refuses to let anyone touch her. She answers your questions and does not appear to be confused. What should you do?tell the victim that you must give first aid and begin to apply pressure to her woundtell the victim that she should phone 911 and get proper care for her woundphone your company's emergency response number (or 911) and stay with the victim until EMS rescuers arrivetell another co-worker to hold pressure on her wound while you phone your company's emergency response number (or 911) 11. You are asked to help when some of your co-workers are injured in a truck crash in frontof your workplace. What is the first thing you should do as you approach the scene?A.tell the victims to move off the streetB.ask any bystanders to help you move the victims inside the building C.tell the victims to be still to avoid making their injuries worseD.look around and make sure the area is safe for you and the victims12. After you give first aid in the workplace, what should you do with anything that mighthave touched the victim's blood, saliva, or urine?wrap the items in a sealed plastic bag and throw the bag away in the trashplace the items in a biohazard waste bag, seal it, and follow your company's plan fordisposing of hazardous wastesave the items and give them to EMS rescuers for transport with the victim to the hospital, where medical personnel can check them do not touch the items (even with gloves) and do not dispose of them. Only persons who are trained in disposal of hazardous waste materials can dispose of these items13. You are asked to help a co-worker. As you approach the area, you see the victim lying. face down on the floor. You make sure the area is safe. Now what should you do for this victim?A.quickly roll the victim over and begin CPRB.check to see if the victim is responsive by gently shaking him and shouting "Are you OK?" C.find out if the victim has any allergies or is taking any medicationsD.move the victim to a comfortable place and keep him warm14. As you walk to your car after work, you see a co-worker slump against a car and then slide to the ground. You run to help and find that the victim is unresponsive. You lay her on her back. You ask a passerby to phone 911. After you open the victim's airway, what should you do next?look into the victim's mouth to see if anything is blocking the airway, and then you wipe out the victim's mouth with your finger...give several abdominal thrusts, then place your ear over the victim's chest and feel for chest movementgently shake the victim and look for a responseplace your ear next to the victim's mouth and nose, look to see if the chest is moving, and listen and feel for breaths15. One day after giving first aid to a co-worker, you find out that the man died. You feelguilty and blame yourself. What should you do about your feelings?you should discuss your feelings with a counselor, doctor, nurse, or other healthcareprovider. you should talk with several of your co-workers, give them details about your co-worker's problem, and explain what you did to help in this emergencyignore your feelings and don't talk about them because it is best not to think about these thingsif you think that you may not have done the right thing to help this person, you should tell a supervisor that you do not want to give first aid in the future.16. A co-worker is eating a sandwich and suddenly grabs his neck. He is unable to makesounds, cough, speak, or breathe. What should you do?A.leave him alone and try to get him to cough vigorouslyB.tell him you are going to help and do abdominal thrustsC.look in his mouth and use your finger to try to dislodge the object that is causing him to chokeD.phone 911 and do nothing until emergency help arrives17. A woman who is in late pregnancy suddenly stops eating and grabs her neck with herhands. She is unable to breathe, talk, or cough. What should you do for her?A.tell her you are going to help and give her several abdominal thrustsB.phone 911 and don't do anything until EMS rescuers arriveC.look in her mouth and use your finger to try to dislodge whatever is causing her to choke D.tell her you can help and give her chest thrusts18. Your co-worker is having trouble breathing. He tells you that he has asthma and has medicine in his locker. He can't catch his breath. You hear a whistle sound when he tries to breathe. What should you do?A.tell him you are going to help him and give abdominal thrustsB.try to get him to relax and encourage him to coughC.get the medicine for him and then stay with himD.leave him to phone 911 or your company's emergency response number because you can't do anything to help him19. You think that your co-worker might be having an allergic reaction. Which of thefollowing are signs of a bad allergic reaction (different from a mild allergic reaction)?stuffy nose, sneezing, and itchy eyesitchy skin.swelling of the tongue and face and trouble breathinga raised, red skin rash20. A co-worker is having a bad allergic reaction. She asks you for help and tells you thatshe has an epinephrine pen with her. What should you do about the epinephrine pen?A.wait until EMS rescuers arrive and tell them about the pen so that they can use it B.help her use the pen if you are train ed and approved to do soC.do not let her use the pen unless EMS rescuers say it is OKD.wait until she becomes unresponsive, t hen use the pen if you are trained to do so21. Your supervisor complains that she is suddenly nauseated, weak, and lightheaded. She is awake but looks pale and is sweaty. What should you look for to see if she might be having a heart attack?A.an uncomfortable feeling of pressure or pain in the chest or upper body, arms, jaw, back, neck, or stomachB.inability to cough or speakC.noisy breathingD. numbness or weakness on one side of the body, trouble speaking, severe headache, and facial droop22. You think that your supervisor is having a heart attack. He is awake and you are the only person with him. What should you do right away?A.start CPR immediatelyB.tell him to try to walk around to see if the pain goes awayC.tell him to sit quietly, phone 911 immediately, get an A ED if one is available, and get a First Aid KitD.tell him to move to a cool area, to loosen his clothing, and to rest for 30 minutes23. A worker in your office stands up suddenly after kneeling for several minutes to file papers. She tells you she feels dizzy. Then she leans against her desk. She is awake but says she feels very dizzy. What should you do?A.tell her to drive home and restB.tell her to lie flat on the floor and raise her legs about 12 inches off the floorC.tell her to take a brisk walk outside and get a breath of fresh airD.have her sit in a chair and wipe her face with a cool, wet cloth for several minutes24. You think that a co-worker may be having a stroke. What are signs of a possible stroke?A.pain or pressure in the chest or upper body, shortness of breath, and light headedness B.dizziness and throbbing pain in the arms and legsC.coldness and tingling sensations in the fingers and toesD.sudden facial droop, weakness on one side of the body, and trouble speaking25. A co-worker cuts her leg on the corner of a metal shelf. The cut is large and is bleeding a lot. The victim asks you to help. The area is safe. Another worker is getting the First Aid Kit and phoning 911. What should you tell the victim while you wait for the First Aid Kit?A.tell her there is nothing you can do until the First Aid Kit arrivesB.tell her to press on the leg wound with a clean cloth to stop the bleedingC.tell her she is probably in shock, and cover her with a blanket and raise her legs about 12inches off the floor'D.tell her to let the cut bleed because it will not hurt anything26. A co-worker is using a razor knife to open a box and cuts her arm by mistake. The cut is large, and a lot of blood is gushing from it. The victim asks you to help. A co-worker phones the company emergency response number and brings the First Aid Kit. You stop the bleeding with pressure. The victim is lying down. She says that she is feeling weak and dizzy, and she is shivering. What should you do?A.cover her with a blanket and raise her feet about 12 inches off the floorB.do not do anything more until EMS rescuers arriveC.put more pressure on the bleeding fro m the armD.take off the dressing on the cut on her arm27. Your co-worker is using a saw and cuts his hand by mistake. He turns the saw off and runs to you for help. The cut is bleeding a lot. You get the First Aid Kit and ask the victim to apply pressure to the cut while you put on personal protective equipment. What should you do now to control the bleeding?A.put a dressing on the wound and apply pressureB.be sure that the victim is comfortable and warmC.have the victim lie flat and raise the victim's legsD.tightly squeeze the area around the wound to cut off circulation28. A metal fitting bursts, causing a large piece of metal to strike a worker. The metal is sticking out of his arm. The victim asks for your help. You get the First Aid Kit and put on personal protective equipment. What should you do about the piece of metal stuck in the victim's arm?A.gently remove it and control the bleedingB.gently remove it and look for signs of shockC.don't remove it; control the bleeding and look for signs of shockD.don't remove it until the victim becomes unresponsive; then you c an take it out29. An office worker has a bad nosebleed and asks you to help her. After you put on yourpersonal protective equipment, what should you do to help her?A.have her sit and lean her head back; do not touch the nose for a few minutes B.place an ice bag on her nose or foreheadC.have her sit and lean forward while you pinch her nostrils for a few minutes D.have her lie down, raise her legs, and put an ice bag on her nose30. A worker is arranging pipes on a rack in the storeroom. Several pipes roll back and strikehim in the stomach. He sits on the floor holding his stomach and crying out in pain. The area is safe and there is no wound that you can .gee. You ask him to lie on his back. A bystander phones 911 and gets the First Aid Kit. The victim is now shivering and says that he is dizzy and feels “funny." What should you do now?A.cover him with a blanket and raise his feet about 12 inches off the floor if it does not hurt him B.tell him you think he is having a heart attack and be ready to start CP RC.press firmly on his stomachD.move the victim to a cool, comfortable place and tell him to rest31. You are asked to help someone injured at an outdoor park next door to your office. Which of the following might make you think that the victim has a spine injury?A.the victim has trouble breathing and has swelling of the tongue or face B.the victim has a lot of bleeding that you can seeC.the victim has a large cut on his armD.the victim has received a forceful blow to the head'32. A co-worker slips on a wet floor in the cafeteria and twists his ankle. He asks for your help. You make sure the area is safe, and you find that the man's ankle is swollen and discolored. You shout for help, and someone brings you a First Aid Kit. You put onpersonal protective equipment. What should you do for his ankle injury?place an ice bag over a towel on the ankle and don't try to move the ankleput a heat pack over a towel on the ankle and don't try to move the ankletell the victim to move the ankle and walk around as much as possible to be sure it isn't brokenput a heat pack over a towel on the ankle and have him move the ankle around to maintain blood flow33. A jet of steam from a pipe causes a burn on a worker's arm. He yells to you for help and tells you that the burn hurts a lot. You see a small red burn on his arm. You put on gloves. What should you do now for his burn?A.put burn ointment on the burn and cover it with a dressingB.put antibiotic ointment on the burn and cover it with a dressingC.hold the victim's arm under cold running water for about 15 to 30 minutesD.wrap the burn with a tight dressing34. You see a co-worker suddenly slump to the floor. You look around and see that the areais safe. How do you check to see if the victim is responsive?A.shake him gently and shout" Are you OK?"B.open his airway and look, listen, and feel for breathing C.check for signs of circulationD.look at his color and breathing pattern35. You have started the steps of CPR for a co-worker who is unresponsive. You open hisairway and find that he is not breathing. What should you do next?A.open the victim's mouth, sweep it out with your finger, then check for signs of circulation B.keep the victim's airway open, then use a face mask or face shield and give 2 rapid and forceful breathsC.keep the victim's airway open, then use a face mask or face shield and give 2 slow breaths D.open the victim's mouth and look inside to see that the airway is clear; if the airway is clear, begin chest compressions36. A woman in your office tells you that she has an uncomfortable feeling in her chest, an d then she suddenly collapses. She is unresponsive. You send a co-worker to phone 911 and get the First Aid Kit and AED (if available). You open the victim's airway and find that she is gasping, so you give her 2 rescue breaths that make the chest rise. What should you do next?A.begin chest compressions B.check for signs of circulation C.give abdominal thrustsD.give 2 more rescue breaths37. Which of the following should tell you that you should start chest compressions as thenext step?A.the victim is unresponsive, is not breathing, and has no signs of circulation afterreceiving 2 rescue breathsB.the victim is unresponsive.C.the victim is unresponsive and is not breathing normallyD.the victim is unresponsive; after receiving 2 rescue breaths, she is breathing normally, coughing, or moving38. You are doing CPR. You are giving chest compressions and rescue breaths. Whenshould you recheck the victim for signs of circulation?A.after EMS rescuers arrive and take over chest compressions and rescue breaths B.after you give about 4 cycles of 15 compressions and 2 rescue breathsC.after each cycle of 15 compressions and 2 rescue breathsD.after 5 minutes of CP R or 25 cycles of CP R, whichever comes first39. A woman walking outside your office leans against the building and then slumps to the ground. You run outside an d find that she is unresponsive. You send a co-worker to phone 911 and get the AED and First Aid Kit. You open the woman's airway and check breathing. She is breathing normally. What should you do next?A.give her 2 rescue breaths to see if she will respondB.begin chest compressionsC.lay her on her back and raise her legs 12 inches from the ground while you wait for EMS rescuers to arriveD.turn her on her side if there are no signs of head or spine injury40. You are ready to attach the AED .pads. On the victim's bare chest you see a medicinepatch where one of the AED pads should go. What should you do about the patch?A.take off the medicine patch, wipe the skin dry, and then attach the AED padB.put the AED pad over the medicine patch, being careful to cover the entire patch with the pad .C.put the AED pad at least 2 inches away from the medicine patch on the same side of the chest as the medicine patch and leave the patch in placeD.put both of the AED pads on the other side of the chest from the medicine patchEnd of Written Test.Turn in this test and your answer sheet to the judge.Answer Sheet1. _____2. _____3. _____4. _____5. _____6. _____7. _____8. _____9. _____10. _____11. _____12. _____13. _____14. _____15. _____16. _____17. _____18. _____19. _____20. _____21. _____22. _____23. _____24. _____25. _____26. _____27. _____28. _____29. _____30. _____31. _____32. _____33. _____34. _____35. _____36. _____37. _____38. _____39. _____40. _____Contestant # _________Written Test - Answer Key1. __C___2. __B___3. __D___4. __C___5. __A___6. __C___7. __B___8. __A___9. __B___10. __C___11. __D___12. __B___13. __B___14. __D___15. __A___16. __B___17. __D___18. __C___19. __C___20. __B___21. __A___22. __C___23. __B___24. __D___25. __C___26. __A___27. __A___28. __C___29. __C___30. __A___31. __D___32. __A___33. __C___34. __A___35. __C___36. __B___37. __A___38. __B___39. __D___40. __A___Note: Scenario #8 is optional or can substitute for one of Scenarios #2 thru #7ITEMS EVALUATEDPossible PointsCONTESTANT NUMBERScenario #1200Scenario #2120Scenario #3120Scenario #4120Scenario #5120Scenario #6120Scenario #7120Written Test80Sub Total (1000)Resume Penalty (0 to -50) `Clothing Penalty (up to -50)Safety Penalty (up to -50)Time Penalty Total (1000 possible) TALLY SHEET Please place all judges’ total scores on this sheet. Add the judge’s scores to determine the placement of each student.Remember you might have secondary (high school) and Post-Secondary (those that have graduated from high school) in the contest. The way to determine is look at their I.D. badge. If you have both groups you will have winners in each groupJudgeContestant number#1#2#3#4#5TotalPlace JudgeContestant number#1#2#3#4#5TotalPlaceSecondary3rd Place __________________________________2nd Place _________________________________1st Place __________________________________Post Secondary3rd Place __________________________________2nd Place _________________________________1st Place __________________________________ContestantPacketTable of ContentThis section contains:Contestant Information36Judges Scenario’s for scoring each contestant37-42Written Test and answer sheet 43-52Directions:Have you drawn for your presentation time?Do you have Resume?Do you have a pen?Make sure to have (ONLY) your contestant number showing. If you are missing an item listed above, let the head judge know before the start of the contest. You will be scored on the following Criteria.Scenario #1240Scenario #2120Scenario #3120Scenario #4200Scenario #5200Scenario #6120Written Test100--------Think Safety--------At your assigned time you will be escorted into the contest area.*****Remember Safety is always a priority*****\s\s\s\s\s\s\s(Note: Scenario #8 is optional or can substitute for one of Scenarios #2 thru #7) Scenario #8Contestant:__________AED:You are at a Wal-Mart store when you hear a commotion. People are standing near a woman who has collapsed on the floor. There is an AED available.Check for scene safety`10_____Check for consciousness (tap and shout)15_____Check for breathing (not breathing)Tilt head chin lift Look, listen and feel for 5-10 seconds. Give two slow breathsCheck for severe bleeding15_____Scan entire body. Call for EMS. Continue providing care (use of gloves)AEDTurn on AED, Place pads on victim Analyze Victim20_____Deliver shock when promptedMake sure all are clear of victim for shock. Begin CPRVictim is not breathing and does not have a pulseBegin CPR20_____ Start with 30 compressions (no breaths)Do 5 uninterrupted cycles of 30 to 2Recheck pulse and breathing after 1 minuteVictim has a pulse and is breathing Maintain open airway and continue to monitor10_____ProfessionalismStrong handshake10_____Direct eye contact. Assertive/confident manner.10_____Loud and clear voice during testing10_____Total Points (120 possible)_____Written TestDO NOT write in this test. Mark your answers on the sheet providedMultiple ChoiceIdentify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.1. Which animal bites should you report to the police or animal control officer?A.report the bite only if the animal has rabiesB.report the bite only if the animal is a skunk, raccoon, fox, or bat C.report all wild animal bitesD.report the bite only if the animal is aggressive or vicious2. A co-worker runs into your workplace and asks for your help. He tells you he was bitten by a dog. His arm is bleeding from the bite. Someone else phones 911 and goes to get the First Aid Kit. You put on your personal protective equipment. What should you do for this victim next?immediately put a dressing on the bite wound, bandage it, put ice over the bandage, andelevate the armgently wash the bite area with soap and water; then apply direct pressure to stop the bleedinggently wash the bite area with soap and water and apply ice to the bite, but do not touch the bite areaapply ice to the bite; then apply direct pressure to stop the bleeding 3. A worker is clearing brush from a site when a snake bites his leg. He asks you to look atthe bite. How can you tell if the bite might be from a poisonous snake?A.poisonous snakebites swell and cause a lot of pain; nonpoisonous snakebites are notpainful and do not cause swelling in the area of the biteB.poisonous snakes are very aggressive; nonpoisonous snakes are very tameC.a victim bitten by a poisonous snake will collapse and become unresponsive very quickly nonpoisonous snakes often leave tooth marks in the shape of a horseshoe; poisonousD.snakes usually leave 1 or 2 puncture wounds4. A co-worker is cutting the lawn when a bee stings him. He tells you that he is allergic to bee stings and asks you to help. What signs tell you that he is having a very bad allergic reaction to a bee sting?A.the victim feels burning at the bite and swelling of the bite area within 5 minutes B.the victim feels numbness and has redness and swelling in the area of t he sting C.the victim's tongue and face swell and he has trouble breathingD.the victim has a lot of itching, redness, or pain in the area of the bee sting5. You find a tick on your arm after walking through a wooded area near your workplace.What is the recommended way to remove the tick?A.hold the tick with your fingers or tweezers and pull until the tick lets goB.pinch the tick as hard as you can with tweezers and twist the tick until it lets goC.place a hot match on the tick until it lets goD.don't remove the tick right away; instead, watch it and remove it only if a rash appears6. On a very, very cold day, an outside worker comes into your workplace and asks you to help, He complains that he has been working outside for several hours without gloves and all his fingers are very cold and numb. Several of his fingers are white with a waxy color. You tell someone to phone 911 and to get the First Aid Kit. The nearest hospital is a few minutes away. What should you do for this victim?A.have him lie down and raise his legs while you wait for EMS rescuers to arriveB.remove any jewelry from his fingers and wrist (if possible); then thaw his frozen fingers in warm waterC.remove any jewelry from his fingers and wrist (if possible), but do not try to thaw his fingers D.gently massage the frostbite area and wrap his fingers in a heated blanket.7. You find one of your co-workers sitting outside against the building. It is a very, very cold day, and she is not wearing appropriate clothing for the cold temperature. Which of the following suggest that she might be suffering from severe hypothermia?A.she acts normally but is shivering and says that she is very, very cold B.she appears confused and sleepy and is not shiveringC.she is shivering a lot and jumping up and down to keep warmD.she is complaining of nausea and headache8. On a very hot summer day you find your co-worker sitting on the floor inside a hot warehouse. The ventilation is poor and there is no air conditioning. Her skin is red and hot. She responds when you ask if she is all right, but her answers are confused. You send someone to phone the emergency response number (or 911). What should you do for her now?move her to a cool area, loosen her clothing, encourage her to dr ink water, and sponge or spray her with cool water'loosen her clothing, but don't try to cool her off with water or anything else if EMS rescuers will be there within 10 minutesloosen her clothing and cover her with a blanket to prevent chills; give her ice chips to chew on until EMS rescuers arrivelay her down on the floor, raise her legs, and keep her airway open until EMS rescuers arrive9. A co-worker spilled a liquid chemical on her bare arm. She tells you that it is burning her skin and asks you to help. The large, very red spot on her arm is beginning to blister. You are sure the area is safe. You ask someone to phone 911 and get the First Aid Kit. . You put on personal protective equipment. What should you do now?do not do anything until you find and read the Materials Safety Data Sheettake the victim to a sink and run water over her skin for at least 20 minutes or until EMS rescuers arriveask the victim to sit quietly; if she feels faint or lightheaded. tell her to lie down and raise her legs on a boxtell the victim there is nothing you can do until you call the Poison Control Center or EMS rescuers arrive10. One of your co-workers has a serious injury. She has lost a lot of blood. You approach her and offer to help, but she refuses to let anyone touch her. She answers your questions and does not appear to be confused. What should you do?tell the victim that you must give first aid and begin to apply pressure to her woundtell the victim that she should phone 911 and get proper care for her woundphone your company's emergency response number (or 911) and stay with the victim until EMS rescuers arrivetell another co-worker to hold pressure on her wound while you phone your company's emergency response number (or 911) 11. You are asked to help when some of your co-workers are injured in a truck crash in frontof your workplace. What is the first thing you should do as you approach the scene?A.tell the victims to move off the streetB.ask any bystanders to help you move the victims inside the building C.tell the victims to be still to avoid making their injuries worseD.look around and make sure the area is safe for you and the victims12. After you give first aid in the workplace, what should you do with anything that mighthave touched the victim's blood, saliva, or urine?wrap the items in a sealed plastic bag and throw the bag away in the trashplace the items in a biohazard waste bag, seal it, and follow your company's plan fordisposing of hazardous wastesave the items and give them to EMS rescuers for transport with the victim to the hospital, where medical personnel can check them do not touch the items (even with gloves) and do not dispose of them. Only persons who are trained in disposal of hazardous waste materials can dispose of these items13. You are asked to help a co-worker. As you approach the area, you see the victim lying. face down on the floor. You make sure the area is safe. Now what should you do for this victim?A.quickly roll the victim over and begin CPRB.check to see if the victim is responsive by gently shaking him and shouting "Are you OK?" C.find out if the victim has any allergies or is taking any medicationsD.move the victim to a comfortable place and keep him warm14. As you walk to your car after work, you see a co-worker slump against a car and then slide to the ground. You run to help and find that the victim is unresponsive. You lay her on her back. You ask a passerby to phone 911. After you open the victim's airway, what should you do next?look into the victim's mouth to see if anything is blocking the airway, and then you wipe out the victim's mouth with your finger...give several abdominal thrusts, then place your ear over the victim's chest and feel for chest movementgently shake the victim and look for a responseplace your ear next to the victim's mouth and nose, look to see if the chest is moving, and listen and feel for breaths15. One day after giving first aid to a co-worker, you find out that the man died. You feelguilty and blame yourself. What should you do about your feelings?you should discuss your feelings with a counselor, doctor, nurse, or other healthcareprovider. you should talk with several of your co-workers, give them details about your co-worker's problem, and explain what you did to help in this emergencyignore your feelings and don't talk about them because it is best not to think about these thingsif you think that you may not have done the right thing to help this person, you should tell a supervisor that you do not want to give first aid in the future.16. A co-worker is eating a sandwich and suddenly grabs his neck. He is unable to makesounds, cough, speak, or breathe. What should you do?A.leave him alone and try to get him to cough vigorouslyB.tell him you are going to help and do abdominal thrustsC.look in his mouth and use your finger to try to dislodge the object that is causing him to chokeD.phone 911 and do nothing until emergency help arrives17. A woman who is in late pregnancy suddenly stops eating and grabs her neck with herhands. She is unable to breathe, talk, or cough. What should you do for her?A.tell her you are going to help and give her several abdominal thrustsB.phone 911 and don't do anything until EMS rescuers arriveC.look in her mouth and use your finger to try to dislodge whatever is causing her to choke D.tell her you can help and give her chest thrusts18. Your co-worker is having trouble breathing. He tells you that he has asthma and has medicine in his locker. He can't catch his breath. You hear a whistle sound when he tries to breathe. What should you do?A.tell him you are going to help him and give abdominal thrustsB.try to get him to relax and encourage him to coughC.get the medicine for him and then stay with himD.leave him to phone 911 or your company's emergency response number because you can't do anything to help him19. You think that your co-worker might be having an allergic reaction. Which of thefollowing are signs of a bad allergic reaction (different from a mild allergic reaction)?stuffy nose, sneezing, and itchy eyesitchy skin.swelling of the tongue and face and trouble breathinga raised, red skin rash20. A co-worker is having a bad allergic reaction. She asks you for help and tells you thatshe has an epinephrine pen with her. What should you do about the epinephrine pen?A.wait until EMS rescuers arrive and tell them about the pen so that they can use it B.help her use the pen if you are train ed and approved to do soC.do not let her use the pen unless EMS rescuers say it is OKD.wait until she becomes unresponsive, t hen use the pen if you are trained to do so21. Your supervisor complains that she is suddenly nauseated, weak, and lightheaded. She is awake but looks pale and is sweaty. What should you look for to see if she might be having a heart attack?A.an uncomfortable feeling of pressure or pain in the chest or upper body, arms, jaw, back, neck, or stomachB.inability to cough or speakC.noisy breathingD. numbness or weakness on one side of the body, trouble speaking, severe headache, and facial droop22. You think that your supervisor is having a heart attack. He is awake and you are the only person with him. What should you do right away?A.start CPR immediatelyB.tell him to try to walk around to see if the pain goes awayC.tell him to sit quietly, phone 911 immediately, get an A ED if one is available, and get a First Aid KitD.tell him to move to a cool area, to loosen his clothing, and to rest for 30 minutes23. A worker in your office stands up suddenly after kneeling for several minutes to file papers. She tells you she feels dizzy. Then she leans against her desk. She is awake but says she feels very dizzy. What should you do?A.tell her to drive home and restB.tell her to lie flat on the floor and raise her legs about 12 inches off the floorC.tell her to take a brisk walk outside and get a breath of fresh airD.have her sit in a chair and wipe her face with a cool, wet cloth for several minutes24. You think that a co-worker may be having a stroke. What are signs of a possible stroke?A.pain or pressure in the chest or upper body, shortness of breath, and light headedness B.dizziness and throbbing pain in the arms and legsC.coldness and tingling sensations in the fingers and toesD.sudden facial droop, weakness on one side of the body, and trouble speaking25. A co-worker cuts her leg on the corner of a metal shelf. The cut is large and is bleeding a lot. The victim asks you to help. The area is safe. Another worker is getting the First Aid Kit and phoning 911. What should you tell the victim while you wait for the First Aid Kit?A.tell her there is nothing you can do until the First Aid Kit arrivesB.tell her to press on the leg wound with a clean cloth to stop the bleedingC.tell her she is probably in shock, and cover her with a blanket and raise her legs about 12inches off the floor'D.tell her to let the cut bleed because it will not hurt anything26. A co-worker is using a razor knife to open a box and cuts her arm by mistake. The cut is large, and a lot of blood is gushing from it. The victim asks you to help. A co-worker phones the company emergency response number and brings the First Aid Kit. You stop the bleeding with pressure. The victim is lying down. She says that she is feeling weak and dizzy, and she is shivering. What should you do?A.cover her with a blanket and raise her feet about 12 inches off the floorB.do not do anything more until EMS rescuers arriveC.put more pressure on the bleeding fro m the armD.take off the dressing on the cut on her arm27. Your co-worker is using a saw and cuts his hand by mistake. He turns the saw off and runs to you for help. The cut is bleeding a lot. You get the First Aid Kit and ask the victim to apply pressure to the cut while you put on personal protective equipment. What should you do now to control the bleeding?A.put a dressing on the wound and apply pressureB.be sure that the victim is comfortable and warmC.have the victim lie flat and raise the victim's legsD.tightly squeeze the area around the wound to cut off circulation28. A metal fitting bursts, causing a large piece of metal to strike a worker. The metal is sticking out of his arm. The victim asks for your help. You get the First Aid Kit and put on personal protective equipment. What should you do about the piece of metal stuck in the victim's arm?A.gently remove it and control the bleedingB.gently remove it and look for signs of shockC.don't remove it; control the bleeding and look for signs of shockD.don't remove it until the victim becomes unresponsive; then you c an take it out29. An office worker has a bad nosebleed and asks you to help her. After you put on yourpersonal protective equipment, what should you do to help her?A.have her sit and lean her head back; do not touch the nose for a few minutes B.place an ice bag on her nose or foreheadC.have her sit and lean forward while you pinch her nostrils for a few minutes D.have her lie down, raise her legs, and put an ice bag on her nose30. A worker is arranging pipes on a rack in the storeroom. Several pipes roll back and strikehim in the stomach. He sits on the floor holding his stomach and crying out in pain. The area is safe and there is no wound that you can .gee. You ask him to lie on his back. A bystander phones 911 and gets the First Aid Kit. The victim is now shivering and says that he is dizzy and feels “funny." What should you do now?A.cover him with a blanket and raise his feet about 12 inches off the floor if it does not hurt him B.tell him you think he is having a heart attack and be ready to start CP RC.press firmly on his stomachD.move the victim to a cool, comfortable place and tell him to rest31. You are asked to help someone injured at an outdoor park next door to your office. Which of the following might make you think that the victim has a spine injury?A.the victim has trouble breathing and has swelling of the tongue or face B.the victim has a lot of bleeding that you can seeC.the victim has a large cut on his armD.the victim has received a forceful blow to the head'32. A co-worker slips on a wet floor in the cafeteria and twists his ankle. He asks for your help. You make sure the area is safe, and you find that the man's ankle is swollen and discolored. You shout for help, and someone brings you a First Aid Kit. You put onpersonal protective equipment. What should you do for his ankle injury?place an ice bag over a towel on the ankle and don't try to move the ankleput a heat pack over a towel on the ankle and don't try to move the ankletell the victim to move the ankle and walk around as much as possible to be sure it isn't brokenput a heat pack over a towel on the ankle and have him move the ankle around to maintain blood flow33. A jet of steam from a pipe causes a burn on a worker's arm. He yells to you for help and tells you that the burn hurts a lot. You see a small red burn on his arm. You put on gloves. What should you do now for his burn?A.put burn ointment on the burn and cover it with a dressingB.put antibiotic ointment on the burn and cover it with a dressingC.hold the victim's arm under cold running water for about 15 to 30 minutesD.wrap the burn with a tight dressing34. You see a co-worker suddenly slump to the floor. You look around and see that the areais safe. How do you check to see if the victim is responsive?A.shake him gently and shout" Are you OK?"B.open his airway and look, listen, and feel for breathing C.check for signs of circulationD.look at his color and breathing pattern35. You have started the steps of CPR for a co-worker who is unresponsive. You open hisairway and find that he is not breathing. What should you do next?A.open the victim's mouth, sweep it out with your finger, then check for signs of circulation B.keep the victim's airway open, then use a face mask or face shield and give 2 rapid and forceful breathsC.keep the victim's airway open, then use a face mask or face shield and give 2 slow breaths D.open the victim's mouth and look inside to see that the airway is clear; if the airway is clear, begin chest compressions36. A woman in your office tells you that she has an uncomfortable feeling in her chest, an d then she suddenly collapses. She is unresponsive. You send a co-worker to phone 911 and get the First Aid Kit and AED (if available). You open the victim's airway and find that she is gasping, so you give her 2 rescue breaths that make the chest rise. What should you do next?A.begin chest compressions B.check for signs of circulation C.give abdominal thrustsD.give 2 more rescue breaths37. Which of the following should tell you that you should start chest compressions as thenext step?A.the victim is unresponsive, is not breathing, and has no signs of circulation afterreceiving 2 rescue breathsB.the victim is unresponsive.C.the victim is unresponsive and is not breathing normallyD.the victim is unresponsive; after receiving 2 rescue breaths, she is breathing normally, coughing, or moving38. You are doing CPR. You are giving chest compressions and rescue breaths. Whenshould you recheck the victim for signs of circulation?A.after EMS rescuers arrive and take over chest compressions and rescue breaths B.after you give about 4 cycles of 15 compressions and 2 rescue breathsC.after each cycle of 15 compressions and 2 rescue breathsD.after 5 minutes of CP R or 25 cycles of CP R, whichever comes first39. A woman walking outside your office leans against the building and then slumps to the ground. You run outside an d find that she is unresponsive. You send a co-worker to phone 911 and get the AED and First Aid Kit. You open the woman's airway and check breathing. She is breathing normally. What should you do next?A.give her 2 rescue breaths to see if she will respondB.begin chest compressionsC.lay her on her back and raise her legs 12 inches from the ground while you wait for EMS rescuers to arriveD.turn her on her side if there are no signs of head or spine injury40. You are ready to attach the AED .pads. On the victim's bare chest you see a medicinepatch where one of the AED pads should go. What should you do about the patch?A.take off the medicine patch, wipe the skin dry, and then attach the AED padB.put the AED pad over the medicine patch, being careful to cover the entire patch with the pad .C.put the AED pad at least 2 inches away from the medicine patch on the same side of the chest as the medicine patch and leave the patch in placeD.put both of the AED pads on the other side of the chest from the medicine patchEnd of Written Test.Turn in this test and your answer sheet to the judge.Answer Sheet1. _____2. _____3. _____4. _____5. _____6. _____7. _____8. _____9. _____10. _____11. _____12. _____13. _____14. _____15. _____16. _____17. _____18. _____19. _____20. _____21. _____22. _____23. _____24. _____25. _____26. _____27. _____28. _____29. _____30. _____31. _____32. _____33. _____34. _____35. _____36. _____37. _____38. _____39. _____40. _____Contestant # _________Instructors PacketMaterials supplied by host school: All information needed to react to scenariosSupplies commonly found in the situation(s) describedContest Set-up:Holding room: An area will be set up in which contestants will assemble to wait their turns. Receptionist’s area: An area will be furnished with a counter for customer service. The area should have: Working telephoneComputerSpace for a flip chart Chairs for other customers An office for a call in customer w/phoneHolding area separate from contest areaProvided by Regional Coordinator:Judges copy of contest, answer sheet for written test (if used), and scoring sheets.Supplied by the Contestant:Approved certifications from the American Red Cross, American Heart Association and the National Safety Council for AED, CPR and First AidOne-page, typewritten résuméObserver Rule:Observers are allowed, but must remain clear of all competition and not talk to contestants ................

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