
. Links are current as of 2 April 2003. Find exemplary links related to space, weather, geology, environmental links, and then reference tools, lesson plans, and converters

TOP 10 SPACE SCIENCE PHOTOS: was a recent article at the "" web site that uses "two veteran image pickers to choose the pictures they think represent the best, most intriguing, most scientifically important space science images ever to come from their respective domains." Images include "Pillars of Creation," "Earthrise over the Moon," "Volcanoes on Io," and more.

COOLEST SPACE IMAGES OF 2002: as picked by the “,” see attractive pictures of a watery Mars, the heart of the Milky Way, the birth of Saturn, black holes, and more. Each image, some of which are artists’ renderings, is accompanied by a brief description

COOLEST SPACE IMAGES OF 2001: as picked by the “,” see attractive pictures of pictures of nebula, Leonids, violent Jupiter weather, solar flares, aurora, Eros, Comet Borrelly, and my favorite—a dust storm that obscures almost the entire Martian


THE NINE PLANETS: Take Bill Arnett's multimedia tour of the Solar System. " 'The Nine Planets' is a collection of information about our Solar System intended for a general audience with little technical background. "

MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR from Malin Space Science Systems, find the latest installment of detailed images showing, “the 2001 planet-enshrouding dust storm events, springtime retreat of the south polar seasonal frost cap,the retreat of carbon dioxide ice cliffs in the south polar residual cap, stereo views of gullies,and potential Mars Exploration Rover landing sites.”

2002 CIA WORLD FACT BOOK: country maps plus pertinent information on physical features, political process, economic system, infrastructure, and more.

CENSUS 2000 MAPS: USA Today lends it graphic rich, easily readable format to understanding the 2000 Census at Census 2000. Highly pleasing graphics summarize changes in population and number of representatives. Data are also available for racial and ethnic composition, center of population, population density, and youth population.

TERRAFLY: this site offers aerial images of nearly all the U.S. Just enter an address or zip code. What makes this site special is the ability to zoom, pan in any direction, switch between geographic and UTM coordinates, and create new frames for multiple image

comparisons (including topographic maps).

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPEDITIONS:"...nearly 600 National Geographic maps at your fingertips. Just click to a state, province, country, or continent; choose your settings; and print away!

GIS DATA DEPOT: one of the largest providers of free GIS data including digital elevation models, digital raster graphics, and digital line graphics. "Help yourself to data from our online inventory of more than 2 terabytes of geospatial data including Over 46,000 24K, 25K, 63K, 100k AND 250k USGS DRGs. You'll also find loads of DOQQ, DEM, NWI, DTED, and DCW data!

SUNRISE/SUNSET CALCULATION PROGRAM-calculate the sunrise/sunset for anywhere in the world

WORLD TIME ZONE MAP WITH CURRENT TIME: color coded dynamic map of world time, maps are also available for military time and a sun clock, showing day/night area for the world.

EPA GLOBAL WARMING BY STATE: offers a state by state discussion on the impacts of climate warming. For each state you will find how climate change will affect human health, agriculture, water resources, forests, and ecosystems.

CURRENT WEATHER IN MT. PLEASANT: temperature, dewpoint, wind, pressure, and conditions are reported hourly.

MICHIGAN WEATHER CONDITIONS: most current weather reports and forecasts from Michigan's weather stations.

SURFACE WEATHER MAP FROM INTELLICAST-see the location of pressure zones, fronts, precipitation, and isobars.

ULTRAVIOLET INDEX MAP: "The higher the number, the stronger the UV rays coming in contact with your body."

DOPPLER RADAR FOR U.S.: Current radar for over 100 cities; site displays storm intensity, cloud heights, storm direction, and precipitation estimates.

WEATHER TOPICS: indexed weather topics in the easy to read format characteristic of USA Today.

WEATHER AND HEALTH: learn how temperature, humidity, wind, and pressure affect human health.

NOAA EL NINO PAGE: one of the best sites for forecasts, observations, and research on El Nino.

NATIONAL SEVERE STORMS LABORATORY: access current research efforts with Radar, Satellite, Software Development, Modeling, Tornadoes, Thunderstorms, Damaging Winds, Lightning, Hail,Winter Weather, Flooding.

CURRENT CLIMATE SITUATION IN THE MIDWEST: get precipitation and temperature maps for the last 30 days. Departure from normal values is also included.

WORLD CLIMATE: contains over 85,000 records of world climate data (historical weather averages) from a wide range of sources.

GEOLOGICAL TIME MACHINE: The University of California at Berkeley Museum of Paleontology offers the easily navigable Geological Time Machine with sections on stratigraphy with information about deposition, nomenclature, and strata identification; ancient life with an overview of major biological events, including origin and extinction of important groups;localities with resources about particular fossil localities, and tectonics which discusses continental migrations, changes in global circulation, and climate change. This site also offers links to K-12 educational resources and museum exhibits.

AMETHYST GALLERIES' MINERAL GALLERY: mineral descriptions and images with a searchable database distinguishing mineral characteristics.

PALEOMAP PROJECT:"The goal of the PALEOMAP Project is to illustrate the plate tectonic development of the ocean basins and continents, as well as the changing distribution of land and sea during the past 1100 million years. In the Climate History section is a discussion of how and why the Earth's climate has changed through time. Future Maps showing positions of continents in the future."

USGS EARTHQUAKES HAZARD PROGRAM: The USGS has streamlined much of its earthquake information and data under the Earthquake Hazards Program. With these improvements this site becomes a first stop for those seeking information on earthquakes.

Sections exist for Earthquake Activity where you can search data relating to past earthquakes, present earthquakes, and probability maps for future earthquakes; relevant topics in the Earthquake Education section are Today in Earthquake History, Cool Earthquake

PYROCLASTIC FLOW VIDEO: a spectacular video clip from National Geographic, (requiring the free Real Audio player) is the Mt. Unzen, Japan, pyroclastic flow that killed 41, including famous volcano cinematographers Maurice and Katia Krafft. What a great way to introduce a discussion on volcanoes.

VOLCANO WORLD: the first stop for all information relating to volcanoes.

VIRTUAL CAVE: after going off line for a long period, Dave Bunnell has restored this premier site with many beautiful and interesting pictures of caves. The site is organized into four main sections,

USGS WATER RESOURCES DATA FOR THE U.S.: the USGS summarizes its water data under one site, data are available for all 50 states for surface-water, ground-water, and water quality information. Included are water level in wells and chemical and physical data for streams, lakes, springs, and wells. For water quality information, temperature, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen levels are monitored. Data are discontinuous, often covering only short periods of time. This is a must site for obtaining data about water resources.

STREAMFLOW DATA FOR MT. PLEASANT, MICHIGAN: discharge, stage, and graphs of flow levels of the Chippewa River, located in central Lower Peninsula Michigan.

GLACIER HOME PAGE: basic information on the origin, location, and characteristics of glaciers.

THE ICE AGE: from the University of Minnesota, a comprehensive learning module with animations for ice age advance. Some of the visualizations can be manipulated. There are also well illustrated sections on U-shaped valleys, isostatic rebound, till, erratics, striations, and glacially interrupted drainage patterns. The legacy of glaciers in terms of flora and fauna evolution are discussed, along with common dating methods. This premier site is one of the first sites to be catalogued in the reviewed section of the Digital Library for Earth Systems Education (DLESE) site (http:)

GLACIER LANDFORM IMAGE DATABASE: images of erosional, subglacial,superglacial, ice-margin, glacial lakes, and proglacial environments.

THE GREAT ICE AGE: a PDF document from the USGS detailing the causes and characteristics of the ice advances during the Pleistocene Epoch.

STATE OF THE LAND: "This site provides data on land use and change, soil erosion and soil quality, water quality, wetlands, and other issues regarding the conservation and use of natural resources on non-Federal land in the United States."

THE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE (formerly the Soil Conservation Service): your basic source for soils information.

FIELD BOOK FOR DESCRIBING AND SAMPLING SOILS from the National Soil Survey Center staff is in a PDF format (1.6 MB)and is a "field guide for making or reading soil descriptions and sampling soils as presently practiced in the USA." The major sections of the document address Site Description, Soil Profile Description, Geomorphology,Geology, Soil Taxonomy. Anyone interested in properly describing soils needs to consult this source. Although primarily written for the college level, the diagrams and descriptions could benefit anyone.

USDA PLANTS DATABASE: a comprehensive data source on U.S. plants. Areas of interest: "Plant Fact Sheets" which provide information on over 130 species of plants encountered in conservation work, a "VegSpec"application, which is a web-based decision support system that helps land managers plan and design, a section on invasive and noxious plant species, and a section on threatened species.

WETLAND SCIENCE INSTITUTE: a prime source for wetland description and definition.

THE NATIONAL FOREST SERVICE: the basic source for forest information.

POPULATION REFERENCE BUREAU: An authoritative source of information on population issues is the "Population Reference Bureau." The site's introductory page is exceedingly well organized, providing links to U.S. and world population trends, articles, and a glossary. An "Educators Forum" section offers lesson plans, resource guides, and teaching standards.

WORLD POPULATION GROWTH METER: every 30 seconds the population of the earth is updated.

WORLD DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2000-2001: by the World Development Bank, with resources on poverty and health, poverty reduction strategies, and data relating to poverty trends.

THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY OUTLOOK: "This report presents international energy projections through 2020, prepared by the Energy Information Administration. The outlooks for major energy fuels are discussed, along with electricity, transportation, and environmental issues."

STATE OF THE AIR 2002: from the American Lung Association, the site provides air quality information by state, assigning grades of "F" to counties that exceed the "unhealthful categories of the U.S. evironmental Protection Agencys Air Quality Index for ground-level ozone (smog) pollution. The site also provides health related statistics and resources related to tobacco use, asthma, and indoor air pollution.

U.S. GROUNDWATER ATLAS: from the USGS, the site “describes the location, the extent, and the geologic and the hydrologic characteristics of important aquifers in the Nation.” A groundwater fact sheet and GIS coverages are also available.

EPA's OFFICE OF WATER: access to EPA publications, databases, software, and regulations dealing with water quality issues.


SURF YOUR WATERSHED: assessment of watershed health, toxic releases, fish advisories, and superfund sites found within watershed. Use this site as a gateway to find environmental information on any watershed in the U.S.

TOXNET: from the National Library of Medicine, a complete resource for factual information on toxicity and other hazards of chemicals, scientific studies, reports, and other bibliographic material., annual estimated releases of toxic chemicals to the environment from the Environmental Protection Agency's Toxics Release Inventory, and nomenclature, identification, and structures of hazardous substances.

EPA's OFFICE OF WATER: access to EPA publications, databases, software, and regulations dealing with water quality issues.

ENVIROMAPPER FOR THE CHIPPEWA (PINE) WATERSHED: assessment of watershed health, toxic releases, fish advisories, and superfund sites found within watershed. Use this site as a gateway to find environmental information on any watershed in the U.S.

National Atmospheric Deposition Program: “The National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN) is a nationwide network of precipitation monitoring sites. The purpose of the network is to collect data on the chemistry of precipitation for monitoring of geographical and temporal long-term trends. “

EPA MAPPER OF TOXIC RELEASE SITES: search the EPA's Toxic Release Inventory System (TRIS) by Zip Code.

ENDANGERED SPECIES HOMEPAGE:maintained by the National Fish and Wildlife Service, this site's comprehensive nature makes it a first stop for those interested in policy statements, species listings, maps, and images concerning U.S. endangered species. A "Kids' Corner is available with games, lesson plans, and age appropriate content. The massive amount of material contained at the site makes it a bit difficult to find desired information but this site is still worth a look.

EARTHSHOTS: satellite images of environmental change.

NASA EARTH OBSERVATORY DATA AND IMAGERY: “Here you can examine monthly snapshots (or global datasets) of our planet’s surface and atmosphere. Monthly coverages exist for aerosol index, biosphere, chlorophyll (land and sea), cloud forcing, cloud fraction, fires, emitted heat radiation, vegetation, net radiation, ozone, rainfall, sea surface temperature, reflected radiation, surface temperature, uv exposure.

NASA VISIBLE EARTH: A searchable index of images and animations, access images for Biomass Burning (308 images) Deforestation (81 images), Eutrophication (7 images), Industrial Emissions (10 images)

EPA STUDENTS PAGE: a gateway for environmental information for teachers and students (K-16). Topics include “Environmental Basics,” “Air,” “Conservation,” “Ecosystems,” “Water,” “Human Health,” “In the News,” “Careers,” “Fun Activities,” and more. This would be a good first stop for those interested in less technical resources from EPA holdings.

STATE OF WORLD POPULATION: from the United Nations Population Fund is more than a report on world demography, the site also considers the environmental impact of continued population growth with sections on Environmental Trends, Developmental Levels, Environmental Impact, Women and the Environment, Health and Gender Equality and more. Charts and graphs, indicators

WORLD RESOURCES 2000-2001:authored by the World Resources Institude this is "The eighth biennial issue of the most authoritative report on the global environment brings together in a highly readable format the latest ideas on a broad spectrum of natural resource issues and suggests strategies for addressing them." Tables for this information are also available.

MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (DEC): "Our mission is to drive improvements in environmental quality for the protection of public health and natural resources to benefit current and future generations."

MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES: "The Department of Natural Resources is responsible for the stewardship and management of natural resources, provision of recreation opportunities and protection of environmental quality."

ERIC LESSON PLANS: specific examples of ready-to-go lesson plans in the gopher format from Syracuse University. Make this your first step in the search for lesson plans.

EPA EVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION RESOURCE CENTER: Need activity ideas for your unit on water quality? Interested in teaching pollution prevention concepts? ...activities [are available] on a variety of environmental topics.

PROJECT 2061 TOOLS is the gateway site for resources relating to K-12 science, math, and technology reform movement. Included is the complete 1989 Science for all Americans publication, learning objectives (benchmarks) with a search engine,

and many other resources for helping in standards base teaching. The search engine feature is of particular use in linking curriculum with established objectives.


SCI CENTRAL RECENT SCIENCE NEWS: organized by subject, Sci Central archives dozens of different science journals and press releases from around the world.

THE WHY FILES: sponsored by the NSF, this site analyzes the science behind the news to encourage greater scientific literacy.

COOL SCIENCE FACT OF THE DAY:interesting science facts to encourage discussion. A search engine allows one to search the archive by subject.

SCIENCE IN THE HEADLINES and TOP NEWS: are sponsored by the National Research Council and National Academy of the Sciences, respectively. News summaries and related links are provided.

SCIENCE ON THE RADIO: "Three days a week, Science Update brings you uniquely fascinating news from the world of cutting-edge science -- from promising new breakthroughs in technology and medicine, to alarming developments in environmental destruction and emerging diseases." Real audio summaries also available.

ALL THINGS CONSIDERED: NPR's daily radio program in real audio format

GOOGLE: my favorite search engine, usually offering the "hits" I request.

FIND ARTICLES: a free commercial article search engine accessing over 300 journals. This is a useful site for those who don't have access to fee-based article search engines like "First Search."

FINDSOUNDS: more and more instructors, as well as students, are using multimedia to express course content.

SHAREWARE: The way to find thousands of different software titles

POSITIVE PRESS: need some inspiration before a lecture or meeting? Try Positive Press. Hundreds of quotes are archived, organized by category--like achievement, conviction, hope, resilienceor you can search by speaker/author.

CLIP ART SEARCH ENGINE: "search forms optimized to find graphics files."

NOAA PHOTO CENTRAL DATABASE: around 7,000 images relating to weather, oceans, and geology.

EARTH SCIENCE PICTURE OF THE DAY: from the Earth System Science Education program, this site features a new image each day with short accompanying captions explaining the image. Image archives can be searched by date, discipline, or topic.

EARTH FROM ABOVE: uses the Flash format to feature the amazing photos of Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Images exist for all sorts of physical and cultural phenomena, especially agriculture. Choose images by geographic locale or from an index. Animated

clips and screensavers are also available.

WEATHER ANIMATIONS: USA Today archives a number of effective and quick loading animated gifs depicting weather phenomena relating to air masses, air pressure, El Nino, floods, hurricanes, lightning, optical effects, seasons, storms, winds, and


ON-LINE NEWSPAPERS: "On Line Newspapers" accesses 10,000 newspapers from around the world. Its easily navigable introductory window features pull down menus giving quick access to newspapers in every continent (excluding Antactica).

U.S. CENSUS FACTFINDER: this site allows access to 2000 demographic and economic data, with accompanying maps, down to the block level. A nice feature is that you can enter your street address and then find census data! Income data won’t be available until later this year.

FAST FACTS: Gary Price, of George Washington University, has compiled the bountiful reference site that accesses numerous Almanacs/Factbooks/Statistical Reports & Related Reference Tools. The subject guide is organized alphabetically with sections for states, countries, and subjects including geology and environment.

QUICKFACTS:"QuickFacts tables are summary profiles showing frequently requested data items from various Census Bureau programs. Profiles are available at the national, state, and county level. The QuickFacts main page provides access to national and state

level tables. State pages provide access to county level tables within that state, and to other state level tables."

UNIT CONVERTER: converts area, circles, length, pressure, speed, temperature, time, volume, and weight. Enter the desired unit, click outside the input area, and conversions occur simultaneously for all related units.

CALCULATORS ON-LINE: hundreds of conversion calculators for meteorology, geology, and ecology. Calculators exist, for example, for ice flow, lifting condensation levels, and ozone above your house.

LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR: Many of us are in communication with foreign colleagues. At "Instant Translation" type the text for translation, press the and the message can be translated into Spanish, German, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, or French. The translator doesn't offer perfect translations.

ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA: is now completely on-line. In addition to full-text articles, images, and tables, the site also carries current news, and has an extensive review of web sites.

INFORMATION PLEASE ALMANAC: a convenient site for locating information on the World, People, U.S., Sports, Entertainment, Weather, Health, Business, Society, Living, Science.

GUINESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS: from the bizarre to useful, especially for records under the earth and science categories.

EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE MULTIMEDIA: A useful portal for locating earth science images and movies in the Shockwave, Flash, Quicktime, and conventional MPEG formats. Animations exist for volcanology, meteorology, geology, natural disasters, and more.

THE PROBLEM OF THE WEEK: features a math problem using a real-world problem based on current events. The focus on practical problems, currently in the news gives this site relevance. The problems target a middle school audience.


BANISHED WORDS: “since 1976 [Lake Superior State]University has issued an annual “List of Words Banished from the Queen’s English for Mis-Use, Over-Use or General Uselessness” Archives are available to 1976 and there is even “Printable Banishment Posters” by year.

ACRONYM FINDER: lookup more that 200,000 different acronyms and their meanings.

OCCUPATIONAL OUTLOOK HANDBOOK: "from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this source describes what people do on prospective jobs, working conditions, the training and education needed, earnings, and expected job prospects for a wide range of occupations.

U.S. GOVERNMENT JOBS: "The U.S. Government's official site for jobs and employment information provided by the United States Office of Personnel Management."

SALARY CALCULATOR: If you are making $20,000 a year in Saginaw how much will you need to make in Los Angeles to maintain an equivalent standard of living?

SEARCHING FOR A COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY?: use Yahoo to discover information on the college or university of your choice.

BECOMING HUMAN: based on the PBS documentary on early human evolution,

this multimedia site uses Flash animations to explore the anatomy,

lineages, and culture of humans over the last four million years. Sections exist for recent news, a learning center with educational

activities, and an extensive glossary.

MAPSERVER: from MapTech, the site allows the generation of topographic

maps, nautical charts, aeronautical charts, and navigation photographs by address or zip code. You can mark and label points of interest with various symbols (GPS, arrows, hikers, squares), then save the map in a "My Maps List" file for later use. These symbols can also be linked to a URL-whether a reference web site or an image that you want posted. This is a good opportunity to link topographic map features to the real

imagery through a digital camera. Maps can be mailed through the "Email

My Maps" button.


: in addition to an e-mail and business finder, this site

has the following search capabilities: area code lookup, zip codes,

air/hotel toll free, car rental toll free, residential lookup, business

lookup, maps and directions, toll free lookup, and business fax

numbers. The usefulness of this site is that it combines the search

capabilities of many individual sites.

WEB ELEMENTS: Mark Winter of the University of Sheffield, England,

provides a printable version of the periodic table, e-card capability,

and even a "Palm Elements" for a Palm Pilot. Clicking on an individual

element will yield key data, history, uses, relation to geology and

biology, compound index, a comic, and much more.


Over 100 Web Resources to Assist in BioComplexity Instruction

Based on


Mark Francek

Department of Geography


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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