Naples American High School

Naples American High School

Course Syllabus

|Course Name: |Read 180 |DoDEA Course Description Website: |

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|Textbook |rbook | |

|Teacher Name: |Ms. Brandon | |

|Phone Number: |629-4502 | |

|Planning Periods: |1st and 7th | |

| Location: |223 | |

|Philosophy |

|Read 180 is a research-based and proven program to help struggling readers. Find out more at the following website: |

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|Materials |

|3 ring binder |

|Writing Utensils |

|Grading Policy |

|A |90-100 |

|B |80-89 |

|C |70-79 |

|D |60-69 |

|F |59 or below |

|Assessment |

|Read 180 provides many types of reports that provide meaningful data about each student's progress. This class is more about each |

|student making progress through practice rather than getting a fixed score on a test. However, I do need to use this data to assign|

|a grade. Grades will be assigned from the following items: |

|- Read 180 Computer Exercises |

|- Small Group Work & Writing |

|- Independent Reading |

|Homework |

|Homework will mainly consist of sustained daily readings of 20 minutes or more. This is simply because reading high-interest books |

|within their Lexile range is the best possible activity they could engage in to improve their reading skill. |

|Late Work Policy |

|Make-up work due to an excused absence can be made up for full credit. Other late work can be turned in for 50% credit within 2 |

|days of the original due date or at a later time arranged with the teacher. |

|Tutoring/ Extra Help |

|Students may receive help from other students in class or schedule an appointment with the teacher. Students may seek assistance |

|during seminar. |

|Classroom Management |

|Students will follow school regulations as outlined in the parent/student handbook. |

|Students will show respect to themselves, their peers and their teacher. |

|Students will not in any way engage in behavior which disrupts or hinders student achievement for themselves or others. |

|Additional Information |

|When a student misbehaves, I may give him/her a warning. If the behavior continues or is of a more serious nature, a consequence |

|will be administered and the parents notified. This might be a detention, lunch detention, removal from the group activity, etc. |

|When an offense becomes more serious and a student refuses to comply, the student will be referred to a counselor or administrator.|

|Content Outline |

|Read 180 is a reading program, not a selection of fixed content to be learned. More details about the program and the research to |

|show its effectiveness can be found at the following website: |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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