
Mrs. Jordan

U.S. History

Chapter 10: The Union in Peril

Chapter 10 Section 1 The Divisive Politics of Slavery: Use pages 577-587 of your textbook, or online sources to define/explain the significance or importance of the terms (within the context of the chapter), and answer the questions below.

1. List three ways the North and South differed by the mid 1800s.




2. Explain why Northerners favored the Wilmot Proviso and Southerners did not.

3. Use the SKILLBUILDER Interpreting Charts “Membership in the House of Representatives”

on page 582 to answer the question below.

a. About what percentage of the House members represent free states in 1850?

4. Why did California’ s application for statehood cause an uproar?

5. secession

6. What was the Compromise of 1850 designed or intended to do?

7. Regarding the Compromise of 1850 which issues

a. were decided in the North’s favor

b. were decided in the South’s favor

8. Use the SKILLBUILDER Interpreting Charts “The Compromise of 1850”

on page 586 to answer the question below.

a. How did Calhoun and Webster disagree over states’ rights?

b. What part of the compromise was designed to satisfy both sides?

9. Stephen Douglas

10. Millard Fillmore

Review 10.1: On page 588 of your book you will find the Section Assessment. Complete each of the five questions:

1. Tap the circle next to the letter of the answer you think is correct.

2. The circle next to the answer and the “check answer” box will turn blue.

3. Tap on the “check answer” box

a. the circle will turn green if you answer the question correctly and you can hit the “clear answer” box at the bottom and hit the arrow key at the bottom of the box to proceed to the next question.

b. the circle will turn red if you answer the question incorrectly and you can hit the “try again” box at the bottom to answer the question again until you get the correct answer. Then hit the arrow key at the bottom of the box to proceed to the next question

4. Record the correct answers to the review questions in the space provided here.

10.1 Review Question answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Chapter 10 Section 2 Protest, Resistance, and Violence: Use pages 590-600 of your textbook, or online sources to define/explain the significance or importance of the terms (within the context of the chapter), and answer the questions below.

1. Fugitive Slave Act

2. What effect did the Fugitive Slave Act have on abolitionist feelings in the North?

3. Underground Railroad

4. Harriet Tubman

5. Uncle Tom’s Cabin

6. What were Stephen Douglas’s motives for wanting to organize the western territory?

7. Explain why popular sovereignty was so controversial.

8. Kansas-Nebraska Act

9. William Seward

10. Why did Kansas become a center of controversy over the issue of slavery?

11. John Brown

12. Describe Northern and Southern reactions to the incident between Sumner and Brooks.

10.2 Review Question answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Chapter 10 Section 3 The Birth of the Republican Party: Use pages 603-609 of your textbook, or online sources to define/explain the significance or importance of the terms (within the context of the chapter), and answer the questions below.

1. Election of 1852

2. nativism

3. Know-Nothing Party

4. What impact did the slavery issue have on the Democratic and Whig parties?

5. Free-Soil Party

6. Why did most in the Free-Soil Party object to slavery?

7. Use the SKILLBUILDER Interpreting Charts “Major Political Parties 1850-1860 to answer

the question below.

a. What issue is addressed by almost all parties shown on the chart?

8. When and why was the Republican Party founded?

9. Election of 1856

10.3 Review Question answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Chapter 10 Section 4 Slavery and Secession: Use pages 618-630 of your textbook, or online sources to define/explain the significance or importance of the terms (within the context of the chapter), and answer the questions below.

1. What was the significance of the Dred Scott decision?

2. Why did Buchanan support the Lecompton constitution?

3. Why did Abraham Lincoln challenge Stephen Douglas to a series of debates in 1858?

4. Explain the similarities and differences between Lincoln’s position on slavery and that of


5. John Brown

6. Why did Harper’s Ferry increase tensions between the North and the South?

7. Why did the Republicans choose Lincoln over the better known Seward for the party’s

nomination in 1860?

8. How did slavery affect the political parties in 1860?

9. Use the SKILLBUILDER Geography “Presidential Election of 1860” on page 628 to answer

the question below.

a. How did the election reflect the political divisions in the United States in 1860?

b. With which candidate do you see the greatest difference between his share of the

popular votes versus his share of the electoral votes?

c. What fraction of the popular vote did Lincoln win?

10. How did Lincoln’s election affect the South?

11. When and where were the Confederate States of America founded?

12. Jefferson Davis

13. How did Buchanan respond to the crisis of secession?

10.4 Review Question answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


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