
-717552349500Name _____________________________________________ hour _____Instructions: Read the following introduction and then listen to the broadcast. As you listen answer the questions. Then answer the critical thinking portion. The Supreme Court Ruling That Led To 70,000 Forced Sterilizations585240840328000In 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court decided, by a vote of 8 to 1, to uphold a state's right to forcibly sterilize a person considered unfit to procreate. The case, known as Buck v. Bell, centered on a young woman named Carrie Buck, whom the state of Virginia had deemed to be "feebleminded." "There were all kinds of categories of people who were deemed to be unfit [to procreate]," Cohen says. "The eugenicists looked at evolution and survival of the fittest, as Darwin was describing it, and they believed 'We can help nature along, if we just plan who reproduces and who doesn't reproduce.' "All told, as many as 70,000 Americans were forcibly sterilized during the 20th century. The victims of state-mandated sterilization included people like Buck who had been labeled "mentally deficient," as well as those who were deaf, blind and diseased. Minorities, poor people and "promiscuous" women were often targeted.Adam Cohen's new book about the Buck case, Imbeciles, takes its name from the terms eugenicists used to categorize the "feebleminded." In it, he revisits the Buck v. Bell ruling and explores the connection between the American eugenics movement and the rise of the Nazi party in Germany.Answer the questions below: Who is the guest on Fresh Air? Why were people not going to be allowed to procreate (have children)?What type of people might be targeted (4-5 examples – return to this as many times as necessary). What did “feebleminded” basically mean? How is this related to Nazism as described by Cohen (simple summary)? What was the Immigration Act of 1924 trying to do (simple summary)? 441452025781000How did the Immigration Act factor into the Holocaust? To prevent “unfit” women from marriage and reproducing what was done to them?How many people did Harry Laughlin want to sterilize? What was one institution that opposed the eugenics program? 4634589767500What happens to Carrie Buck – return to this as many times as necessary (just a simple summary – start past the point at which she is sent to the “colony”)? What common insults that we throw around loosely today used to be actual categories for the “feebleminded”? What does the author Adam Cohen think about this Supreme Court decision? What did Hammurabi’s Code say the law should do? Is this law about forced sterilization still legal? Critical Thinking: What are your thoughts on this chapter of our nation’s past – do you agree or disagree with the eugenics program?; and how can we relate it to what we’ve learned about the Holocaust that took place in Europe; what lessons can we learn from this? Thoughts in general: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Agree or Disagree with the eugenics philosophy (viewpoint/goals): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How can we relate this with what we learned about the Holocaust: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What lessons can be learned from this? Can we apply it to today? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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