Survey of 1996 and 1997 Research and Development ...

5. Appendix 5: Wave 1 Performer Questionnaire

Survey of 1996 and 1997 Research and Development

Performance by Nonprofit Organizations

National Science Foundation

Nonprofit organizations play a key role in conducting important research in the medical and health related

sciences, natural and social sciences, and engineering. The National Science Foundation is asking for

your help in understanding the activities of the nonprofit sector by completing this questionnaire on

science and engineering research and development activities undertaken by nonprofit organizations like


For this survey we are asking you to respond to ten items in two categories:


Expenditures of your organization in all science and engineering research and

development activities


Science and engineering research and development employment in your


This information is solicited under the authority of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as

amended. Your response is entirely voluntary and your failure to provide some or all of the information

will in no way adversely affect your organization.

The president or director of your organization named the individual on the label below to coordinate data

collection for this survey. Please correct any incorrect information on the label.

Organization Identification #

Contact Name

Name of Organization

Address of Organization

Phone number

E-mail address

If someone other than the person listed above coordinates the data collection, please tell us whom we may

call if we have questions about the data.




It is estimated that response to this survey will require 10.5 hours. If you wish to comment on this

burden, please contact Gail A. McHenry, Reports Clearance Officer, NSF, at 703-306-1125 ext. 2010 or

e-mail gmchenry@.

Please return the completed survey by (date) to: National Science Foundation

PO Box 5700


Lincoln, NE 68505-9926

If you have any questions or comments about the survey, contact Mary V. Burke at NSF at

703-306-1772 ext. 6933 (mvburke@) or Heather Bellows of The Gallup Organization at

1-800-588-5776 (NSF@).


Table of Contents

General Instructions ...............................................................................................................3

Item 1.

Your Organization .................................................................................................6

Item 2.

Types of Science and Engineering Research and Development

Expenditures and Total Operating Budget.............................................................8

Item 2a. Science and Engineering Research and Development Capital

Expenditures ........................................................................................................11

Item 3.

Sources of Funds for Intramural Science and Engineering

Research and Development Expenditures............................................................12

Item 4.

Expenditures for Intramural Science and Engineering Research and

Development by Field of Science and Engineering and Source ..........................14

Item 4a. Medical or Health Science Expenditures for Intramural Science and

Engineering Research and Development by Subfield of Medical and

Health Science. ....................................................................................................16

Item 5.

Expenditures by Sources of Funds for Intramural Basic and Applied

Science and Engineering Research and Development .........................................18

Item 6.

Intramural Science and Engineering Research and Development

Expenditures by State Location for Headquarters and Site Offices.....................20

Item 7.

Sources of Funds for Extramural Science and Engineering Research

and Development Expenditures ...........................................................................22

Item 7a. Type of Subrecipient/Subcontractor for Science and Engineering

Research and Development Expenditures Subcontracted Using

Funds from other Sources, including Organization¡¯s Own Funds .......................24

Item 8.

Your Organization¡¯s Staff....................................................................................26

Item 9.

Your Organization¡¯s Website...............................................................................28

Item 10. Comments and Feedback .....................................................................................28


General Instructions

Please read the detailed instructions for each item before completing the table for that item.

? Please report for the entire organization including any branches, divisions and departments that are

not separately incorporated. If your organization has offices and facilities in the United States in

addition to those at the address to which the survey materials were mailed, please indicate the name

and address of each of these facilities in the comment section (Item 9), or on an attached sheet.

? The survey covers your fiscal years ending in 1996 and 1997.

? Where exact data are not available, please give the best estimate you can.

? Enter ¡°0¡± as an item total rather than leave an item blank.

If you have any questions or comments about the survey, contact Mary V. Burke at NSF at

703-306-1772 x 6933 or Heather Bellows of The Gallup Organization at 1-800-558-5776.

About this survey


How to use the ¡°Tips¡± box

Within each item in this survey, along with instructions for completing the item, you will find a

¡°Tips¡± box containing additional information to help you complete the item correctly. The box

also contains definitions of terms that appear in the item. Terms appearing in boldface type in

the instructions are defined in the ¡°Tips¡± box on that page.


Definition of research and development

Research is systematic study directed toward fuller knowledge or understanding of the subject

studied. Research is classified as either basic or applied, according to the objectives of the


Development is systematic use of the knowledge or understanding gained from research, directed

toward the production of useful materials, devices, systems, or methods, including design and

development of prototypes and processes.

Research and development includes the development and use of scientific knowledge through

fundamental research in the laboratory, in the field or through experiments; clinical

investigations; clinical trials; epidemiological and demographic studies and controlled pilot

projects. Included in this definition is the preparation for publication of books and papers

describing the results of the specific research and development, if carried out as an integral part of

that research and development. Also included is the administration of research and development.

Traineeships, if they are mainly directed to R&D, also are included.


Science and Engineering

For this survey, science and engineering (S&E) includes:



Medical or Health Related Sciences including Biochemistry, Genetics, Physiology, Cell

Biology/Molecular Biology, Pharmacology/Toxicology, Epidemiology, Health Care Sciences

and Services, Reproduction, Growth and Development, Oncology/Pathology/Hematology,

Immunology, Microbiology/Virology, Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation,

Neuroscience, Clinical Medicine, and other medical or health sciences.


Natural and Social Sciences including Agricultural Sciences, Biological Sciences (nonmedical), Computer Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Physical

Sciences, Psychology, and Social Sciences.


Engineering, including Aeronautical and Astronautical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical,

Mechanical, Metallurgical and Materials, and other engineering fields.

Science and engineering do not include law, business administration/management science,

humanities, history (except research in history and philosophy of science and technology), the

arts, or education (except educational psychology).



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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