The Citadel

The Citadel

Graduate College

Division of Counselor Education and Student Affairs

|EDUC 567: Assessment of Abnormal Behavior |

|Summer II 2016 |

|June 28 – August 9 |

|Instructor: Guy Ilagan, PhD |Class Day: Monday & Wednesday |

|Office: 332B |Class Hours: 5:30pm – 8:00pm |

|Telephone: 843.693.9269 |Meeting Room: 302 Capers |

|E-Mail: |Office Hours: By appointment. I typically return email within |

| |24 business hours |

|Credit Hours: 3 | |

Prerequisites: None

Required Texts & Materials:

Barlow, D. H., & Durand, M. V. (2014). Abnormal psychology: An integrative approach (7th ed.).

Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.

We will use Blackboard for this course.

Recommended Resources:

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

(5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Student Information: This course is part of the School Counseling program and is intended to contribute to the completion of a Masters degree in Counselor Education. This course is intended to satisfy the psychopathology course requirement for LPC licensure in SC.

Memberships Associated with the Profession of Counseling and Student Development:

American Counseling Association (ACA)

American College Personnel Association (ACPA)

National Association of Student Affairs Administrators (NASPA)

Southern Association of College Student Affairs (SACSA)

South Carolina College Personnel Association (SCCPA)

Learning and Developmental Goals: The course emphasizes the major aspects of determination of psychopathology as it relates to working as a licensed professional counselor. The purpose of the course is to understand the multifaceted components of diagnosis and assessment of psychopathology.

Course Description: The course focuses on the etiology and morbidity of differing psychological disorders found in the DSM V-TR. Students will be provided an understanding of psychopathology, abnormal psychology, abnormal behavior, etiology dynamics, and treatment of abnormal behavior. Students will be introduced to the science and art of clinical assessment as a foundation for working across different mental health settings with a broad range of psychological disorders.

Instructional Strategies: The course consists of lectures, use of audio/visual resources, readings from required texts and journal articles, classroom discussions, case study, online discussions and technology-mediated interactions, guest speakers, and small in-class group activities.

Conceptual Base of the School of Education: Developing Principled Educational Leaders for P-12 Schools and Higher Education.

The Citadel’s Professional Education Unit prepares principled educational leaders to be knowledgeable, reflective, and ethical professionals. Candidates completing our programs are committed to ensuring that all students succeed in a learner-centered environment. 

The Citadel’s Professional Education Unit is committed to the simultaneous transformation of the preparation of educational leaders and of the places where they work. Specifically, The Citadel’s Professional Education Unit seeks to develop principled educational leaders who:

• have mastered their subject matter and are skilled in using it to foster student learning;

• know the self who educates (Parker J. Palmer) and integrate this self knowledge with content knowledge, knowledge of students, and in the context of becoming professional change agents committed to using this knowledge and skill to ensure that all students succeed in a learner-centered environment; and 

• exemplify the highest ethical standards by modeling respect for all human beings and valuing diversity as an essential component of an effective learner-centered environment.

The Citadel’s Professional Educational Unit is on the march, transforming itself into a Center of Excellence for the preparation of principled educational leaders. Through our initial programs for teacher candidates for P-12 schools and our advanced programs for professional educators in P-12 schools, The Citadel’s Professional Education Unit transforms cadets and graduate students into principled educational leaders capable of and committed to transforming our schools into learning communities where all children and youth succeed.     

The Citadel’s Professional Education Unit has identified 15 performance indicators for candidates to demonstrate that they are principled educational leaders who are knowledgeable, reflective, and ethical professionals:

Knowledgeable Principled Educational Leaders…

1. Have mastered the subject matter of their field of professional study and practice;

2. Utilize the knowledge gained from developmental and learning theories to establish and implement an educational program that is varied, creative, and nurturing;

3. Model instructional and leadership theories of best practice;

4. Integrate appropriate technology to enhance learning;

5. Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning;

Reflective Principled Educational Leaders…

6. Develop and describe their philosophy of education and reflect upon its impact in

the teaching and learning environment;

7. Develop and manage meaningful educational experiences that address the needs

of all learners with respect for their individual and cultural characteristics;

8. Construct, foster, and maintain a learner-centered environment in which all

learners contribute and are actively engaged;

9. Apply their understanding of both context and research to plan, structure,

facilitate, and monitor effective teaching and learning in the context of continual


10. Reexamine their practice by reflectively and critically asking questions and seeking


Ethical Principled Educational Leaders…

11. Demonstrate commitment to a safe, supportive learning environment;

12. Embrace and adhere to appropriate professional codes of ethics;

13. Value diversity and exhibit a caring, fair, and respectful attitude and respect toward all cultures;

14. Establish rapport with students, families, colleagues, and community;

15. Meet obligations on time, dress professionally, and use language appropriately.

Relationship of this course to the conceptual base:

The following course objectives will be met through the course:

1. Students will be provided with an integrative overview of the field of psychopathology and major psychological problems and disorders and the signs and symptoms of these disorders;

2. Students will be familiar with the integrative view of research in the area of abnormal behavior and the multiple causes of psychopathology as viewed from a number of different theoretical and empirical perspectives;

3. Students will learn the basics of assessment, e.g., mental status Tables, taking a history, symptom checklists, etc. and commonly utilized instruments.

4. Students will develop and present a written case study that applies course content.

5. Students will be able to discuss and develop treatment plans and prevention strategies for psychological disorders.

Course Goals with Evaluation Methods:

|Goal |Evaluation Methods |

|Course Objectives 1 through 5 |a) Midterm Table - 25% |

|Course Objectives 1 through 5 |b) Final Table - 25% |

|Course Objectives 1 through 5 |c) Case Study - 25% |

|Course Objectives 1 through 5 |d) Participation - 25% |

Description of Evaluations Methods

a) Midterm and b) Final Tables. Tables will evaluate understanding of content from lectures, the text, additional readings and student presentations. See sample and instructions in Citlearn/Blackboard.

c) Case Study. Each student will research, develop and present a case

study to the class that illustrates and applies the course content. Prior to presenting the

case formally and revealing the identity of the person chosen. Students will

provide classmates with a two page summary of the case presentation and conduct a formal presentation to the class. Additional information regarding the format of the case study and presentation will be provided via Blackboard.

d) Participation/Professionalism/Dependability. Points are assigned based on attendance, punctuality and active involvement in class throughout the course. For this component of the grading schema, students will earn a point for each class attended and a point for participation in that class, i.e., that means for every class missed for any reason, 2 points are lost. Also, arriving in class later than 15 minutes after the start time and leaving class before class is dismissed will result in the loss of one point.

Instructional Units and Assessments

a) Midterm Table--25%. This evaluation will consist of reading brief case studies and developing a conceptualization of the diagnosis and etiology of possible disorder(s). See sample and instructions in Citlearn/Blackboard.

b) Final Table--25%. This evaluation will consist of reading a longer case study and developing a conceptualization of the diagnosis and etiology of possible disorder(s). See sample and instructions in Citlearn/Blackboard.

c) Case Study—25%. This assignment has role-play, written and presentation components.

d) Participation/Professionalism/Dependability—25%. Participation points are assigned based on attendance, punctuality and active and informed involvement in class.


Grades for EDUC 587 are based on the following assignments (described above). The relative weights used for calculating the course grade are as follows:

|Assignment |Points |% Total Points |Due date |

|a) Midterm Table |25 |25% |7/13, 11:59p |

|b) Final Table |25 |25% |8/3, 11:59p |

|c) Case Study/Project1 |25 |25% |8/10, 11:59p |

|d) Class participation |25 |25% |Ongoing |

|Total Points |100 |100% | |

1Each student will research, develop and present a case study to the class that illustrates and applies the course content. To avoid duplication of symptomology and disorders, check your proposed case topic with the instructor. Additional information regarding the format of the case study and presentation will be provided in Blackboard.

Grades are determined based upon the following scale.

"A" (94 – 100) represents superior attainment on the part of the student.

"B+" (89 – 93) represents work that is significantly above average, but not superior.

"B" (80 – 88) represents work that is clearly above the average, but not superior.

"C+" (76 – 79) represents work minimally above average.

"C" (70 – 75) represents average attainment of the basic standards set for the course.

"F" (>70) represents failure.

Class Expectations


This is a professional preparation program and consistent attendance and promptness are expected. Since this course is a core foundation course in the program no absences are acceptable unless in extreme circumstances beyond one’s control. The expectation is a professional commitment to attending all classes and one's work and personal schedule should evolve around class and not vise-versa.

More than one absence or late arrival/early departure may result in a lowered grade in the course. The instructor recognizes there are valid reasons for being tardy or absent such as serious illness. Professional courtesy requires that you notify the instructor prior to class. Late assignments will receive a 10% reduction in points per day.

Informed Participation

Counselor-trainees will be prepared to actively participate in class discussions and activities. Participation assumes that the counselor-trainee has prepared the material before class and has completed related individual/group assignments, and has thoughtfully prepared to be involved in her/his own and other’s learning. The instructor reserves the right to reduce a counselor-trainee’s grade for consistent lack of informed participation.

Participation Rubric

Involvement in class discussion and in all class activities is an important aspect of this course and a primary means for learning material. Class participation is also a means for helping students develop communication and interpersonal skills. Good participation is not excessive talking or speaking at least once in every class. Examples of good participation include:

*presenting good examples of concepts

*building upon comments of others

*adding insightful and interesting comments

*posing good questions

*listening and responding appropriately to others

*attending all class meetings and being on-time

*turning off all cell phone, laptops, and pagers for the duration of the class (except when such devices are required for on call and emergency contacts)

*using laptops appropriately to enhance learning, not reading emails, instant messaging or shopping

*excusing yourself from class temporarily if involuntary behaviors (e.g. drowsiness) distract you or others

Excellent Participation

Informed contributions, indicates ones has read and is up to date in student affairs, leads discussion, offers pertinent and succinct information without dominating the conversation, invites others in the class to participate in the discussion and is open to sharing about topic

Above Average Participation

Contributes to discussions begun by instructor or peers, shares information that is pertinent and helpful in processing a topic, follows up to reiterate or contradict a point made by someone else, and shares opinions yet may not indicate knowledge of reading materials or up to date information

Average Participation

Reacts to the contributions of others, responds when called upon by the instructor or peers, shows that one is following the class discussions yet does not contribute often and does not lead conversations

Below Average Participation

Present in class, lack of participation, may go many classes without contributing to conversations, and displays attitude of boredom or apathy

Poor Participation

Absent without prior discussion, lack of participation, sleeping, responding in manners that inhabit learning and growth, and blatant disrespect for peers and instructor.

Disability Disclosure

If you need accommodations because of a documented disability, please inform me immediately. Please see me privately, either after class or in my office. To initiate an accommodation, students must register with the Office of Access Services, Instruction and Support (OASIS) located in room 105 Thompson Hall or call 953-1820 to set up an appointment. This office is responsible for reviewing documentation provided by students requesting academic accommodation and for accommodation in cooperation with students and instructors as needed and consistent with course requirements.

Honor Statement

As a professional educator, integrity is an expectation. Students of The School of Education at The Citadel are expected to meet the standards set forth in the Citadel Code. Available at:

Cheating and plagiarism violations will be reported and a failing grade will be assigned for the work in question. This class will follow The Citadel Honor Manual regarding plagiarism: "Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's words or ideas as your own without giving proper credit to the sources:

• When you quote another's words exactly you must use quotation marks and a footnote (or an indication in your paragraph) to tell exactly where the words came from, down to the page number(s). When you mix another's words and ideas with your own in one or more sentences, partially quoting the source exactly and partially substituting your own words, you must put quotation marks around the words you quote and not around your own. Then you cite the source, down to the page number(s).

• When you paraphrase another's words or ideas, that is, when you substitute your words for another's words, but keep their idea(s), you do not use quotation marks, but you must cite the source, down to the page number(s).

• When you use only another's idea(s), knowing that they are the other's ideas, you must cite the source of that idea or those ideas, down to the page number(s).

• Citing the source means giving, as a minimum, the author, the title of the book, and the page number. (The Citadel Honor Manual)

Faculty and Student Department responsibilities

The Citadel’s Counseling Program is charged with the task of preparing professional counselors and service professionals in a variety of settings and to assume positions of leadership in the field. To meet these responsibilities, faculty must evaluate students based on their academic, professional, and personal qualities. The Citadel’s Counseling Program seeks to promote a learning community where students can develop professionally. We do this by providing an environment in which students’ rights and responsibilities are respected and by respecting the dignity and worth of each student. A student’s progress in the program may, however, be interrupted for failing to comply with academic standards or if a student’s interpersonal or emotional status interferes with education/training-related requirements for self or others. For example, to ensure proper clinical training and client care, a counselor-in-training must abide by relevant ethical codes and demonstrate professional knowledge, technical and personal skills, professional attitudes, and professional character. These factors are evaluated based on one’s academic performance and one’s ability to convey warmth, genuineness, respect, and empathy in interactions with clients, classmates, staff, and faculty. Students should demonstrate the ability to accept and integrate feedback, be aware of their impact on others, accept personal responsibility, and be able to express feelings appropriately.

Additional Information

Memberships associated with the Profession of Counseling:

Students are encouraged to become members of the following:

South Carolina Counseling Association

South Carolina School Counselor Association

American Counseling Association

American School Counselor Association

Association for Play Therapy

Web Sites (by organization/topic) The ethical codes & information found at these sites are relevant knowledge for this course:

South Carolina Counseling Association:

South Carolina School Counselor Association:

American Counseling Association:

American School Counselor Association

American Mental Health Counselors Association

National Board of Counselor Certification:

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy:

Association for Play Therapy:

Other Web Sites

DSM Diagnostic Classification:

Psych Central: Information on mental health resources online

Psych Central: info on assessment, Dx and Tx of

specific disorders

DSM-5 Development Web site:

Course Schedule for EDUC 567

|Class |Topic |Assignment Due |

|Tuesday |Intro & Syllabus, Chapter 1 & 2 | |

|June 28 |Abnormal Behavior in Historical Context | |

| |An Integrative Approach to Psychopathology | |

|Thursday |Chapter 3 & 4 | |

|June 30 |Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis | |

| |Research Methods | |

|Tuesday |Chapter 5 | |

|July 5 |Anxiety, Trauma-, and Stressor Related, and | |

| |Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders | |

|Thursday |Chapter 6 | |

|July 7 |Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders and Dissociative Disorders | |

|Tuesday |Chapter 7 |Case study topics due today |

|July 12 |Mood Disorders and Suicide | |

|Thursday | Chapter 8 |Midterm Table due 7/13/2016, |

|July 14 |Eating and Sleep-Wake Disorders |11:59a |

|Tuesday |Chapter 10 | |

|July 19 |Sexual Dysfunctions, Paraphilic Disorders, and Gender Dysphoria | |

|Thursday | Chapter 11 | |

|July 21 |Substance-Related and Impulse-Control Disorders | |

|Tuesday |**Independent work on assignments – No Class** | |

|July 26 | | |

|Thursday |Chapter 12 |Case study practice, in class. |

|July 28 |Personality Disorders | |

|Tuesday |Chapter 13 & 14 | |

|August 2 |Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders | |

| |Neurodevelopmental Disorders | |

|Thursday |Chapter 14 (Cont.) |Final Table due 8/3, 11:59a |

|August 4 |Neurodevelopmental Disorders | |

| |Case Study Presentations | |

|Tuesday |Case Study Presentations |Presentations, Submit Case Studies|

|August 9 | |by 8/10, 11:59a |


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