
USPS Board of DirectorsRaleigh, NCMay 13, 2021Called to order at 0830Attendees: C/C Mary Paige Abbott, SNV/C Craig D. Fraser, SNV/C William J. McManimen, SNV/C Ralph Bernard, APV/C Harry Hebb, SNV/C Diana Jackson, SNP/C/C Gary Cheney, SNGuests present:R/C David Allen, SNMary Catherine BerubeTammy BrownMotions approved:1)To hire Dean Dorton to provide quarterly accounting services to prepare for the 2021 audit, effective in June.2)To eliminate the following memorandums of understanding: American Heart Association, American Red Cross, Maptech, Inc., Oceangrafix, and Vessel Assist Association of America. Ratification of electronic votes:Upon motions to approve, which motions were seconded, discussed, and voted upon by the Board of Directors, United States Power Squadrons, the following was approved.1)To dissolve Champlain/2.2)To allocate $400 to purchase Indesign Software for the Publishing Committee to format educational course materials with funding from the USPS Endowment Fund 5 percent allocated for BOD projects.Discussions:1)Mary Catherine Berube reported that the Communications Staff completed a survey of The Ensign readers and will use the data and comments about content and delivery to guide them through the next stage of digital transformation. The staff reported that a redesign of The Ensign website is underway and should be completed by July 1. They also continue to support America’s Boating Club educational sales efforts through targeted email campaigns promoting new educational products, including Cruising and Cruise Planning and the new Weather course, and through the use of boosted posts and targeted ads on Facebook. 2)Berube reported that the USCG delayed notification on grant funding selections for the 2021 grant cycle from the end of April to May 30. 3)Mary Catherine Berube reported that P/V/C Robert A. Baldridge, SN, P/V/C Peter Mitchelson, SN, and P/R/C Dan Bartell, SN, will work with headquarters staff to develop a three-to-five-year HQ IT Plan. The first meeting will be on June 23 and 24.4)Berube discussed a proposal from Dean Dorton to provide accounting assistance to prepare for the 2021 year-end audit, which would begin in June. The Board accepted the proposal.5)Tammy Brown updated the Board on marketing initiatives. She reported that the America’s Boating Channel, ABC Learning Centers, Boating Skills Virtual Trainers, and Boat Live 365 would be featured during the 2021 IBWSS virtual meeting from May 17-19.6)Tammy reported that the co-branded boating awareness and safety campaign with West Marine would run from May 14-16, 2021. Squadrons at selected West Marine stores will provide USPS instructors who will demonstrate a Boating Skills Virtual Trainer. She reported that a press release announcing the event was sent to the boating industry on May 5, 2021.7)Tammy reported choosing three unpaid interns to research selected boat manufacturers to recruit them to join the national boat manufacturers campaign. 8)V/C Diana Jackson, SN, reported that as of March 31, 2021, operating income exceeded expenses by $120,844. She noted that cash-on-hand totaled $443,559. 9)V/C Jackson reported that open grant balances, including the USCG, Endowment, and Educational fund grants, were $392,708, and grant expenses were $95,832 as of March 31, 2021. 10)R/C Al Lakin, SN, joined the meeting via teleconference to discuss Bylaws amendments to be presented during the Raleigh Governing Board Meeting in Sept. 2021.11)V/C William J. McManimen, SN, reported that online course and seminar sales continued to be strong, and that year to date, 793 America’s Boating Course, 285 BoatUS platform, and 237 virtual classrooms were sold. He noted that the online Weather 21 course launched on Thurs., May 6. A new online Paddling seminar is scheduled to launch by the end of May. V/C McManimen stated that the interactive online seminars on the BoatUS platform would be converted to the virtual classroom by mid-June. He anticipated a 9 percent increase in sales compared to last year. 12)V/C McManimen reported that the Weather 21 course would be available in print and e-book format and will include instructions to download a new chapter 8 and the errata sheet. 13)The NEO reported that the Basic Public Education Committee continues to work on the required NASBLA updates for the America’s Boating Course student manual. After approval is received, the committee will update the 2018 version based on the new ANSI standards that NASBLA will implement in 2022. The current 2018 student manual will be shipped with a supplement until the inventory is depleted. 14)V/C McManimen reported that the Educational Department is developing a new pricing model and structure that will be effective in July 2021. 15) The Board discussed the differences between the America’s Boating Club Learning Centers the Jumpstart, Hands-On-Training member program and the Boat Operator Certification on-the-water programs. The America’s Boating Club Learning Centers is a hands-on, basic powerboat, skills-based training program that covers the essential techniques of powerboat operation. This program was developed under a grant from the U. S. Coast Guard and incorporates the National On-Water Standards for powerboat operation and instruction. The Jump Start Program provides a framework for a one-on-one training session with a student on their own boat. This program was designed as a membership recruiting tool and is free to members. The Boat Operator Certification program recognizes the skills of USPS members at different levels of recreational boating proficiency and candidates must demonstrate their proficiency in a set of practical skill tests. BOC Certifiers are trained to conduct and evaluate these skill tests and provide coaching to members for skill development.Adjourned 1645May 14, 2021Called to order at 08301)V/C Ralph Bernard, AP, reported that the National Meetings Committee contacted several hotels in Las Vegas as potential meeting venues for the 2022 Governing Board Meeting. They discovered that although room rates were competitive, food and beverage requirements were high. The committee is negotiating with the Hilton Raleigh North Hills to host the 2022 Governing Board Meeting and searching for potential sites for the 2023 Annual Meeting.2)V/C Bernard reported that the Squadron Development Committee would post an updated Commander’s Kit and Officer’s Calendar at . The committee will present a Squadron Activities Hit Parade during the Raleigh Governing Board in Sept. 2021.3)The Membership Committee continues to post ideas for membership acquisition and renewal in Member News. 4)V/C Bernard reported that the Member Benefits Committee would publish posts each month in Member News to promote member benefits.5)The National Meetings Committee is working on the 2021 Governing Board Meeting at the Hilton Raleigh North Hills from 29 Aug. to 5 Sept. Hotel reservations and event tickets can be reserved at )V/C Bernard reported a net gain of 53 members in April 2021, with 263 new members, 83 reinstatements, 90 late renewals, 38 deaths, and 345 non-renewals, compared to a net loss of 227 in April 2020.7)V/C Harry Hebb, SN, reported that the Communications Committee mailed the 2020 Distinctive Communicator Awards certificates to district commanders to distribute to squadron editors and webmasters of the winning squadrons. The committee will update the evaluation forms and the 2021 advisors list at )V/C Hebb reported that the IT Committee is upgrading and installing new equipment at headquarters. The committee is developing a process that would replace the scanner forms for exams. ITCom is also working with the Educational Department to enhance the virtual classroom learning management system.9)The Member Services Committee continues to assist members with accessing the Information Center on .10)The Ship’s Store will host another pop-up store for Vessel Safety Examiner and Certified Instructor attire beginning on June 15 through midnight on June 26. 11)R/C David Allen, SN, reported that he represented C/C Abbott at the District 13 Spring Conference. He noted that 40 members attended the virtual meeting. 12)The Board discussed creating a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy or statement. 13)V/C Craig Fraser, SN, reported that the Marketing Committee completed two major ad campaigns for online courses, the America’s Boating Club mobile app, a co-branded logo, three virtual presentations for the 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting, a newly branded service sign, and videos promoting the mobile app for the 2021 IBWSS virtual meeting. The committee is currently working on a third Hispanic Demographic marketing grant. A new marketing grant is underway for new and advanced boaters to receive a one-year membership, a basic boating course for beginners, or advanced powerboat handling for advanced boaters, seminars, selected course materials, and other value-added member benefits. 14)V/C Fraser reported that online ABC3 sales have remained steady, and seminars sales on the Boat US platform are declining without a marketing ad campaign. 15)V/C Fraser reported that Cooperative Charting submissions in 2021 are at 42.6 percent of the total compared to one year ago. 31 of the participants and 12 squadrons had achieved Honor Roll status. 16)The Safety Committee reported that 1,187 vessel examiners completed 4,278 vessel safety checks year to date. The committee also noted that vessel examiners must complete a mandatory online workshop by Aug. 15, 2021, to retain their VSC qualification. The workshop is available at . 17)R/C Kay Simkins, AP, chairman, Committee on Nominations, attended the meeting virtually. She reported that the Committee on Nominations is working on filling positions at all levels of leadership in USPS, America’s Boating Club. R/C Simkins stated that 2021 had been a challenging year and that the committee had been unable to schedule interviews with current or immediate past district commanders and DEO’s. She noted a loss of interest in serving at the national level. 18)R/C Jamie McCurry, N, chairman, Planning Committee, attended the meeting virtually. He reported that at the end of 2020, the committee requested and received feedback on the Strategic Transition Plan Outline from departmental subject matter experts. Adjourned 1700May 15, 2021Called to order at 08301)The BOD discussed a proposal to establish a flat dues renewal rate. Each member would pay the same renewal rate that would include a flat amount for national, district, and squadron dues. Renewal dues for single members would be $110 and $150 for family units. A flat dues rate would also allow for automatic dues renewal. The BOD agreed to recommend that the Governing Board adopt the new dues structure at its 2022 Annual Meeting with a start date of 1 June 2022. 2)V/C Fraser led a discussion on district regionalizations. He reported that an ad hoc committee was appointed and recommended creating five regions. Districts would be assigned to a region based on their geographic location. The BOD recommended soliciting districts to participate in a trial.Adjourned 1610. ................

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