
University of Texas at El PasoCollege of Health SciencesRehabilitation Sciences DepartmentSpeech Language Pathology ProgramSPLP 4312 Neural Bases of Speech-Language Pathology Spring 2021Credit Hours: 3Contact Hours: 45 Schedule: Asynchronous deadlines as scheduled 11:59 pm Synchronous meet-ups Thursdays, 2:00-3:00 pm as scheduled Rau, Ph.D., CCC-SLPOffice Rm #: 404 Campbell BuildingOffice hours: By appointmentOffice phone: 915-747-8724E-mail: arau@utep.eduRequired Text: Bhatnagar, S.C. (2013, 2017). Neuroscience for the Study of Communication Disorders, 4th or 5th eds. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Course Description: The course focuses on the study of neuroanatomical and neurophysiological mechanisms related to speech, language, and hearing. Specific topics include CNS development, the structure and function of cells, organization and function of the brain and spinal cord, and the visual and auditory systems. We will approach the course from a dual philosophical standpoint that a basic understanding of neuroscience is not only, 1) important for the clinical diagnosis and effective remediation of communication disorders, but also 2) for an individual and collective well-being of modern society as a whole. Translational strategies and activities will help us bridge the neurological and physiological bases for human communication, sensory and motor systems with empowering practices of interpersonal mindfulness. Prerequisites: BIOL 2311, BIOL 2111, and SPLP 3312, each with a grade of "C" or better.Classes during pandemic conditions will consist of hybrid synchronous/asynchronous learning activities, curated reading, video and podcast selections, pre-recorded lecturettes, and office hours by zoom or in-person appoinment with UTEP pre-campus arrival screening, social distancing and face coverings required.Course Objectives: In completion of this course, students will demonstrate clinical knowledge and skills in the following areas in accordance with the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) 2014 Standards and Implementation Procedures for the Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, the Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA) in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, UTEP Speech Language Pathology Knowledge and Clinical Competencies, and the UTEP EDGE Experiences. Specifically, students will be able to discuss issues in the following areas:basic terminology associated with neuroanatomy and physiology;gross anatomy/function of the central, peripheral, autonomic nervous systems;the organization and function of the brain and brainstem;ascending and descending spinal pathways, spinal reflexes, and the neuromuscular junction;the auditory, visual, vestibular, and somatosensory systems; cortical and subcortical structures and functions;the clinical manifestations associated with injury/disease to a given region/system;cognitive functions of given specified brain regions;diagnostic tools to identify the location, etiology, and brain pathophysiology;clinical data or behavioral symptomatology to underlying neurological substrates and neuro-physiological mechanismsMethods of Evaluation: Your final grade will be based upon performance on the following. All assignments must be attempted and completed to achieve a passing grade.Online Participation – 10% (5% attendance and Bb User Data; 5% Engagement Activities)You are expected to attend all synchronous sessions, but are allowed ONE FREE ABSENCE during the semester, with no-questions-asked, but also with no-aside-consult from instructor. Address any missed content via your peers. Additional absences will result in a -1% drop each occurance from your attendance and Blackboard User Performance Data grade bank (e.g. date last accessed, mouse-over frequencies by item, and time-spent durations by content towards not less than 45 contact hours, with IDLE TIME EXCLUDED). Engagement Activities will be based on course materials and assigned chapter readings as study-support assignments for 0 vs. 1 point each opportunity.Reading Quizzes– 10% (10 x 1% each quiz, ) You must read all materials assigned prior to any synchronous instructional content delivery, including the first session on January 28. There will be ten 30-minute asynchronous reading quizzes to be completed independently, DUE EACH WEDNESDAY 11:59 PM, prior to our weekly meeting. Questions on each will consist of a mixture of multiple :choice, short answer and true/false items. If you do not take a quiz by its due date you will be given a grade of 0 for that quiz without a makeup. These reading quizzes ensure and credit your asynchronous time management and preparedness to participate in the schedule of instructional activities via a small 1% grade influence. They also give you preview to the questions I will use on the midterm and final exams. Clinical Handout or Brochure – 10%Each student will select a topic relevant to Neurological Disorders and prepare an attractive 2-page informational handout (or 2-sided foldable brochure). Handouts/brochures should be geared towards those with little or no background in speech- language pathology or audiology, such as spouse, children, family members, or employers. All references used in creating your brochure must be cited using APA format. INDEPENDENT Midterm exam – 30%, evidence of ANY form of collusion will result in 0%!!!!! Case Studies – 10%Each student will receive a traditional case study from the field and need to answer the following questions prior to debriefing in a large-group “Staffing” in synchronous class. What disease process do you suspect is going on neurologically?What part of the brain is likely involved?What areas would you plan to focus on in your assessment (speech, language, cognition, swallowing)?What cognitive-communication impairments might you expect?What physical impairments might you expect?INDEPENDENT Final exam – 30%, evidence of ANY form of collusion will result in 0%!!!!! Topic/Assignment Outline: This outline is tentative and may be modified throughout the courseDate 11 Topics + Case StudiesReadings1/21 Course Overview and SyllabusMindsight – Siegel (Canvas)The Hand Model1/28Essential Concepts of NeuroscienceChapter 1Due Wednesday 1/27 11:59 PM 2/4Gross AnatomyChapters 2 and 3Due Wednesday 2/3 11:59 PM 2/11Blood SupplyChapter 7Due Wednesday 2/10 11:59 PM 2/18Ventricles Chapter 8Due Wednesday 2/17 11:59 PM 2/25Nerve Cells and MusclesChapter 5Due Wednesday 2/24 11:59 PM 3/4Spinal Cord and Cerebellum Chapter 13 and 14due Wednesday 3/3 11:59 PM 3/11Cranial NervesChapter 17due Wednesday 3/10 11:59 PM 3/15-19------UTEP SPRING BREAK – NO CLASSES------------3/25Optional Mid Term PEER ReviewMIDTERM EXAMPosted Thursday 3/25 11:59 PMdue Sunday 3/28 11:59 PM4/1Diencephalon/ThalamusChapter 6due Wednesday 4/14 11:59 PM 4/8Sensory system Chapter 11due Wednesday 4/14 11:59 PM 4/15Auditory/VestibularChapters 9 and 10due Wednesday 4/14 11:59 PM 4/22Language and Higher Mental FunctionsChapter 19 – no quizCASE STUDIES due Sunday 4/25 11:59 PM4/29Clinical Case StudiesHANDOUTdue Sunday 5/1 11:59 PM5/6Optional Final PEER Review FINAL EXAMPosted Thursday 5/6 11:59 PMdue Sunday 5/9 11:59 PMCourse Policy: Please see your Clinical Handbook for program expectations.University Statement on Academic Integrity. The University of Texas at El Paso prides itself on its standards of academic excellence. In all matters of intellectual pursuit, UTEP faculty and students must strive to achieve excellence based on the quality of work produced by the individual. In the classroom and in all other academic activities, students are expected to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity. Any form of scholastic dishonesty is an affront to the pursuit of knowledge and jeopardizes the quality of the degree awarded to all graduates of UTEP. It is imperative, there, that the members of this academic community understand the regulations pertaining to academic integrity and that all faculty insist on adherence to these standards.Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonest includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, and any act designated to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts. Proven violations of the detailed regulations, as printed in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) and available in the Office of the Dean of Students and the homepage of the Dean of Students at, may result in sanctions ranging from disciplinary probation, to failing a grade on the work in question, to a failing grade in the course, to suspension or dismissal, among others.ADA:“If you have or suspect a disability and need accommodations, you should contact the Disabled Student Services Office (DSSO) at 747-5148. You can also e-mail the office at or go by Room 106, Union Building East. For additional information, visit the DSSO website at ................

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