Ann A

Ann A. Pang-WhiteCurriculum VitaeDepartment of PhilosophyUniversity of ScrantonScranton, PA 18510Tel. (570) 941-6312 Email: Pangwhitea2@uofs.eduEDUCATION:1986TUNG-HAI University, Taiwan, R.O.C.B.A. in PhilosophyDirector: Professor TSAI Ren-Hao Thesis:A Comparative Study of Confucian Virtue of Humaneness and the Mohist Virtue ofUniversal Love1991UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Columbia, SC.M.A. in Philosophy Director: Dr. Jeremiah HackettThesis: Aquinas' Third Argument: The Argument for a Necessary Being.1997MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY, Milwaukee, WI.Ph.D. in Philosophy Director: Fr. Roland Teske, S.J. Dissertation: Augustine's Doctrine of Weakness of the Will After 411 AD AOS: Augustine, Chinese Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy AOC: Ethics, Aquinas, LogicLanguage: Chinese, English, Latin (reading only), and French (reading only)PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:1990-91UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA-COLUMBIA, Department of PhilosophyTeaching Assistant 1994-97MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY, Department of PhilosophyLecturer, Teaching Assistant, teaching experience in: Logic, Introduction to philosophy, and Ethics1997--2003UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTON, Department of PhilosophyAssistant Professor, teaching experience in: Introduction to Philosophy, Ethics, Logic, Medieval Philosophy, Philosophy of Aquinas, Metaphysics, Chinese Philosophy, Philosophy East and West2003--2010UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTON, Department of PhilosophyAssociate Professor2009--UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTON, Asian StudiesDirector of Asian Studies2010--UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTON, Department of PhilosophyProfessor 2010--UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTON, Department of PhilosophyDepartment ChairDirector of Honors Thesis: Directed Teresa DeLaurentis’s Honors Thesis entitled “Rethinking ‘We’ and ‘They’: Confucianism and the Ethics of Care” (Fall 2005-Spring 06). [After graduating from the University of Scranton, Teresa worked at various organizations in cities along the east coast. She is now working in China as the International Development Director at The International Center of Business Ethics (a private think-tank organization) in Beijing, China.]Instructor of Honors Tutorials: offered several honors tutorials to many excellent students from the Honors Program at the University of Scranton. The topics include “Zen Buddhism and Environmental Ethics,” “Advanced Topics in Chinese Philosophy,” “The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas,” “The Philosophy of St. Augustine,” “Buddhism and the Modern World,” etc.PUBLICATIONS:Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters: "The Metatheoretical Characteristics of Carnap's Theory of Meaning and the Reconstruction of Metaphysics," Dialogue 36 (1993): 23-32."Augustine on Divine Foreknowledge and Human Free Will," Revue Des ?tudes Augustiniennes (Paris) 40 (1994): 417-431."Does Augustine Contradict Himself in Contra duas epistulas Pelagianorum?" American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 73 (1999): 407-418. “The Fall of Humanity: Weakness of the Will and Moral Responsibility in the Later Augustine,” Medieval Philosophy and Theology 9 (2000): 51-67.“On the Generation of Matter in Plotinus’ Enneads,” The Modern Schoolman 78 (2001): 289-299.“Augustine, Akrasia, and Manichaeism,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 77 (2003): 151-169. [My article is the lead article of this ACPQ issue.]“Analogy and Comparative Philosophy: A Hermeneutic Retrieval of Confucius and Aquinas,” SACP Forum Vol. 23 (issue #47, fall 2006). Electronic journal published by the Society of Asian and Comparative Philosophy). “Nature, Interthing Intersubjectivity, and the Environment: A Comparative Analysis of Kant and Daoism,” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 8 (2009): 61-78. “Reconstructing Modern Ethics: Confucian Care Ethics,” Special Issue “Femininity and Feminism: Chinese and Contemporary,” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (June 2009): 210-227. “Friendship and Happiness: Why Matter Matters in Augustine’s Confessions” in Tole lege: Essays on Augustine and Medieval Philosophy in Honor of Roland J. Teske, S.J., ed. Richard Taylor, David Twetten, and Michael Wreen (Milwaukee: Marquette University Press), Forthcoming. [Article was submitted in 2006, accepted in June 2007, and is currently in the final formatting stage in the printing process.]“Caring in Confucian Philosophy,” Philosophy Compass (Wiley), accepted with request of minor revision. Forthcoming.Invited Academic Translation Work:Translated Julia Ching’s “God and the World: Chu Hsi [Zhu Xi] and Whitehead” (21 pages) from English into Chinese. The translation appeared in Chinese Philosophy in the English Speaking World (Yingyu Shijie Zhong De Zhongguo Zhesue) by National Renmin University Press (Beijing, China), October 2009: 86-106. [Renmin University is one of the top 10 universities in China.]Refereed Conference Proceeding:“Femininity and Zhu Xi’s Philosophy: A Hermeneutic Interpretation of Li and Qi.” C17 of the electronic version of the refereed Conference Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy, July 7-15, 2009, at Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan. [The article is published in electronic form in the Conference Proceedings. As explained in the Conference Guidelines, Fu Jen Catholic University is committed to environmental preservation.]Invited Short Article:“Chinese Philosophy and Woman: Is Reconciliation Possible?” in APA Newsletter, Special Issue on Asian and Asian-American Philosophers and Philosophies, Volume 9, Issue #1, Fall 2009. [The article has been invited by the American Philosophical Association. This issue, while its content continues a theme on Asian and Asian-American Philosophers and Philosophies, especially focuses on how Asian philosophies and feminism intersect, or fail to intersect. My essay was selected by the Special Issue Editor, Dr. Amy Olberding, as the lead article from essays by a group of prominent scholars in the field, including Lisa Raphals, Sandra Wawrytko, etc.]Book Reviews:Review of the Latin edition of Augustine's Confessions: Book I-IV, ed. Gillian Clark. Journal Of Early Christian Studies 5 (1997): 126-127.Review of Origen's Homilies on Luke, trans. Joseph Lienhard. Journal of Early Christian Studies 5 (1997): 452-453.Review of Richard Severson’s The Confessions of Saint Augustine: An Annotated Bibliography of Modern criticism, 1888-1995. Journal of Early Christian Studies 5 (1997): 581-582. Review of Marty L. Reid's Augustinian and Pauline Rhetoric in Romans Five: A Study of Early Christian Rhetoric. Journal of Early Christian Studies 6 (1998): 679-680.Review of The Augustinian Tradition, ed. Gareth B. Matthews. Journal of Early Christian Studies 7 (1999): 604-605.Review of Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia, ed. Allan D. Fitzgerald. Journal of Early Christian Studies 8 (2000): 305-309.Review of Donald X. Burt’s Friendship and Society: An Introduction to Augustine’s Practical Philosophy. Journal of Early Christian Studies 8 (2000): 595-597.Review of Phillip Cary’s Augustine’s Invention of the Inner Self: The Legacy of a Christian Platonist. Journal of Early Christian Studies 10 (2002): 301-302.Review of Deborah Achtenberg’s Cognition of Value in Aristotle’s Ethics: Promise of Enrichment, Threat of Destruction, The Review of Metaphysics (by the Catholic University of America) 57 (2004): 823-824.Review of Simon James’s Zen Buddhism and Environmental Ethics, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy (by Association for Chinese Philosophers in America and Springer), 6 (2007): 191-194.Review of Li-Hsiang Lisa Rosenlee’s Confucianism and Women: A Philosophical Interpretation, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy (Springer), 7 (2008): 461-465.Review of Robert Cummings Neville, Ritual and Deference: Extending Chinese Philosophy in a Comparable Context. The Journal of Chinese Religions (by Harvard University and the Society of Chinese Religions), 36 (2008): 179-181.PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATION AND CONFERENCE:"Augustine on Concupiscence and False Love." The Twelfth Annual Conference of the Medieval Association of the Midwest, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana, October 11-12, menting on James Smith’s “The Time of Language: The Fall to Interpretation in Early Augustine.” The Seventy-Second Annual Meeting of American Catholic Philosophical Association, Pittsburgh, PA, March 27-29, 1998.“Does Augustine contradict himself in Contra duas epistulas Pelagianorum?” The Thirteenth Annual Conference of North American Patristic Society, Chicago, IL, May 28-30, 1998.“Teaching the Introductory Course in Early Christian Studies.” The Thirteenth Annual Conference of North American Patristic Society, Chicago, IL, May 28-30, 1998."The Fall of Humanity: Weakness of the Will and Moral Responsibility in the Later Augustine." The Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Patristic Studies in conjunction with the 1999 Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Sherbrooke (Quebec), Canada, June 3-5, 1999."Are We Perpetual Akratic Agents? Akrasia in the Later Augustine." The Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies, Villanova University, Villanova, PA, Oct. 8-10, 1999.“Augustine’s Theory of Akratic Choice: A Two-Level Consent Theory.” The Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies, Villanova University, Villanova, PA, September 21-24, 2000.“Augustine’s Theory of Akratic Choice: A Two-Level Consent Theory.” The 2001 Annual Meeting of North American Patristic Society, Chicago, IL, May 24-26, 2001.“Augustine on Akratic Choice: A Two-Level Consent Theory and What It Implies.” The Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting of Southeastern Medieval Association, New Orleans, LA, October 18-20, 2001.“What’s the Matter with You? Augustine on Spiritual Matter, Time, and Friendship.” The Twenty-Seventh International Conference on Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies, Villanova University, Villanova, PA, September 26-28, 2002.Chair, “Aquinas in Intercultural Dialogue.” The Seventy-seventh Annual Meeting of American Catholic Philosophical Association, Houston, TX, October 31-November 2, 2003.“Materia incorporalis et philia in Augustine’s Confessions.” The 2004 Annual Meeting of North American Patristic Society, Chicago, IL, May 27-29, 2004.“A Bridge to Intercultural Understanding: Thomas Aquinas and the Theory of Analogy.” The 2004 International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, July 14-19, 2004.“Ethics After Desire: Taoism and Kant.” The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy Annual Conference, June 18-21, 2006, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA.“The Metamorphosis of Ethics: Confucianism and the Reconstruction of Modern Ethics.” American Philosophical Association-Pacific Division, Group Meeting (under International Society for Chinese Philosophers), April 4-8, 2007.“Reconstructing Modern Ethics: A Confucian Care Ethics Perspective,” 15th International Conference on Chinese Philosophy, June 24-June 28, 2007, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.“Embodied Knowledge, Embodied Nature: A Transcendental Paradigm Shift from Kant to Daoism,” International Conference on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Fordham University, New York, October 2007.“Reconstructing Modern Ethics: A Confucian Care Ethics Perspective,” Neo-Confucianism Seminar Series, Columbia University, Nov. 2, 2007.“Confucian Care Ethics and Some Practical Applications,” American Philosophical Association-Pacific Division Annual Meeting, Group Meeting (Association for Chinese Philosophers in America), March 19-23, 2008.“How to be Like the Woodcarver Ching: A Daoist Reply to a Kantian Environmental Dilemma,” American Philosophical Association-Pacific Division Annual Meeting, Group Meeting (Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy), March 19-23, 2008. Commenting on Lijun Yuan’s “Confucian and Feminist Notions of relational self and Reciprocity: A Comparative Study,” American Philosophical Association-Pacific Division Annual Meeting, Group Meeting (Association for Chinese Philosophers in America), March 19-23, 2008.Chair, Panel on Comparative Philosophy, sponsored by Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, American Philosophical Association-Pacific Division Annual Meeting, March 19-23, 2008. “Nature, Interthing Intersubjectivity, and the Environment: A Comparative Analysis of Kant and Daoism,” Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, June 28, 2008.“Nature, Interthing Intersubjectivity, and the Environment: A Comparative Analysis of Kant and Daoism,” World Congress of Philosophy 2008, Seoul, South Korea, July 30-August 5, 2008.“Femininity and Zhu Xi’s Philosophy: A Hermeneutic Interpretation of Li and Qi,” the 16th Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy, July 7-15, 2009, at Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan. “Woman and the Body Politic of the Family: A Comparative Analysis of Zhu Xi’s Neo-Confucian Ontology and Aristotle’s Metaphysics,” 2010 Annual Meeting, The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, June 18-21, Asilomer Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA. Other Professional Works: Manuscript/article referee for Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, Wadsworth Publishing Company, and McGraw-Hill Publishing.Administrative Experience:Acting Chair of Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects, University Liaison for ASIANetwork, Chair of Asian Studies Committee, Director of Asian Studies, Chair of Philosophy Department.Other Presentations: Guest Speaker at Dr. Susan Poulson’s history class on the reaction of Taiwan Government and its citizens to Nixon’s recognition of China, University of Scranton, PA, 1997. Guest Speaker at Dr. Loreen Wolfer’s sociology class on “Marriage and Courtship in Chinese Culture,” Univeristy of Scranton, 1999.Guest Speaker at Dr. Maria Johnson’s Freshman Seminar, University of Scranton, 1999.Keynote Speaker at the Asian Banquet, United Colors Student Association, University of Scranton, 1999.Guest Speaker, A Day of Diversity, Student Government, University of Scranton, 1999.Keynote Speaker, Alpha Sigma Lambda Induction Ceremony, University of Scranton, PA, April 30, 2000.Response Speaker, INS naturalization and oath ceremony, Federal Court House, Scranton, PA, 2002Guest Speaker on Chinese Calligraphy and Philosophy, Calligraphy Guild of Northeast Pennsylvania, November 2002.Guest Speaker, “Life as Ritual and the Rituals of Life: A Chinese View of Life,” in the series of the Emerging Trends of Globalization, Marywood University, February 17, 2004. Guest Speaker, “Chinese Calligraphy Demonstration and Workshop,” Calligraphy Guild of Northeast Pennsylvania, May 21, 2004.Keynote Speaker, “The Dao of Psychology,” Psychology Honor Society Induction Ceremony, University of Scranton, Nov. 23, 2008.Guest Speaker, “Confucianism and Economic Policy,” Global Dialogue Series, International Student Affairs Office, University of Scranton, spring 2006.Guest Speaker, “Religions in China: A Personal Experience,” in Dr. Steve Casey’s World Religions class, spring 2008.Guest Speaker, “Women’s Issues in Workforce Worldwide—a Chinese Woman’s Perspective,” Global Dialogue Series, International Student Affairs Office, University of Scranton, October 7, 2008.Guest Speaker, “Buddhism and Family,” in Dr. John Sivalon’s World Religions classes, Fall Semester 2009 and Spring Semester 2010.Guest Speaker, “Woman and the Body Politic of the Family: A Comparative Analysis of Zhu Xi’s Ontological Dynamism and Aristotle’s Metaphysical Essentialism,” October 14, 2010, Philosophy Café Series, sponsored by Phi Sigma Tau Philosophy Honors Society at The University of Scranton.PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT:Attended Sustainability Workshop in summer 2004Attended Catholic Intellectual Tradition in summer 2006Attending Columbia University’s Neo-Confucianism seminars monthly meeting when the semester is in session since October 2006GRANTS RECEIVED:Internal Research Grant (2003-2004), $1,500. Awarded by the University of Scranton, Office of Research Services.Special Summer Session Grant (2004), $3,000. Research Project Title: “Analogy and Thomas Aquinas: a Bridge to Intercultural Understanding,” awarded by the University of Scranton, Faculty Development Board.Special Summer Session Grant (2009), $3,000. Research Project Title: “Femininity and Zhu Xi’s Philosophy: A Hermeneutic Approach to Li and Qi,” awarded by the University of Scranton, Faculty Development Board.Diversity Initiative Grant (2010), $6,000. Project title: Cultural Tour of Asia. Awarded by the Office of Equity and Diversity at the University of Scranton.OTHER AWARDS and HONORS:1984-86President’s Prizes for Outstanding Academic Performance, TUNG-HAI UNIVERSITY, Taiwan, R.O.C.The Natural Science and Humanity Scholarship, National Department of Education, Taiwan, R. O. C.Dr. Fang Tung Mei Fellowship, TUNG-HAI UNIVERSITY, Taiwan, R. O. C.1985President of the Student Association of Philosophy, TUNG-HAI UNIVERSITY, Taiwan, R. O. C. Short Novel Prize, Student Literature Contest, TUNG-HAI UNIVERSITY, Taiwan, R. O. C. 1986First Place Award for Outstanding Academic Performance of the 1986 Class Philosophy Bachelor of Arts graduates, TUNG-HAI UNIVERSITY, Taiwan, R. O. C. Student Service Award, TUNG-HAI UNIVERSITY, Taiwan, R. O. C.Elected as the Model Honor Student of Taichung City, Taiwan, R.O.C.Essay Prize, Student Literature Contest, TUNG-HAI UNIVERSITY, Taiwan, R. O. C.1990-91 Teaching Assistantship, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA-COLUMBIA1991James W. Oliver Prize in Logic, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA-COLUMBIA1992Tuition Scholarship, MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY1993-94Research Assistantship, MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY1994-97 Teaching Assistantship and/or Lectureship, MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY1999Faculty Teaching/Service Award 1999, STUDENT GOVERNMENT OF DEXTER HANLEY COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTON2001-02Inclusion in Who's Who in the World2002Recipient of Faculty Fellowship, Colloquium: Summer Colloquy of Faith and Intellectual Life2010The Provost’s Award, “Excellent in Advancing Global Learning.”SERVICE ACTIVITIES:1998--2000UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTON, FACULTY SENATECommittee Member, FACULTY SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE--BUDGET AND PLANNING COMMITTEE 1998--2002UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTONExaminer, SJLA MASTERWORKS1998--2003 SAINT PIUS X SEMINARYBoard Member, ADVISORY BOARD1999--2002UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTONCommittee Member, HONORS COUNCIL2000--2006UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTONAcademic Advisor for Philosophy Majors, PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT2000--2003UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTONCommittee Member, COMMENCEMENT COMMITTEE2000-2001UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTONParticipant, AAC&U DIVERSITY PROJECT2000-2002UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTONHost Family, INTERNATIONAL FAMILY & FRIENDSHIP PROGRAM2001UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTONPaper Contest Judge, PHI SIGMA TAU HONOR SOCIETY FOR PHILOSOPHY2001-2010UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTONFaculty Moderator, PHI SIGMA TAU HONOR SOCIETY FOR PHILOSOPHY2002INS Naturalization and Oath Ceremony, Scranton Office, PAResponse Speaker2002FAIRFIELD UNIVERSITYParticipant, COLLOQUIUM: SUMMER COLLOQUY ON FAITH AND INTELLECTUAL LIFE2002 CALLIGRAPHY GUILD OF NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIAGuest Speaker on Chinese Calligraphy and Philosophy2003--UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTONBoard Member, University Faculty Development Board2003--2004UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTONFirst Alternate (called to duty), University Board on Rank and Tenure2004—2005Board of Directors, Infant Care Program at Covenant Presbyterian ChurchBoard Member2006—2008UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTONBoard Member, University Board on Rank and Tenure2007—2008 International Society for Chinese PhilosophyCommittee Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Election 1998-PresentUNIVERSITY OF SCRANTONBoard Member, INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD FOR THE PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS (IRB)(2009-2010)Acting Chair of the IRB Board2007-PresentFacilitator for Wuhan University-Univ. of Scranton International Partnership2008-PresentUniversity of Scranton ASIAnetwork LiaisonFacilitator for forming an Asian Studies Concentration at the University2009-PresentFacilitator for Henan College of Education-University of Scranton International Partnership 2009-10Faculty Senate2009-10Mentor-Mentee Program2010-PresentChair, Department of Philosophy2010-2012Member, University Board on Rank and Tenure2010-2011Member, University Faculty Development Board2009-PresentFounding Director, Asian Studies Concentration at the University of ScrantonMEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS:Association of Asian StudiesAmerican Catholic Philosophical AssociationSociety of Medieval and Renaissance PhilosophyThe Society for Asian and Comparative PhilosophyInternational Society for Chinese PhilosophersAssociation for Chinese Philosophers in America ................

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