
The following is additional information regarding Invitation to Bid # SCL-3841 titled Emergency Medical and Safety Classes released on 09/26/2017. The due date and time for responses is 10/30/17 2PM (Pacific). This addendum includes both questions from prospective proposers and the City’s answers and revisions to the ITB. This addendum is hereby made part of the ITB and therefore, the information contained herein shall be taken into consideration when preparing and submitting a bid.

|Item # |Date Received |Date Answered |Vendor’s Question |City’s Answer |ITB Revisions |

|2 |09/29/17 |10/04/17 |The bid offer form contains items which aren’t |Yes. The City asks Vendors to complete the Bid Offer Form that is | |

| | | |covered in the Scope of Work section of the ITB. |embedded in the ITB. | |

| | | |Do Vendors need to bid on these items? | | |

|3 |09/29/17 |10/04/17 |Do Vendors only bid on the items covered in the |No. See question 2. | |

| | | |Scope of Work section of the ITB? | | |

|4 |10/02/17 |10/04/17 |Regarding 5D, item #3 "Instructors must carry |Yes. The course content being presented by the Instructor must conform | |

| | |10/09/17 |instructor certification from the American Heart |to the 2015 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines Update for | |

| | | |Association" - does this also mean that the |Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & Emergency Cardiovascular Care | |

| | | |courses required by this bid must also be American|(ECC). The course content must also conform to the 2015 American Red | |

| | | |Heart Association courses?  |Cross (ARC) Guidelines Update for First Aid. Most First Aid/ CPR | |

| | | | |courses conform to these guidelines, including the American Red Cross | |

|5 |10/02/17 |10/04/17 |May other course providers such as the American |No. | |

| | | |Red Cross, or the National Safety Council etc be | | |

| | | |used as long as the instructor presenting the | | |

| | | |course is an AHA certified instructor? | | |

|6 |10/02/17 |10/04/17 |While student minimums etc are shown in the bid, |SCL requests one instructor per 20 students. | |

| | |10/17/17 |what is the required ratio of number of |The City isn’t defining the student/teacher ratio. This is at the | |

| | | |instructors per number of students?  (e.g. 10 |discretion of the Vendor. | |

| | | |students per instructor? so that if say there are | | |

| | | |18 students we are required to have 2 instructors | | |

| | | |teaching the course.) | | |

|7 |10/02/17 |10/04/17 |If in fact the requirement is that AHA courses be |No. See question 15. | |

| | |10/17/17 |used, do we then follow the AHA's guidelines for | | |

| | | |student-to-instructor ratios? | | |

|8 |10/02/17 |10/04/17 |If in fact it is the AHA course that is required, |The course content being presented by the Instructor must conform to | |

| | |10/09/17 |does that also mean that ALL AHA course-delivery |the 2015 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines Update for | |

| | | |directives must be followed?  The most prominent |Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & Emergency Cardiovascular Care | |

| | | |example from the AHA 2017 "Program Administration |(ECC). The course content must also conform to the 2015 American Red | |

| | | |Manual": "Each student must have the current |Cross (ARC) Guidelines Update for First Aid. Each student should have | |

| | | |appropriate course textbook readily available for |their own course textbook throughout the course. | |

| | | |use before, during, and after the course." | | |

|9 |10/03/17 |10/04/17 |Does the City have an estimate on how many |No employee count is available but, the City provided the amount spent | |

| | |10/09/17 |employees will take part in these courses? |spend for the last 12 months in the ITB. | |

|10 |10/03/17 |10/04/17 |Is it permissible to bid on some courses and not |Yes. | |

| | | |others? | | |

|11 |1010/17 |10/10/17 | | |The City is revising the Bid Due Date to Monday, |

| | | | | |10/30/17 at 2PM PT |

|12 |10/06/17 |10/17/17 |Is there a date set when the contract will be |No. The City doesn’t have a defined date to award the contract. | |

| | | |awarded? | | |

|13 |10/06/17 |10/17/17 |Is there a date set that the contract services to |No. The City doesn’t have a set date for services to commence. Please | |

| | | |commence? |see page 6 of the ITB: No Guaranteed Contract Utilization section. | |

|14 |10/06/17 |10/17/17 |In order to train over 20 students at one |Yes, if those hired as sub-contractors meet the minimum qualifications | |

| | | |location, or train simultaneously at multiple |described in the ITB and the price per student doesn’t change. | |

| | | |locations; will the contract recipient upon | | |

| | | |written notice; readily gain consent to | | |

| | | |subcontract services to qualified instructors in | | |

| | | |lieu of hiring employees? | | |

|15 |10/06/17 |10/17/17 |To be an instructor in good standing with the AHA.|No, The AHA does not set “standard requirements for student-instructor | |

| | | |And to keep my status as an AHA instructor it is a|ratio’s.” The recommended guideline for student-to-Instructor ratio is | |

| | | |requirement that I adhere to the standards that |6:1. This ratio is at the discretion of the Vendor. | |

| | | |they set. Which are a 8:1 student to instructor | | |

| | | |ratio for First Aid and an 6:1 instructor to | | |

| | | |student ratio for CPR. Anyone bidding on an 18:1 | | |

| | | |student to instructor ratio is out of compliance | | |

| | | |with the American Heart Association and could lose| | |

| | | |their ability to teach for the American Heart | | |

| | | |Association. In light of this information; would | | |

| | | |the City of Seattle consider changing the student | | |

| | | |to instructor ratios from 18:1 to be in alignment | | |

| | | |with what the American Heart Association requires?| | |

|16 |10/06/17 |10/17/17 |Would the City accept Curriculum taught from |Yes. The course content being presented by the Instructor must conform | |

| | | |American Heart Association but a “certification |to the 2015 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines Update for | |

| | | |card” from other than the American Heart |Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & Emergency Cardiovascular Care | |

| | | |Association? |(ECC). The course content must also conform to the 2015 American Red | |

| | | | |Cross (ARC) Guidelines Update for First Aid. | |

|17 |10/06/17 |10/17/17 |Is Adult only CPR requested or child and infant as|Adult only. | |

| | | |well? | | |

|18 |10/06/17 |10/17/17 |On the answer above for #8: “must conform”.  Are |The course content being presented by the Instructor must conform to | |

| | | |you asking that the class for the City be taught |the 2015 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines Update for | |

| | | |from the  AHA or Red Cross Curriculum ONLY, or |Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & Emergency Cardiovascular Care | |

| | | |that the curriculum that is used “conforms” to the|(ECC). The course content must also conform to the 2015 American Red | |

| | | |AHA, Red Cross? |Cross (ARC) Guidelines Update for First Aid | |

|19 |10/06/17 |10/17/17 |Page 5 of 16 item "E" Special Cost Submittals |No. |Please disregard the 5 students statement. The City |

| | | |(minimum of 5 students per class) : Is this a | |is removing the (minimum of 5 students per class) in|

| | | |request for an ADDITIONAL set of pricing in | |section 5.E. of the ITB. |

| | | |addition to the pricing we will be submitting on | | |

| | | |the Bid Offer Sheet? | | |

|20 |10/06/17 |10/17/17 |The Bid Offer Sheet specifies a minimum of 18 |Please see question 19 and complete the Bid Offer Sheet embedded in the| |

| | | |students for each class. But, in item E on page 5 |ITB. | |

| | | |of the ITB is states 5 students.  Can you please | | |

| | | |clarify those two points? | | |

|21 |10/16/17 |10/17/17 |Does each student have to be given a “take home” |Yes. | |

| | | |book? | | |


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