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Battles of the Revolutionary War Summary Chart


|Battle of Lexington |_______________, MA |British General Thomas _____________ sent troops to seize colonial weapons and ammunition. |Revolutionary War has ________________ |

|and Concord |_______________, MA |Patriot Scouts like Paul ________________ let the ____________________ know British troops were coming. | |

|April ____________ | |Confrontation in which British ___________________ tell colonists (Minutemen) to throw down their arms. | |

| | |Shots __________________. | |

|Battle of _____________ Hill |Across the harbor from Boston|British, under the leadership of General Thomas Gage and Sir William ________________, attack the |Colonial army ran out of ammunition, so they had to |

|June 1775 |at Bunker Hill and |colonial army, under the command of Colonel William ________________________. |__________________. |

| |_____________ Hill |Colonial army had set up a ________________ position overlooking the harbor |Colonists _____________ the battle and the |

| | |The _______________________ (British army) crossed the harbor and charged up the hill. |_______________ took over the hill. |

| | |Colonel William Prescott commanded the colonial troops, “Don’t fire until you see the _______________ of |Colonists proved they were willing to fight if they |

| | |their eyes.” (He was concerned that they would not have enough _____________________, so he didn’t want |felt __________________ |

| | |his soldiers to fire until they were close enough to be sure they would hit someone.) | |

| | |After the British army charged _________________ times, the colonial army ran out of ammunition. | |

|Battle for ________ _________ |Long Island, _______________,| Under the command of General William Howe, the British have nearly ________________ troops on |Washington’s troops had dwindled to about |

|August-October 1776 |Brooklyn Heights, White |____________ ____________ compared to the approximately 8,000 colonial troops under the command of |_____________ men |

| |Plains, (all in New York), |General George ________________________. |British took over _________ __________ _________ |

| |then across New |The British continually _________________ the colonists, forcing the colonists to retreat back into New | |

| |_____________, and into |Jersey and then into ________________________________. | |

| |Pennsylvania | | |


|Battle for __________ |Delaware River, ______________, |General George Washington crossed the Delaware into New Jersey, surprising the _____________________ |These victories boosted American |

|_____________ |New Jersey, Princeton, New Jersey|at Trenton, New Jersey. |____________________ and forced the British back to |

|_______________ 1776-January | |_____________________ military captured 1,000 men and valuable ammunition. |New York. |

|1777 | |Washington’s troops then defeated the British __________________ (the trained British army) at | |

| | |Princeton, NJ. | |

|British ______________ Plan |Northeastern area of the colonies|____________-_______________ attack( |British military planned to win the war against the |

|1777 | |Take __________________ and take control of the Hudson River. |colonists using these strategies. |

| | |Move East from Lake __________________. | |

| | |General Howe’s group moves ____________ from New York City | |

|________________ Creek |Philadelphia, _________________ |British military, under direction of General ________________, defeat George _____________________ |Our capital city, Philadelphia, is controlled by the|

|September 1777 |(_____________ city of the United|army and capture _____________________________. |_______________. This would be like Washington, DC |

| |States of America) | |being taken over. |

|________________ |Saratoga, NY |British Army, under the command of General _______________________, tried to cut |American _____________ signaled to the rest of the |

|October _________ | |___________ __________________off from the rest of the colonies. (Would have probably led to our |world that we were actually ______________ of |

| | |______________ because we needed the _______________ and supplies that the all the colonies had. |winning the war. This brings _______________ into |

| | |Remember that New England was the “_________________” of Revolutionary activity, especially in |the war on our side, which will mean a lot to the |

| | |_____________________.) |military!!! |

| | |Patriot Army (Americans) under General Horatio __________________, captured more than 5,000 British | |

| | |troops. | |

|_____________ ____________ |Valley Forge, Pennsylvania |The American army suffered during a brutal _______________ outside Philadelphia. |One of the _________ points of the war. We did not |

|Winter 1777-1778 | |George _______________________ soldiers were poorly clothed and poorly fed. |have much in the way of supplies. ______________ |

| | | |falls. |


|Battle of __________________ |Yorktown, _____ |British General _____________________ stationed his troops on the Yorktown __________________. (Think |British General Cornwallis sends General Charles |

|August 1, 1781 | |about what a peninsula is….) |___________ to _________________ on October 19, |

| | |They get _________________ in via ____________. |______________. |

| | |General George _____________________ requested that the _____________________ fleet (their |For the Americans, General Benjamin _______________ |

| | |_______________ ships) ___________________ the British ships so they cannot bring supplies to the army|______________ the surrender. |

| | |and so the British army has no transportation by water. | |

| | |American _________________ blocks the _______________ route of escape. | |

|Treaty of ______________ |______________, France |Benjamin ____________________, , John ________, and John _______________ negotiated the settlement |Terms of the Treaty: |

|1783 | |with _____________________ from England appointed by King ____________________ III. |Formally recognized the United States of America as |

| | | |a free and __________________ nation. |

| | | |Gave America _____________ from the Atlantic Ocean |

| | | |to the __________________ River. |

| | | |Pulled remaining ____________ troops from United |

| | | |States territory. |


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