
Mr. Brush

A.P. United States History

APQ#19-Outline-U.S. Foreign Affairs from 1945-1980’s


• As established in 1945, the Security Council of the United Nations was to to be

• “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the continent.”-Winston Churchill- Europe was divided between two hostile caps, the communist and the non-communist nations

• American foreign policy analyst George Kennan suggested in 1947 that the United States employ the word “Containment” when dealing with communism.

• An objective of the Marshall Plan was to

• In order to prevent communist forces from toppling the governments of Greece and Turkey, the United States initiated the Truman Doctrine-

• One of the chief reasons Americans were willing to join the peacetime NATO alliance was because of the Berlin Blockade

• The Korean War

• General Douglass MacArthur was dismissed as commander of U.N. forces fighting in the Korean War because he publicly criticized President Truman’s handling of the war


• The domino theory was the theory that if

• John Foster Dulles is most close associated with the policy of massive retaliation

• The primary difference between the United States intervention in Guatemala in 1954 and previous U.S. interventions in Central America was that the Guatemalan intervention involved covert action by the CIA

• A United States response to the successful orbiting of Sputnik in 1957 was

• The first person to reach orbit was Soviet Cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin

• At the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, in 1954, the nation that lost its foothold in Vietnam was France

• In 1960 the downing of an American U-2 spy plane over the Soviet Union contributed directly to Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev’s cancellation of a scheduled summit meeting with President Dwight Eisenhower

• In his farewell address, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned Americans about


• Berlin Wall

• The Kennedy administration is noted as the time the United States committed itself to place a man on the moon

• The Bay of Pigs incident involved a U.S. sponsored attempt by free Cubans to

• An immediate consequence of the Bay of Pigs incident was that

• In order to prevent the Soviets from placing nuclear missiles in Cuba, President Kennedy placed a naval quarantine around Cuba

• In the agreement that ended the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis the Soviet Union agreed to

Lyndon B. Johnson

• The United States’ primary reason for participating in the war in Vietnam was The Gulf of Tonkin Incident

• The Tonkin Gulf Resolution gave

• Rolling Thunder, My Lai Massacre, Vietnamization (Nixon’s plan to train South Vietnam’s army by American soldiers in order to prepare for American soldiers to leave Vietnam)

• The President that escalated the war in Vietnam was Johnson

• 1968- Tet Offensive- the turning point of the Vietnam War

• Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated; Robert Kennedy assassinated; riot of demonstrators and Chicago police


• Ended American participation in the war in Vietnam

• President Nixon authorized a coup that toppled the popularly elected government of Salvador Allende in Chile

• The Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT), expanded trade with the Soviet Union, and President Nixon’s visit to the People’s Republic of China were all facets of the policy of detente

• SALT I treaty-


• The Camp David Accords

• Iran, in 1979, took American hostages in the American embassy, and did not release the captives until Ronald Reagan assumed the presidency in January of 1980

• When Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1980, the United States boycotted the summer Olympics in Moscow

• Miracle on Ice


• Ronald Reagan’s military objectives included the construction of an extensive antimissile satellite system (Strategic Defense Initiative)

• President Reagan’s administration illegally circumvented Congress’ Boland Amendment in order to secretly fund Nicaragua’s Contras

George H.W. Bush-

• Actions taken by the United States in response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 include U.N. coordination, protection of Saudi Arabia, imposing economic sanctions, Operation Desert Shield

• The U.N. coalition’s main objective in Operation Desert Storm was to

• Manuel Noriega and the fall of Panama

• After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989- the breakup of the Soviet Union into separate nations, the outbreak of warfare in Yugoslavia, the sending of U.S. troops to Somalia in the U.N.’s Project Restore Hope


• the outbreak of warfare in Yugoslavia

• The agreement that ended most trade barriers among the United States, Canada and Mexico was NAFTA

• The decade after the Cold War was a period of] increasing globalization of the world economy

George W. Bush

• September 11, 2001

• War in Afghanistan/ War on Terrorism

• Iraq War II

• Surveillance/Interrogation Policies-Water boarding/Torture


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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