
[pic].. 2015 U.S. Hist.

Part I: Directions: Fill in the correct letter on your scantron sheet.

A. Truman Doctrine AB. Domino Theory

B. Iron Curtain AC. NATO

C. Long Telegram AD. China

D. Korea AE. Marshall Plan

E. Warsaw Pact BC. Cold War

____ 1. This is a state of political hostility between countries characterized by threats, propaganda, and other measures short of open warfare

____ 2. This policy is saying the “United States needs to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures”. Meaning the United States will give aid to countries like Greece and Turkey to cool off rivalries.

____ 3. This is Winston Churchill’s phrasing for the division of Europe after communism took over Eastern Europe

____ 4. This had the U.S. provide economic aid to European countries in need of rebuilding after WWII

____ 5. This is the league of nations created in fear of Soviet Aggression. They pledged military support to any member that is attacked

____6. This is the league of nations created by the Soviet Union

____ 7. This is the idea that if one country falls to communism, then it will spread to other countries

____ 8. One of the major documents found suggesting the Soviets will actively try to spread communism and do it aggressively

____ 9. The first major Asian country to fall to communism after the Cold War starts

____ 10. The first major war America was involved in during the Cold War

Part II: Directions: Fill in the letter on your SCANTRON that best describes capitalism or communism

a. Capitalism b. Communism

11.________People need freedom

12. ________People need each other

13. ________When people work together, they can achieve great things

14. ________Property is owned by the state

15. _______Property is privately owned

16. _______When people compete against each other, they can achieve great things

17. _______Focus is on the progress of the community as a whole

18. ________Focus is on the individual and his/her own progress in life

19. ________ Education and healthcare provided by private entities

20. _______Classless society

Part III: Please fill in the corresponding answer on your Scantron.

21. After WWII there was a fight between these two groups in China

a. Communists and Allies

b. Communists and Nationalists

c. Communists and Axis

d. Communists and Soviet Union

22. Of the two sides who fought in the previous question, who won?

a. Nationalists c. Communists

b. Allies d. Axis

23. Who was the leader of China after the Revolution?

a. Chang Kei-Shek c. Kim Il Sung

b. Mao Zedong d. Joseph Stalin

24. It is estimated the leader in question 23 killed as many as:

a. 1.3 billion poeple c. 30,000 people

b. 40-70 million people d. 11 million people

25. This side started the Korean War

a. North Korea c. South Korea

b. China d. Soviet Union

26. The Korean War is often called

a. The forgotten war

b. The communist war

c. The Kim war

d. The Cold War

27. Korea is split at

a. The 108th parallel

b. The 30th parallel

c. The 17th parallel

d. The 38th parallel

28. Douglas MacArthur was fired during the Korean War because

a. He lost

b. He wanted to bomb China

c. He wanted to have a stalemate

d. He died

29. The Korean War ended in

a. Win

b. Loss

c. Stalemate

d. More war

30. Technically America did stop during the Korean War

a. Communism c. Fascism

b. Democracy d. Monarchy

31. After the Korean War, Korea was

a. South Korea was bombed c. North Korea became democratic

b. Korea was split into two d. Communism spread throughout Korea

32. The “God” of North Korea is

a. Mao Zedong

b. Chang Kei-Shek

c. Kim Il Sung

d. Kim Jong Il

33. This senator started a witch hunt to find communists in America

a. Harry Truman

b. Joseph McCarthy

c. Alger Hiss

d. Ethel Rosenberg

34. Loyalty Review Boards were set up to

a. Find subversives in the American government

b. Find blacklists in the American government

c. To find subversives in schools

d. To blacklist Hollywood actors

35. This was set up to find subversives everywhere, especially Hollywood

a. Blacklists

b. House of Un-American Activities Committee

c. Loyalty Review Boards

d. Truman Doctrine

36. This person was accused of smuggling secret documents to the Soviets

a. Alger Hiss

b. Joseph McCarthy

c. Julius Rosenberg

d. Ethel Rosenberg

37. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed because it was thought that they

a. Sold nuclear bomb plans to the Soviets

b. Smuggled secret documents to the Soviets

c. Spread communism to America

d. Were American spies

38. The reason why McCarthy could mostly get away with what he said was because senators cannot be accused of this

a. Libel

b. Slander

c. Lying

d. Truth

39. The second red scare demanded

a. Peace

b. Truth

c. Nuclear weapons

d. Conformity

40. During the Cold War, students would

a. Be spies

b. Eat better food than you

c. Have “Duck and Cover” drills

d. Develop weapons

41. The competition to develop more nuclear weapons was called

a. Space race

b. Arms race

c. Nuclear weapons race

d. Hiroshima race

42. The United States created this to keep up with the Soviets during the Space Race


b. CIA


d. KGB

43. This country was the first to make it to outer space with the satellite, Sputnik.

a. USA

b. Soviet Union

c. China

d. Korea

44. The United States created this agency to spy and carry out covert operations


b. CIA


d. KGB

45. The Soviet Union created this agency to spy and carry out covert operations


b. CIA


d. KGB

46. This was one of the CIA’s first covert actions (1953). They took down this country’s leader to control the oil fields so the Soviet Union would not

a. Iran

b. Iraq

c. Afghanistan

d. Guatemala

47. In this country south of Mexico, the CIA trained an army and invaded to get rid of communist sympathizers

a. Iran

b. Guatemala

c. Israel

d. Hungary

48. In 1955 Egypt built a dam in the Suez region and did this to get more aid

a. Asked America for help; which angered the Soviets

b. Asked the Soviets for help; which angered the Americans

c. Asked both the Americans and Soviets for help; pinning them both against each other

d. Crated the country of Israel

49. The Eastern European country, Hungary, led a revolt against the Soviet Union and was put down very harshly by the Soviets. Why was this so significant for the United States?

a. The United Nations helped the country and failed

b. The Truman Doctrine stated to support people against communism, but the US did nothing

c. The Warsaw Pact stated to support people against communism, but the US did nothing

d. The Truman Doctrine stated to support people against communism, but the US lost

50. The Eisenhower Doctrine promised

a. The Soviets would defend any Middle Eastern country against democracy

b. The Soviets wouldn’t defend any Middle Eastern country against democracy

c. The US wouldn’t defend any Middle Eastern country against communism

d. The US would defend any Middle Eastern country against communism.


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