
SAMPLE LETTER USED WITH 117th CONGRESSJanuary 13, 2021The HonorableU.S. House of Representatives or U.S. Senate Washington, D.C. 20515 or 20510Dear Representative or Senator:On behalf of the American Foundry Society (AFS), congratulations on your election to the 117th Congress. We look forward to working with you and the new Congress to help drive America’s economic recovery from the unprecedented impact of the global pandemic and lay the groundwork for long-term economic growth. A robust economic recovery will not be possible without a strong manufacturing industry. Investments made today will protect jobs and ensure that manufacturing, including metalcasting in America, remains viable as the crisis abates.AFS is the major trade and technical association for the North American metalcasting industry.? Our association is comprised of more than 8,000 members representing nearly 2,000 metalcasting firms, their suppliers, and customers operating in nearly all 50 states and most congressional districts. The American metalcasting industry provides employment for over 460,000 men and women directly and indirectly. PERSONALIZE HERE WITH NUMBER OF METALCASTERS IN STATE/DISTRICTAmerica’s road to recovery will require bold actions on the following growth-inducing and job-creating policies: Rebuilding and upgrading our nation’s infrastructure, including roads, bridges, airports, rail, schools, electric grids, ports, and broadband, as well as drinking water and wastewater projects. These critical assets are in urgent need of repair, maintenance, and sustainable investment.Strengthening investments in domestic manufacturing by increasing federal purchases of U.S. manufactured goods, enhancing “buy American” rules, ensuring that tax incentives for equipment purchases and a full deduction for R&D expenses remain in place, and reducing our reliance on foreign countries for minerals that we can mine and use here.Maintaining the existing U.S. Section 232 and 301 tariffs on metal castings, encouraging reshoring, and vigorously enforcing U.S. trade laws.Investing in the next generation of skilled, technical workers.Metalcasting is truly the backbone of the manufacturing economy. Foundries produce highly engineered metal castings made from iron, steel, and non-ferrous alloys that are integral to our critical infrastructure and virtually all U.S. manufacturing activities.? In fact, castings are used to produce 90 percent of all durable goods and nearly all?manufacturing machinery.?Countless sectors rely upon the existence of castings, including those vital to national defense, medical, agriculture, construction, transportation, electric power, and energy generation systems, as well as our drinking water and wastewater systems.American metalcasters mobilized to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic by manufacturing metal castings for the health care sector such as key components for ventilators, X-ray machines, operating tables, and other surgical room equipment. In addition, foundries are producing critical castings to meet Americans’ daily needs including machine components for the pulp and paper making industry which produce toilet paper, tissues, and paper towels, as well as dozens of castings for the trucking and transportation sectors.It is time to lay the groundwork to rebuild our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. The future of modern manufacturing depends on the strength of our infrastructure. Making a long-term infrastructure investment now will not only respond to our country’s urgent infrastructure needs but will provide a major boost to the economy and put Americans back to work again. A renewed economy will also be a changed economy, and dislocated workers will need significant support through training and jobs programs. We will need to invest in workforce and job training programs through Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Perkins and grants programs, with funding reserved for manufacturing programs.Results from AFS’ annual survey continues to point to a lack of qualified workers to fill positions in the U.S. metalcasting industry. This skills gap reflects a perfect storm that is converging on manufacturers across the nation in their effort to fill jobs at their facilities, particularly as the Baby Boomer generation is continuing to retire.?By prioritizing these critical issues, we can jumpstart the economy and provide communities, U.S. manufacturers, and businesses with the opportunity to create jobs and raise the living standard for all. AFS stands ready to work with you, as well as the incoming Administration, to grow our economy and build a 21st century infrastructure system.If you would like additional information regarding these priorities and our critical industry, please contact me or our AFS Washington representative, Stephanie Salmon, ssalmon@.Sincerely,Doug KurkulCEO ................

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