
Article OptionsIf you are unsure whether the texts you choose are too informative (which will make the assignment A LOT more challenging, trust me), then email me with the links so that I can check them out. If you’re using the general sites below that don’t have a specific op-ed section, be careful and check with me.The op-ed needs to have been published between 2010 and present. Make sure it is NOT an editorial by an editorial board; a letter to the editor, which is usually shorter than an actual op-ed; nor a news report. It needs to be an op-ed by an actual author.Your two op-eds should be connected by same author, publication place, or topic.Popular Sites with Op-Eds:You can search a topic you’re interested in here: (“Essays and Opinions” section) This also has a great newssite and blog roll linked on the left-hand side of the main page. (“Views” section) (“Authors,” “Blogs,” or “Topics” section) (“Columns” section) Organized via Political Leaning:Left Leaning:Commentary Dissent Harper's Mother Jones The National Review The New Yorker The Progressive Salon Slate The Village Voice Christian Science MonitorHuffington PostDaily BeastMs. MagazineJezebelGawkerDaily BeastBitchScientific AmericanThe National MemoWashington JournalTruth-OutDailykosDailycallerCommondreamsThe WeekWall Street JournalNational Public RadioRight Leaning:Town HallAtlantic Monthly The Drudge Report The NationThe American ThinkerHuman World Net DailyNewsmaxDaily CallerPolitico American SpectatorImprimis (Hillsdale Institute)The IndependentRedstate The Daily StandardBlazeHuman AffairsThe New RepublicThe Weekly StandardThe AtlanticHuman AffairsThe EconomistAmerican ConservativeAldailyReasonWashington ExaminerLA TimesUSA TodayThe Boston GlobeChicago TribuneWashington GlobeCNNNewsObserverProminent Newspaper Columnists: (Excellent writers with more than one column)Michael Kinsley: Richard Cohen: William F. Buckley: Thomas Sowell: Ellen Goodman: George Will: John Tierney: David Brooks: Paul Krugman: Thomas Friedman: Jonah Goldberg: Peggy Noonan: Maureen Dowd: Charles Krauthammer: Mona Charen: E.J. Dionne: Cynthia Tucker: in Textbook:Here are some persuasive articles included in Everything’s an Argument textbook; you can use one of these if you’d like.“Indian Mascots: You’re Out” by Jack Shakley (pg. 520-22)“Are We Worried about Storm’s Identity—or our Own? By Patricia Williams (pg. 545-48)“Is Junk Food Really Cheaper?” by Mark Bittman (pg. 660-64)“The Locavore’s Dilemma” by Christophe Pelletier (pg. 703-6)“Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It” by Elizabeth Royte (pg. 717-21)“To All the Girls I’ve Rejected” by Jennifer Britz (pg. 771-2)“The Veterans are Coming! The Veterans are Coming!” by Edward Palm (pg. 788-94)“The Trouble with Diversity” by Walter Benn Michaels (pg. 809-14)“Learning by Degrees” by Rebecca Mead (pg. 828-31)“Our Unpaid, Extra Shadow Work” by Craig Lambert (pg. 860-62)“What Ever Happened to Upward Mobility?” by Rana Foroohar (pg. 901-8)“Why Education is Not an Economic Panacea” by John Marsh (pg. 912-19)“Don’t Mind the Gap” by Andrew Kohut (pg. 945-6) ................

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