

Kailo, Mervi KAARINA Elisabet

Home: Vanhatie 35, 90940 Jääli

90914 Oulu University,

Docent, Adj. Prof. Dept of English, North American Studies

Pohjois-Amerikan tutkimuksen dosentti

Contact address: Vanhatie 35, 90940 Jääli, Finland

kaarina.kailo (at)


1. Academic training

Doctor of Philosophy (Comparative Literature) 1982-1990 Ph.D. (June 12, 1990), Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Toronto. 1981, Licence ès lettres, University of Geneva, (Honor's M.A. in American literature, minor in Russian); 1976, Hum. Kand. (BA), University of Helsinki (English, French and political science

2. Most important positions

2008- Docent, Oulu University, Dept. of English, North American Studies, Women’s Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies in the North, Writings on “Otherness”.

2006-2008 (1.8) Senior Research Fellow, The Finnish Academy:

UNIVERSITY OF OULU. Faculty of Educational Sciences. Professor of Women's Studies and Multiculturalism. 5-year term; 2002- Consultant and expert responsible for training the 66 partners in WomenIT EU EQUAL project (Women, Industry and Technology);

1991-1999 CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY. Simone de Beauvoir Institute. As Associate Professor (with tenure) since l996. ACTING PRINCIPAL in 1997. Assistant professor from l991-1996;

1990-1991 UNIVERSITÉ DU QUÉBEC À CHICOUTIMI Assistant professor in the Département des langues modernes (modern languages department) with cross-appointment to the psychology department;

1982-1990 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, Erindale College, Mississauga, Ont., Canada. Instructor of French language and literature at the Department of French;

1989 CORNELL UNIVERSITY, USA: DAAD post-doctoral fellowship (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst); Visiting Scholar of The Western Societies Programme, Cornell University

3. Research (most recent)


Modern matriarchal studies, Gender & Women’s/cultural and literary studies and folklore and an interdisciplinary approach combining social sciences and Indigenous theories. A focus on the gender impact of neoliberal austerity politics, modern matriarchal studies, comparative Goddess mythology, ecomythology, Finno-Ugric women, gender and Kalevala, Indigenous worldview/theory, Northern women’s culture and literature, the Gift economy/ecology, the Gift imaginary, comparative perspectives on the Bear Ceremonial in the North; gendered violence and healing from the culture of violence, ”honor” crimes, gender and sauna, societies of peace (matricultures), Jungian and Freudian theories of creativity, anti-racist theory and practices, gender and future studies

Grants (some examples)

2015- 16 "Mielly metsä, kostu korpi – suomalaisten ja suomensukuisten kansojen ekologinen perinnetieto ja haltiakulttuuri. Kiertävä multimedianäyttely," Multidimensional performance art exhibition with Irma Heiskanen and Kirre Koivunen on traditional ecological knowledge of the North and Finno-Ugric women’s mythology. Kone Foundation. Leader of project, l9.000e.

2015-16 B. and R. Vaughan Foundation, 6000 USd. for “Learning Kit on Gift Ecology and traditional ecological knowledge for young people”.

2010- Application made successfully with Alicia Puleo Garcia of Universidad de Valladolid for the Ministry of Science and Innovation in Spain, for the international project ”La Igualdad de genero en la cultura de la sostenibilidad: Valores y buenas practics para el desarollo solidario” (Gender Equality and the Culture of Sustainability: Values and good practices for Solidarity-based Development).

2008. HERA, Humanities in the European Research Area, accepted as one of the Finnish representatives for the network meeting. “Cultural Dynamics,” Matchmaking event. Paris, l9.4.”(European Ecomythologies and World Renewal Rituals as Raw Material for Innovations).

2006-07 Senior Research Fellow, Finnish Academy, project: “Trauma and Healing in Native and Nordic Women’s Fiction.” 2003. Oulun yliopisto, Tasa-arvokoulutusta hallinnon henkilökunnalle. Gender Equality course.

2003. "Ecosocial Sustainability and Women in the North." Leader of research network and planning meeting: Kaarina Kailo, Oulu University. Outcome: articles, bibliographies in process.

2002-2005. WomenIT (Women, Industry and Technology), EU, Equal project (ESR): consultant and educator responsible for design and implementation of project staff training regarding equality (about 21 million mks out of which about 3 million for Oulu Women's Studies, equality consultant training course). Outcome: Several books.

2000-2003. Finnish Academy. Gendered Violence in Educational Institutions. Gendered Power Relations, Violence and Monoacculturation in Educational Institutions, responsible leader:


2018. Elected council member of the board of Kierikki Stone Age Village, Support Council

2016. Finnish representative of Internordic Women’s University, by invitation from Berit Ås.

2010. One of founding members of Internordic Women’s Open University, member of the board.

2010, Delegate of NYTKIS, Finnish Federation of Women’s Associations at the General Assembly of EWL (European Women’s Lobby), Madrid, June l0-l3.

2010-11, Kailo, Kaarina. Chair, Nytkis, Oulu region (Coalition of Women’s organizations)

2010 Guest editor with Vuokko Jarva of a special issue of FUTURA—Back to the Future—On Future Sex/gender Regimes.

Kailo, Kaarina interviewed in & Christiansen-Ruffman, Linda, Melchiori, Paula Ås, Berit, eds. Portraits of Women’s Wisdom. Feminists Exploring New Paradigms of Life, Knowledge and Politics. Wise Women International Feminist University Network. Inanna Press, 2006. Honor of being included among wise women.

2006. Expert on Gender Equality, panel participant and evaluator for the Council of Oulu Region on the long-term program’s & plan’s gender impact.

2001- member of the World Wise Women (WWW.WOMEN), International Feminist University Network and Feminists for a Gift Economy-network, initiated at the kvinneuniversitet in Løten, Norway.

2002-5 Vice-chair, Finnish Ecopsychology Association, co-founder in 2000

Articles in scientific refereed journals or edited volumes (samples)

Kailo, Kaarina. 2019. “The Demise and Appropriation of the Gifts of the Finnish Welfare Society. The Impact of Neoliberal Politics.” The Maternal Roots of the Gift Economy, ed. G. Vaughan, York University, Inanna Press.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2019. “The Golden Woman. Earthbody Warnings from Prehistory.” New Threats to Mother Earth. Ed. Claudia von Werlhof. Toronto: Inanna Press. Forthcoming.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2017. “Il decline e l’appropriazione del doni dello stato sociale finlandese. L’impatto di genere delle politiche neoliberali. Le radici materne dell’economia del dono. a cura di Genevieve Vaughan. Milano, Vanda publishing. l78-221. Italian translation of “The Demise and Appropriation of the Gifts of the Finnish Welfare Society”.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2016. “The Gender Impact of Alchemical Politics and Corporate Exchange. The Fate of the Finnish Welfare Society and Gift Labor”, Boomerang, Scientific Journal for the Critical Study of Patriarchy and Alternative Cultures (Austria). Reprinted in The Maternal Roots of the Gift Economy, Proceedings of the Rome Gift economy conference, ed. G. Vaughan. Toronto, Inanna Press.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2014. “Deep Ecofeminism, Alchemical Patriarchy and the Gift Imaginary”. Universidad de Valladolid (Sukupuoli ja kestävä kehitys—solidaarisen kehityspolitiikan hyvät käytännöt ja arvot- hanke) Ecología y Género en diálogo interdisciplinar ( publicada por la editorial Plaza y Valdés en la colección Ciencia, Moral y Sociedad), la traducción en español. Coordinated by Profesor Alicia Puleo.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2012. “Ecospiritual Action and the the Gift Imaginary. A Union of Spirituality and Politics. Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme’s (CWS/cf) issue, “Feminism, Activism and Spirituality”. Vol. 29, No. 1,2. and reprinted in Woman studies: an Introductory Reader, ed. Brenda Cranney and Sheikla Molloy. Inanna Press, Toronto, 2012.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2010.“Lahja- ja vaihtotalouden sukupuolittuneet paradigmat. Ekososiaalisesti kestävän tulevaisuuden edellytyksistä. Kailo, Kaarina & Vuokko Jarva, kutsu-toimittajat. Sukupuolten tulevaisuus. Futura-tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen seuran tieteellinen lehti.3/ 46–59.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2008. “The Helga Festival. Traces of a Finno-Ugric Matriarchy and worldview?” Peaceful Societies Past and Present. Ed. Heide Göttner-Abendroth. HAGIA Institute, Germany.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2008. “Sustainable Cultures of Life and Gift Circulation—a New Model for the Green/Postcolonial Restructuring of Europe?” Sustainable Societies, Ympäristö ja kehitys ry (Environment and Development Association). Publication ordered by the Finnish Ministry of Exterior. Ed. Jarno Pasanen (Ympäristö ja kehitys ry.)

Kailo, Kaarina. 2007. “Globalisation Revisited. Ecospiritual Movements Reviving the Gift Imaginary.” In Search of a Humanised Globalisation. The Contribution of Spirituality-based Movements. Ed. Darwis Kudori. Asia-Europe Foundation. Nanzan University, Japan 27-29.4.04.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2008. ”From the Unbearable Bond between women and Bears to the Gift Imaginary. Ancient Bear Ceremonials Revisited.” in Kaarina Kailo, ed. Wo/men and Bears. The Gifts of Nature, Culture and Gender Revisited. Inanna Press & Education, York University, Toronto. 59-119.

Kailo, Kaarina 2004. “Desde el discurso viril a los concursos fértiles: el ecofeminismo y las mujeres nordicas.” ("From the Virile Dis-Course to Fertile Concourses. Globalization, Ecofeminism and Northern Women") Mujeres y Ecologia: Historia, Pensamiento, Sociedad. Cavana, Maria Luisa, Puleo, Alicia, Segura, Cristina (cords.), Madrid: Asociación Cultural Al-Mudayna. Colección LAYA. 129-153.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2007. Pan Dora Revisited—from Patriarchal Woman-Blaming to a Feminist Gift Imaginary. Women and the Gift Economy. Another World View is Possible. Ed. Genevieve Vaughan. Scarborough, Ont. York University, Inanna Press and Education. 50-71.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2006. Cyberecofeminism and Ecosocial Sustainability. Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology. edited by Dr. Eileen M. Trauth.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2006. "Kave, Louhi ja Pandoran lipas--miesnäkökulmaisen mytologian uudelleenarviointia." Myyttien Hyrinässä. TAIDA, Oulun yliopistopaino. 79-111.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2005. ”Ekososiaalinen kestävä tulevaisuus ja kyberekofeminismi –

Naisnäkökulmia segregaation purkuun globalisaation kontekstissa.” Leena Teräs, Vappu Sunnari & Kaarina Kailo (toim.) Koulutus, sukupuolisosialisaatio ja teknologia – näkökulmia segregaatioon. Oulun yliopisto, Kajaanin yliopistokeskus. 177-210.

Kailo Kaarina. 2005. "Mythic Women of the North. Between Reality and Fantasy.” In: Heininen, Lassi, Kari Strand and Kari Taulavuori (eds). Northern Dimensions and Environments. Northern Sciences Review. Thule Institute, University of Oulu. l73-223.

Kailo, Kaarina 2005. ”Archaic Aspects of the Sauna and the Sweat lodge—the Gift of Bare Being.” Raija Warkentin, Kailo, Kaarina & Jorma Halonen, eds. Sweating with the Finns. Sauna Stories from North America. Lakehead University, Centre for Northern Studies no. l4. 45-76.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2006. “Eleonore Sioui et l’altérite littéraire au Quebec autochtone. Discours hybride, discours “nomade”. Le Nord Imaginaire. ed. Daniel Chartier, Univ. du Quebec, Monreal, Canada.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2000. "Kalevalan ja Kantelettaren tuolla puolen. Myyttinen toiseus ja naiseuden uudet synnyt." Suur-Kanteletar. Toim. Kai Linnilä. Tammi: Amanita, Turku.

Kailo, Kaarina. 1999 "The She-bear-Circumpolar Mother of Spiritual Feminism." Canadian Woman Studies/cahiers de la femme: An Introductory Reader. A re-printed article. Inanna Press, Scarboro, York.

Kailo, Kaarina. 1997. "Hemispheric Cross-Talk--Women Collaborating on Storytelling." Northern Parallels. 4th Circumpolar Univ.Coop. Conference Proceedings. Shauna McLarnon and Douglas Nord, eds. Prince George, the University of Northern British Columbia. 102-116.

Kailo, Kaarina. 1987 "Emil Petaja's Star Mill or the Sampo's Shifted Axis." Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher/Ural-Altaic Yearbook. Vol. 59. Bloomington, Indiana: Eurolingua. 107-117. 10 p.

Kailo, Kaarina. 1985 "Lemminkainen's Demonic Quest and the Finnish Code." Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher/Ural-Altaic Yearbook. Vol 57. Bloomington: Indiana: Eurolingua.

Review articles

Kailo, Kaarina. 2016. Review article on Genevieve Vaughan’s The Gift in the Heart of Language: the Maternal Source of Meaning. Canadian Woman Studies/Cahiers de la femme. "Women and Social/Environmental Justice." Guest edited by Ana Isla.

Non-refereed scientific articles

Kailo, Kaarina. 2017. ”Irokeesien kansanvalta, kaikkien demokratioiden äiti. ” (Iroquian democracy, mother of all”). Peruste. 11.12.2017

Kailo, Kaarina. 2016. Jälkipuhe. Vaihdevuodet. Jokaisen naisen kirja. Finnish translation of Our Bodies, Ourselves, The Boston women's Health book. Nina Tarvainen, Anja Siimes & Kaarina Kailo. NEMO OY, Hansa Print, Helsinki, 2014.

Kailo, Kaarina. ”Lahjan sosiologia sukupuolen, kulttuuristen suhteiden ja vallankäytön rajapinnoilla. ” Tieteessä tapahtuu, 5/2014. 74-79.

Kailo, Kaarina. ”Syväekologinen feminismi ja luontokansojen sielukas lahjatalous”. Elonkehä. 3/2014.

Kailo, Kaarina. ” Irokeesien kansanvalta Ne’’Gashasde”’’sA –kaikkien demokratioiden äiti. Peruste. 2017.

Kailo, Kaarina. 20l3. “Irokeesien sukupuolijärjestelmä ja maa-ilmankuva. Toisenlaisen kansanvallan siemeniä.”  (The sex/gender system of the Iroquois. Seeds of Another Possible Democracy”). Peruste. lokakuu. October. (Iroquoian gender notions and worldview. Seeds of a radically other democracy”).

Kailo, Kaarina. 20l3. “Earth Democracy, Ecofeminism, Gift Paradigm and Alternatives to Patriarchy.” Towards a sustainable Ecology. Global Challenges and Local Responses in African and Asia. 55 Years after Bandung Asian African Conference l955. Ed. Darwis Khudori and Yukio Kamino.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2006. ”Morsiusteollisuudesta luomuhäihin – nais- ja luontoystävällisten rituaalien elvytys” “Saunan mielenmaisema–Elämänkaarirituaalit ja suomalainen luontosuhde. Irma Heiskanen & Kailo, Kaarina, eds. Ekopsykologia ja perinnetieto. Polkuja eheyteen. Helsinki, Greenspot.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2000. "Representations of Self, Woman, Other in the Finnish Kalevala--a Problem with the 'Overlap/p.'" Property and Propriety: The Role of Gender and Class in Imperialism and Nationalism. Ed. Shahrzad Mojab, Judith Whitehead and Himani Bannerji, eds. University of Toronto Press.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2005,”Globalisaation sukupuolivaikutukset ja prekarisaatio.” Kohti Punaista planeettaa. Työ, demokratia ja globalisaatio-hankkeen loppuraportti. Toim. Katja Syvärinen ja Tapani Kaakkuriniemi. Helsinki: KSL, 55-65.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2004. “Giving Back to the Gift Paradigm—Another Worldview is Possible.” Athanor. Il Dono, The Gift. A Feminist Analysis. (in Italian and English). Ed. Genevieve Vaughan. (8), 39-69.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2004. “Vaihtotalouden ja hoivaeetoksen rajapinnoilla. Globalisaation sukupuolivaikutukseet ja naisliikkeen vastarinta.” (On the Borders of the Exchange and Gift Economies. The Gender Impact of Globalization and the Resistances of the Women’s Movement) Tasa-arvon haasteita lokaalin ja globaalin rajapinnoilla. Toim. Kaarina Kailo, Vappu Sunnari & Heli Vuori. Northern Gender Studies, ESR/EU. Oulu University Press, 2004. 163-185.


Kailo, Kaarina. Finnish Goddess Mythology, the Golden Woman and Traditional Ecological Knowledge From Climate Change to Indigenous Earth Democracy and the Gift. Oulu, Juvenes Print, Lore&Loom, 2018, 2019 2nd printing.

Kailo, Kaarina. Irti Talousväkivallasta. Reseptejä solidaariseen hyvinvointiin. (From Economic Violence to Solidarity-based Wellness). Helsinki: Kailo, Hakapaino, 2007. Kailo, Kaarina. l982. Saul Bellow and the American Dream. Lic. es Lettres, University of Geneva.

Doctoral Thesis:

Kailo, Kaarina. 1990 "The Short Fiction of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Gérard de Nerval-A Study in Post-Jungian Aesthetics." Ph.D. at the University of Toronto, 335p.


Kailo, Kaarina. Naisten Sampo, Pohjolan mytologia ja myytti naistenmaasta.

Kailo, Kaarina. Sauna, sweatlodge and spirituality. On the shamanic dimensions of healing. Trans-atlantic perspectives.

Co-edited anthologies

Kailo, Kaarina ja Irma Heiskanen. Esiäitien elämänvoiman juurilla—pohjolan ekologinen perinne-tieto. (At the roots of our foremothers’ life force—on the ecological knowledge of the North). Omakustanne, 2014. Näyttelyesite. 40s.

Kailo, Kaarina, ed. 2008. Wo/men and Bears. The Gifts of Nature, Culture and Gender Revisited. Scarboro, Canada: Inanna Press.

Heiskanen, Irma & Kailo, Kaarina, toim. 2006. Ekopsykologia ja perinnetieto. ( Ecopsychology and traditional Ecological Knowledge, Paths to Wholeness). Polkuja eheyteen. Helsinki, Greenspot.

Warkentin, Raija, Kailo, Kaarina & Jorma Halonen, eds. 2005. Sweating with the Finns. Sauna Stories from North America. Centre for Northern Studies, Lakehead University. l4.

Helander, Elina & Kailo, Kaarina, toim. 1999. Ilman Alkua tai Loppua. Saamelaisten Puheenvuoro. Helsinki: Like.

Helander, Elina & Kailo, Kaarina, eds. 1998. No Beginning, No End--The Sami (Lapps) Speak Up. Alberta: Canadian Circumpolar Institute. The Nordic Sami Institut, Kautokeino. 240p.

Teräs, Leena, Vappu Sunnari & Kaarina Kailo, toim. 2005. Koulutus, sukupuolisosialisaatio ja teknologia—näkökulma segregaatioon (Education, Gender, Socialization and Technology-Perspectives on Gender-based Segregation) Women, IT and Technology. ESR, WomenIT. Oulun yliopisto, Kajaanin yliopistokeskus. My role was to head the research team funded by ESR/Equal WomenIT project.

Kailo, Kaarina, Vappu Sunnari & Heli Vuori. 2004, Eds. Tasa-arvon haasteita lokaalin ja globaalin rajoilla. (Equality and Difference on the Line. The Global and Local Revisited) Northern Gender Studies. ESR/EU. Oulu University Press.

Kailo, Kaarina. 1994. "Trance-cultural Travel: Indigenous Women and Mainstream Feminisms." Ed. Mari Peepre. Trans-Cultural Travels: Essays in Canadian Literature and Society. Canada. 19-36.


2016, The Star Matron of Oulu, Vuoden tähtiemo. Oulu District Kalevala women’s annual prize for life long achievements in gender and environmental issues.

2011- EIGE, Women inspiring EU- nominee and participant in calendar of “women of influence”.

2007 Sara Prize for women, awarded for life time achievements related to gender equality, peace and environment by Naisunioni, Women’s Union, Oulu.

1999-2002 European President of the International Order of the Helen Prize for Women (headquarters in Montreal, Canada). Nomination as recognition for gender and anti-racist activism in Canada (saving Simone de Beauvoir Institute vs. its planned closing).

1995 Nominated as member of the Finnish Literature Society (SKS), Helsinki, Finland; 28th Feb, 1987 Medal of Merit awarded by the Committee for the 150th Anniversary of the Kalevala, the Ministry of Education of Finland, for research and promotion of Finnish culture.


Kailo, Kaarina. 2004. “Honor Related Violence and/or Shameful Femicides within Patriarchal Sex/gender systems.” AwareII. Increasing Teacher Trainees’ Awareness of Sexualized and Gendered Violence—International Training Course on Sexualized and Gendered Violence. 2004. Coordinated by Oulu University, Women’s Studies: . Accepted for publication also by EOLLS, UNESCO Encyclopedia on Sustainable Development.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2002. “Monoculture and Diversity in the North.” Module 12. University of the Arctic. 4. Contemporary Issues in the Circumpolar World 2. University of the Arctic course for a B.A. in Arctic Studies. Löytyy Lakehead University/Lapin yliopiston Arctic University - sivuilta.

Kailo, Kaarina. Suomalainen naismytologia ja kultainen nainen. Luontokansojen perinne-ekologia ja ekokriisi. 2019. forthcoming.

Research networks

2014- Partnership with Carelian (Russia-based) Indigenous women on Finno-Ugric traditional ecological knowledge, symbols and handicrafts. (Irina Poroshina).

2001-. International network of Feminists for a Gift Economy- network meetings around the globe.see gift-economy,com. Numerous articles, edited anthologies, videos and DVDs, some produced by myself with Kirre Koivunen and Irma Heiskanen. Research field trips to India, Africa, Latin and North America and Europe. Member of network council.

2000-2003. Finnish Academy. Gendered Violence in Educational Institutions. Gendered Power Relations, Violence and Monoacculturation in Educational Institutions, responsible leader: Kaarina Kailo 1.7.00-31.12.2003, 238.000 mk. Result: Many articles, an edited book.

2000-2003 Athena research network of the EU. Multiculturalism, white studies and postcolonialism

2003. Oulun yliopisto, Tasa-arvokoulutusta hallinnon henkilökunnalle. Gender Equality course.

ART EXHIBITIONS on traditional ecological knowledge, spirit guardian dress and quilt art

Kailo, Kaarina. Kalevalan ja Kantelettaren juhlavuoden haltiatyö- näyttely, Kofeiinikompania, Oulu, 17.l-7.2.2015

Kailo, Kaarina. 2011. Zeit is Reif—Time is Ripe. Matriarchy –conference, Heide Göttner-Abendrothin 70-vuotispäivän kunniaksi, St. Gallenin matriarkaatti-arkiston perustamistapahtuma jossa pidin tilkkutyönäyttelyn.

Kailo, Kaarina. Naishaltioiden Myyttikestit. Kaarina Kailo, tilkkutöitä ja –nukkeja. l.4.-30.4. 2011. Kofeiinikomppaia, Galleria Colmio. l.3.-31.3.2011.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2011. Tilkkutyö- ja haltianukke- näyttely: ”Elementeistä elinvoimaa. Myyttiset naishaltiat heräävät” Kiimingin kirjastossa helmikuussa 2011.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2011. ”Lempo Soikoon! Metistä elinvoimaa – naishaltioiden myyttikestit” . Kalevalanpäivänä 28.2-31.3. näyttely Oulussa, Cafe-galleria Colmiossa. Kaarina Kailo. 2010.

Combined art exhibitions and scientific papers

Kailo, Kaarina et al. ”Esiäitien elämänvoiman juurilla – einesten emojen essuja ja myyttisiä haltia-asuja.” Group Exhibition, ”At the roots of the Life force of our Forebears—Apron Matrons and ecomythological outfits”. Lusto – Finnish Forestry Museum. 21.8.2015–10.1.2016. Mielly metsä, kostu korpi”- project on Nature and its beings..

2013. Kailo, Kaarina & Heiskanen, Irma. Naiskeho, ruumiillisuus ja elämänpuu naisten käsitöissä ja muinaisessa maailmankuvassa. Sukupuolen- ja kulttuurintutkimuksen päivät, Rovaniemi Univeristy, 28-29.11.2013. A paper on the Female Body as Tree of Life in women’s handicrafts and the ancient worldview. Gender and cultural studies Conference. Included exhibited works of textile art and meditation yurts created for healing events.

2013. Yhteisnäyttely. ”Esiäitien elämänvoiman juurilla—emojen essut ja myyttiset haltia-asut”, Eija Keränen, Kaarina Kailo & Irma Heiskanen. Näyttely Oulun kaupunginkirjastossa. l9.3-8.4. Samalla Eija Keräsen elämäntyö- näyttely. A group exhibition on the ecomythical outfits produced with Eija Keränen and Irma Heiskanen, Oulu City Library.

2013. Emohaltiat ja jumalattaret. Pohjolan valon ja voiman taiteelliset sielut Kaarina Kailo ja Eija I. Keränen esittelevät haltia-asunsa. Kansainvälisen naisten päivän tapahtuma. Kirkkotorin koulutuskeskus, Oulu, 8.3.2013. Women’s Day events during which we have exhibited our textile art.

2014, Kailo, Kaarina, Irma Heiskanen ja Eija Keränen. Group Exhibition with Eija Keränen in Jyväskylä.Vanha Woimala, Summer exhibition.

2013. ”Esiäitien elämänvoiman juurilla—emojen essut ja myyttiset haltialoimet”, Irma Heiskanen, Eija Keränen &, Kaarina Kailo. Näyttely Vaajakosken aluekirjastossa-kansalaisopistossa, osana Suomen käsityön museon näyttelyä Jyväskylässä 7.2.-l.3.2013. Group exhibition at Vaajakoski regional adult education center. Part of a bigger exhibition on handicrafts.

2012. Kailo, Kaarina & Eija Keränen. ”Koitelin koskenhaltijat heräävät --tarina-asuja ja yrttitietoa” --- local events featuring our textile art. 12.8.

2012. Kailo, Kaarina & Eija Keränen. Pohjolan esiäitien ja haltijaemojen (v)aatteet ja hyvän elon neuvot -- tilkkutyö- ja myytti-asujen yhteisnäyttely”, Oulunsalon kulttuuri-instituutti, Käsityömuseo, 27.6.2012-12.8.2012. Oulunsalo cultural Institute, exhibition of our textile art with Eija Keränen.

2012 Kailo, Kaarina & Eija Keränen. Pohjolan haltijaemot ja ekologinen elonvoima – group exhibition on our textile art, Oulu art school, Pikisaari. 2.9-2.l0.2012

2012. Kailo, Kaarina & Eija Keränen. ”Pohjolan Valon ja Voiman Emohaltijat”- exhibition on our textile art, O.J. Jauhiaisen museo, Kiiminki. 3.10. – 27.10.2012.

2014. Keränen, Eija, Kaarina Kailo ja Asta Räisänen. Tähtiemoasu, OTAVA-tilkkutyö, Kuu-maisematyö, ja Äiti Maria – näyttely Oulun Osuuspankin Isonkadun ikkunassa jouluna 2013-14. Exhibition of our art work in a bank window.


2013. Kailo, Kaarina ja Eija I. Keränen. Valon taikaa Koitelissa family event. 18-19.11.2013. Teatteriryhmä Lakat. Script of the play by Kaarina Kailo; outfits by Kaarina Kailo and Eija Keränen. including two yurts.


Creation of l8 goddess outfits with Eija I. Keränen and Asta Räsänen.Story cards on the spirit guardians and goddesses. Suomen Kansan Vanhojen Runojen pohjalta. Korttien työstö, ornamenttien valinta ja tutkimus ja laajempi kansanrunouden tutkimustyö Kaarina Kailo.


DVD, IN FfiNNISH AND English, script by Kaarina Kailo and Irma Heiskanen. Esiäitien elämänvoiman juurilla -perinnetietoa Pohjolan myyttisestä maa-ilmasta video Myyttikehrän haltia-asuista ja emoessuista, Finno-Ugric Guardian Spirits and Animal Mothers—Traditional Ecological Knowledge, producer Myyttikehrä (Kaarina Kailo & Irma Heiskanen), Script Kaarina Kailo & ja Irma Heiskanen. Filming and partial direction by Kirre Koivunen, 2015.


(approx. 200) internationally and nationally. Some examples

Kailo, Kaarina. “Pohjoinen shamanismi nais- ja alkuperäiskansanäkökulmasta” (Northern shamanism fromn the gender and Native perspective”). Kierikki, Stone age village and museum. Kierikki academy. 9.6.l9. Keynote.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2019, “New information on Finnish (Northern) Goddesses”. MIRCI motherhood initiative conference, York University, Canada and the Gift economy network seminar (2). April l3.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2019, Invited lecture, “Northern goddesses and the environmental question”. Native studies, Univ. of Toledo, US.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2019. Forthcoming. Gift economy network feminar on the Gift and Climate Change. Org. b y Angela Miles, OISE, Toronto, April l5th.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2018. “Terra Feminarum—Myth or Reality? New Evidence on Ancient

Northern Mother-Cultures” . Matricentric Feminism: Theory, Activism,

Politics, Practice And Representation. May 2-4, 2018, Syracuse University, Florence, Italy. Also book launch of Finnish Goddess Mythology and the Golden Woman. Climate Change, Earth-Based Indigenous Knowledge and the Gift, Kaarina Kailo. May 2nd. Conference organized by MIRCI, Motherhood Initiative of York University, Canada.

Kailo, Kaarina. May 5th, 2018. “Terra Feminarum—Myth or Reality? New Evidence on Ancient

Northern Mother-Cultures”. Key note at the Italian Women’s Public Forum at Florence.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2017.“The Finno-Ugric Golden Woman as Part of Mythic/Historic Kinship Relations”, Panel on the legacy of Nicole Mathieu, Panel on matrilineal cultures, May 3rd. CASCA (Canadian Association of Sociology, Culture and Anthropology) conference, University of Ottawa, Canada.

Kailo, Kaarina. “Canadian Matricultures and Indigenous Gift Ecology in the North—Affinities and Differences”. Gender and Politics Conference, University of Lausanne. Session: Matriarchal theories and cultures as Models for Envisioning an Egalitarian and Socially Sustainable Future. Also Session chair. June 6, forthcoming.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2017. ECPR- conference, Gender and Politics, Lausanne, 2017. Gift economy and gender politics- session järjestäjä.

2016. Kailo, Kaarina. “The Golden Woman in Northern people’s mythology”, MIRCI, The Motherhood Initiative Gala Conference, OISE, 0ct. 14, Toronto and Gift Economy sessions at OISE.

2015 Kailo, Kaarina. ”Appropriation of the Gifts of the Welfare State”, Conference on the Maternal Roots of the Gift Economy, Casa delle Donne, Rome, April 24-29.

2015, Finno-Ugric Totemistic Animal Mothers and Other Deities, Finno-Ugric world conference, the Ethnofuturistic workshop, presenter, Multia, August.

2014. Kailo, Kaarina. “Bear Myths and the Ecosocial worldview of the matriarchal era.” Viking markets, Norway.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2008. Naiset, karhut ja pohjoisuuden piiloiset merkit. Pohjoisen merkit- seminaari. Oulun yliopisto. 25.4.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2008. Book launching and lecture on Women and Bears- The Gifts of Nature, Culture Gender Revisited. Inanna Press, Canada. MutterGipfel, MotherSummit, Karlsruhe. May 23-35th.

Kailo, Kaarina.2007. Beyond Totem and Taboo. The Northern Bear Ceremonial as a Blue Prints for an Eco-Socially Sustainable Future. Challenging Cultures of Death and Sacrifice. Conference organized by Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 30.l0-6.ll. 2007.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2007. Ethnocultural Tensions between Arctic Mysteria and Arctic Othering-Northern Gynospheres. Knowledge and Power in the Arctic, Conference at the University of Lapland, 126-8, April, 2007. Rovaniemi, Finland.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2007. Gendered and Cultural Violence in Canadian Native Women’s Fiction. American Bodies, American Violence- NAAS Biennal Conference, Tampere, May 24-26, 2007.

Kailo, Kaarina, 2007, Neoliberalism, Globalization and the status of women. Workshop leader. Women’s studies annual meeting. Oulu University. l5.ll.07.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2006. “Hemispheric Cross-Talk on Trauma and Healing. Lee Maracle’s Mixed Genre/Mixed Gender writing as “Medicine.” The llth Biennial Maple Leaf and Eagle Conference on North American Studies at the University of Helsinki, Finland, May l6-l9.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2006. “Goddesses of the North—Images of Blackness and Death.” Nord Imaginaire. Conference in Stockholm. 20-23.4.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2006. Jan. l9-21. World Social Forum. Mali. Gift Economy Workshop.

Kailo, Kaarina. “The Women’s Movement as a Gift Economy—Global/local Activism in the Other Voice. “ International Conference, Gendering Transformations. May 12-15, 2005. University of Crete, Greece.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2006. ”Kunniamurhat naisnäkökulmasta.” Naisiin kohdistuva väkivalta- seminaari. Oulun lääketieteellinen tiedekunta. Honor murders from a women’s perspective. Violence against women- seminar at the Oulu University Faculty of Medicine. 4.l0.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2006. Dancing on Roses. A Feminist view on patriarchal militarism, fundamentalism and destruction of the environment, seminar organized by Berit Ås and inspired by IFUN, International Feminist University Network. 7-12.8.2006, Nordiska Folkhögskolan, Kungälv.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2006. “Healing from Violence as a Theme in Canadian Native Literature. The 5th annual Baltic Canadian Studies Conference, Riga, Oct. 6-8, 2006-06-16

Kailo, Kaarina. “Lee Maracle. Healing from Trauma.” Sessio koskien naisiin kohdistuvaa väkivaltaa. Suomen naistutkimuspäivät, Tampereen yliopisto. l8.ll. Kailo, Kaarina. “Eléonore Sioui et l’altérite littéraire au Québec autochtone. Discours hybride, discours “nomade”. NACS Conference, Turku, Finland, 26-28.8.2005.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2005. Globalization and the Gender Impact of neoliberal policies. Democratizing Globalization Conference. In connection with Helsinki Process. Helsinki, Siemenpuu. Empowering women, a key to pro-people globalisation. tilaisuus. 9.9.05.

Kailo, Kaarina. “The Gender Impact of Monocultural Market Economy on Women’s Psycho-Social Wellbeing—“Efficiency Hysteria.” Gender & Health. Women’s Health in This Century. Tallinn, Estonia. April 25-26, 2005.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2004. Healing from the Cult(ure) of Violence. Feminist Alternatives and CounterVisions. Oulu University Women’s Studies Summer Symposium, 9.6.04. Chair.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2004. “The Gift and Master Imaginary as Reflected in Arctic and Northern Women’s Writing”. Contesting Globalization through the Other Visions.” Contesting Globalization Conference, Dublin, Ireland, July. (Gift Economy Panel).

Kailo, Kaarina. 2004. The Gift Economy network and the Gift as Transformative Practice. Chair of the Panel on the Gift Economy. World Social Forum. Mumbai, India. Jan. 21.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2003. "Cyber/ecofeminism--From Violence and Monoculture towards Eco-social Sustainability." Gender and Power in the New Europe, the 5th European Feminist Research Conference August 20-24, 2003 Lund University, Sweden.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2003. "Honor, Shame, Culture and Violence. From the Hidden Gender Contract towards Ecosocial Sustainability and Intercultural Peace." Unesco Conference on Intercultural Education. Jyväskylä, 15-18 June, 2003.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2003. Naistutkimuksen symposium (järj. Vappu Sunnari et al.). Leimattuna, kontrolloituna, normitettuna. Seksualisoitunut ja sukupuolistunut väkivalta kasvatuksessa ja koulutuksessa. Oulun yliopisto. l5.2. Kommentoijana globalisaatiota. sekä naiskauppaa koskevien Elina Penttisen ja Raimonda Mikalajunaiten luentojen suhteen. (Women’s Studies Symposium on Gendered Violence in education and schooling, I served as commentator regarding the session on Trafficing in Women)

Kailo, Kaarina. “The Women’s Movement as a Gift Economy—Global/Local Activism in the Other Voice.” Gendering Transformations Conference. May 12-15, Rethymno, Crete.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2002 "Monokulttuuri, etnisyys ja väkivallan juuret. Vallankäytön mekanismit." (Monoculture, Ethnicity, and the Roots of Violence. Mechanisms of Power. Maahanmuuttajanaisiin kohdistuva väkivalta (Violence against Immigrant Women). Stakes, Helsinki. 6.10.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2002. "From Virile to Fertile Technologies. The Promise of Ecofeminisms" University of Jyväskylä, Gendering Technologies conference, Nov. 29th to the 30th, 2001.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2002 "Luontosuhde, sukupuoli ja työelämä. Feminismin toivelista kestävästä hyvinvoinnista." (Nature, Gender and Working Life. The Feminist Recommendations for Sustainable Well-Being) Mielen Monet maisemat. Ympäristöfilosofian laitos. Tampereen Yliopisto. ll.l0.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2001. "Gender, Ecology, Globalization." 29th Nov. Gendering Technologies, Intl. Seminar, Jyväskylä University, Women's Studies with the Dept. of Social Sciences and Philosophy, English Philology, Centre for Applied Language Studies, PsychoCenter, Jyväskylä. 29.11.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2002. "From Give back to the Gift Economy." Workshop on the Gift Economy. Women's Worlds Congress, Uganda. July. Co-organizer.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2002 International Conference on the Gift Economy. Austin, Texas, "Feminists for a Gift Economy," 2003.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2002. Norfa planning meeting, April 11-14. Ecosocial sustainable futures and women in the North." Internordic symposium and seminar.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2002. Feminists for a Gift Economy, workshop at the Women's Worlds International Congress, Makerere University, Uganda, July 21-27th.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2002. "Sustainable Development and Ecofeminism." Women's Worlds Congress in Uganda. 21st-27th July. Organizer/convener of the session on Ecofeminism and the Patriarchal Culture of Violence.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2001 "Naiset, sudet ja karhut. Naisnäkökulma mytologiaan." Susiseminaari, Helsingin yliopisto, Leena Vilkka. 9.5. (Women, wolves and bears. Feminist perspectives on mythology”)

2001 "Sauna Exists, Therefore I am. Finnish Sauna Philosophy." FinnForum V, Jyväskylä, Finland, l5th June. l5.6.

2001 "From the Virile Dis-Course to Fertile Concourses. Globalization, Ecofeminism and Northern Women." Women and Ecology Symposium, Madrid, March 23-24th, 2001.

2001. "Sauna, Karhunpesä ja kuukautismaja. Ei-fallisen naiseuden tiloja" (Sauna, the Bear's Liar and the Menstruation Hut. Sites of the non-phallic feminine imaginary). Gendering Technologies conference,

Kailo, Kaarina. 2001 Naisiin kohdistuva väkivalta ja Myyttisen eheytymisen mahdollisuudet", "Healing Violence with New Mythic Narratives." European Female Momentum. March 2-4.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2001 "Puilla Paljailla. Kanadan intiaaninaisten kirjallisuus ja kirjallisuustieteen hegemonia." Taideaineitten ja antropologian laitos, Oulun yliopisto. (Bare bones and being. Canadian Native Women’s Literarature and the hegemony of Western Literary Science).

Kailo, Kaarina. 2001. Kalevala, sankaruus ja väkivalta. (Kalevala, Heroism and Violence) Tampereen yliopisto, Tampere University, naistutkimuksen laitos (Dept. of Women's Studies). 21.3.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2001 "Väkivaltatutkimus, eettisyys ja vähemmistöjen tutkiminen." (Research on Violence, Ethical Perspectives on Research Involving Minorities). Väkivalta ja etiikka seminaari. Tampereen yliopisto. Tampere University. 19.3.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2000. "Ekofeminismi, naiset ja luontosuhde." (Ecofeminism, women and nature). Globaalisuuden, paikallisuuden ja monikulttuurisuuden haasteet. Naistutkimuspäivät, Oulun yliopisto 17.-18.11. Finnish Women's Studies Association Annual Meeting. Chair of opening and closing Kailo, 2000 "Beeing and Sexile. On Sexual Violence and the Healing Philosophies of the North." IAPH. Knowledge, Power, Gender: Philosophy and the Future of the Female Condition. The 9th Symposium of the International Association of Women Philosophers. IAPh Symposium 2000. Box 1207, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland, 4-8.10.

2000. "Ekofeminismi ja suomalainen luontosuhde". Naistutkimuspäivät. Ekofeminismi-työryhmä. 17.11. ("Ecofeminism and the Finnish attitude towards Nature"). The Finnish Women's Studies Association Annual Meeting.

2000. "New Visions and Values in Cyberculture. Introduction to Cyberfeminism and Hactivism. Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Oulu University.

Nov. 29th to the 30th. 2000 (The challenges of the global, local and multicultural") Globaalisuuden, paikallisuuden ja monikulttuurisuuden haasteet. Naistutkimuspäivät, Oulun yliopisto 17.-18.11 yhdessä Oulun Naistutkimuksen kanssa. Finnish Women's Studies Association Annual Meeting. 2000 "Ekofeminismi, naiset ja luontosuhde." (Ecofeminism, women and nature). Globaalisuuden, paikallisuuden ja monikulttuurisuuden haasteet. Naistutkimuspäivät, Oulun yliopisto 17.-18.11. Finnish Women's Studies Association Annual Meeting.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2000. "McColonialism/Postcolonialism and Spirituality--Ethno and Gender sensitive Methods and Approaches." Gender, Religion. Ethnicity. Comparative Cultural Anthropological Perspectives. NORFA. Yurmala, Latvia. June 4th to 12th. Ph.D. Training Course for Nordic, Baltic and North-West Russian Regions.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2000. "Holistic Well-Being, Technology and Globalization. Threats to Ecological Balance." International Conference: Towards Holistic Well-Being 29.8. – 1.9.2000 School of Health and Social Care, Oulu. (One of Keyspeakers)

Kailo, Kaarina. 2000 "Kalevala, nationalismi ja akkulturaatio." (Kalevala, nationalism and acculturation) Session: "Kansakunta, vähemmistöt ja rotu". Jouko Jokisalo. Oulun yliopisto, Studia Generalia, historian laitos. 2.2.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2000. (The challenges of the global, local and multicultural") Globaalisuuden, paikallisuuden ja monikulttuurisuuden haasteet. Naistutkimuspäivät, Oulun yliopisto 17.-18.11 yhdessä Oulun Naistutkimuksen kanssa. Finnish Women's Studies Association Annual Meeting.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2000. Organizer/convener of a workshop on ecofeminism. (The challenges of the global, local and multicultural") Globaalisuuden, paikallisuuden ja monikulttuurisuuden haasteet. Naistutkimuspäivät, Oulun yliopisto 17.-18.11 yhdessä Oulun Naistutkimuksen kanssa. Finnish Women's Studies Association Annual Meeting.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2000 "Ekofeminismi, naiset ja luontosuhde." (Ecofeminism, women and nature). Globaalisuuden, paikallisuuden ja monikulttuurisuuden haasteet. Naistutkimuspäivät, Oulun yliopisto 17.-18.11. Finnish Women's Studies Association Annual Meeting.

2000 "Kalevala, nationalismi ja akkulturaatio." Session: "Kansakunta, vähemmistöt ja rotu". Jouko Jokisalo. Oulun yliopisto, Studia Generalia, historian laitos. 2.2?

2000 (Jan. 23rd) "Pohjola Mythology. A Feminist Perspective on Female Myths of the North." "Naisnäkökulma Pohjolan mytologiaan. Mihin katosi myyttinen naisväki ja naisen väki?". Studia Generalia. Theme: "Pohjola's Women, Self and Other." ("Pohjolan naiset ja toiseus.") Oulu University. Organized by Naistutkimus, Women's Studies.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2000. "Research Together", working group. International Conference: Towards Holistic Well-Being 29.8. – 1.9.2000 School of Health and Social Care, Oulu. Kailo, Kaarina. 1999 20.11. "The Long-term Effects of Sexual Violence-the Healing Potential of the Sauna and the native Northe American Sweatlodge." SUNS, Väkivallan tutkimus ja menetelmät -väkivaltaiset menetelmät? Vetäjänä Suvi Ronkainen. Nov. 19th. 1999. 22.11. "Automythography and Sexistentialism", a seminar on autobiographies at the Faculty of Education, Oulu University (Kasvatustieteen seminaari omaelämänkertatutkimuksista) University of Oulu.


Lecture on Northern goddess mythology for a Seminar in Dublin, Trinity College, invitation by Mary Condren. Feminary in honor of Anna Primavesi. October, 2019.

As chair of conferences or seminars, examples

2011. Kailo, Kaarina, “Finno-Ugric Goddesses and Worldview.” WOULD YOU KNOW MORE, A CONVERSATION ON ROOTS. A Forum on Northern Roots. A Multicultural, artistic and spiritual conference, a colorful conversation on the treasures from our roots and their importance for a sustainable future. Mardöll, Fela um menningararf Kvenna. Org. Valgerdur Bjarnadottir. mardoll.is, l9-21.6.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2008 (April l9). “European Ecomythologies and World Renewal Rituals as Raw Material for Innovations,” participation at HERA Matchmaking event, Paris, France.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2007. Uusliberalismi, globalisaatio ja naisten asema. Työryhmän vetäjä. Suomen Naistutkimuksen valtakunnalliset päivät. Oulun yliopisto. l5.ll.

Kailo, Kaarina. KEY NOTE. ”Globalisaatio, yhdenvertaisuus ja tasa-arvo”. Nytkiksen valtakunnallinen kokous. Oulun kaupungintalo, Oulu. Syyskuu, 2007.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2007. Workshop on Ecosocial Sustainability and the Gift Economy. Naistutkimuspäivät. Oulun yliopisto. Oulu University. Women’s studies annual meeting.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2005. “The Helka Fest—Traces of a Finno-Ugric Matriarchy and Worldview?” Societies of Peace. Past, Present, Future. 2. World Congress on Matriarchal Studies. Austin, Texas, Sept. 29/30, 2005. Org. by the Gift Economy Center and Akademia HAGIA.

Kailo, Kaarina, 2004. Plenary Speaker. “Pan Dora Revisited. On the Ecospiritual Women’s Movement and the Gift Imaginary.” Another World View is Possible. The Gift Economy Conference. Las Vegas County Library. Las Vegas, USA; October.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2004. Plenary speaker. “Western Feminist Concepts of a new Socio-Economic Order in a Globalized World: an Overview.” International Workshop, "Property, Gender and the Development of the Socio-Economic Order in Western Societies and the Arab-Islamic World. “ Workshop organized by the University of Vienna, Austria. Dec. 4-6.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2004. “Globalisation Revisited. Ecospiritual Movements Reviving the Gift Imaginary.” In Search of a Humanised Globalisation. The Contribution of Spirituality Based Movements. Asia-Europe Foundation. Nanzan University, Japan 27-29.4.04. Plenary speaker on the 29th. Kailo, Kaarina.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2004. Healing from the Cult(ure) of Violence. Feminist Alternatives and CounterVisions. Oulu University Women’s Studies Summer Symposium, 9.6.04. Chair.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2004. The Gift Economy network and the Gift as Transformative Practice. Chair of the Panel on the Gift Economy. World Social Forum. Mumbai, India. Jan. 21.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2003. The Social Contribution of Feminisms. European Social Forum, Paris. Nov. Co-Chair of the panel.

2002. Chairing Sexual abuse and Global Female Culture, workshop at the Women's Worlds International Congress, Makerere University, Uganda, July 21-27th.

2002. Chairing Ecofeminism and the Patriarchal Culture of Violence, workshop at the Women's Worlds International Congress, Makerere University, Uganda, July 21-27th. 1986 (A Roundtable Meeting of 15 invited scholars). The International Kalevala Sesquicentenary Symposium. University of London, England, April 17-19th.

2002. Co-chairing The Spring Symposium of Women's Studies, Oulu University, May 25th.

2001. Chairing the Seminar in honor of Taina Pitkänen-Koli, Vaikuttajanaiset, naiset vaikuttajina (Women of Influence, Influential Women), Sept. 26.

2000. "Research Together", working group. International Conference: Towards Holistic Well-Being 29.8. – 1.9.2000 School of Health and Social Care, Oulu.

1999 "Alkuperäiskansat ja vähemmistöt." TAIDA, Kutu 6. Oulun Yliopisto. 29.10.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2002. Chairing Ecofeminism and the Patriarchal Culture of Violence, workshop at the Women's Worlds International Congress, Makerere University, Uganda,

July 21-27th.

2001 "Naiset, Teknologia ja Luomufeminismi. Naisliikkeen uudet vaatteet ja aatteet." Naisjärjestöjen keskusliitto-Kvinnoorganisationernas Centralförbund ry. 90-vuotisjuhlaseminaarit. Oulu, 29.9.01. ("Women, technology and ecologocial feminism. The Makeover of the women's movement"). 90th anniversary of the Finnish Federation of Women's organizations, Sept. 29th).

Kailo, Kaarina. 2002. "Gift and Give Back- oriented Philosophies and Worldviews." The Gift Economy Conference, Austin, Texas. Organized by Feminists for the Gift Economy.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2001. Keynote speaker. "Naiset ja teknologia--kirjokannen uudet sepät?" Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Kulttuurirahaston vuosijuhla. 26.1. ("Women and Technology--the New Smiths of the Cosmos?) Pohjois-Pohjanmaa Culture Fund, Annual Celebration). 1997 "Transgressing Nature/Culture: Women and Bears." Chair of the session at the annual meeting of CASCA (The Canadian Anthropology and Sociology Association), The Canadian Learned Societies. Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, June 8.

1994 Workshop IV on The Literature of Women of Color (Sami and Nordic Women, Black American Women's Literature). Exploring International Feminisms in Literary and Cultural Studies. The Nordic Forum, Turku, Finland, Aug. 2-3rd.


Kailo, Kaarina. 2006. “Onko sukupuolella väliä Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla?” Paneelin osanottaja ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan liiton maaseutuohjelman arvioitsija (Panel participant and evaluator for the Council of Oulu Region on the plan’s gender impact).

Kailo, Kaarina. 2006. Paneelikeskustelu ikänaisten oikeuksista. Sinni voimavarakeskus/Oulun kaupunginkirjasto, lokakuu.

Kailo, Kaarina. Commentator on Terri Dokis, on Native ethnometaphysics, Edistyksen päivät. Edistyksellinen tiedeliitto. Arktinen Mysteria. Oulu, 13.l0.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2006.” Terra Nullius as the Brave New North. Northern women, violence and the pressures of "development." 4th NRF Open Meeting, Violence and Human Security in the North. Oulu. Oct. 4-6.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2006. “Kansan Vallan tulevaisuus – globalisaation sukupuolivaikutuksista ja tasavertaisuudesta Tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen seura. Lepaan kartano. 24.8.

Kailo, Kaarina. ”Women, Democracy and Globalization.” Democratizing Globalization – Conference, Helsinki. 5.9.2005. A panel with Hilkka Pietilä and others.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2005. ”Naishaltiat maailman luojina—Pandoran uudelleenarviointia.” Myytit ja mytologia.l8.3. Kutu-seminaari. Myytit. Oulun Yliopisto, Oulu University

Kailo, Kaarina. 2004. “Valta, sukupuoli ja opiskelijoiden kiltalehdet” (“Gender, Power and Humor in Student Guild Papers.) KUTU-seminaari, Paneelin jäsen (Panel member), pj. Liisi Huhtala. TAIDA, Oulun Yliopisto. Marraskuu.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2003. "Gift and Give Back philosophies, globalization and ecophilosophy." Feminists for a Gift Economy. Porto Alegre, Brazil, World Social Forum. Jan. 25th.

Kailo, Kaarina. 2003, “From the Exchange Economy Towards the Gift/Abundance Model of Living. Long-term strategies to Unsettle Masculinist Economics.” Sept. 13. FemAttac, International meeting in Graz, Austria.


2015, YLE, Interiews regarding Parliamentary elections

2013 Leena Nikula, haastattelu paikallisradioon globalisaation sukupuolivaikutuksista ja muista ajankohtaisista aiheista. Useampi haastattelu Helsingissä

2010. Yle Oulu. Haastattelu.

2009. 8.3. Päivi Istala. Naisten päivän ohjelma naisista tieteen maailmassa.

12.7.2008. WINGS, women’s international radio network, interview with Frieda Werden, July l2th (half-hour program on neoliberalism and ecological issues in Finland, and a description of my forthcoming anthology, Wo(men) and Bears—the Gifts of Nature, Culture and Gender Revisited).

Kailo, Kaarina. Naisten asema, haast. Päivi Istala, l7.4.2008, YLE.

Kailo, Kaarina. Yle Suomi. Lauantaivieras, haastattelu, Leena Rimpiläinen. Naisten asema markkinataloudessa. huhtikuu, 2008.

2001. 13.6. 15.10 Luomufeminismin tulevaisuus. Radio dei, haastattelu Jukka Mäntymäen kanssa. (On Ecological feminism)

2001, High Heels to High Tech-konferenssi. Oulu radion uutiset, Heli Kesti.

2001. Radio dei, äitienpäivä naisnäkökulmasta. (Mother’s Day, women’s studies perspectives)

2001. 16.5. äitienpäivähaastattelu naisnäkökulmasta. Oulun radio? (Women’s Studies perspective on Mother’s Day)

2001, Tytöt ja seksimuoti. Radio Poogi.

10.7.2000 Sävelradio, Uudenmaan alueradio, "Mitä nainen pelkää", klo l3.(What do women fear?)

27.3.2000 "Oulu as the Silicon Valley of Europe," haastattelija (interviewer): Anneliese Holzschuh, Radio Deutschland, aholzschuh@t-online de

Kailo, Kaarina. YLE aamuradio, ajankohtaisohjelma, Kaarina Kailo ja J.P. Roos puhuvat Tehyn taistelusta. Lokakuu l8?10.07. Kailo, Kaarina. YLEn ykkösaamu, haastattelu koskien TEHYn työtaistelua ja tasa-arvokysymyksiä. l7.l0.2007

2006. Haastattelu. Ekopsykologi ja perinnetieto- Polkuja eheyteen- toimitetun kirjan julkaisutilaisuudessa, OuluRadio, 2.11.06

2006. Oulu radio. l8.12. Kailo naulasi hyvinvointivaltion teesit.

2006. Haastattelu Ekopsykologi ja perinnetieto- Polkuja eheyteen- toimitetun kirjan julkaisutilaisuudessa, Leena Nikula.

2006. Oulu radio. l8.12. Kailo naulasi hyvinvointivaltion teesit.

2005. YK:n aseistariisumisviikon nimissä järjestetty tilaisuus ja rauhankulkue Irakin sotaa vastaan. YLE, Timo Nykyri, haastattelu. 21.l0.05

2005. YK:n aseistariisumisviikon nimissä järjestetty tilaisuus ja rauhankulkue Irakin sotaa vastaan. YLE, Timo Nykyri, haastattelu. 21.l0.05

2004. Globalisaation sukupuolivaikutukset. Haastattelu, Leena Nikula, Lähiradio, Helsinki, Suomen sosiaalifoorumin yhteydessä. (The Gender Impact of Globalization)

2004. Globalisaation sukupuolivaikutukset. Haastattelu, Leena Nikula, Lähiradio, Helsinki, Suomen sosiaalifoorumin yhteydessä. (The Gender Impact of Globalization)

2004. Tasa-arvon haasteita lokaalin ja globaalin rajapinnoilla- kirjan esittelytilaisuus. Radio haastattelu, Oulu radio/Yle. Helmikuu. (Introducing the book on Equality and Difference on the Line. The Local and the Global Revisited.

2003. CBC with Barbara Worthy, Canada. The Narrative of Women and Bears. Broadcast in December.

2003, Oulu Radio, Yle, October, On the Situation of Women’s Studies in Oulu, numerous interviews.

2002. Naisten tunti. Haast. Päivi Istala. "Missä nainen. Nainen ja tietotekniikka- kirjan julkaisutilaisuuden haastattelu. 9.ll.

2002. 7.3. Naistenpäivä ja naistutkimuksen tulevaisuus. (On the future of Women’s Studies) Ouluradio

2002. 7.3. Naistenpäivä. RadioSuomi. Naisten sauna. Liisa Tukkimäki. (Women and the sauna) 2004. Tasa-arvon haasteita lokaalin ja globaalin rajapinnoilla- kirjan esittelytilaisuus. Radio haastattelu, Oulu radio/Yle. Helmikuu. (Introducing the book on Equality and Difference on the Line. The Local and the Global Revisited.

2003, Oulu Radio, Yle, October, On the Situation of Women’s Studies in Oulu, numerous interviews.

2002. Naisten tunti. Haast. Päivi Istala. "Missä nainen. Nainen ja tietotekniikka- kirjan julkaisutilaisuuden haastattelu. 9.ll.

2002. 7.3. Naistenpäivä ja naistutkimuksen tulevaisuus. (On the future of Women’s Studies) Ouluradio

2002. 7.3. Naistenpäivä. RadioSuomi. Naisten sauna. Liisa Tukkimäki. (Women and the sauna)

2002. Fire. Feminist radio, Interview by Maria Suarez of Gift economy planning meeting, Stonehaven, Austin, Texas, May 8th.

2002. Wings. International Feminist radio. "Patriarchal Culture and the Mythic Imaginary." World Social Forum, Porto Alegre, Feb. 4th.

2001. 13.6. 15.10 Luomufeminismin tulevaisuus. Radio dei, haastattelu Jukka Mäntymäen kanssa. (On Ecological feminism)

2001. Lähiradio, haastattelu Globalisaatiosta ja sukupuolten asemasta. Leena Nikula.

2001, High Heels to High Tech-konferenssi. Oulu radion uutiset, Heli Kesti.

2001. Radio dei, äitienpäivä naisnäkökulmasta. (Mother’s Day, women’s studies perspectives)

2001. 16.5. äitienpäivähaastattelu naisnäkökulmasta. Oulun radio? (Women’s Studies perspective on Mother’s Day)

2001 Tytöt ja seksimuoti. Radio Poogi.

10.7.2000 Sävelradio, Uudenmaan alueradio, "Mitä nainen pelkää", klo l3.(What do women fear?)

27.3.2000 "Oulu as the Silicon Valley of Europe," haastattelija (interviewer): Anneliese Holzschuh, Radio Deutschland, aholzschuh@t-online de

2000. 26.2. Kalevalan sankarit, (Kalevala’s heroes-heroines) Kajaanin alueradio.

2000 "Naisen väki ja myyttinen naisväki". (Women’s väki and mythic female folk) Haastattelu Kalevalanpäivänä, Raili Järvilehto, 28.2. Yle.

2000 "Sukupuoliroolit ja joululelut" (Gender and Christmas Toys) Radiouutiset, YLE, Leena Rimpiläinen, joulukuu.

2000 Kulttuurikahvila, 17.1. Raili Järvilehdon haastatttelu naistenpäivästä. (General on women’s studies)

1999 Radio Suomi. 4.11. Haastattelu, Petri Kejonen. Naistutkimuksesta. (On women’s studies) 1999 15.11. Kulttuurikanavaa varten. Haastattelu, Erkki Kauhanen.

1999 ”Naiset ja Pyhä.” Kirsti Becker. Yleisradio. 3.4., 5.4. ja 22.5.1999. (Women and the sacred)

1999 Interview on Sauna and Sweatlodge as ritual spaces for Mr. Kuntsch, Aachener Zeitung, May 7th. XIIth International Sauna Congress, Aachen, Germany.

1998 Interview with Paula Härkönen Nov. l3th for Päivi Istala's "Naistentunti" (Women's Hour) on Radio-Suomi, date of release unknown: topic: "Comparing the gains of the women's movement in Nordic countries and Canada".

1998. Interview with Paula Härkönen done Nov. 13th for Päivi Istala's "Naistentunti" (Women's Hour) on Radio-Suomi, date of release Aug. 29th, "Kanadan ja Suomen naiskysymyksen vertailua". Topic: The release of the forthcoming book, No Beginning, No End: the Sami Speak up by Kailo with co-editor Elina Helander. "Minority/Majority Relations between the Finns and the Sami and the significance of the forthcoming study." Date of release in Radio-Suomi unknown (was repeated in l999 in the summer).

1998 Saamen Radio. "Hyvää huomenta Saamen Maa." Interview with Niila Aikio. Jan. 16th, morning. Interview on my Sami research and views on Sami-Suomi relations.

Kailo, Kaarina. 1997 "Transgressing Nature/Culture: Women and Bears." Chair of the session at the annual meeting of CASCA (The Canadian Anthropology and Sociology Association), The Canadian Learned Societies. Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, June 8.

Kailo, Kaarina. 1994 Workshop IV on The Literature of Women of Color (Sami and Nordic Women, Black American Women's Literature). Exploring International Feminisms in Literary and Cultural Studies. The Nordic Forum, Turku, Finland, Aug. 2-3rd.

1994 "Storytelling as Politics: A Second Look at Our Childhood Conditioning." Entrevue avec Stephane Parain. L'émission contact, CBES, Windsor, March 29th, 15.40 p.m.

Interview with Celine Leduc for "Twisting Tongues," CKUT, March 25th, 1997. Repeated three times. On the crises at Simone de Beauvoir Institute.

1994 "Are you a feminist?" (Interview in studio), CBC Noon hour with Mike Fennerty. March 8th.

1994 "Should a 59-Year-Old Menopausal Woman Have a Child?" CBC Radio. Noon Hour with Louise Penny. Jan. 5th.


2006. Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Tv-uutiset. Hyvinvointivaltion kymmenen teesiä naulattiin Kiimingin kunnantaloon, haast. puuhanainen Kaarina Kailo. Joulukuu.

2004. Naiset, kauneus ja ura. Voimala. Kaarina Kailo, Sinikka Salo, Kaisa Kauppinen ja Maria Guzenina. ll.Yle 2 kertaa.

2003. Myyttinen Sauna, haastattelu, Kaarina Kailo, Tiedeforumi, YLE1, Mythic Sauna (interview) (29.l0, l7-l8 Yle teema, 30.9.03, 11.20-11.50 TV”, 5.10.03, 16-17 yle Teema.

2001 huhtikuu ja 28.7. Lauantaivekkari, Inari Uusimäki? with Hannu Säävälä. "Matti Ahde ja seksuaalinen häirintä,

2000 "Kansainvälisen naistenpäivän tapahtuma," "Naisen väki." Oulun Energia, Oulu, 6.3. Riikka Oosi, Yle, TV2.

1999 Interview on Sauna and Sweatlodge as ritual spaces for German TV, May 8th, XIIth International Sauna Congress.

1999 Millenium 24. Tulevaisuuden tori. Ajankohtainen kakkonen. Studiovieraana 1510-1650.

1997 "Dear Erin Show." CFCable. Several runs in January; I was invited as expert on feminism and teenage girls' money matters.

1997 "Dear Erin Show." CFCable. Teenage Girls and Mental Health. Feb. 21 at 5.30; Sat. 22nd, Feb. 28th. As expert/analyst on Girls' mental health matters, anorexia, bulimia, the impact of racism, advertising, sexism, education, media stereotypes etc. 1997 "Dear Erin Show." CFCable. The Crises at Simone de Beauvoir Institute. Invited to speak as the Acting Principal of the Institute.

Interview for CBC TV news, Feb. l0th, l997

Interview on Concordia's Capital Campaign with Suda Krishnan, CFCable 9, Feb. 13

Concordia Today Cable TV, Feb. 17th (aired numerous times throughout the year)

2003. CBC with Barbara Worthy, Canada. The Narrative of Women and Bears. Broadcast in December.


Rantapohja, Pippuri, Kansan Tahto, Elonkehä, Kanadan Suomalainen, l985-90. Rauhantervehdys, Oulu. Many articles in Kaleva.


• Haltijoita, voimavaatteita ja uutta energiaa. 4.7.2012. Rantalakeus, s. l5. Rita Kumpulainen.

• Ikärajoitus ja kuluttajasuoja Valon tapahtumiin? Kaarina Kailon kirjoitus-vastine 21.l2.l3 ”Erikoislaatuisen äidin kirjoitukseen perhetapahtuman pelottavista juonteista”. Pitkään jatkunut myönteinen debatti Forum24.fi lehdessä tapahtumasta.

• Tähtiemo kruunattiin Oulussa. 2.l2.2013, tiedote Oulu-lehdessä sekä Kalevassa.

• Tähtiemolle kruunu. Oulu-lehti. 2.l2.l3.

• Lähemmäksi periluontoa. Valon taikaa Koitelissa- draamapolku tutustuttaa suomalaiseen kulttuuriin. Juha Virranniemi. Rantapohja. 7.ll. 2013, n. 88.

• Esiäitien jäljillä. Vaajakosken kirjastossa esillä muinaisia suomalaisia ja haltia-asuja ja emojen esiliinoja. Keskisuomalainen. Tuula Puranen. 7.2.2013.

• Haltiahahmot mystisellä Valon taikaa draamapolulla. JK. Kiimingin yrittäjien vuosi. Business Oulu- lehti. 3/2013.

• Elämänpuu emo. Voimanaisten vallankumous. Auli Haapala. Rantapohja. l0.5.l2.

• Myyttiset voimaemot puetaan näkyviksi. Suonettaren ja veen emon esiinmarssi. l2.5. l2. oulu-lehti. Heli Rintala.

• Emohaltiat O. Jauhiaisella. Taidenäyttely. 4.l0. l2.

• Koitelin koskensuojelushaltijat nousivat pintaan Kiimingissä. Rantapohja. kuvat Sari Koopman. 30.8.2012, no.68. Sisälsi Kirsti Ojalan loitsun.

• Voimanaiset ja haltijat esiin pimennosta, l3.9.12, Maija Aalto, Kansantahto.

• Tekstiileihin verhottua naismytologiaa. Kaleva, kulttuuri. l2.l0.l2, Terhi Peltonen. Kuvana Kaarina Kailon Kivutar.

• Eija Keräsen ja Kaarina Kailon tekstiilitaide- ja pukunäyttely, Pohjolan Valon ja Voiman emohaltiat- esittely. Kaleva, 3.9.2012

• Muistutus vanhojen naisten arvosta. omaemot esitelevät haltijapukuja ja niiden hyvän elon ja olon viestejä. Menot, oulu & seutu. Heli Slunga Louhena- kuva. Kaleva, lokakuu 2012.

• Pohjolan valon ja voiman emohaltijat. Eija Keräsen ja Kaarina Kailon näyttely esittelee muinaiset kantaemomme. Pippuri. 3/2012. s. 34.

Research supervisor for doctoral dissertations:

Mari Lahtinen, Pirkko Sandelin (Women’s studies/Nursing), Aino Siira (Women’s Studies/Faculty of Education in the summer). In Germany Helga Reischl, "Bear and the Woman Who Marries the Bear: a Cultural Semiotic Comparison of Nature Tropes in Oral and Written Texts from the Northern Hemisphere", Humboldt University.

Official Opponent for Doctoral dissertations:

Oulu University, Jan. 1999; Opponent for Vuokko Hirvonen's Dissertation, "Saamenmaan ääniä. Saamelaisen Naisen tie kirjailijaksi." Feb. l5th. "Voices from Samiland--Sami Women's Literary Paths." Oulu University.

External Examiner for doctoral dissertations:

2002. External Appraiser for Susan Douglas' dissertation on "Contingencies: Visualizing Tensions Between Contemporary Critical Theory and Canadian Art Practice," Concordia University, Canada.


2006- Appointed as Associate Fellow, Le laboratoire international de l’étude multidisciplinaire des représentations du Nord, Québec University, Montreal. Member of this international laboratory for the study of representations of the North.

2006. Expert and evaluator on the panel to nominate a professor for the Sami Högskola in Kautokeino, Norway.

(Lausunnon antaja professuurin virantäytössä, Saamen Korkeakoulu, Kautokeino, Norja)

2006. Expert evaluator for 2 EU research program submissions, in the framework of NEST PATh, in the

Anticipation of scientific and technological needs; Basic Research. (Nest, Strep).

2003. Referee statements for three applications for the Finnish Academy (senior scholar position, varttuneen tutkijan virka).

2002- Women, Industry and Technology ESR, EU Equal project, Oulu University, Responsible for the Women’s Studies Equality Pilot, Material Production on Equality and partner training as Equality Expert

Also on the executive board of the Drama pedagogy project and one of the 2002. Member of Finnish Delegation, equality expert, Taking Wing, Conference on Gender Equality and Women in the Arctic, 3-6 Aug. 2002, Saariselkä, Finland.

2002- Sosiaali- ja Terveysministeriö, Tasa-arvon neuvottelukunta, asiantuntijajäsen. Expert Member, Ministry of Social and Health Matters, Equality Issues Council

2001- Member of Hilma network (Finnish Women's Studies Virtual University net); member of the executive council. (Johtoryhmän jäsen)

2001- Member of the Arctic University team designing virtual educational modules for the Bachelor of Arctic Studies (designer of courses on Women in the North, Monoculture, Violence, Diversity including perspectives on women and technology, with Vappu Sunnari.

2000-2002. Vice Chair of SUNS, Finnish Women's Studies Association

2001-2002, Vice Chair of the Environmental Studies, Sociology and Women's Studies Division of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Oulu (Ympäristökasvatuksen, sosiologian ja naistutkimuksen jaos, vpj.) 2002. Referee for three submissions of Sexual and Gendered Violence in Educational Institutions, ed. Vappu Sunnari et al., Femina Borealis, Oulu University.

2002- Two refereed statements for the Ministry of Social and Health Matters Equality Issues Council (Tasa-arvojulkaisuja)

1995 Nominated as member of the Finnish Literature Society (SKS), Helsinki, Finland; 28th Feb, 1987 Medal of Merit awarded by the Committee for the 150th Anniversary of the Kalevala, the Ministry of Education of Finland, for research and promotion of Finnish culture.

University (Montreal) Science College Curriculum Revision Committee, and the Science College Evaluation Committee

1991 Kailo, Kaarina. "Through a Textual Glass, Darkly. The Masochistic in the Feminine Self in Marguerite Duras Emily L." Internal evaluation for Atlantis. A Women's Studies Journal, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, December.


2006. Founding member of European Feminist University, founded in Kungälv, Aug. l0.2006 during Dancing On Roses—A Feminist view on patriarchal militarism, fundamentalism and destruction of the environment, Nordiska Folkhögskolan, and member of the School’s board.

2005- Board Member of the Educational Board of Kiiminki Municipality (Sivistyslautakunnan jäsen)

2005- Member of NAAS (Nordic Association of American Studies) and NACS (Nordic Association of Canadian Studies

2003-04 Pohjois-Pohjanmaan liitto, Pohjalaiset naiset –naisyrittäjyyshanke, ohjausryhmän jäsen ja tasa-arvokonsultti; 2003- Attac, Finland, member of council, chair and coordinator of Femattac (both local and international) (this is a grassroots organization but I am involved with its scientific, research-related meetings and action, as well;1999- European President of the International Order of the Helen Prize for Women (headquarters in Montreal, Canada). ;2000- member of the World Wise Women (WWW.WOMEN) and Feminists for a Gift Economy-network, initiated at the kvinneuniversitet in Norway. (Member of the executive of the Feminists for a Gift Economy) 2002- Vice-chair, Finnish Ecopsychology Association

2000-2002, co-founder and chair of the Finnish Ecopsychology Association;


Canadian Sauna Society, (1996-) SKS (1996-) Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura), Kirjeenvaihtajajäsen (corresponding member) AKAVA, 1999- Suomen Naistutkimusseura (1999-) Suomen Professoriliitto (1999-) Oulun Akateemiset naiset (2000-) Vihreäliitto (2000-) Vihreät naiset (2000-) Oulun Akat. naiset (1999-) Kalevalaiset naiset (2000-)

Nordic Association for American Studies (2004-), Finnish American Studies Association (2004-)

ETMU—Etnisten suhteitten ja kansainvälisen muuttoliikkeen tutkimuksen seura. (Association of Ethnic Relations and Research on International Immigration) 2004


2004-2007, Theory and Methodology of Saami and Indigenous Studies. Feb. 14-15. Research Ethics and Collaborative Research on Indigenous Issues, Saamen kielen laitos, Giellagas –instituutti/ naistutkimus. 16 t. 2 credits, March (5-10 students depending on year)

2004, Segregaation purku draamapedagogiikan avulla, koulutusta WomenIT Eu/ESR- projektissa Kajaanin varhaiskasvatuksen henkilökunnalle 9 t. (about 20 students) Tammikuu-Huhtikuu, Dismantling gender segregation through drama pedagogy, equality training for the WomenIT Eu/ESR project in Kajaani. Jan. to April.

2000-2003, Johdatus Ekofeminismiin (Introd. to Ecofeminisms) 2 ov. (2 credits) (annettu englanniksi osana NWS kokonaisuutta), kurssin osaluentoja annettu myös v. 2005 ja 2006 (10 students)

1999-2003, Johdatus naistutkimukseen, (Introduction to Women’s Studies) with Vappu Sunnarin kanssa (12 students).

2001-2003, "Arctic Othering--Gender, Environment and the North." Part of NWS or Northern Women's Studies (18 contact hours, 2 credits) (Also offered as Introduction to Ecofeminism) (about 9 students)

Lectures held within lecture series:

2005-2007. Oulun Yliopisto. Kirjallisuustieteen kurssi. Feministinen kirjallisuuskritiikki. maaliskuu. 2 t.

Feminist Literary criticism – course (about 20 students).


Oulu University: 2002, 2003-4 Graduate Feminar on Gender and Technology for the WomenIT project (Sukupuoli ja teknologia WomenIT projektissa) (5 students)

The Sami Studies and Northern women’s studies has involved graduate level supervision (2-3 per course)


2000. "Gender, Religion, Ethnicity. Comparative Anthropological Perspectives."

Riga Seminar. NORFA. June. Kesäkuu.


Kaarina Kailo, examiner in charge

1999-2003 417102P Feminismin klassikot 3 ov. Feminist classics

2000- 2004 417206A Kulttuurinen moni-naisuus pohjolassa, 2 ov Cultural Diversity in the North

1999-2003 A417202A, Naistutkimuksen ja gender-tutkimuksen suuntauksia 3 OV, Trends in Women’s and Gender Studies

1999- 417103P Feministiset tutkimusalat I, II 5 ov, Feminist fields of study

ll. 2000-2004 Uskonto, valta, henkisyys, Religion, power, spirituality

14. 2000-2004 Kyber/Ekofeminismi, ecofeminism

1999- 417103P Feministiset tutkimusalat I, II 5 ov

2000-2004 417105P Johdatus ekofeminismiin 2 ov. Introduction to ecofeminism

2000-2004 417106P Naisnäkökulma populaarikulttuuriin 2 ov. (v. 2002 - stereotyyppien dekonstruointi saduissa ja lastenkirjallisuudessa). Feminist perspectives on popular culture, stereotypes in folklore, faire tales and children’s lit.

2002- 7. Kirjallisuudentutkimus (aika ajoin) Literary theory (on and off)

2000- 2004 l7. Kansanperinteen suuret kertomukset ja mytologia, the master narratives within folklore and mythology

2000-2003 l9. Naisnäkökulma jälkikolonialismiin, feminist perspectives on postcolonialism


2005, 2007 English Dept. Native North American Women’s Literature. Representations of the Female Self and (an)other. Focus on trauma and healing. 16 t. (about l8 students)

2005 Globalisaatioon ja työelämään liittyvä kurssi yhdessä Vappu Sunnarin kanssa (Työuupumus, globalisaation ja uuliberalismin taustat, markkinatalouden sukupuolivaikutukset). Globalization and Working Life from a Gender Sensitive Perspective together with Vappu Sunnari (Women and burnout, gender impact of the market economy) 6. t. (4 students)

2005, 2006 Indigenous education, Giellagas (Sami) Institute, 10 hours (5-8 students)


WSDB398S/2 Women, Spirituality and the Environment, 1998 Covers issues to do with women's ecological movements and new ecospiritual practices and theories. Focuses on Northern Native and non-native women's writings, activism and fight against the abuse of women, Native peoples and nature (Sami and North American Native women).

WSDB391/2 Health Issues: Feminist Perspectives, 1991-1998 (Average 25 students)

WSDB491/2 Women and Culture: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Average 20 students), v. l995, l996, l997.

WSDB291/2 Introduction to Women's Studies II, 1995, 1996, l999 (Average 50 students) Focus: feminism, interdisciplinarity, methodology

WSDB 391/2 Women and Health (3 credits) 1991, 1992, 1993, (average of 27 students)

WSDB 394/2 History of Feminist Theories (3 credits), 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 (average 29 students) Covers the herstory of European, North American feminist movements with material also on Women of color (particularly Native women's movements)

WSDB 491/4 Folktales, Myths and Modern Fictions: Female Stereotypes Revisited (3 credits) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 (average 20 students)

WSDB 291 Women's Identity and Image: Recent Approaches. (3 credits) 1992, 1993, 1994 (average 52 students)

Undergraduate tutorials given and developed

WSDB498T/4 1993 Tutorial for Alison Carpenter on "Feminist Psychotherapy in Practice: Interviews on´What Heals?'"

WSDB498T/4 1993 Tutorial for Leslie Quinton, "The Meaning of Spirituality in the lives of four Montreal women."

WSDB398T/4 1993 Tutorial for Patricia Joyce, "Writing a Self-Help Therapy Manual for Women I."

WSDB498T/4 1993 Tutorial for Patricia Joyce, "Writing a Self-Help Therapy Manual for Women II."

WSDB398T/4 1994 Tutorial for Kirsten Cowan on "Women's Culture in an Inclusive Perspective." (Working towards a reader in women's studies)

WSDB398/3 1994 Tutorial for Catriona Cantillon on "Bisexual Women and Culture."

WSDB398T/3 1994 Tutorial for Noori Yasmin on "Feminisms and its Stereotypes."

WSDB498T/2 1994 Tutorial for Ingrid Delorme on "Sisterhood and Exclusion."

WSDB498T/4 1995 Tutorial for Rauna Kuokkanen on "Sami Cultural Beliefs and Practices and Postmodernity/Postcolonialism".

WSDB398T/3 l995 Tutorial for Terry Provost on "Interpreting Dreams from a Feminist Perspective."

WSDB498T/3 l995 Tutorial for Kim Jones on "A Review of the Medical Establishment's History from a Feminist Perspective."

WSDB498T/3 1996 Tutorial for Carol Sterling on "Canadian Asian Pacific Women's Issues".

WSDB498T/2 l996 Tutorial for Julie Delaurier: "Interprétation des rêves; approche féministe".

WSDB496T l996 (6 credits) Directed Research (Specialization) for Shannon Simpson on "Bridging Mainstream Feminisms and Native Approaches to Feminism."

WSDB498T/2 1997 Tutorial for Shannon Simpson on "Identity Crises of Mixed-Race First Nations Women."

WSDB498T/2 1998 Tutorial for Ella Saganash on "Cree women's culture, mythology and spiritual traditions."

WSDB498T/2 1998 Tutorial for Mariel Bello on "Jungian Analytical Psychology and the Uses of Symbolism in Feminist Psychotherapy."

WSDBT/3 1999 Directed Reading in view of Specialization in Women's Studies for Mariel Bello on "Feminist Psychotherapeutic Techniques and Visionwork to Empower Sexual Assault Survivors/Victims"

WSDB/4 1999 Tutorial for Sarah Jacobs on "Comparing Sami, Finnish and Mohawk Beliefs on Women, Bears and Healing."

PH.D. Tutorials and Supervision

1992- "Psychoanalytic Theory and Feminist Aesthetics" for Susan Douglas, Ph.D. in the Humanities (6 credits)

1992- "Psychoanalysis, Society and Culture" (3 credits) for Sharon Todd, Ph.D. in the Humanities.

1993- "Postmodernism and Psychoanalysis" (3 credits) for Sharon Todd, Ph.D. in the Humanities.

Ph.D. Supervision

1998 Terry Provost, Ph.D. in the Humanities, member of supervisory committee (On Art History, Feminism and Post-colonialism)

1992 Susan Douglas, Ph.D. in the Humanities, advisor. Comprehensive Exam passed Dec. 22nd, 1994. Thesis defended April 4, l998: "Contingencies: Visualizing Tensions Between Contemporary Critical Theory and Canadian Art Practice" (I was appointed internal examiner)

1992 Sharon Todd, Ph.D. in the Humanities, advisor. thesis completed in August, 1996: "The Pedagogical Imaginary" and the thesis received the highest distinction from Concordia;

M.A. Supervision

1995 Rauna Kuokkanen, M.A. in Sami Language and Culture, Supervising the first draft of her MA thesis: "Etnostreassas sápmelasvuoda oddasit huksemii. Sapmelas identitehtaid govven dálá sapmelas girjjálasvuodas". (Ethnostressistä saamelaisuuden uudelleenkonstruointiin: Saamelaisidentiteetit saamelaisessa nykykirjallisuudessa.) (From Ethnostress to the Reconstruction of Saminess: Sami Identity in Modern Sami Literature.) Pro gradu tutkielma. Oulun Yliopisto. Suomen ja saamenkielen laitos, 1997. Oulu University, l997.

Undergraduate courses taught at CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY; CANADA

1987 FRE 161 (Chargée de cours)(French Grammar, oral practice, pronunciation, literature (Georges Simenon, le Chien Jaune)(6 credits)

FRE 161 (Chargée de cours) French grammar and culture, advanced level 161, (6 credits)

1986 FRE161 (Chargée de cours) (6 credits)

1985 FRE171, FRE101, 121, 171, 161 (Language lab and tutorials) (6 credits)

1984 FRE121 (Chargée de cours) Grammar, literature, pronunciation, translation and oral expression. (6 credits)

1983 FRE121 (Chargée de cours) (6 credits)

1982 FRE171, 101, 121, 171, 161; language lab monitoring and tutorials (6 credits); French grammar, intermediate level 121 (grammar, literature, text analysis, translation and oral expression) (3 credits)

see for a more complete cv and sample work and courses taught and designed


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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