Paragraph Styles

Table of Contents

Orientation 3

Mars City Underground 4

Mars City 6

UAC Administration 8

Alpha Labs Sector 1 10

Alpha Labs Sector 2 12

Alpha Labs Sector 3 13

Alpha Labs Sector 4 14

EnPro Plant 17

Communications Transfer 19

Communications 21

Recycling Sector 1 (Monorail Skybridge) 23

Recycling Sector 2 25

Monorail 27

Delta Labs Level 1 28

Delta Labs Level 2 — South 30

Delta Labs Level 2 — North 32

Delta Labs Level 3 34

Delta Labs Level 4 36

Hell 37

Delta Complex 39

Central Processing 40

Central Server Banks 42

Site 3 43

Caverns Area 1 45

Caverns Area 2 47

Primary Excavation Site 48

Appendix: Items 50

Appendix: Weapons 52

Appendix: Opponents 54

Appendix: Characters 58


▪ Upon arrival (Mars City Hanger), go up the stairs to the left, then proceed the down the catwalk.

▪ Turn right when you reach the intersection, then go through the door (Security Checkpoint).

▪ Go through the next 2 doors (Departure Lounge), (Mars City Reception).

▪ There is a cinematic welcoming you to Mars. You receive your PDA, with some email, and a video disk (“Marine Command Briefing”. On the next desk there is a video disk (“Welcome To Mars Research Facility One”).

▪ Go up the stairs (Central Access Junction), and continuing into the corridor (Central Access). Along the way, there is a cinematic about trouble on mars.

▪ Continue up the stairs (Command Access Junction), to go into the corridor to the right.

▪ Eventually, you pass a unisex bathroom, then a passageway with a “Kitchen” sign (Common Area). On the counter there is a PDA (Adam Berneche).

▪ Exit and take the first door on the right (Marine Command Access). In the intersection, is an Information Terminal (“Volunteer Extra Credits”). You can press the DOWNLOAD button for pratice.

▪ Go slightly forward a bit and you is at a ‘T’ intersection. (You can get “points” from terminal by clicking on terminal.)

▪ Follow the sign for Marine Command, going through the door (Marine Command).

▪ Go through the door near the IT guy is configuring a sentry bot (Marine Headquarters). Following the corridor to the door at the end completes your objective.

▪ At the end of the cinematic, a sentry drone is deployed, and all you have to do is follow it. It will retrace your steps. There is a detour: Take the first door to the left, Combat Prep. There is a video disk (“Series 3 Plasma Gun Briefing”) on the counter.

▪ Once the bot has stopped (Maintenance), go down the stairs. To one side, there is storage locker #001 (keycode 396). Inside the cabinet are pistol clips (“bullets”).

▪ Go to the elevator, and take it to Mars City Underground.

Mars City Underground

▪ Exiting the elevator (Underground Access), turn right. A security guard opens a cabinet, giving you access to the armor, pistol and flashlight.)

▪ Go up the stairs, then through the Underground Junction door.

▪ Follow the catwalk. When you get to the scientist working on the crane controls, you can practice using the crane controls.

▪ Down the stairs and go through the Energy Stabilization door (Maintenance Area C51).

▪ Down the stairs, then towards the next door. When the scientist finishes talking, follow him when he walks away. Under the stairs you just came down are shards.

▪ Go through the door labeled Convergence Chamber.

▪ Pass through to the next door. To the left storage locker #023 (keycode 531) containing shells, shards and an aidekit. Next to the cabinet is a PDA (Grant Boston).

▪ Go through the Convergence Chamber 2 door, and through the next (Energy Processing).

▪ Take the Maint-PD1 Garage door (Maintenance Area PD1), then down the stairs.

▪ Go through the Garage-b2 Access door (Underground Garage), and go down the stairs. Nearby the security officer is a pistol (bullets) and an aidekit.

▪ Press the airlock panel button CYCLE AIRLOCK to open the airlock. Go into the airlock, and press the CYCLE AIRLOCK button to close-up the airlock. The door in front of you opens, and before you is the grandeur of the Martian landscape. Cross the bridge to use the other airlock. (FYI: Alongside the first airlock, is adrenalin, oxygen, and a shard. On the bridge, is oxygen.)

▪ Exit the airlock (Old Comm Storage) and turn left. You see an aidekit on the floor..

▪ Go up the stairs to call the elevator, and go up to Communications.

▪ Exiting, you have completed your current objective.

▪ Proceed up the stairs, follow the walkway, and then follow the direction on the wall, Main Comm Engineering Access through the door (Old Comm Main). There is the missing scientist. There is a cinematic, after which all hell breaks loose and the game begins. The scientist turns into a Zombie who assaults, followed by a Soldier strike. On the console is the Orbital Communications panel, with an INITIATE MESSAGE DESINTATION SEQUENCE button that you could push.

▪ Down the stairs, then turn left to the lower console. On the desk are bullets.

▪ Back up the stairs returning to the main console, turn left to go through the door (Old Comm Engineering) to be attacked by a Soldier.

▪ Jump off the ledge, and then call the elevator to take it down to Surface Access.

▪ Exiting, move straight ahead to a shelf. Behind it, there are boxes to jump on to get the shards and an aidekit.

▪ Jump down to go into the airlock.

▪ Exiting, cross the bridge, and into the other airlock.

▪ The airlock door is damaged but in a moment it opens enough for you to pass through (Underground Garage). A Zombie assaults. There is an aidekit. You will now retrace your steps to Marine Headquarters.

▪ Proceed up the stairs, then go through the door (Maintenance Access PD-1). A Zombie assaults.

▪ Jump up the broken stairs, to continue along the walkway, and then go through the door (Energy Delivery). A Zombie assaults.

▪ Left of the door is a utility ladder to go down. In one corner are shards and an aidekit; in another corner are shards.

▪ Climb up the ladder. Press the Filtration Routing System control panel button, EXTEND SERVICE BRIDGE. The bridge slowly extends.

▪ Cross the bridge to be attacked by a Soldier. In the alcove alongside the door, there are shards and an aidekit.

▪ Go through the door (Energy Processing). A Soldier strikes.

▪ Going down the stairs, triggers a demonic skull to possess a maintenance worker, turning it into a Zombie that assaults you.

▪ Go down the stairs to the console. On the console is a PDA (Frank Delahue). Alongside the desk is a ledge with shards and an aidekit on it. Jump up and pick them up. [Could not jump onto the shelf. –ed.]

▪ Opposite the console is a yellow pipe. Jump up onto and walk up the pipe. At the top, there are shards and an aidekit.

▪ Getting off the pipe, go back up the stairs, open the Processing Unit door by using the control panel alongside it. (There is a ledge above with a scientist running from a Zombie. Kill the Zombie before the scientist dies, and the scientist will thank you and run away.)

▪ Continue down the walkway to be assaulted by a Zombie at the intersection. There is a crate with shards and an aidekit near it.

▪ Go through the next door (EP Aerobic Stabilizer).

▪ Go downstairs. There are shards, a SHOTGUN and shells. Taking the shotgun causes the floor to drop, and Zombies attack. There are shards and an aidekit on the floor, and a utility ladder to climb up.

▪ Go up the stairs, and through the door (EP Control Unit). Alongside the stairs there are shards, shells and an aidekit.

▪ Go up the stairs, and follow the walkway.

▪ At the other end of the walkway, the lights go out and a Zombie assaults.

▪ Climb up the stairs, and a Soldier and a Zombie assault. Behind the nearby crate are shells and an aidekit.

▪ Go back down the stairs. To one side is a small gap between the stairs and the wall. Jump down, and underneath the floor there are shells and an aidekit. There is a utility ladder to climb back up.

▪ Back upstairs, turn left to continue down the walkway to be attacked by Zombies. In the alcove one Zombie came out of, there are shells. Before the next door, there is a shelf bullets and shells. Alongside the door is a health station.

▪ Go through the door, then turn right and go through the next door to start a cinematic introducing you to Imps, whereupon an Imp attacks.

▪ Go through the net door, and an Imp and a Zombie assault.

▪ Continue downstairs, and at the bottom there are shards and an aidekit on the floor, and armor in a broken storage locker. Next, a Zombie and an Imp assault.

▪ Go through the door (Energy Delivery), then turn left to go through another door (Energy Processing). There is a heath station and shells.

▪ Going down the stairs reveals a console with shells on it.

▪ Continuing along the walkway, an Imp assails, followed by a Zombie.

▪ Pass through the next door. There are two pipes railed-off. Jump down next to the pipes, and underneath the floor there is armor.

▪ Returning onto the walkway, pass through the Convergence Chamber 2 door (Convergence Chamber 2), then another, where you’re attacked by an Imp. There is a medkit. A Soldier strikes.

▪ There’s no point in going down the nearby stairs as you will only be attacked by an Imp. Instead, take the walkway to the Convergence Chamber 1 door (Convergence Chamber 1), passing through it, then around the bend and through the next door (Maintenance Area C51).

▪ As you attempt to climb the next stairs, an Imp attacks.

▪ Go up stairs to be attacked by another Imp.

▪ Attempting to climb up the next set of stairs triggers the crane harness to snap which drops its load onto the stairs.

▪ Continue to the top of the stairs (Underground Junction), turn right and go towards the Underground Security door, and when it opens an Imp attacks.

▪ Pass through the door (Underground Security). There is a Zombie playing possum sprawled across a console. (Shoot it before it can rise to assault you.) There is armor nearby. There is a health station. Next to the other console are shells. Press the SECURITY CHECK POINT on the Security Terminal 1 panel to unlock the security checkpoint door.

▪ Exiting triggers a Soldier strike.

▪ Go around the bend to go through the Security Check Point door (Underground Security).

▪ Climbing down the stairs triggers an Imp.

▪ Call the elevator. When the doors open, a Soldier comes out.

▪ Go to Mars City.

Mars City

▪ Exit the elevator (Maintenance), and a Soldier strikes.

▪ Climb up the stairs. A worker calls to you, and lowers the utility ladder for you to climb up (Ventilation Shaft).

▪ Crawl through the vent that’s in a corner. There is armor along the way.

▪ At the end of the vent, you reach a drop to jump down (Manifest Control Office).

▪ Going into the office triggers Zombies. There are shards in the Zombie’s alcove, and a medkit on a box. There is a PDA (Marcus Stanton) on a desk. There is a jet flame coming out of a damaged pipe with shards on the floor.

▪ Go through the door (Manifest Control Entrance) where a Soldier strikes. Go forward and a Soldier strikes. Pick up the MACHINE GUN the dead Soldier dropped.

▪ Proceed through the door (Reception Processing). On the desk is an ATO card (shown in your PDA “Item”), a medkit and clips.

▪ Go back out the door, and unlock the locked door using its control panel (Conference Room), there is a Soldier, followed by another. There are shards and an aidekit.

▪ Going through the next door (Hallway), then through the next (Sec Ops Processing). Zombies assault. Behind an equipment bay there are shards, and nearby there are clips.

▪ There is a closed door diagonally opposite where you entered but don’t go through it, yet. Instead, go through the open door (Security Operations), and turn left to encounter a Soldier, and around the corner there is another Soldier to your left. There is an aidekit, a medkit and clips on a desk, and armor on the floor.

▪ Exit (Sec Ops Processing), and go through the closed door (Sec Ops Junction). There is an aidekit. A burning Zombie assaults. There is a medkit atop a box, and armor on the floor.

▪ At the end of the corridor, pass through the door to your right (Infirmary Junction). A Soldier strikes, followed by a fat Zombie assault, and a Soldier strikes. Next, an Imp attacks. There are shards in the nearby alcove. Behind some pipes there is armor.

▪ Go through the Infirmary door (Infirmary). On a table is a PDA (Mark Caseon) on it. Storage locker #017 (keycode 347), holds shells, security armor and a medkit. On the floor is a clip. There is a health station.

▪ Go through the door diagonally opposite the one you entered (Infirmary Observation). A Zombie rises off one of the tables to attack, then Soldiers swarm into the room. On one operating table there is adrenaline (which gives unlimited stamina for a while). There is a medkit.

▪ Go through the next door (Marine Command). A burning Zombie assaults.

▪ Going toward Marine Command, to a jet of fire. Crawl under it to get shells, bullets and an aidekit. Continue around hall to an unlocked door that it fails as you approach it. There is a PDA (Bill Tyson) next to a dead body by the door.

▪ Return to the jet of flame, and crawl under it toward the corridor.

▪ Go forward down the corridor. A Marine gets killed by a Zombie who then attacks you.

▪ Continue forward (Marine Headquarters) until you see stairs to your left, and a dead body with a clip next it. Open the Combat Prep door (access code 584) directly behind the body (Combat Preparation) to discover shells, clips, armor, and a medkit.

▪ Exit the room, returning to the corridor (Marine Headquarters). Go up the stairs to the console where you get a Sgt. Kelly briefing and security update. There are clips on the console.

▪ Return downstairs, and proceed down hall on left (Marine Command) where a Soldier strikes you at the end of the corridor.

▪ Partway down the hall, turn left to go through a door (Marine Command Access), and a Soldier strikes.

▪ Go down the stairs, take the first left (into a walkaround), and kill the Zombie in the darkness. There are medkits on the floor.

▪ Return to the intersection to go through the door (Command Access Junction). Soldiers strike, followed by a third.

▪ Turn a left and go downstairs (Common Area). There is a Zombie still in the room. In a corner, there is an aidekit. There are shards on and behind the counter, and shells on the counter. (Get out your loose change now because that’s the last snack machine you’ll be seeing.

▪ Exit (Command Access Junction), taking a left marching straight into the bathroom. There is a medkit in the handicapped stall, and shards around the sinks. There is a fright in the mirror.

▪ Exit, and turn left where a Soldier strikes.

▪ Continue along the corridor until you get to an open area (Central Access), where a Soldier comes through a door but stand still because a sentry bot kills it for you. Follow the sentry bot. (If you detour, it comes to you and waits until you’re ready to continue.)

▪ The sentry bot path is: ACO Access Junction, ACO Offices, and ACO Lift Junction. In the ACO Offices: one office has an aidekit behind a box, and shells on the floor; in the other office there is a medkit on the floor, and a clip on a desk.

▪ You end up in a room (ACO Lift Junction) with an Imp upon a balcony. While the sentry is killing that Imp, turn around because another one comes up behind you. The sentry bot will shutdown after both Imps are dead. There is an aidekit on a seat.

▪ With the elevator to your back, there is a vent in a corner to the right. Crawl into the vent (Service Acces). Climb up the utility ladder, and another vent putting you on the ledge where the Imp was. There is a medkit, shards and shells. Nearby, there is a PDA (Duncan Mathews).

▪ Retrace your path to return downstairs. Take the corridor that’s to your far left (with your back to the vent) until there is a locked door for you to go through (ACO Office). Use the control panel alongside the door to unlock it and a Zombie assualts. There is a medkit and a clip, at one desk, and armor on another desk.

▪ Exit the room with the door from which you came, backtracking to the elevator (ACO Lit Junction).

▪ Call the elevator, get in and take it down to Administration.

UAC Administration

▪ Stepping out of the elevator (Administration Lobby), a cinematic plays. Then a Soldier and a Zombie hit. There is armor and a medkit on some seats. There is a medkit on a console.

▪ To one side of the console the Alpha Labs door. Go towards the door shooting a Zombie sitting on the seats before it can rise to assault, then walk through the door (Alpha Labs Hallway).

▪ Continuing down the corridor, an Imp attacks, followed by Soldiers. On the floor, in a corner, is armor.

▪ There is an office door to go through. On the console is a PDA (Alan Dorweiler), and a video disk (“Alpha Labs Introduction”). In storage locker #013 (keycode 586) is armor, clips, shells and hand grenades. In a corner are shards and shells. There is a health station.

▪ Exit the office as you entered and to the right you see the Alpha Labs door. Open it to be attacked by an Imp. Before passing through the door, there is armor in an alcove to the right of the door.

▪ Pass through the door. An Imp on the other side of a window throws a fireball that breaks a pane, then runs away. A Zombie on a balcony opposite the window throws a barrel down. Pushing the barrel up to the broken window gives you a step up. Crouch-jump through the window (Alpha Labs Processing). In the room there is a backpack, armor and medkits.

▪ Jump back out through the window. Opposite the broken window is a pillar sheltering armor and shells.

▪ There is a passage to the Alpha Labs door. Going toward it, you come across an injured Marine. Tring to open the door using the control panel alongside it starts a new objective. There is a clip alongside the door.

▪ Backtrack to the Alpha Labs Hallway. Stepping into the lobby (Administration Lobby), an Imp attacks. There is a clip and shells in the alcove where it was hiding.

▪ Going down the stairs to your right triggers doors opposite you to be broken through by Imps. There are shards on seats alongside the elevator.

▪ Go through the busted doors (Lower Hallway). There is a clip on the floor.

▪ After the clip, there is a medkit. Going for it kills the lights followed by Imps.

▪ There is a door to go through (Video Phone Conference Room), triggering Soldiers. On a desk are clips, shards, and a medkit.

▪ Exit the office and take the corridor left, causing a Soldier to strike.

▪ At the corridor’s end there is a door taking you to a lobby (Data Library).

▪ Diagonally opposite your entry, there is a door for you to go through. There is a shotgun on a desk to one side, and armor and a medkit to the other. There is a Security Terminal displaying a button labeled SECURITY OVERRIDE for you to press. Pressing it plays a cinematic introducing you to the Pinky Demon. It charges.

▪ Exit through the now broken window, to be attacked by an Imp.

▪ Go through the previously locked door to the right of the office (North Hallway).

▪ Climb upstairs, turn left and going forward a Pinky Demon charges, followed by a Soldier strike. There are shards in a nearby alcove.

▪ Continuing, an Imp attacks. In the Imp’s former alcove, there are clips and shells.

▪ Proceeding forward, take the first left into a walkaround and the wall opens revealing a Zombie.

▪ Enter the office, It has a PDA (Jonathan Moses) and a medkit on a console. The Martian Buddy storage locker (keycode 0508) contains a CHAINGUN, a belt of chaingun ammo and armor.

▪ To the left are stairs to go up (Data Library), and continue forward along the walkway. There is a radio transmission from Sgt. Kelly saying there is a growth taking over the base.

▪ Continue moving forward (Executive Office Access). There is a box with shells and armor on it.

▪ Going through the door to the right of the box, an Imp attacks. There are clips in the alcove the Imp was in.

▪ Continue to the end of the corridor, then up the stairs, and to your right is the Executive Office door to go through. Looking over the side of the bridge, you see Swann using a computer and overhear a conversation.

▪ Go through the next door for a Soldier strike and a Zombie assault. There is armor in an alcove.

▪ To one side is an open door. There is a dead scientist on the ground with a PDA (Walter Banks) next to him, and clips on the floor. Picking up the PDA triggers Imps to attack.

▪ To one side of the room’s door, is William Banks’ office. Approaching Banks’ door triggers another Imp attacks. In the office, there are shells, a clip, and armor.

▪ Exit the office, then exit the Executive Office (Executive Office Access).

▪ Go through the next two doors, then down the stairs, where a Zombie awaits you. There are shards on the floor.

▪ Go through the next door and you’re back in the Administration Lobby (Administration Lobby). Alongside the elevator are shards and a medkit.

▪ Go, again, through the Alpha Labs door (Alpha Labs Hallway), moving forward into a Soldier strike.

▪ Go through the next door (on your right) back into the office with the storage locker.

▪ In the office is a locked door. Use the security panel alongside it, then move through. There is a utility ladder on one side and a door to the other. There is a clip and a medkit on a shelf.

▪ Climb up the ladder (Processing Access), to a door to go through (Alpha Labs Processing). This is where a fat Zombie earlier threw a barrel down.

▪ Climbing back down the ladder, go through the door (Global Network Terminal) On a console is a PDA (Paul Simons), shells and grenades. There is armor in a corner.

▪ Exit all three doors, and to the right is the Alpha Labs transfer bay, that opens using the security panel alongside it.

▪ Exit Administration’ to proceed to Alpha Labs.

Alpha Labs Sector 1

▪ Exiting the transfer bay (Alpha Labs Reception) gets you a new objective.

▪ A Zombie is sprawled across seats, and the flashlight triggers the Zombie. There are Zombies hiding behind the equipment bank. Behind the equipment bank is a health station. There are bullets and armor on the floor. On the console is a Security Terminal displaying a button labeled UNLOCK DOORS, PRIMARY LIGHTS ON for you to press.

▪ Go through the Blue 16 door to discover a Soldier. A Zombie assaults from behind boxes. On the floor behind the boxes are shards. In an alcove are clips and a medkit.

▪ Go forward until you come to stairs. A Zombie comes up the stairs, then an Imp attacks. Go down the stairs and across the room is a medkit in an alcove (if the Imp attacked).

▪ Go through the Blue 17 door (EPD Observation Room) to be attacked by an Imp. Next, Zombies assault. On the other side of dead end Blue 18 is a medkit.

▪ There is a broken window in the observation bay, to jump through (EPD Lab). Imp attack.

▪ To one end of the windows, there are stairs. Underneath them are shells and an aidekit.

▪ Diagonally opposite are stairs. There is a storage locker #009 (keycode 752) at the top containing armor, a clip, grenades and medkits.

▪ Go through the office door. A Zombie and Soldier strike. On the console is a PDA (Kyle Berger), and a video disk (“Elemental Phase Deconstructor”). There are shards on the floor, and a health station behind the equipment bay. Approaching the health station causes chaos, followed by an Imp attack.

▪ Go through the other door, and an Imp attacks. There is armor on the floor. On the console is a Chamber Repair Access terminal with a button labeled OPEN REPAIR ACCESS GATE for you to press. A Soldier attacks from the walkway opposite.

▪ Retrace your steps to stand alongside the blue laser. At the end of the laser tunnel (EPD Collection Chamber) there is a closed vent with a red control button above it that opens the vent. In the vent is a pot-o-gold, guarded by two leprechauns.

▪ Once through the vent (EPD Particle Filter), there is a Soldier and a Zombie.

▪ Go down the stairs at one end of the hall, to be assaulted by a Zombie. There are shards on the console. (As a courtesy, click the monitor to do a backup.)

▪ Go through the next door. There is a medkit.

▪ Follow the hall until an Imp attacks. There is evil laughter and the lights go out.

▪ Move down the ramp. Zombies assault.

▪ Go through the door (EPD Particle Scrubber). The passage is blocked but there are grenades and shells on the ground.

▪ Exit, to be greeted by a fat Zombie. Opposite is a crate behind which is a medkit, and a hallway.

▪ Following the hallway (EPD Particle Emulsifier), Zombies assault.

▪ Go up the stairs to be assaulted by a Zombie. At the walkway’s end, there is a console with a PDA (Jack Smith), clip and an aidekit. Press the control panel button labeled SEAL BREACHED PIPE SECTION.

▪ Retrace your steps back down the stairs. Once again go through the door with the dead marine you passed through a moment ago (EPD Particle Scrubber).

▪ Continue forward, then take a right and a Soldier attacks, followed by an Imp and a Soldier. Go into the storage room (that the Imp and the Zombie were in), and there is a shelf with medkits. There is a crate, behind which there are shells and a clip.

▪ Exit the storage room, and go to the left to a door to go through (EPD Containment Purge). There are shards and a medkit. Moving into the room a cinematic plays introducing you to Maggots which then start galloping at you.

▪ A floor grate opens at some point, for you to jump down (Crawl Way 13). Near the end of your crawling around, there are two openings to exit up. One is furthest forward in the vent, and brings you up into a deadend with shards and a medkit. Crawl back to the other exit around which are several dead Soldiers. There are shells, shards and armor.

▪ Get out from under the floor (Alpha Labs Junction 3). There is a locked door. Going toward the dark corner triggers Zombies. In a Zombie corner there are shards and an aidekit.

▪ Go through the doorway in the corner (Hydrogen Condenser), and a Zombie assaults.

▪ Next, go through the ALI H05 door, and a Soldier attacks. Continue forward, and explosive barrels are thrown at you from the ledge. Continue to and climb up the stairs, to be attacked by a Maggot and a Soldier. Behind a crate is a medkit and an aidekit.

▪ Pass through the ALI H06 door, to the stairs. (There is a console with a panel to click to start a backup.)

▪ Up the stairs, there are shards. An Imp attacks. In the Imp’s alcove is armor.

▪ Go up the nearby stairs that collapse behind you, to a door for you to go through (Hydrogen Junction 1).

▪ Move right, left, then everything goes red and all you can do is turn your head. When everything returns to normal, Imps attack. Up on one equipment stack, is a partially open cover with a control panel displaying a button labeled OPEN SECURITY HATCH that pressing opens a cabinet containing shells and clips.

▪ Go forward, left, then pass through the door (Hydrogen Control). A Zombie assaults. There is a video disk (“Hydrocon”) on one console, and clips on the other.

▪ Go through the next door (Hydrogen Siphon). A Maggot hits. There is a one console with a monitor requesting a backup, and another console with a medkit which triggers an Imp attack.

▪ In the alcove that opened for the Imp, there is a ladder to climb up (Hydrogen Stabilization). Take a right, a left, and another right, then squeeze past the pipes to encounter a live scientist who talks to you.

▪ Get through the stabilizer door (that goes up and down), and there is a PDA (Bernie Lisitz) on the floor. In the corner behind the pipes, is armor and an aidekit.

▪ Jump down the hole (Hydrogen Control), then go through the security door (Hydrogen Siphon), to be assaulted by Zombies. Behind the equipment bank is a medkit.

▪ There is a door to go through (Hydrogen Lab), then turn left and go forward to the stairs. Go downstairs where Maggots are hungry for you. If you jump into either of the machines you will be punch-holed for really, really big body studs.

▪ Go through the next door (Storage Room 8), triggering a hungry Maggot. There is a health station. There are grenades and armor on a shelf.

▪ Go through the next door (Alpha Labs Main Junction), then through Blue 20 door (Hydrogen Observation).

▪ Next is Blue 21 door to go through (Hydrogen Junction 3), triggering another hungry Maggot and a Zombie.

▪ Jump down the hole where the Maggot came out. There is a clip and shards.

▪ Jump out of the hole, then go through the Blue 22 door (Alpha Labs Junction), going forward a few steps toward the aidekit triggers hungry Maggots that pour into the room from all sides. There is armor in an alcove alongside the stairway.

▪ Enter the elevator to go to Alpha Labs 2.

Alpha Labs Sector 2

▪ Exit the elevator (Level 2 Entrance). Alongside the exit are shards and a medkit on a seat.

▪ Go up the stairs, two Imps attack. Along one wall, is an alcove with aidekits and clips.

▪ Go through the door (AL2 D01). There is a bathroom door for you to enter (Lavatory), triggering a Zombie, a fat Zombie, then another Zombie and a Maggot attack. There is a medkit nearby. In the handicapped stall, are grenades.

▪ There is a utility ladder in an alcove for you to climb. There is a vent in a corner (Lavatory Vent Ducts). Make two rights and you can stand, and there is a medkit and shards which triggers a Maggot. In a corner is a clip. Crouch-walk again to the vent’s exit (Engineering Security) to be attacked by an Imp.

▪ Walk in the direction away from the broken door (AL2 002), followed by another Imp who comes through an opening in the floor.

▪ There is an office door (CP 01) for you to go through, where a Zombie is blowing another Zombie who both assault you. There is a health station and a clip. On the desk to your right there is a PDA (Andrew Chin). The Security Scanner terminal reveals someone in Emergency Coolant Control.

▪ Exit the office, to drop down into the floor hole the Imp made in front of the office window. There is armor. Jump out of the hole.

▪ Go through the AL2 003 door (Junction D03/D04), then go through door AL2 004 (Vista 003/004). A Maggot, then an Imp, attack. The Imp breaks an exterior window letting out the oxygen. Exit through door AL2 005 (Collant Junction) to be attacked by another Imp.

▪ Pass through the AL2 006 door (MFS Compressor) to encounter a Soldier.

▪ Proceed through the next door, AL2 007 (Coolant Compressor), taking the stairs and the AL2 H01 door (MFS Compressor), then more stairs to go down where a Maggot attacks, followed by a Zombie and a Soldier. You get a new objective. There is a PDA on the desk (Walter Connors), a video disk (“Molecular Fuel Storage Compactor”), armor on the floor.

▪ There is a machine bordered by a railing. Jump over the railing, then cross the machine to locate storage locker #038 (keycode 409). Inside there is a clip, grenades, an ammo belt, and armor.

▪ Retrace your steps the Engineering door (Hatchway H02/H03), followed by another Engineering door (Storage And Engineering). There is a medkit. Zombies, an Imp, and a Maggot. Near the entry door, a wall section fell revealing an alcove with clips and an ammo belt. Near the pipes is a medkit. Behind some crates is aidekit.

▪ Get on and lower the lift. When the lift stops, an Imp climbs and a Maggot attack. Behind the crates in the corner, are shards and aidekit.

▪ Pass through AL2 008 door (Engineering And Coolant), then go right and into a walkaround where there is a clip.

▪ Go up the stairs and to the right encountering a scientist with a lamp. There are grenades on the floor. On the desk, start a courtesy backup.

▪ Follow the scientist (Coolant Control Junction), protecting him. Along the way: up the first stairway and around a corner is an open area with an ammo belt and armor; up the next stairway is a platform with an ammo belt, shells, and bullets; after the third Imp attack, there is a large alcove with a backpack full of ammo; finally, there is a medkit, shells, and a clip at the foot of an equipment bay just before the exit. At the exit, an Imp kills the scientist. Go through his pockets for loose change.

▪ Climb up the utility ladder to discover storage locker #039 (keycode 102). Inside are 2 clips and armor.

▪ Go through the door (Coolant Flow Control). There are pipes. Walk toward the broken door. Drop down in the space alongside the pipes to find clips and medkits.

▪ Jump up and over the pipes. There is a vent in the wall to crawl into (Coolant Access Shaft 5).

▪ Exit the vent (Lower MFS Control). And a Trite strikes. In the corners are clips and armor. There is also a health station

▪ Go to the control panel to press the EXTEND SERVICE LADDER button to raise the ladder. The ladder gets stuck, followed by a horde of swarming Trites. When the carnage is over, the ladder finishes rising.

▪ Climb the ladder, and yet more Trites swarm.

▪ Open the transfer bay to head on to Alpha Labs Sector 3.

Alpha Labs Sector 3

▪ Stepping out of the transfer bay (AL2 Main Engineering), triggers an Imp. Behind the crates are a medkit, shells and a clop on the floor.

▪ Going up the stairs triggers Soldiers and an Imp to attack, then another Soldier strikes, followed by a Maggot, then Trites mob you. There is armor next to a crate.

▪ Go through the door (Hazardous Waste Disposal). There is a PDA (Mark Lamia) on the console. There is a control panel to control the mechanical arm in the disposal room. (Moving the arm over a barrel changes the green light in the arm’s palm to red. Once the barrel is in the air, press the TRANSFER ITEM TO INCINERATOR button.) A computer voice announces that the room is clear of toxic gas when you have disposed of the two steaming barrels. You receive a new mission.

▪ Exit the room, and go right to be attacked by Trites and a Maggot. There is a health station.

▪ Go up the stairs, and through the door with hazardous waste signs (Hazardous Waste Disposal). Go downstairs and on the floor there is an ACO (orange) key (“Maintenance Key 4”).

▪ Go through the other door (Hazardous Waste Lift), then upstairs. On a cart, there are ammo belts, and a medkit. There is also storage locker #047 (keycode 123), holding clips and grenades. Alongside the cabinet is a PDA (George Poota). Use the access control panel to raise the platform. Zombies and a Soldier attack. There is armor on the platform.

▪ Exit the room (Hazardous Waste Disposal). Zombies assault.

▪ Go through the next door (AL2 Main Engineering), then turn left triggering Zombies.

▪ Go downstairs, go left, then right, and again right. There is a door which was earlier locked, that you can now unlock by pressing the Keycard Access Lock alongside the door.

▪ Going through (Coolant Monitoring), a Soldier strikes, followed by a Trite. Movng to the console, an Imp attacks, followed by swarming Trites. There is storage locker #048 (keycode 123). Inside are bullets, cells, and an aidekit. Armor is alongside the console.

▪ Optional: Alongside the steps is a railing you can jump over and onto the pipes. Crouch-walk on the two middle pipes, to find a medkit and clips. Retrace your steps until you’re back at the tall stairs

▪ Climb up the tall stairs and go through the door at the top (Boiler Room), where a Maggot attacks you. (Once through the door it locks.) A Soldier and an Imp attack, then there is a Zombie. In a corner is a medkit sitting on a crate.

▪ Diagonally opposite the crate, there is a yellow cart with clips on it. (Shoot the grate just above the crate to agitate a few Trites.) Zombies assault.

▪ Go through the AL2 HO4 door (Boiler Room Monitoring). There is a Zombie who offends you, followed by a fat Zombie. At the console, is a Maintenance Access panel with a button labeled OPEN VENTILATION ACCESS GRATE 3 for you to press.

▪ Optional: To one side of the console, there is a blue hallway. Follow it to its end, there is a chaingun and ammo belt. Taking them triggers an alcove containing armor to open, and taking the armor triggers more alcoves to open, unleashing numerous Zombies and an Imp. Backtracking through the hallways reveals that many alcoves have opened, and one contains a medkit and shells. Moving along, an Imp and a Zombie attack, leaving an alcove with shards and shells. Behind a crate, there is a medkit. Returning to the mouth of the hall, …

▪ Go through the AL2 H05 door (Storage And EnPro Facility), triggering a Zombie and a swarm of Trites.

▪ There is a lift to ride down, which breaks near the bottom. An Imp attacks, supported by a swarm of Maggots. There is a medkit on a crate, and armor on floor behind a crate.

▪ Go through the next door (Heavy Water Runoff). There is another door, and going toward it opens two alcoves releasing Pinky Demons. Alongside one side of the door is a medkit, and in one alcove there is an aidekit.

▪ Get close to the window to cause a force to break it with flying objects. Jump through the broken window. There is storage locker #049 (keycode 123). Inside are shards, ammo belt, and shards.

▪ Go up the stairs, and jumping on and over the crates in the corner reveals bullets. Jump back over the crates or you’ll be forever stuck behind the crates and you certainly don’t want to miss a trip in the transfer bay that goes to Alpha Labs Sector 4 — do you?

Alpha Labs Sector 4

▪ Exit the bay (Reactor Ready Room). There is a health dispenser. Up the stairs, behind the crates are shards. On the console are bullets.

▪ There is a door for you to go through (Reactor Control Room). There is a control panel before the observation window with 2 buttons: ACTIVATE CHAMBER, OPEN CHAMBER. The scientist in Reactor Junction 1 calls to you to release him from the chamber.

Choice: Activate Chamber

▪ Press ACTIVATE CHAMBER to destroy the scientist.

▪ There is a door (marked “Elevator Shaft”) for you to go through.

▪ There is a lift (Reactor Room Lift). Take the lift down (Reactor Junction 1), climb upstairs where you encounter a locked office. (The scientist would have been waiting for you, the door would be open, health and ammo would be awaiting you but for choosing the wrong button. Continue at End Choices.

Choice: Open Chamber

▪ Press OPEN CHAMBER to release the scientist.

▪ There is a door (marked “Elevator Shaft”) for you to go through.

▪ There is a lift (Reactor Room Lift). Take the lift down (Reactor Junction 1), climb upstairs where you meet the scientist you released. When he’s finished speaking, follow him into the office (Reactor Substation 1) where there is a PDA (Michael Abrams) ,and a video disk (“Mach-2 Chaingun Brief”) on the desk. There is also a Secure Lockers Access panel with the button labeled DISABLE SECURIY LOCK for you to press. The storage locker opens revealing machine guns, shotguns, grenades, clips, chaingun, ammo belt, shells and armor.

End Choices:

▪ Exit the room, then go through the red door (Reactor Junction 2), followed by another. There is an ammo belt and clips on the floor

▪ There is a door (Reactor Processing), and on the other side is an Imp, followed by a Soldier, then a Soldier, and a Zombie. Continuing on, Trites swarm you. Just before the bridge there are grenades and an aidekit. There are two medkits behind a pillar. Walking the area, an alcove might open revealing an Imp and Zombie. Another alcove holds shards and cells, and a third alcove contains shells and a medkit.

▪ Go up the stairs, then go left triggering a Zombie and a Soldier strike, followed by swarming Trites. After those, more Trites swarm from the stairs. Going forward a few steps toward the bridge triggers a wall to open revealing a Zombie. In the alcove are clips, cells, shards, medkit and adrenaline.

▪ Cross the bridge, and there are two doors. Go through the one to the left (Processing Junction 2), following the corridor to the locked door. Everything goes red, there are distant whispers, and a woman’s voice says they took her baby. Retrace your steps to find a wall space in the corridor with cells, shards and medkit.

▪ Exit the corridor, then go through the other door (Processing Junction 1), then through another door (EFR Staging). Alongside the console is a PDA (Harry Nelson). There is an EnPro Fuel Processor control panel with two buttons displayed: EXTEND SERVICE BRIDGE and ACTIVATE EFR SYSTEM.


▪ Alongside the console is a utility ladder to go down. At the bottom, are medkits, an ammo belt and armor. Imps attack.

▪ There is a system of platforms and pipes. Navigate down to the floor. Along the wall, opposite the utility ladder, is a closed storage shed with armor on the floor alongside it. Moving along the floor triggers a herd of Imps. In the now open shed is an ammo belt, grenades, clips and cells.

▪ Go back up the utility ladder, returning to the console.

Choice: Activate EFR System

▪ Note: This choice involves more agility than combat. Additionally, EFR Substation 3 containing the plasma gun is not accessed,

▪ Pressing this button activates the machinery before you. A platform rotates, making forty-five degree stops.

▪ To one side of the console is a gap in the railing. (Choosing to extend the service bridge would have extended a bridge at this point to the opposite platform.) Run-jump to the center equipment, then run-jump to the opposite platform. Finally, run-jump onto the moving platform.

▪ Of the three other platform stops, one has a single door with green indicators. Walk off the platform to the door.

▪ Going through the door (EFR Substation 1) triggers a Maggot attack. On the console is an EnPro Fuel Reprocessing panel with a button labeled START EFR PROCESSING. There is also a smaller panel that wants to start a backup. There are shards and clips in an alcove.

▪ Exit the office to be whacked by a Maggot.

▪ Get back on to the moving platform.

▪ Run-jump off the platform at the next door. Go through it (EFR Junction 1) to be attacked by a Soldier. There is an aidekit on the floor.

▪ Before you is a conveyer slot with occasional lifts moving by. On the floor is an aidekit. To one side is a short hall with a door for you to go through (EFR Storage PT3). A squad of Soldiers attack. On one set of shelves, are shards and an aidekit. On another shelf, more shards. On a third shelf there are shells. A clip on the floor triggers a Maggot.

▪ There is a door at the top of a stairway. A Soldier attacks.

▪ Retrace your steps back to the conveyer slot (EFR Junction 1), and get on a moving lift (EFR Main Conveyer)

▪ The lift slides by an alcove. In it are shards and a clip.

▪ Get back on another moving lift. Ahead, there is a machine that has three revolving arms. As the lift approaches it, jump onto and over the arm that comes at you.

▪ The lift moves down one story. Get off at and go through the door (EFR Magnetic Discharge) to be attacked by an Imp and Trites.

▪ Down the stairs, there is an EnPro Fuel Preprocessor console with an INITIATE MAGNETIC FIELD DISCHARGE button displayed. (You might or might not want to press this button.) Pressing the button starts the magnetic field discharges before you.

▪ Returning upstairs, Trites attack. The goal, now, is to get across to the opposite platform. On the way, Imps attack from the opposite platform. There is a health station at the opposite platform.

▪ Exit through the door (EFR Main Conveyer) and step on a moving lift.

▪ Step off at the next stop (EFR Junction 6) where Soldiers attack. Moving on triggers an alcove to open revealing a Soldier, There are clips and shells in the alcove. There is armor behind crates alongside the alcove.

▪ Continuing down the hallway, there is a medkit on a crate, and on the floor, along with adrenaline on another crate.

▪ Go upstairs (EFR Junction 7) where a Soldier attacks.

▪ Continue to End Scene.

Choice: Extend Service Bridge

▪ Note: This choice involves more combat than agility.

▪ Press the button, triggering a Soldier and a Zombie attack.

▪ Cross the bridge, and an alcove (Maintenance 12) opens revealing Imps, then Trites swarm. In the alcove is armor, and a medkit.

▪ Cross another bridge. Halfway across a Soldier comes through the door ahead of you.

▪ Go through the door (EFR Junction 1), to be swarmed by Trites.

▪ Go through another door (EFR Storage PT3) with Zombies and a Soldier awaiting. There are shards and an aidekit. There is also a shelf with shells.

▪ There is a door to go through. On a shelf there is a clip.

▪ Go through the next door (EFR Main Conveyer), where a Maggot teleports in.

▪ Cross the bridge to the console. There is armor. Approaching it opens an Imp’s alcove.

▪ In the alcove is a ladder to climb up. Moving along, a Maggot teleports in. Continue, into a swarm of Trites and a Maggot. At the bend, more Trites swarm you. Finally, around the next bend, an Imp teleports in, followed by more Trites.

▪ Go forward, then right (EFR Remote Access Junction), there is a utility ladder to go down (EFR Substation 3). To one side is armor.

▪ Go in the alcove that opens, and follow the little corridor within. At the corridor’s end, a door pops open. There are shards, cells and a medkit around the room. There is also a PLASMA GUN. Taking it up triggers a host of Imps to teleport in. Behind the pillars are shards, cells, adrenaline and a medkit.

▪ Exit the room, retracing your steps until you reach the place where you got armor (EFR Substation 3). There are Soldiers waiting.

▪ Cross the bridge (EFR Main Conveyer), then go through the door on the other end (EFR Master Valve) to find a health station.

▪ There is a ladder, and approaching it triggers a Maggot, followed by a swarm of Trites. In the corner opposite the ladder there is armor.

▪ At the top of the ladder is a Zombie who comes through the door to the left of the storage locker. In storage locker #064 (keycode 651), there are cells, a clip and shards.

▪ Go through the door (EFR Main Conveyer), through the next door (EFR Junction 5), and down the stairs to a swarm of Trites.

▪ Go down the next stairs to be swarmed by more Trites. Behind the stairs there are shards and a medkit.

▪ Exit through the door (EFR Main Conveyer) to a bridge (EFR Junction 6), to encounter Zombies. There are medkits and adrenaline.

▪ Go down the left corridor (as you face the wall) to encounter Soldiers. There are clips and shells in an alcove. Behind the crates in the corner, is armor.

End Scene:

▪ Find and follow the corridor to a stairway, then through a door (EFR Junction 7). A Soldier strikes.

▪ Go through the next door (EFR Junction 8), and watch out the window as your team exits in a transfer bay.

▪ At the end of the junction is another door to go through (EFR Junction 9), to encounter an Imp in an alcove. There are clips in the alcove.

▪ Go downstairs. There is a health station.

▪ Go to the locked door. There are some crates behind which are clips. On the floor is armor and an ammo belt.

▪ Go to and through the unlocked door.

The Vagary

▪ You see a cinematic introducing you to the Vagary. She slashes up close. From a distance she can hurl objects using her telekinetic abilities. She has 1300 health. Shooting her in the head does 2x damage. Once she is dead the transfer bay is unlocked, and takes you to the EnPro Plant.

EnPro Plant

▪ A cinematic sets the stage, then move forward (Walkway To Enpro). There is a container with shells, armor and a health station.

▪ There is an door for you to go through (Entrance). Behind a container are clips.

▪ Go up the stairs and they break as you go, then go through the Storage door to be attacked by an Imp, followed by a fat Zombie comes at you. There is a meager haul of shells

▪ There is an inactive security bot that activates when you approach it. Follow it through a door (Control 1).

▪ Go up a stairway, then through a door. There is a Heat Transfer Monitor Station on a console. Press the button labeled BEGIN VALVE ROUTING PROCEDURE. There is a PDA (Paul Raad) and shards on the console. There are shells on the floor. Around the corner, there is a console with aidekit.

▪ Continuing following the waiting bot. An Imp teleports in (how unusual). On a console (Maintenance 1), there are clips and a medkit. On a container is an ammo belt and cells. There is armor on the floor against a wall.

▪ Optional: At one point, you can diverge on a path around a pillar where you find a dead Marine lying before a door with a plasma gun, and aidekit. You are momentarily safe but all hell is breaking out for the bot. If you touch the gun or kit, Imps will transport in using both the cells and the health defending yourself. (Note: If the player missed the plasma gun earlier, does this make up for it?)

▪ Soon the bot goes through a door (Power Core Access), folds and turns off. Facing the bot, walk to the left, then to the right (going past a broken lift) for shards, a medkit and a clip.

▪ Optional: Continue to the end of the walkway. Cautiously jump over the railing to stand on a narrow slice of the walkway. There is a utility ladder on the wall. Climb down the ladder to another ledge on the right where you find ammo belts and armor/shards.

▪ Retrace your steps back to the inactive bot, continue forward (the bot being to your left), to find a utility ladder to go up.

▪ At the top, go forward to an office door. Entering, a cinematic introduces Forgottens which promptly attack. There is a Security Terminal with a button labeled UNLOCK DOORS RELEASE BRIDGE for you to press. Alongside console is a PDA (poor Teresa Chasar, was she one of the Forgottens you obliterated). There is a storage locker #063 (keycode 972). Inside is a plasma gun, cells and aidekit. forgotten

▪ Exiting the room, a host of Forgottens rush to greet you.

▪ Go towards the edge of the platform where there is no railing but there is a door across the way. The bridge extends.

▪ Cross the bridge, then go through the door (Power Core Access Hall), go through the next door (Chamber 1 Upper). A host of Forgottens attack.

▪ Continue down and along the ramp where another host of Forgottens attack.

▪ There is door to go through (Storage Hall). On one side are two shelves. On one there is a medkit, and a clip, and on the other shelf are cells.

▪ There is a door for you to go through (Chamber 2) with an Imp on the other side.

▪ A host of Forgottens attempt to thwart continuing forward, then an Imp and a Maggot teleport in.

▪ Continue forward to be attacked by Imps.

▪ Continuing on, there is a medkit by one of the consoles on the ramp, and armor at the other. A Maggot attacks.

▪ At the ramp’s end, there is a lift to go down (Main Elevator Shaft). Going forward (Chamber 2) to get a cell triggers a host of Forgottens.

▪ On the ground, at the left console, are aidekits. They trigger an Imp, followed by another. In the corner where the Imps teleported in, are shards.

▪ Go to and through the door at the end of the walkway (Lower Storage Hall) to be attacked by a Wraith and an Imp. Stepping into the large alcove triggers Imps, Imps, Imps. On a shelf is a medkit and cells. [Shoot Wraiths even when you can't see them as they don't teleport, they just become invisible.]

▪ Exit through the door behind the shelving (Chamber 1 Lower). Cross the bridge, then follow the ramp to a door (Reactor Control Room), and on the other side there is an Imp. There are cells on the ground. On a shelf there are clips and a plasma gun. There is also a Reactor Core Coolant Monitor with a button labeled REPLACE ROD 2 for you to press, followed by a cinematic of Swann and his body guard looking for something.

▪ Exit the room (Chamber 1 Lower). Moving forward triggers a host of Forgottens, and an Imp.

▪ Retracing your earlier steps, go back through the door that opens for an Imp attack.

▪ Go through the door (Lower Storage Hall), and moving forward a Maggot appears and a Wraith teleports in.

▪ Exit this room (Chamber 2) returning to the lift, and take it up. Stepping off the lift to head for the consoles, a host of Forgottens teleport in.

▪ Exit through the door (Storage Hall), to another door (Chamber 1 Upper). Follow the ramp and go through a door (Control 2 Hall). There is a clip and aidekit.

▪ Go through the next door (Control 2), and a Maggot and Wraith attack.

▪ Facing the console, go to its left side and meet the Imp awaiting in the dark. In the alcove are grenades, ammo belt and medkit. In the corner opposite and close to the alcove are clips and shards.

▪ Go down the stairway (Control 2) on the opposite end of the console, where a Maggot attacks.

▪ Walking down the left corridor, there is armor that triggers an alcove revealing a Maggot.

▪ Go back toward the stairs to the end of the little corridor, where an Imp attacks. There are stairs and to their right a Maggot awaits in the dark. There is aidekit under the stairs.

▪ Go up the stairs, and through the door (Plasma Control). A fat Zombie assaults.

▪ There are stairs going up to, then back down, a control panel. A fat Zombie assaults at the bottom. On the other side of the railing ahead, and under the pipes are shards in the corner, and aidekit.

▪ Go through the next door (Maintenance 2). An Imp attacks. Under the stairs are shells.

▪ Trot up the stairs, then turn right to more stairs, and a Wraith attacks.

▪ Going forward there is a door to go through (Maintenance 3). A Maggot attacks, followed by a host of Forgottens to teleport in.

▪ Go down the stairs, and you’re attacked by Imps.

▪ Go down the next stairs, under which are shards.

▪ There is a Plasma Storage door (keycode 734) on the other side of which (Plasma Storage) is a fat Zombie. There is a rack with scads of cells, medkit, plasma gun and armor.

▪ Exit the room (Maintenance 3), and up the stairs to the right. In a storage cage before you, there are clips, and a medkit. There is a door nearby to go through (Garage Exit).

▪ Pass through the doorway to see a cinematic of Swann and his bodyguard looking for a transmission card — the one you were given. A Wraith attacks. On the floor of the open area, behind a crate, is a PDA (Steve Hammer).

▪ Up the stairs, and enter the airlock to go to Communications Transfer.

Communications Transfer

▪ Walk/sprint out onto the Martian surface, veering right to get to the airlock (Airlock CT1) to the left of the garage door. Along the way, you’re attacked by Cacodemons. There are air cylinders, shards, shells and a medkit scattered around the platform.

▪ Inside (Service Room 1A), Kelly contacts you. You’re attacked by a Zombie, then by a Soldier, followed by a multitude of Imps and a Wraith. There is an aidekit and shards on a rake, with shards and boxes of delicious Sotoxi chocolates under the catwalk.

▪ In the next room (Service Room 1B), a Zombie attacks. On a crate is a medkit.

▪ Down the stairs there is armor, triggering two Imps. There is a medkit under the stairs.

▪ Continuing, you’re attacked by an Imp. There is a medkit nearby, and shells on a crate. (Before the vent, there is a Thermal Recovery Status panel with a button labeled SCAN that you might press, though it’s probably meaningless fun.)

▪ Continue around the bend to discover a vent (Maintenance Crawlspace). In the vent, to one side, is an aidekit, to the other side are shells. You’re attacked by a Zombie as you exit.

▪ There is a utility ladder that takes you back to the Martian surface. Go forward, then take a left, and another left, and a third left to a lift. All along the way, defend against a swarm of Trites. Scattered around the surface is oxygen aidekits and an alcove with oxygen and a medkit.

▪ Go up the lift (Service Tunnels), where you’re attacked by a Zombie. There are cells and armor in the Zombie’s alcove, which triggers an Imp attack. In the Imp’s alcove is an aidekit and shells.

▪ Go into the larger room to be attacked by an Imp. There are shards scattered around the crates.

▪ Climb the utility ladder against the wall. At the top, a Soldier assaults. There is armor on a container, triggering a Cacodemon.

▪ Continue to the next room, to be attacked from the walkway a Soldier, and (if you walk onto the walkway) Cacodemons. There is a large, sliding garage door that’s damaged, with one bottom corner ajar to go under and retrieve shard and an aidekit.

▪ Continuing into the garage, there is an aidekit around the corner, on the floor.

▪ At the end of the walkway, at ground level, there is a door. Going through, you see a PDA (James Holiday) on the ground. Approaching it triggers chainsaw Zombies. Killing one gets you a CHAINSAW. One alcove contains shards and an aidekit. The other alcove has an open box for the chainsaws with an instruction guide on safe use. There are shards scattered around.

▪ Exiting, you’re attacked by Zombies (if they haven’t already come through the door to contribute to the mayhem), and an Imp arrives. Scattered around the crates and shelves there are shards, cells and an aidekit. Look for a vent at ground level containing shards and an aidekit. Imps are occasionally triggered.

▪ There are stairs going up to a platform, and a security door to pass through (PRC – Support Area 1 Level). Ahead is a medkit. Going forward in the dark, there is an alcove to one side containing a fat Zombie. In its alcove are shells and shards. Another Zombie comes down the hallway. There is an aidekit and shards near the locked security door, ahead.

▪ Continuing along the hall, you are attacked by an Imp and a Pinky Demon spawns. Calling the elevator fails but it opens the locked security door.

▪ Go back to the security door, which is now unlocked, and go thru it (PRC Maintenance). AnImp is waiting.

▪ Walking around to the left, there are shards and an aidekit.

▪ Going back and past the door, there is a utility ladder for you to go up (PRC – Subsystem Control), where you’re attacked by a Cacodemon. Under the platform is an aidekit and a clip.

▪ Up the stairs, there is the Transfer Station 2 control panel. Approaching it triggers a Maggot, and gets you a new objective. There is armor and aidekit.

▪ Get on the transport lift. Use the control panel to turn the lift left, then forward, turn right, then forward twice. Ad you move forward the second time, A all opens revealing a Soldier. In the opening, there are shards, shells, cells and a medkit.

▪ Back on the transport lift, raise it to a platform with a door.

▪ Go thru the door (PRC Maintenance) and follow the corridor to the next door and go through. Attempting to cross, triggers an Imp.

▪ Go through the door at the end of the bridge (PRC- Support Area 2 Level). Kill the Soldier to the right.

▪ Go through the door there, and walk over the bridge to the next door (PRC Maintenance), to be attacked by a Soldier.

▪ Go to the right, and you’re attacked by an Imp.

▪ Passing through the door you see, there is a medkit, and cells.

▪ Take the bridge to the door at its end that you can go through (Unidentified), where a Wraith attacks you. There is a health station.

▪ Backtrack to the other side of the door where you chased and killed the Soldier (PRC- Support Area 2 Level). Move around to the other side and as you turn the corner at the end, there is a chainsaw Zombie. There is a console with a Security Station 01 panel that has a button labeled OPEN LOCKED to press. You have accomplished your mission. There is armor on the console.

▪ Backtrack out of the room (PRC – Support Area 2 Level), heading for the transfer lift (passing up a different lift on the way), and select MOVE TO STATION 3 – LIFT EXIT. On the way, an Imp attacks.

▪ Rotate lift left, then go forward, then rotate right twice, and jump off lift to platform.

▪ Go through the door (PRC – Subsystem Control), and a Zombie staggers at you. Left of the stairs, on the ground, is an aidekit and clip. Going for them triggers an Imp.

▪ Up the stairs, is armor sitting on a container. There is a console with a Security Door Control panel, and an OPEN LOCKED button you could press but never figure-out what for.

▪ Backtrack out the door (PRC Maintenance). At the edge of the platform is a utility ladder you can go down. There is a clip and armor on a cart. Behind the cart is a pillar, and behind it is an aidekit and shells. Behind the pillar opposite, there are shards on the floor.

▪ Jump back on the transport lift, and press TRANSPORT STATION 3 – LIFT EXIT.

▪ Get off the lift, to be attacked by a Cacodemon.

▪ Go through the unlocked door (PRC – Personnel Ready Room). There is a health station and armor.

▪ Moving to the other end of the room, the floor drops, and before you is a berserker pack to take making you fanatically crazy and strong. As Zombies stagger out of alcoves, you can punch them into smears.

▪ When the effect wears-off, a giant staircase awaits you. At the top, there is a door to go through (Service Room 3) with a fully engaged chainsaw Zombie.

▪ Enter the airlock (Airlock CT-1). When you open the other end, the Martian landscape is once again before you, in all its gory. Swann and Campbell are racing ahead to the garage..

▪ On the left of the road, is a stair leading to a path that goes to another airlock. There are Cacodemons along the way. At the other end of the airlock is Communications.


▪ Exiting the airlock (Communications Garage), Kelly calls to nag about getting the transmission out. (You have a flashlight problem for awhile.) There are shards on the floor, and around on crates. There is an aidekit at the foot of a crate. A Cacodemon attacks. There are two vents. (Do not go into the hole in the floor, and do not go into the vent in the corner of the wall.) There is another vent alongside the vehicle under the platform containing shards.

▪ NOTE: If at some point you need supplies, then return to the garage, and crawl into the vent in the corner of the garage to find cells and a clip. Jump across the gap for armor, then go down the ladder to get under the floor where there are shards. Exiting might trigger Imps.

▪ Go upstairs toward the elevator. Approaching the elevator triggering another Cacodemon.

▪ Call the elevator (Comm Main Elevator), then press COMMUNICATIONS.

▪ Exiting the elevator (Communications Access) triggers a wall panel to drop revealing a Soldier. To one side of the elevator is a panel, with an OPEN MAINTENANCE HATCH button for you to press. This opens the door/hatch to the alcove the dead Soldier was in. The open alcove hatch is alongside the open wall panel. Approaching the alcove triggers an Imp. In the alcove is armor, a clip and an aidekit.

▪ Go through the red door (Skyway), to discover an Imp in a windowed hallway. The lights flicker and turn off.

▪ Go through the next door (Communications Lobby). There is a console protected by Soldiers. There is a clip, and shard on the console. Security Terminal 1 has a button labeled COMMUNICATIONS LOCKED. Pressing this triggers a Cacodemon, followed by Soldiers.

▪ The, now, unlocked Communications security door is around the corner from the console. On the other side (Communications Access), is a health station.

▪ Go through the next door (Communications Hallway). To the right, you witness Campbell blowing up the communications with his BFG (Big Fucking Gun — and if you are good, you, too, can have one someday).

▪ Moving along the walkway triggers a Soldier at one end and a shielded Soldier at the other. There are shards under the walkway at one end, and shards and a clip at the other.

▪ At the end of the walkway, is another door (Communications Access).

▪ Go downstairs and through the next door (Main Communication Room). The equipment has been largely destroyed, so Kelly tells you to go the Satellite Control Center. On the console, there is a PDA (Seamus Blake), and an aidekit.

▪ Exit the room (Communications Access), and go up the steps where you’re attacked by a shielded Soldier.

▪ Approaching the red security door, Engineering Access, opens an alcove containing a Zombie. The alcove has shards, shell and a medkit. Taking them triggers an Imp to crowd the alcove.

▪ Go through the next door (Communications Engineering Unit 1). There is a Zombie waiting for you. There are cells, and shards in the vent from whence came the Zombie, and there is armor on a cart.

▪ Go through the next door (Comm Engineering Lift 1), to encounter an Imp and Soldiers. There is an aidekit and a clip.

▪ Call the lift. At the bottom is a fat Zombie and an Imp. In the alcove alongside the lift is an aidekit, shards and shells.

▪ Go through the door (Comm Engineering Unit 1), to encounter a Soldier on the walkway, and an Imp on a balcony. At the other end of the walkway, there is a medkit and a clip behind an equipment bay protected by a Soldier.

▪ Go into the next room where there is an Imp and a fat Zombie. There is an ammo belt where the fat Zombie was. There is a Flow Terminal Control panel with a button labeled OPEN ADDITIONAL AREA VENTING which opens a vent to the right of the panel. Inside the vent are shards and an aidekit.

▪ Exit the vent, then go down the stairs. There are shards in the corner opposite the stairs, and behind the equipment bay.

▪ As you approach the stairs (you have not yet climbed), a Maggots attack.

▪ Going up the stairs toward the red door opens an alcove and a Zombie stumbles at you flailing the arms of its headless body. In the alcove is an aidekit.

▪ Go through the red door. In the center of the walkway, is a medkit that triggers an Imp.

▪ Optional: There is a red door opposite the one you used to enter this area. In it (Comm Engineering Storage 1) is a fat Zombie.

▪ Optional: There is armor on the floor opposite the door that triggers more Zombies. (There are several good reasons not to disturb the explosive barrels in the little storage room, so you have to defend yourself in such a way as to not disturb either of the explosive barrels because you need them both undisturbed to climb on. Once the barrels are disturbed you cannot jump on them. If the game system prevents you from jumping on a barrel or you don’t want to bother, skip the options.

▪ Optional: Jump on a barrel to jump onto the container to jump up onto the catwalk. There is a medkit on the catwalk.

▪ Optional: Go through the door to discover cells and shards at the end of the catwalk, and the Imp(s) that attack.

▪ Optional: Backtrack down into and exit the storage room.

▪ Optional: Walk to the middle of the catwalk, then turn left.

▪ Go through the door off the middle of the walkway. At the end of the short walkway is an Imp, shards and an aidekit. Under the stairway are shards and an aidekit. While crawling around under the steps, a Soldier pops you one and runs.

▪ Go up the stairs, and move past the machinery to go through the red door (Comm Engineering Lift 2). An equipment bay falls. Climb onto it and walk ahead. There is a vent you can crawl in, containing an aidekit and a shard, which trigger an Imp attack.

▪ Ride the lift up, to be attacked by an Imp.

▪ Go through the next red door (Comm Systems), then go upstairs to engage a Soldier, and a shielded Soldier. Under both ends of the walkway are aidekits and shards. Go to the end of the ramp, down the stairs, at the foot of which there is a PDA (Ben Wolfe) and an aidekit.

▪ Go through the door (Comm Engineering Unit 2), to be attacked by Cacodemons and a shielded Soldier.

▪ Go through the Security Unit-k8 door (Security Office), combating the Soldier in the office area. Open storage locker #054 (keycode 246) in which are grenades, shells and armor. There are more grenades and cells on a nearby console. When you move to the main console, Kelly tells you from where the invasion is coming. There is a Sentry Deployment Control panel with a button, ACTIVATE SENTRY, for you to activate the sentry bot. (This walk with the bot is more dangerous than the previous walk because aliens will sometimes come from more directions than the bot can protect you. If the bot is destroyed, you can return to the security office to deploy another.)

▪ Along the way, you pass through Communications Engineering Unit 2, Communications Annex, and ends at Thermal Control. At one point you find shards, and an aidekit that triggers a Cacodemon. At another point, there is an ammo belt in a dark corner. Lastly, in Terminal Control, there is an aidekit, and behind a crate is an ammo belt. (You can backtrack later for this stuff.)

▪ The bot deactivates at an elevator (Comm Maintenance Elevator). Ride it up to level 3 (Satellite Control Access), where Kelly tells you that Swann is nearby. There is a PDA (Rob Finch) on the floor outside of the elevator.

▪ Go forward and through the door (Satellite Control Skyway), then through the Satellite Control door (Satellite Control Center). There is a console with an Orbital Communications Terminal panel. (Press whichever button you like as it does not affect the game actions, only the dialog.)

▪ Backtrack to the elevator (Satellite Control Skyway, Satellite Control Access, Comm Maintenance Elevator), and go down to Level 1, Maintenance.

▪ Upon exiting (Communications Maintenance), you engage a Zombie and an Imp. Another Imp attacks as you move down the hall. Before the next door is an aidekit

▪ Going through the next door to find Imps on a ledge waving at you, and a Soldier at the opposite door. (Curiously, there is armor on the ledge. Send me a postcard, if you figure out how to get over to it.)

▪ Going through the door, a Soldier attacks, then an Imp makes a splashy entrance. There is a health station. There are grenades and shells on a rack.

▪ Take the elevator (Comm Maintenance Elevator) to Level 3 - Communications, then backtrack (Communications Access) where you are shot at by a Soldier (Skyway, Communications Lobby).

▪ Enter the now unlocked transfer bay, and travel to Recycling Center 1.

Recycling Sector 1 (Monorail Skybridge)

▪ As you exit the bay (Outside) and start across a bridge, it collapses. The next airlock is to the right. Along the way there is oxygen and a medkit.

▪ Exiting the airlock (Access Hall), you’re attacked by a pinky. Around a corner is a Maggot and Zombie. There are shards and shells in the Zombie’s alcove.

▪ Go to the hall’s end, where there is a Marine hanging from the ceiling. Nearing it, a fat Zombie assaults, then a Maggot. There is a health station, a medkit and clips at the end of the hall.

▪ Go through the door (Storage 1). A cinematic plays to introduce you to the Revenant. Going up on any of the catwalks, triggers another Revenant

▪ Go up the tall ramp along the wall to trigger an Imp up top. In the closet are cells, ammo belt, shells, medkit and clips.

▪ Go through the door (Storage 2) at the end of the lower catwalk where a Pinky Demon attacks, followed by a fat Zombie lurking in the shadows where you then find an aidekit. There is adrenaline and shells on a container.

▪ Continuing on, there is an Imp in a corner. There are clips, and cells in an alcove.

▪ Go through the next door (Elevator Access Top Floor). A Maggot, and two Imps teleport in. There is a clip on a crate, and armor in a corner.

▪ Ride the lift down (Elevator Access Basement), where Maggots charge. Alongside the lift are cells, near the lift is a medkit on a shelf, with grenades and an aidekit in a corner.

▪ Going down the hall, an Imp attacks.

▪ Revenants attack at the stairway. Alongside the stairway are cells on a container.

▪ Continue by going the hallway that had the cells, at the end of which is armor. Nearby is a clip.

▪ Continue by going downstairs, and through the door (Main Tank And Pump Control). An Imp attacks. Continuing on, a Pinky Demons attack,

▪ Moving down the deadend hall, there is a short hallway to one side (Secondary Pump Room). In the room is a darkened alcove where several Zombies are hiding. A fat Zombie wobbles at you. There are shards where he was hiding. Two more come out from hiding in the shadows. Opposite your entryway, is a supply shelf with an Imp hiding behind it. On the shelves are a clip and an ammo belt. On the floor behind the selves are cells and shells.

▪ On one side of the room, there are stairs that go up to a catwalk under which are shells, and at the top of which awaits an Imp. There is a medkit atop a crate. There are cells behind a vertical pipe. You see a complex of large pipes. On one there is security armor that triggers an Imp.

▪ Returning to and continuing along the catwalk, a Imp attacks you.

▪ Going through the next door (Central Maintenance), an Imp attacks, and there is a Revenant at the top of the broken stairs.

▪ Go through the next door (Toxic Waste Processing) where you see toxic waste flowing. Jump over the gap in the broken catwalk (Central Maintenance). An Imp from an alcove. There is an ammo belt in an alcove.

▪ Continuing, and going up the steps, you see a shelf with an Imp hiding behind it. There is medkit and ammo on the shelf, and grenades on the floor behind it. A Maggot charges. There is armor behind some barrels in an alcove.

▪ Go up the next stairs. There is an aidekit in an alcove. There is an Imp throws down an equipment bay and charges.

▪ Going through the next door, you encounter an Imp. On the console is a PDA (Nick Sadowayj), and a video disk (“Maintenance Safety Video”). There is also a health station. On the console is a control panel with a button labeled EXTEND SERVICE LADDER to press, bringing down the ladder to the right of the console.

▪ Go up the ladder (Upper Maintenance Hall), and be attacked by Imps.

▪ There is a railing with pipes on one side of the console. Jump over the railing onto a thick pipe (Main Tank And Pump Control), then proceed to the catwalk on the other side. There is a Central Pump Control panel with a button labeled EXECUTE EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN to press. To one side of the wall is a shelf with a medkit, shells, clips and cells.

▪ Go into the short hall to one side of the panel stand, climb up an angled equipment cover (Central Maintenance), and take that ladder down.

▪ The platform has a broken staircase to get you down to the floor, then go through the far door (Toxic Waste Disposal) where an Imp throws a fire pie at you. In the toxic waste area, the waste is no longer flowing.

▪ A ramp that lets you down to floor level, where you walk to the opposite corner to go up the ramp there.

▪ Go up the stairs into the next room (Secondary Level Access). Imps attack. To one side of the entrance, there is an alcove containing a medkit and ammo belts. More Imps attack.

▪ On the wall, diagonally opposite the alcove, is a utility ladder to climb (Secondary Level). A medkit is nearby. Pinky demons attack further in. Look for the clips, cells and a health station. Down the hall there is a shelf with shards, cells and clips.

▪ Go through the door (Underground Tunnel 1). Trites come from every direction, and they are joined by an Imp.

▪ Go through the next door (Secondary Level). Around the corner is a medkit, cells and clip. A Maggot attacks.

▪ Move along the pathway (Toxic Waste Disposal) to the room’s end. At the door, a Revenant attacks from a platform across the waste.

▪ Step onto and follow the cobblestone path, in the midst of which an Imp attacks.

▪ Go through the door (Toxic Disposal Maintenance). A Maggot is hiding in a corner. There is a medkit on a container, and a PDA (Anthony Garza) on the console. Further into the room a Maggot attacks. There is a ROCKET LAUNCHER and medkits on a rack.

▪ Moving around the corner you are greeted by a Maggot, then an Imp. In an alcove there armor, shells and rockets.

▪ Go through the next door (Toxic Waste Disposal).

▪ Go through the airlock (Airlock 2) to find yourself on the surface. There is a Revenant high above and before you.

▪ Sprint to the left to find oxygen and a medkit. Before you is another Revenant that comes out of a shack. In the shack is oxygen and a medkit.

▪ Jump up the boxes as though they are stairs and continue jumping upward until you get to the catwalk. Sprint down the catwalk to the end, where you jump between two pipes to the ground.

▪ As you wait for the airlock to open, a Cacodemon attacks. There is oxygen alongside the transfer bay.

▪ Go to Recycling Center 2.

Recycling Sector 2

▪ Exiting the transfer bay (Pumpstation1B), go forward, and to the right there is an office door. Alongside the door is armor. In the office, there is a health station, and a PDA (Jeffery Moen) on the console. Press the button on the Primary System panel labeled REACTIVATE PRIMARY PUMP SYSTEMS. This starts a cinematic, followed by Imps coming through the office window.

▪ Go through the window, cross the room to the larger of the two pumps. Ride the pump piston to the catwalk above.

▪ Go through the door (Hall1B) at the other end of the catwalk. You’re attacked by Imps.

▪ Passing through the door, Forgottens fly at you.

▪ Go through the next door (Monorail Access), where you get a new mission. In storage locker #003 (keycode 483) are cells, shells, a clip and armor, with rockets on the floor.

▪ Continue down the hall (Gas Pump 1). There are Imps. As you step forward, Betruger tries to intimidate you. To one side of the door ahead, is a health station.

▪ Go through the door (Storagehall1). Defend yourself against a Zombie and an Imp. A Revenant might show up. Two Forgottens might appear on the other side of the storage room door. In the room, there is a self with shells and cells. In an alcove alongside the shelf, is armor.

▪ Go through the next door (Pipe Maintenance 1). An Imp attacks

▪ Going downstairs, a Revenant swaggers toward you.

▪ Continuing down the hall, An alcove opens releasing an Imp. The alcove also harbors rockets and a medkit.

▪ Following the hall, and around a bend, another alcove barely large enough to hold a fat Zombie opens. In it the Zombie has left behind the gift of shells.

▪ Moving right along, you come to a ‘T’ intersection (Central Pipes Junction). To the right, are a fat Zombie and a Zombie; to the left will come a Revenant. Take your pick.

▪ To the left: Go around, then down steps. Go right, and up steps.

▪ To the right: Continue around a bend, then around a corner. Moving forward, and Imp attacks.

▪ In either case, you arrive at the bottom of steps ascending to a storage cage. Going up triggers Forgottens. In the cage (Storage Room 1) are […?]

▪ Go out the door in the corner (Hazardous Material Control), for a Zombie assault. There is a shelf with cells and clips. There is a health station nearby.

▪ Proceed down the walk (Environmental Control). Press the VENT CONTAINMENT CHAMBER button on the Environmental Control panel to vent the hazardous gas. Imps and a Zombie attack.

▪ Now backtrack to the now unlocked Hazard door, (Hazard Room Maintenance, Storage Room 1 — attacked by Forgottens — Central Pipe Junction — attacked by a Zombie and a Revenant, then turn right and go down the stairs to the right where an Imp attacks.

▪ Proceed through Hazardous door (Hazardous material) where a Revenant attacks.

▪ Go through the next door, where Cherubs attack.

▪ Proceed down the hallway and use the health station if you need it. Before leaving get the armor and ammo belt on the shelf.

▪ Go through the next door (Lower Level Access), then up the stairs. Imps attack. Halfway up the stairs, is a shelf with clips.

▪ As you pass through the next door (Lower Lift Area), a Revenant attacks. Call the lift, and ride it to the bottom, meeting Cherubs.

▪ Go through the doorway, and meet the waiting Cherub. Pick up the ammo belt alongside the ramp.

▪ Ahead is a staircase you must go down(Underground Hazard), and it breaks as you reach the bottom. Underneath it, are shards. There is an alcove around with a clip and shells.

▪ Mancubus: The most powerful enemy in the game that isn't a boss. It has lots of healt, and packs rocket launchers for hands. As long as a wall isn’t behind you and you’re strafing you’re invincible against them. As you’re fighting the first, two more arrive. Once they are defeated, Cherubs attack.

▪ Go up the ramp along the wall, and take the catwalk to the end to be annoyed by a Cherub. Alongside the door, is an alcove with a health station. There is also a rack with clips and shards.

▪ As you pass through the door (Underground/Upper Levels), more Cherubs find you.

▪ Ride the elevator up (Environmental Control). Stride quickly along the corridor pressing the CYCLE VENT button on each Environmental Control panel to stop the gas leak. A Revenant is annoyed with you. Alongside the elevator, is a rack with cells, clips and medkits.

▪ Go up the stairs and through the door (Monorail Access), to find a PDA (Scott Johnson), a medkit and an aidekit.

▪ Go to and enter the Monorail access transfer bay to go to the Monorail.


▪ When you step out of the transfer bay (Recycling Facility Boarding), a cinematic plays to introduce you to a new monster, the Commando Zombie.

▪ Go to the right of where you start to find a PDA (Sam Harding) on a bench. There is a health station, and an open storage locker #003 containing armor, cells, clips, and shells.

▪ Enter the monorail, then walk to the engineer’s booth to press the Monorail Control button labeled ACTIVATE MONORAIL. (The Monorail travels through: MR Airlock 01, Debris Field 51-03, MR Airlock 02, Reclamation Grotto D-9, MR Airlock 03, Debris Field 52-06, and MR Airlock 04.)

▪ Exit the monorail when it stops (Site 2 Boarding Platform), and you get a new mission. Climbing down the utility ladder at the platform’s end, you find a medkit, armor and clips. Nearby the platform door there is a medkit and clips.

▪ Going through the door (Site 2 Transfer Area), you encounter a commando Zombie, a Soldier. Continuing on, there is an Imp, and Soldiers. In the corner, near some crates, are medkits and clips.

▪ Climb down the stairs alongside the entrance door, to find Soldiers. There is PDA (Gary Ross) on the floor. There is an alcove opposite the stairs with a medkit and shards.

▪ Climbing back up the stairs, and moving along the walkway, you’re attacked by a Zombie and a commando Zombie. Go down the stairs at the end of the walkway, to find armor on a top shelf. There are shards, clips and rockets around the shelf area. A Soldier and an Imp attack, followed by more Imps. Go forward (to the Soldier position), and in an alcove find cells, a medkit and shards.

▪ There are stairs opposite the alcove going up to another walkway. At the end, is a tall stairway. Before going up them, go under the stair to discover a vent containing a medkit, shards, an ammo belt and clips. Returning to the foot of the steps, Imps appear, along with a commando Zombie.

▪ Climb the stairway, and walk to the door at the other end where a commando Zombie busts out at you. In the office is a health station. There is also a PDA (Charles Hollies). In storage locker #054 (keycode 142), is armor, rockets, and shells. On the console is a Monorail Airlock – Site 2 panel with a button labeled OPEN AIRLOCK JUNCTIONS. Pressing it displays a keypad (keycode 826). In the office is a Robo Cola can with a few gulps of warm, flat liquid that tastes as bad as a fresh Dr. Pepper but it’s all there is. You can collect the empty cans to turn in at the end of the game for the deposits.

▪ As you backtrack to the monorail, Trites attack. Board the monorail and activate it.

▪ (The Monorail travels through: MR Airlock 05, MR Machine Room 06, Site 2 Access Walkway, MR Airlock 07, MR Storage 02, and MR Airlock 08.)

▪ When the monorail crashes (Delta Complex Walkway), go up the utility ladder to be attacked by a commando Zombie. Move to the other end of the platform to find a medkit and a clip.

▪ Back at the end of the platform to where you came up the utility ladder, go through the door there (Engineering Access Hatch 08). Trites sizzle at you.

▪ Go through the next door (Delta Complex Boarding). A commando Zombie runs from you. If you follow him, he attacks but if he has made it through the next door, he is joined by an Imp, a Zombie and Soldiers. At both ends of the platform there are utility ladders to let you down to cells and shards. On the platform, at a corner, there’s a bucket for you, if you could just find a mop you could clean up.

▪ Go through the Delta Labs door (Monorail Waiting Room). In the seating room, there is a medkit. Alongside the seating room door is a control panel with a button labeled CLICK TO DEACTIVATE ALARM. When the door opens (Security Junction), a commando Zombie assaults.

▪ Going through the next door (Monorail Security), and you’re attacked by Zombies

▪ Climb up the stairs, then go into the office to find a medkit and a PDA (Karl Cullen) on the console. The best part is the Robo Cola machine — stock up while you can.

▪ Exit the office, and go through the next door (Delta Approach West-Hall) to be attacked by an Imp.

▪ Move through the next door (Delta Complex Walkway). Approaching the next door, you’re attacked by a commando Zombie, followed by an Imp.

▪ Passing through the third door (Delta Approach East-Hall), then the fourth (Delta Security Checkpoint), another commando Zombie assaults. Sprint across and into the security office through the empty glass pane. On the console is a Security Station with a button labeled DEACTIVATE WEAPON TURRENTS for you to press. There is a doorway into another room with two storage lockers (keycode 364). Cabinet #078 contains medkits, shells, clips. Cabinet #079 contains armor and cells.

▪ Exit the office, and pass through security. The transfer bay that takes you to Delta Labs 1.

Delta Labs Level 1

▪ Exiting the bay (Delta Entryway), scavenger around for cells, a backpack, shards, and a PDA (Robert Price) which tells you the code for locker #21D (keycode 298). On a seat in front of the panoramic window is a copy of Martian Science magazine’s special edition on the UAC that you might enjoy reading.

▪ Go around towards the locked door. A corpse shatters the window alongside the door. Climbing through the empty pane (Delta Control Room) you find stations in two cubes, and a medkit. (You can press the buttons on the stations to start backups if you care to but it might not mean anything except to management.)

▪ Go down the hallway (Delta Systems Control), returning to the main console. Approach the Holo Controller panels to restore power to the labs by pressing either button labeled INITIALIZE POWER SYSTEMS. The controllers respond by displaying a message telling you a data linker is required.

▪ Leave the console, and walk forward, where a floor panel blows up. Go into the crawlspace, where you find shards, continuing through the vent.

▪ Exiting the vent, (Delta Main Lobby). All doors are locked, so move forward, then go left into the hallway (Delta Lobby Corridor).

▪ Go up the stairs to the middle area for the data linker next to the corpse, and nearby cells.

▪ Return through the vent and corridor to the Holo Controllers (Delta Systems Control), to activate the power. You still need to power up a reactor to get power.

▪ Leave the console by going down the stairs to the console’s right. Moving forward, you hear a computer voice saying, "Video linkup requested". Before you is a console with a Vidcom Access station, with clips. Kelly tells you about the problem with Delta Labs.

▪ Returning to the opening to crawl under the floor (Delta Control Corridor), an Imp shows you the way.

▪ Up and out of the floor (Delta Main Lobby), close around are two doors that had been locked. Moving forward into the lobby, an Imp attacks, followed by a Pinky Demon.

▪ Go into the corridor (Delta Lobby Corridor), moving forward (Delta 1 Access Lobby), there are two doors on either side of a platform.

▪ Go through the door to the right (Delta 1 Access Stairs), where an Imp attacks, followed by a commando Zombie. At the dead end, there is a medkit, armor and rockets.

▪ Return through the door (Delta Access Lobby), then go to the other door where a commando Zombie assails.

▪ Go through the door (Delta 1 Service Hallway), where an Imp attacks. There is a shard which triggers an Imp.

▪ Go through the next door (Delta 1 Service Area 1). To one side of the door are clips and shards. Zombies assault. In a corner is armor, triggering a Pinky Demon charge.

▪ Go to the door opposite the armor location, to be attacked by a commando Zombie from a alcove. There are shells in the alcove.

▪ Go through the door (Delta 1 Service Area 2), to be attacked by an Imp. There are cells on a crate next to the door.

▪ Go down the stairs. A Zombie assaults. Approaching the health station where it hid triggers a commando Zombie.

▪ Go through the door (Delta Service Warehouse). There is a clip on a crate near the door

▪ Drop down the broken stairs, to the warehouse floor. A host of Forgottens swarm at you.

▪ Moving toward the shelves, a Revenant attacks. Scavenger the area for adrenaline, shards, medkit and cells. There is an open maintenance hatch low to the floor with a medkit at its mouth.

▪ Crawl into the hatch passageway. At the end (Storage Room 21-D), are shells. Hiding alongside the shelving, a Cacodemon awaits. There is a medkit and clips on the shelf. Open storage locker 21D (keycode 298) to find armor, medkits, rockets and shells.

▪ Go through the door (Delta Service Tunnel 2), which triggers an Imp to come out of an alcove with the gift og fireballs. On the other side of the door , another Imp attacks.

▪ Jump down to floor level where you find shards on the floor, and an aidekit on a crate.

▪ Moving forward, a Revenant attacks, followed by Cacodemons.

▪ At the end of the walkway, there is a stairway to the left defended by a Cacodemon. To the right is an alcove with a barrel to blow up for the clip behind it.

▪ Climb up to the walkway, for shards, an aidekit and a medkit. You’re attacked by Imps and a commando Zombie as you go.

▪ Go back down the walkway stairs, then climb up the stairs opposite the alcove that the Cacodemon was defending (Delta Reactor Support).

▪ Take the lift down, to be attacked by Imps when the lift collapses. There is first aide and clips alongside the broken elevator. There is an inaccessible medkit.

▪ Across the room is a stair, at the top of which is a door, through which a Revenant comes.

▪ Go through the door (Reactor Support Hallway), to find an alcove containing a Zombie. There is an aidekit and shells.

▪ Through the next door (Delta Reactor Room), and you’re attacked by Forgottens.

▪ Go up the steps, and down the walkway to a utility ladder, near which is a clip. Climbing to the top, more Forgottens swarm.

▪ Follow the walkway around to the left, and as you approach the shard, a Cacodemon attacks. Continue to the end of the walkway for cells, an aidekit and shards. More Forgottens attack.

▪ Go to the door, triggering a Revenant to come it.

▪ Go through the door (Reactor Control Hallway), then through another door (Delta Reactor Control) into an office. The Primary Reactor Control panel has a button labeled INITIALIZE POWER for you to press to turn on the reactor. There is a pristine, collector’s edition of Game Hog for you to enjoy while you finish off the rest of the can of soda on the console — and remember to save that can.

▪ With your back to the console, go through the left door (Reactor Service Access). A Zombie assaults. There is a health station.

▪ Climb up the utility ladder, to be attacked by an Imp, followed by a Zombie. There is a medkit and shells on the floor, shards opposite the ladder, and an ammo belt alongside the crates.

▪ Climb up the next ladder to be attacked by Imps. Over the railing in front of the door. There is an aidekit and shards.

▪ Go through the next door (Delta Reactor Room). Cacodemons attack. There is a clip along left catwalk fork. A PDA (Brian Mora) along the right fork triggering Forgottens.

▪ Backtrack down the ladders (Reactor Service Access) to the reactor control room (Delta Reactor Control). Commando Zombies attack along the way.

▪ Go through the security door (Delta Reactor Engineering). An Imp attacks. There is armor on top of the equipment bay. Go down the stairs, to find a medkit under them.

▪ Pass through the next door (Delta Service Tunnel 1) and go down the stairs. Cacodemons attack as you move around the room. At the end of the room is a medkit.

▪ Climb the stairs of the other catwalk, then go through the next door (Lift Access And Storage), and a commando Zombie assaults.

▪ Ride the lift down, then Imps attack. Take a ream of paper for the kid’s printer (careful they don’t getcha on the video.).

▪ Go through the door, (Delta Authority Systems). There is a medkit on the console alongside the stairs.

▪ Climb the stairs to the top, where you’re attacked by a commando Zombie.

▪ Go through the next door, where you’re attacked by a Zombie. There is a health station. There are clips and shells on the shelves. Drop through the pipe gap in the floor to find armor.

▪ Ride the lift up (Delta Authority Junction). There is a Pinky Demon attack, followed by an Imp. Alongside the seating, there is an aidekit and shells.

▪ Go through the door (Delta Authority Archives), then down the hallway causing a gaggle of Zombies to assault. At the end of the hallway, there is armor and clips on a console. Down the steps, awaits a commando Zombie.

▪ In the next room, there is another commando Zombie.

▪ Go through the door (Delta Authority Lobby). There are commando Zombies waiting for you. There are shards near the door.

▪ Now go through the unlocked door (Delta Authority Hallway1), then through the next door (Delta 1 Access Lobby) for Cacodemons.

▪ Then through the next door (Delta 1 Access Stairs). There cells.

▪ Jump down the broken staircase, then along the corridor where a commando Zombie and a Revenant attack, followed by Soldiers.

▪ Move into and down the large corridor (Delta Lobby Corridor), at the end of which are Soldiers.

▪ Enter the elevator, and riding it up to Delta Labs Sector 2A.

Delta Labs Level 2 — South

▪ You exit the elevator (Elevator Lobby). Approaching the shard on the floor sparks Imps. There is also armor and a medkit on a cart.

▪ Go left or right along the hallway, then through the door (Main Lobby). There is a short, gruesome animation, followed by Imp attacks, followed by a commando Zombie and a Zombie. There are shards behind the equipment bay and shells in front of it. There are aidekits on the console. Crouch under the console to press a red button that opens a hatch containing shells, clip, armor and grenades.

▪ Go into the lavatory. There are shards on the floor in front of a stall with a fat Zombie playing possum.

▪ Exit back to the lobby, where Imps attack.

▪ Take the elevator up, and exiting it a commando Zombie assaults.

▪ Moving towards the next door triggers a wall to reveal an Imp. In the alcove is armor.

▪ Go through the next door (Front Hallway), and through the next (Records Office). Zombies stagger at you, and there is a fat Zombie in the cube closest the door. Farther into the room, commando Zombies attack. In one cubical there is a PDA (Peter Raleigh), in another clips, and another holds shells. As you go near the storage lockers to the left of the security alcove, there is another Zombie. In storage locker #112 (keycode 538) there are shards, cells, and a clip. [There is an office with broken windows. I cannot get through the empty panes standing on a box or otherwise.]

▪ Go through the next door (Office Hallway) to listen to Betruger taunt you. Continue to the next door (Central Corridor). In one end of this hallway, Soldiers and a Revenant attack.

▪ Pass through the unlocked door (Teleporter Control Lab). There is a medkit on the floor.

▪ Hop over the crate to continue down the hallway, then follow the sign for Test Chamber 1. Going through the door starts a cinematic. (There is an MCS Archive Panel with a button labeled DOWNLOAD FULL REPORT for you to press, thought it might make no difference). There is a health station.

▪ Backtrack to the central corridor, being attacked by a commando Zombie before, and a Revenant behind you.

▪ Go through the door labeled “Bio Labs” (East Hallway), then the next (East Lobby). A Zombie blowing another Zombie. A third Zombie comes out of hiding. In its alcove, is armor.

▪ Go through the next door Bio Labs door (Delta Bio Labs Lobby). A Zombie staggers at you, followed by Imp attacks. There is a clip on a console. Behind the equipment bay are shards, and a medkit.

▪ Go through the door (Examination Room D2-1). A fat Zombie tries to attack.

▪ Move along the hallway, through the door, into the examination room where a gaggle of Zombies drift toward you.

▪ Go through the door (Delta Junction 2), and down the hall. Imps attack.

▪ Proceed through the next door (Hazardous Materials). Zombies attack, followed by Imps. In the Zombie’s waiting place are rockets, shards and a clip.

▪ Approaching the Cryo-Storage Bins control triggers Imps. Press button 3 to have the bin staged. Push the nearby carton up close to the panel, jump onto it, then press button 6. Jump onto the bin before it’s taken away. Ride the bin until it’s stored, then jump onto the narrow ledge. Ahead is a backpack, and cells.

▪ Crouch into the vent (Maintenance Duct 32). Turn left to get an aidekit, and clips.

▪ Continue through the vent until you arrive at an opening. Dropping through (Delta Security Junction), you’re attacked by Imps.

▪ Along the hall is Security Chief M. Abrams office (keycode 931) containing a BFG in a display case. There is a control panel with a button labeled OPEN HATCH to release the BFG. There is a medkit on the floor.

▪ Exit Abrams Office, turning right, go through the next door (Delta Security). The Fire Suppression System panel displays a button labeled ACTIVATE OXYGEN PURGE for you to press. There is a medkit on the floor. Storage locker #116 (keycode 972) contains BFG charges, cells, armor and medkit.

▪ Go through the next door. On the console, is a Security Terminal control panel with a button labeled UNLOCK OFFICES to press, triggering Imps. There is a medkit on a console, and armor on the floor. There are cells alongside the equipment bay.

▪ Exit via Security door alongside console area, then go left (East Lobby), through the door (East Hallway), through the next door (Central Corridor) a Revenant and Imp await.

▪ Go through the Operations door (West Hallway) where an Imp attacks.

▪ Go through next door (Delta Operations), where another Imp attacks, followed by fat Zombies.

▪ With the door behind you, go down the hallway to the right and Steve Rescoe’s office. There is a PDA (Phil Wilson), and a medkit, armor and cells.

▪ Exiting and going left, Mal Blackwell’s office has a PDA (Frank Cinders).

▪ Exit right then follow the Records Storage sign, going up the stairs and through the Operations door. There is a Zombie. Move forward toward the office area, and an Imp comes out of hiding. There are cells in the Imp’s alcove. More Zombies attack. At a desk, is a medkit.

▪ Go up the steps, to be attacked by Zombies. Opposite the stairs, is Andy Chang’s office, in which there are grenades.

▪ Exit the office, pass through the Server door (Operations Server Room), where an equipment bay door is open displaying the glowing plasma inducer. Storage locker #114 (keycode 715) contains a backpack.

▪ Exit the office, and continue down the hall, then through a door. In the waiting area there are two Zombies. There is armor in a corner near the stuck elevator door.

▪ Move the box blocking the elevator doors, get in and ride it down (West Hallway). There is an aidekit on a seat.

▪ Move along, to be attacked by Zombies.

▪ Through the next door (Central Corridor), and attacked by commando Zombies.

▪ With your back to the door, turn left and go through the door (Teleporter Control Lab), and go up to McCormick. He gives you a video disk (”Teleportation Experiments”).

▪ Go through the door labeled Chamber 1 (Decon Test Chamber).

▪ Exit (Teleporter Chamber). Stepping onto the teleporter pad, the Teleport Station A control panel displays a button labeled ACTIVATE TELEPORTER SEQUENCE for you to press, teleporting you.

Delta Labs Level 2 — North

▪ Exit (Teleporter Chamber), and through the door (Research Access). There is an aidekit on the floor.

▪ Follow the hall (Observation Access), and a flaming Zombie assaults.

▪ Go through a door (Teleport Observation). The access card for that locked door is on a chair, and taking it triggers a Zombie.

▪ Exit the room, to be attacked by Imps. In their alcove is a medkit and shards.

▪ Return to the locked Biological Research Div door which opens with your card (Data Control Terminal). The are commando Zombies and Soldiers.

▪ Go up the stairs, then into the office area to the left of door “4”. On a console in the offices, there is a Supply Storage Area panel displaying a UNLOCK STORAGE DOOR button to press, unlocking the Storage 2 door.

▪ Go through Storage 2 (Service Area), where a Zombie assaults. There is armor at one end of the alcove, and rockets at the other. There is also a health station.

▪ Exit, then go through the door labeled 4 (Maintenance Corridor).

▪ Move along the corridor, and when you hear Betruger laugh, a commando Zombie, a fat Zombie and an Imp attack. In the hall are steps alongside an equipment bay. On the console is a PDA (Francis Erikson). Storage locker #103 (keycode 259), contains cells, shells and a medkit.

▪ Continue along the hall to the Central Access security door. Go through the door (Central Processing), to encounter commando Zombies, an Imp and a Zombie. There is armor on a console, and a medkit, and clip behind the equipment bay.

▪ The hallway (Common Area Access) continues at the other end of the room. An Archvile appears. There is a medkit and adrenaline in the kitchen.

▪ Exit the kitchen into the corridor (Research Lab Corridor). An Imp attacks as you move forward. At the end of the corridor are shards, and an aidekit

▪ In the corridor is a locked security door. Approaching it unlocks it, and a commando Zombie flies out.

▪ Go through the door (Supply Lift Access), to be attacked by a Soldier. In a work alcove, there are shards.

▪ Get on the nearby lift, and ride it up. Moving along the corridor, you arrive at a balcony (Upper Office Corridor). An Archvile spawns below you.

▪ Crawl into the nearby vent (Ventilation Duct). Near the end, you find shards to your right, and to the left is an opening.

▪ Jump through the opening (Specimen Research Lab). Dr. Michaels talks to you. There is a health station in the lab. In a side room are storage lockers #216 containing cells, shells and an ammo belt, and #217 containing armor, a BFG charge and grenades (keycode 624).

▪ Returning to the lab, you see a hallway blocked with debris that you climb into (Research Control). Reaching the end of the corridor, there is an Imp walking in the opposite direction.

▪ Stepping into the room, an Archvile appears. Commando Zombies attack. There are aidekits under the table in the next room.

▪ Go through the next door (Stasis Chamber). (You can go around to the specimen displays and download the interesting report files strictly for your amusement.)

▪ When you attempt to go through the security door on the left, you find it locked but you get a new mission.

▪ Go through the other door (Stasis Control Junction). You hear a voice asking for the hatch to be opened. Go up the steps. To the right is the Maint 04 door. Alongside it is a control panel displaying a button labeled OPEN SERVICE HATCH for you to press, causing the Maint 04 hatch to slide open.

▪ Go through the hatch (Maintenance Area 4), and climb down the utility ladder. Following the narrow corridor, there is an Imp at the end. Next, you see the person it killed at the bottom of a utility ladder, and his PDA (Jacob Stemmons) is alongside him. Climb the utility ladder to find a medkit, armor, cells, and clips. Climb down the ladder to backtrack out of Maint 04 door.

▪ Go through the door alongside Maint 04 (Stasis Transfer), and an Imp leaps.

▪ Go to the right, then down the steps to the Chamber Deployment Station panel which displays a button labeled ACTIVATE CONVEYOR to press. Walk around to the exposed area of the conveyor so you can follow the moving specimen tube. (There is more than one tube coming.) The path beyond the specimen tube’s glow is dark. Along the way, Imps pop out of the darkness to attack. If you choose, you can abandon the tube(s) to scavenger the area. After the first attack, find clips in Imp appearance area; second attack presents a crate with a weapon on top of it which if you reach out for it causes the floor to drop and more Imps to attack, and when the smoke clears, you can find shards, a medkit, cells, and a utility ladder to take you up; after the third attack, in the walkway to the right there are cells, and armor; the final Imp attack is at the end of the conveyor, and there are shards and a clip under the walkway.

▪ At the conveyor’s end, go up the stairs, then through the door (Stasis Transfer Control). In storage locker #213 (keycode 371) are cells, clips and shells. There a health station nearby.

▪ Go through the next door (Stasis Transfer), and out of a darkness as dark as management’s heart an Imp attacks. There are clips under the platform.

▪ Walk along the tube pathway. After the next Imp attack, there are rockets in the former Imp’s location.

▪ Go through the door (Lift Access). Imps attack. There is a cell nearby and a video disk (“Specimemn Stasis Museum”). Kick back and relax with a Thirsty Burst, wondering why there are no snack machines.

▪ Ride the lift to the next floor. Getting off triggers an Imp. There are shards in the Imp’s alcove that trigger another Imp.

▪ Go through the next door (Analysis Control). The History channel has a great program about the SoulCube. You can entertain yourself by going over to the MXR Imaging Scanner control panel and pressing the FOCUS SCAN MATRIX button. When you get bored, press the UNFOCUS SCAN MATRIX button — or not. Go to the far console, where there is a health station. On the console is a PDA (Larry Bullman), shards, and a video disk (“Soul Cube”). At the opposite end of the room, down a stairway, there is storage locker #666 with a sTicky note on the panel. The keycode is written on it. Open the cabinet to release the fury of a pissed-off Imp. In the back, is armor.

▪ Proceed through the next door (Research Control Corridor). An Imp attacks, followed by a commando Zombie.

▪ Continue through the next door (Central Processing).

▪ Moving right triggers commando Zombie assaults. Walking straight ahead from the door you entered, triggers an Imp attack. In Elizabeth McNeil’s office (poor Beth), is her PDA on her desk.

▪ Exit Beth’s office, and go to the Storage 07 door (keycode 725) opposite hers (Secure Storage). On the shelves are cells, clips, armor and rockets. There is also a Martian Buddy storage locker (keycode 0508) containing armor and a BFG charge.

▪ Exit and go to the remaining locked Level 3 Access security door (keycode 463). Go through the door (Level 3 Access), where you’re greeted by an Archvile and what it summons.

▪ Enter the elevator and ride it to Delta Labs Sector 3.

Delta Labs Level 3

▪ Exiting the elevator (Level 3 Entrance), move forward triggering a Zombie attack, followed by a commando, then a Soldier. There is a medkit on the floor.

▪ Go through the next door (Chamber 1 Access). There are armor and cells in an alcove.

▪ Go through the door labeled Security Station 1 (Security Station 1). There is a health station. There is Security Terminal 1 panel in the back displaying a button labeled OPEN LOCKED to press.

▪ Exit the office, and through the now unlocked security door (HST Observation). There is a bathroom door with shards before it for you to go into (Level 3 Lavatory) to be attacked by a Zombie and a commando Zombie. There are armor, shells and clips in the handicapped stall.

▪ Exit to encounter an Imp. Go through the next door (Lower Terminal Office). When you go in the lights go out, and an Imp, and solder Zombies start an assault. There are shards near the Robo Cola machine. The main desk has an ammo belt and a PDA (Frank Cerano). Another desk has clips.

▪ There are steps up to a door to go through (Lower Chamber 1 Terminal). Commando Zombies assault along with a Soldier.

▪ Across from your entry door, is another door for you to go through (Chamber 1 Control). There is a health station. On a desk is a PDA (Han Lee). There is a Decontamination Chamber Panel displaying a button labeled CYCLE CHAMBER to press.

▪ Exit to survive an Imp and Soldier attack, then go through the now unlocked chamber door (Decon Chamber 1 – Lower).

▪ Exiting the chamber (T1 Observation – Lower), an Imp and a commando Zombie assault.

▪ Go through the next door (T1 Access). There are two storage lockers, #386 containing medkits, an ammo belt, clips, and #387 containing armor clips, rockets, grenades and medkit (keycode 836).

▪ Continue through the next door (Teleport Station 1). A commando Zombie and a Soldier attack.

▪ Going through the door (Upper Elevator Access) opposite the one by which you entered, where there are shells and clips next to the corpse which triggers an Imp to spawn.

▪ Return to the teleport room, and go to the console. There is an MCS UPLINK panel with a button labeled TRANSFER MCS ACCESS PERMISSION TO CONTROL STATION for you to press. This raises another panel on the console, Control Station 1 with a button labeled SCAN FOR ACTIVE PADS to press. In a moment the scan is completed, and there is a display of buttons. Press PAD 2 BALCONY. Go to the teleporter, and walk into the beam. On the pad’s panel, press ACTIVATE TELEPORTER SEQUENCE.

▪ After teleportation (T1 Observation – Upper), go through the door (Decontamination Chamber 1), and a Revenant spawns. There is a medkit by the door.

▪ Proceed to the second decontamination (Decon Chamber 1 – Upper). In the next room, a commando Zombies assault.

▪ Go through the door labeled Storage 03-2 (Chamber 1 Storage). A Soldier Attacks. There is armor, and cells. Using the health station spawns an Imp.

▪ Exit, then go through the door (Chamber 2 Access), to be attacked by a Revenant, a Zombie, and an Imp.

▪ Go into the security station (Security Station 2). There is adrenaline on the console, and a health station. On the console is Security Panel 2 displaying a button labeled OPEN LOCKED to press, opening the door to the upper elevator access, and triggering a commando Zombie. On shelves, there are clips and shells.

▪ Exit the station, and go through the doorway to the right (Upper Terminal Office). On a desk there are cells. On the floor of a cube, are shards. There are grenades on the floor in a corner.

▪ In the conference room there is armor.

▪ Go through the bloody security door that is now unlocked. An Imp attacks.

▪ Go through the next bloody door (Terminal Processing). Then go left, and down the steps (Upper Terminal Office). In the first office, there are grenades on one desk, cells on the other. Exiting this office spawns an Imp. In the next cube are medkits, which triggers a Soldier. Moving around the corner triggers an Imp. There is an aidekit, and clips alongside the equipment bay.

▪ As you move up the steps and around the corner, a floor plate opens and an Imp crawls out. Drop into the floor opening (Processing Subfloor), crawling through it (Chamber 2 Terminal).

▪ Go through the door alongside the Storage 03-3 door (Chamber 2 Control). A commando Zombie attack, The Decontamination Chamber panel displays a CYCLE CHAMBER button to press. There are grenades and rockets on the floor.

▪ Exit, then go through the door labeled Storage 03-3 (Chamber 2 Storage). There is a health station. There are rockets, cells, shells and clips on the floor. Behind a couple of obstructing barrels, is armor. Blowing the barrels cause an Imp to appear.

▪ Exiting, go forward (without falling through the floor), then left. Go through the door around the corner to the right (T2 Pad 1) for a medkit, clips and shards. And an Imp.

▪ Exit, and go through the remaining door (Transporter Station 2). A Revenants arrives. The console has an MCS UPLINK panel with a button labeled TRANSFER MCS ACCESS PERMISSION TO CONTROL STATION to press. This raises another panel on the console, Control Station 2 with a button labeled SCAN FOR ACTIVE PADS to press. In a moment the scan is completed, and there is a display of buttons. Select PAD 3 - STORAGE. Step on the portal, then activate it.

▪ Step off the pad (Lower Storage). There is armor. An ammo belt is on a shelf, and cells on the floor, and clips on another shelf.

▪ Go out the security door (Lower Elevator Access). There are shells and a medkit.

▪ Go through the next door (Level 3 Common Area). Attacks are made by more baddies than you can shake a rocket launcher at: commando Zombies, a Revenant, Soldiers and Imps. There is a health station nearby.

▪ Go through the door (Hydrogen Storage Transfer), an Imp attacks, and as you continue along the catwalk a Revenant attacks.

▪ Go through the door (Chamber 3 Access), then another (Chamber 3 Terminal). A Imp jumps at you.

▪ To the left is a door. Go through it and the next door (Chamber 3 Control Access).

▪ Climb down the utility ladder. Stepping off at the bottom causes a wall to open revealing an Imp.

▪ Climb up the stairs, then go through the door (Chamber 3 Control) at the top. There is armor, grenades and rockets. There is a Decontamination Chamber panel displaying a button labeled CYCLE CHAMBER to press. There is a health station in the room.

▪ Exiting, you’re attacked by a Revenant. Climb back up the ladder to encounter an Imp.

▪ Backtrack (Chamber 3 Access, Chamber 3 Terminal) past the Security Station 3 door, the out the door, around the corner, down the stairway, and through the door at its foot (Decontamination Chamber 3).

▪ Exiting the chamber, a commando Zombie assaults. On the floor are medkits and cells to one side of the door, and shells and clips to the other behind crates.

▪ Moving to the teleport chamber (Telepoprt Station 3). Gets the attention of a Revenant and a commando Zombie, with an Imps close behind. There is a Control Station 3 panel on the console with a display of buttons. Press PAD 4 - HALLWAY. Step on the portal, and activate it.

▪ At the end of the teleportation (Lower Terminal Office), there are shards alongside the pad. The office storage room is now open, and storage locker #317 (keycode 841) contains medkits, clips, rockets, armor and an ammo belt.

▪ Jump on the crates in the room, using them to climb to an pen vent (Vent Shaft). The vent exits with a drop (Hydrogen Transfer Storage).

▪ Backtrack by taking the door at the end of the walkway (Chamber 3 Access), and the next door (Chamber 3 Terminal), and the door at the bottom of the steps (Teleport Station 3). Use the teleports to go to Pad 2 – Security (Security Station 3). In the station, there are cells. There is also a PDA (Marten Shultz).

▪ Use the door’s control panel to exit the station (Chamber 3 Terminal), then use the door to the left, go down the stairs, and through the door (Teleportation Station 3). Teleport to Pad 1 - Exit.

▪ You arrive at the other end of the destroyed bridge. Nearby the arrival pad is a transfer bay taking you to Delta Labs Sector 4.

Delta Labs Level 4

▪ Exit the bay (Delta4 Juntion1), then Go down the hallway and through the door (Delta4 Junction2).

▪ Go to the left, causing a chainsaw-Zombie to charge.

▪ Proceed to the next door (Delta4 Security Check In), which leads to a small hallway.

▪ Go through that door (Delta4 Main Ready Room). There is another chainsaw-Zombie.

▪ Go to left, again, down a short hallway and at then is an office door (Delta4 Security). On the first panel the keycode (579) for locker #104. Go to the back wall and open the locker. Inside is are rockets, armor and an ammo belt. There is a health station nearby.

▪ Exit (Delta4 Main Ready Room), then move directly down the hall to the door opposite. After the cinematic that introduces you the Hell-Night, one of the Delta Labs "volunteers" comes out followed by Hell-Nights.

▪ As soon as they die, you'll be sent through the portal to Hell.


▪ You go through the teleporter and have nothing but the health and armor with which you arrived. Your stamina, however, never runs out. To the right is armor, a pistol, a shotgun and ammo for both.

▪ Head toward the skull gate ahead of you, then go up the stairs, and into the transport beam.

▪ At the other end, a cage closes in around you. It drops, landing on a slab of rock to be attacked by Imps. There are shells on the glowing yellow icon.

▪ Walk across the bridge, going straight into the hallway all the way to end. There are more shells.

▪ Continuing forward to a cavernous room. The back wall opens, and a Hell-Night emerges.

▪ There is a room to the left with two entranceways. There are Cherubs inside. There is armor and shells.

▪ Exiting back into the hall, go straight ahead into another room with a Cherub and an Imp. There are aidekits. In the main room, towards the exit, there is an aidekit next to a CHAINSAW.

▪ In the room with red steam rising, to the left is a CHAINGUN and ammo belts, triggering a wall to move back revealing more health packs.

▪ Go left. Once you reach the back of the room two Imps spawn. (You have to spawn them to move on.)

▪ Returning to the main room, an entrance opened, and a host of Forgottens rush you.

▪ Move ahead into the next area, which is a void. There stones floating before you and an entrance at the other end of the void. Before continuing, behind a pillar to the right for medkits and armor.

▪ As you jump across the stones, Forgottens attack. Along the way are medkits on a rock.

▪ At the entrance to a another area, is an aidekit.

▪ Down the hallway, are bars and Forgottens.

▪ Move in and to the right. A wall opens, releasing a Hell-Night, followed by spawning Imps. One Imp opened an alcove with medkits, an ammo belt, shells and a chain gun. There are also aidekits at the end of the hallway you had been going down.

▪ Return to the area that was blocked by the bars that is now open. Entering the area generates a Cherub and a mancubus. The Cherub chain-spawns (killing it spawns another).

▪ Proceed in the direction from which came the mancubus. There is an ammo belt at the foot of a column. Beyond it are aidekits, a PLASMA GUN and cells. Taking the gun causes the floor to cave-in

▪ Before you is berserker gear. Taking it triggers Imps. When the power subsides, a wall with shards in front of it at the back of the cavern opens releasing a Hell-Night, followed by Imps. Inside are shards, shells, cells, rockets and an ammo belt.

▪ In the main cavern, another wall will crumble and another Hell-Night comes out.

▪ A final wall opens to reveal a room to the right of your starting point (glowing symbols in the stone floor lead to it). Inside is a PDA (Simon Garlick), cells, medkit, ROCKET LAUNCHER, rockets and an ammo belt.

▪ At the back of the room is a door. You'll see a walkway. As you walk towards it, mancubus’ spawn.

▪ Go down the walkway, into a cavern. Another mancubus spawns above you.

▪ Head through the cavern for Forgottens, then proceed up the stairs. An Imp attacks and a mancubus. There are medkits, rockets, an ammo belt, and cells behind bent bars on a ledge. You can kill the other mancubus from here if you didn't before.

▪ Opposite the bars and ledge there is a hallway to a door. Expect Imps.

▪ Go through the hallway, to an Imp attack.

▪ Go through the door. There are a host of Forgottens and a lot of fire. The fire ends when the souls are dead. Imps ambush you as you go through the door.

▪ Head out to the walkway over the lava. Forgottens spawn. To the right, there is a medkit. Take the stairs heading down into the lava area. There is armor.

▪ Return, then cross the bridge, go up the stairs. Forgottens swarm.

▪ Go down the hall, grab the ammo belt, medkit and shards in the alcove to your left, triggering Zombies.

▪ Go through the door, and a Hell-Night attacks accompanied by Forgottens. There aidekits on the floor.

▪ Open the next door, where a Hell-Night waits, followed by Imps. There is an aidekit and shards.

▪ Go to the back of the room, where another Hell-Night spawns. There two plasma canisters, a BFG charge, medkits , an aidekit and an ammo belt. They trigger a Hell-Night. At the edge of the cliff, there is a BFG, spawning Forgottens.

▪ Wither your back to the bent bars, go left causing a Hell-Night to stomp at you, followed by Forgottens and Cherubs.

▪ Go into the next room. There is a Forgotton

▪ Climb up the stairs, and into the room with the red steam rising. Go rightward where there are shells, ammo belts, medkit and shards. A mancubus attacks. There is a medkit on a rock.

▪ Go up the stairs to the next room. Open the door to a mancubus. In an alcove, there is an ammo belt and aidekit.

▪ In the next room, there is a mancubus and a Cherub. There are rockets to one side of the door.

▪ Proceed down the hall, go up the stairs, then continue to the end. In this room, there are medkit, armor, cells and rockets. Around behind the teleporter beam, to the far side and up the rock pile, are more cells and BFG charges.

▪ Make sure all your weapons are reloaded, then step into the teleporter.

▪ The Guardian: A huge beast that spawns three seekers. The beast cannot find you very well on it's own, and if you kill all three seekers, a blue sphere will appear over it's head. That is the part to fire at because that is where it is vulnerable. Listen to the soul cube.

▪ When the guardian is dead, pick up the soul cube near it.

▪ Step through the teleporter beam.

▪ Make your way down the stairs and use the screen to ACTIVATE TELEPORT SEQUENCE to go to Delta Labs Level 5.

Delta Complex

• Betruger's voice come over the announcing system. You're in the main portal room (Teleporter 4 Main Chamber) in Delta Labs 5, without weapons or a flashlight. Ahead and to the right are open containers with a medkit , a MACHINE GUN, clips, a PISTOL and bullets.

• Continuing to the back of the room, a grate in the floor is open. Jump down (Sub Floor) and a FLASHLIGHT appears in your hand.

• Follow the ducting (Service Duct). There are shards and GRENADES at one point, and clips at another.

• There is an overhead opening in the duct. A Soldier is in the room. Climb up (Teleporter 4 Entrance Hall), and pick up the dead Soldier’s CHAINGUN.

• There is a bay door and opposite it a regular door—go through the regular door (Teleporter 4 Entrance). A whip-solider chases you. Continue down the hall for a CHAINSAW, armor and an ammo belt.

• Backtrack to the bay door (Teleporter 4 Entrance Hall). Alongside it is an ammo belt.

• Go through the bay door (Level 1 Airlock). Down the hall (Teleporter 4 Access) Trites clatter and hop. [The end of the hall is Hydrogen Storage Transfer.]

• Proceed down the hallway (Level 1 Elevator Access) that branches-off, and a Soldier teleports in. Continuing, and a wall panel falls open and a Soldier spawns. In the alcove is a plasma gun, 2 plasma canisters, 2 clips, a aidekit and a pack of hand grenades.

• Continue down the hallway into the damaged shaft (Elevator Shaft). To the right is a utility ladder to climb. There is armor at the top.

• Crawl into the duct (Elevator Vent Duct). At the end, is an opening, and a chaingun Soldier patrolling below.

• Jump down (Delta Service Tunnel1), then downstairs where a whip-Soldier comes around the crates. There is a SHOTGUN and clips outside the crates. Inside the crates are shells and another clip. An Archvile attacks.

• Proceed through the warehouse, and a bay door opens at the end releasing an Archvile, then a whip-Soldier. In the bay are plasma canisters and shards.

• Exit the bay, and climb up the stairs to the walkway. Another Archvile shows up, followed by a whip-Soldier.

• Proceed through the door, then take the lift down (Lift Access And Storage). A chaingun-Soldier bursts through the door.

• Go through the door (Delta Authority System). A Revenant tries to toast your lunch.

• Go through the next door, then the next door (Delta Service Elevator).

• Take the elevator up (Delta Authority Junction).

• Go through the door (Delta Authority Lobby). Elliot Swann is sitting on the floor, injured. Take his PDA (Elliot Swann). He explains that Sarge has turned.

• Go past the console, and through the door (Delta Authority Hallway1).

• Jump down the open panel on the floor (Delta Main Lobby), then through the duct. Continue until you come to a utility ladder. Climbing up, there appears to be nowhere further to go. Jump across the gap, and follow the middle duct. There is a rack with shards, cells, medkit and shells. There is armor on the floor.

• Use the Maintenance Access panel to extend the service ladder. Climb down the utility ladder (Delta Main Lobby) into the lobby (you saw in Delta Labs 4). An Archvile appears, spawning a whip-Soldier. Killing the Archvile spawns another, along with another whip-Soldier. There is medkit and a clip to the right of where you climbed down, and there is armor hidden in the tentacle area straight ahead from the stairs. In the corner behind the information kiosk, is a PDA (Bruce Jackson).

• Go back up the stairs, then through the security door (CPU Access).

• Go down and around the corridor to encounter a Revenant. There is a medkit to one side of the room, armor and clips to the other. Jump over the railing and walk along the service area, and at the one end there is an ammo belt. (For some id software humor, just before the bay door is an Information Terminal at which you can download the "Pointers to remember when opening sacrificial portals".

• Open the bay door and exit Delta Labs to move on to Central Processing.

Central Processing

• Go down the hallway after the bay door opens (Entrance Checkpoint), bearing left. There’s a glass window on your left, that breaks as Imps teleport in. Proceed through the window for a shells and bullets on the console. A Security Locker Access panel on the console displaying an OPEN SECURITY LOCKER button opens a security locker to your right, containing armor. There is a health station nearby. Storage locker #452 (keycode 571) contains a ROCKET LAUNCHER, rockets and grenades.

• Go through the office door (Main Entrance Hall), then left to a hallway, where an Imp and Cherubs attack.

• Continue down the hallway. There is a door on the left (Office1), and opening it triggers an Imp.

• Further along, there is another door on the left (Office2), containing shards, cells, clips and shells on a rack, and an ammo belt on the floor.

• At the end of the hallway an Archvile spawns, and a Cherub attacks. There is also a door requiring a code.

• Backtrack to the area with an office area with broken windows, to be attacked by an Imp. Jump-crouch to get in. There is a health station. There are shards and shells.

• Exit back out of the office, and go diagonally across the floor to the door with the red arrow.

• Turn around and head toward a green security panel. The door opens as you approach.

• Go through (Security Monitoring), then jump across the hovering panels.

• Through the next door is a security area, passing through it to the offices. Entering, an Imp and a swarm of Trites spawn.

• Head straight to the back of the room (with the yellow lights), where whip-Soldiers attack.

• EASY: Go right from the entrance, down the stairs, then to the console. There is a panel to select the security cameras and a monitor showing their images. Pressing MAIN ENTRANCE HALL triggers a Trite surprise. Pressing LAB A MEETING ROOM shows a room with a predominant "627" on a projection screen (and that’s the code for which you’re looking).

• HARDER: Go to the left of the entrance. There are shells, clips and cells. Continuing on, there is a Secure Locker Access panel displaying a button, OPEN MAINTENANCE STORAGE HATCH, to press. Exit, keeping the wall to your left, bring you to the open hatch in the wall (behind the twin equipment bays). Crawl in for a PDA (Tony Bates), and shells. (The PDA audio log mentions the code.)

• Backtrack to the security door. On the way (Main Entrance Hall), an Archvile and Cherubs attack.

• Go through the door (Lab A Entrance), turn right, then go down the hall. You'll see a cinematic of the hall melting into a hellish pit.

• Crossing the floating panels to the next section of the hall, continue through the door (Lab A Lower Floors). There is a short server rack ahead, and behind it is armor.

• With your back to the entrance, turn right and go down the passage. Cherubs ambush.

• HARD: Move past the elevator labeled “1-2 CPU Lab A”, then around to a door (Lab A Meeting Area), where Cherubs, Imps and Wraiths want your attention. There are shells, clips, bullets and cells nearby. On a console is a PDA (Charlie Haskell). Go through the security door (Lab A Entrance) to another hellish looking area. Jump across the lava for an ammo belt, armor and rockets. Backtrack to the elevator, fighting an Imp and a whip-Soldier on the way, with Cherubs awaiting you by the elevator.

• EASY/CONTINUE: There is an elevator labeled “1-2 CPU Lab A” to the right. Ride it up to CPU Banks K-T.

• Exit (Lab A Upper Floors) and a Wraith greets you.

• Head straight, bearing right. An Archvile spawns.

• Go around the large server cluster in either direction, to the elevator labeled “2-3 CPU Lab A” on the other side.

• Take it up (Elevator2), and exit to an Imp and a cheery group of Cherubs.

• Go straight back (there is an alcove along the way with grenades), then right. A whip-Soldier comes through the door ahead. And a wrath attacks from the office as you pass. In the office, there are clips on one console, and an aidekit on the other. There are clips on the floor behind some cables. There is armor in an alcove behind a carton.

• Go through the door (Lab A Upper Floor Offices), where Imps have an ambush.

• SAFE: Jump across the horns coming through the floor

• RISKY: Go through the office area to be attacked by Imps and a Cherub. On a rack are shells, cells and shards. There are shells on the console.

• Get to the other side of the obstruction in the hallway, and go through the door (Lab A Upper Floors).

• Follow the path around, and an Imp attacks. There is storage locker #669 (keycode 468). There is armor, cells, and grenades. There are also medkits and the panel you’re seeking in open locker #009 triggering an Imp and a swarm of Trites.

• Exiting, an Archvile spawns.

• Backtracking to the elevator, passing the horns triggers Cherubs.

• Take the elevator labeled “3-2 CPU Lab A” down (Lab A Upper Floors), where Wraiths hunt you.

• Take the elevator labeled “2-1 CPU Lab A” down, and go back (Main Entrance Hall) to install the panel at the door to the data library.

• Go through the door, and follow the hall. There is an office to one side (Office3). Inside is a medkit, and a Trite.

• Exit, and proceed down the hall and through the security door (Elevator Access Hall). There are Imps inside.

• Take the elevator (Elevator3) down.

• Exiting (Underground), follow the hall to Elliot Swann's bodyguard.

• There is a missing floor panel to drop through, where there are shards, medkits, rockets and cells.

• Return up to the bay door and move on to the Central Server Banks.

Central Server Banks

• The bay door opens (CPU Complex). Move down the hall. There is a health station left of the elevator.

• Move to the end of the hallway, then move along the left hallway, triggering Imps, Trites, and a chain gun-Soldier.

• Move to the other end of the hallway, the right hallway, to encounter a Revenant, Trites, and a chain gun-Soldier. Along the left hallway are grenades at the foot of one girder, a medkit at the foot of another. Along the right hallway, in a corner alongside Storage Room 06s door is a medkit and cells. Opposite these, is adrenaline. On the floor along the hallway are rockets and armor.

• The left or right hallways both lead to the server room, where Archviles spawn Wraiths. There are grenades, armor, adrenaline, medkit and ammo belt at one end of the room. Opposite these, in one corner is medkit, and in another corner are shells and an ammo belt.

• Go through the door (Central Bridge). There is a CPU Bridge Call Station with a button, CALL BRIDGE, to press. The bridge has four destinations: CENTRAL PROCESSING (for which you need security clearance), SERVER BANK, CPU BANK (the area you just came through), and STORAGE. Pressing any bridge button summons a Cacodemon.

• OPTIONAL: For supplies, press STORAGE. When the bridge stops, go to and through the door (Storage Hall). Turn right to greet whip-Soldiers. Turn back to the left and go into a storage room containing ammo belts, rockets and shards. There is an Imp. Exit, going forward, then through the next door. Go outside the fenced area, and grab the box of shells and the BFG charge. Enter the fenced area, go through the door (Armory), where a Revenant waits. There are shells, rockets, armor, cells, clips and ammo belts. Exit the room, for an Archvile and Wraiths. Backtrack to the bridge.

• CONTINUE: Select SERVER BANK. When the bridge stops, go to and through the door (Server Bank Entrance). Imps spawn.

• Jump through the office window. There is a clip.

• Go through the office door. There is a whip-Soldier. There is a medkit nearby the office door.

• Go down the hall. There is an Imp and a whip Soldier

• Go through the next door (Serve Banks Control), and await the Trites.

• Go down the flight of stairs, and to one side is an office area. There is a clip and shells on the console, triggering Trites.

• Go down the next flight of stairs. There is an Imp in an alcove to your right. There is a medkit in the alcove.

• Go through the next door (Server Banks). An Imp spawns to your one side, and one that spawns to the other. There are shards on the floor alongside the door.

• Go into the office, where there are clips and cells. On the console is a medkit, and a PDA (Steve Tooloose).

• Exiting triggers an Imp and a Wraith.

• Backtrack to the security bridge, selecting CENTRAL PROCESSING. When the bridge stops, go to and through the door (CPU Access). There are rockets, medkits, clips and ammo belts.

• Go through the next door (CPU).

• The Sarge

• At the foot of the columns closest to you, the right one has a cell behind it, and the left has a medkit. A column across the hall, on the right, has armor and a cell at its foot. During combat, the bay doors on the left and right sides of the arena open. The bay to the right medkits and an aidekit and in the left bay is armor and shards. Sarge is a fusion of the man and a tank, with two weapons: the claw in his right hand (close attacks) and the BFG. Getting close to the columns energizes them. You can pry his BFG out of his metallic fingers when he’s dead.

• Proceed into the room (Sarge’s Garage) that Sarge came out of. There is a duct, with an opening to drop through (Sub Level 9).

• Go down the pipe. Move left along the walkway, where there are shards, shells and clips.

• Go down the stairs, and enter the elevator to move on to Site 3.

Site 3

▪ Exit the elevator (Site3 Entrance Hall). Alongside the door is a health station.

▪ Moving forward, everything goes red, and a Hell-Night emerges from the floor, followed by a Wraith, then an Imp, than another Wraith.

▪ Continue down the hallway, and at the end approach the door on the right for a new objective.

▪ Turn around and go through the other door, where an Imp and Cacodemons spawn.

▪ In the room (Site3 Hub), a Hell-Night spawns. At the back of the room are selves with a clip, shells and cells. There is a health station alongside the shelves.

▪ Go into the door you passed labeled "Garage" (Freight Terminal Access), then the next door (Freight Cart Terminal). Wraiths and a Cacodemon await. There is a health station alongside the door, and at the end of the walkway is armor.

▪ Go down the walkway stairs, where a Hell-Night spawns. There are cells, an ammo belt, armor and shells on shelves alongside the stairs opposite your entry.

▪ Go through the next door (Artifact Receiving). The area turns into a demonic spawn site, and an Archvile spawns, among other things. Opposite your entry, on the floor alongside some cartons, is a medkit. Cross the room toward the next door, where there are shards alongside the stairs.

▪ Go through the “Lab” door (Lab Section1). A Revenant, a two-headed demon and an Imp spawn. Alongside the door, is a health station. At the end of the walkway is armor that triggers an Imp. In the lower floor area is a clip and ammo belt.

▪ Climb up the stairs, and through the door (Lab Section2), where a Wraith attacks.

▪ Climb down the utility ladder, continue into a hallway. A two-headed demon and an Imp attack.

▪ Go either way (they both lead to the same room), and you'll see an Imp. Kill him, and another spawns. There is a PDA (Richard Davis) on the floor. There's a medkit on a shelf with rockets, an ammo belt and shells.

▪ Proceed along the walkway upon which you saw the first Imp, go up the stairs, then through the door. There is a Revenant selling pecan sandy cookies for his kids’ school.

▪ Turn left to confront an Imp in the next hallway to the left. There are aidekits and armor ahead.

▪ Climb up the utility ladder into a duct, and follow the duct.

▪ STick the right side as you jump down (Artifact Research), then crouch to exit. There is armor and there are grenades alongside some cartons at the end of the walkway you are on, triggering a Hell-Night and two-headed demons.

▪ Go into the corner office, where a scientist speaks to you. There is a PDA (Pierce Rogers) and video disk (“Ancient Civilization”). On a shelf are an ammo belt and cells, and a health station is nearby.

▪ Exiting triggers an Archvile, followed by two-headed demons in the center of the room along with an Imp.

▪ Go through the locked security door (Lab Section2), returning to a spot near the utility ladder you climbed earlier. To the left is an aidekit

▪ Turning right triggers a Revenant.

▪ Continue on, then take the first left, going to the end of the hall, and go through the security door (Site3 Entrance Hall). An Imp attacks.

▪ Go straight ahead, and through the next door (Site3 Hub).

▪ Move past the garage door to the locked door on the other side.

▪ On the other side (Elevator Access) are a two-headed demon and the Imp.

▪ There is a utility ladder to go down with a medkit near it.

▪ At the bottom is armor, ammo belt and shells on a shelf.

▪ Return up the ladder to take the elevator up (Site3 area).

▪ Exiting the elevator (Maintenance2 Access) triggers a Wraith and a two-headed demon. To one side of the elevator are shards and a medkit.

▪ Go through the door (Maintenance2). There is armor.

▪ Go up the stairs, following the tunnel, then jump down to a hallway. There is an active Imp.

▪ In the Revenant’s room (Maintenance2 Closet) are cells and a medkit. Alongside the door, is a medkit.

▪ Go down the hall, then upstairs, continuing to and up the next stairs. A Cacodemon spawns.

▪ Proceed to and through the next door (Freight Control Access). An Imp wants to hurt you, and a Cacodemon spawned. Inside are a clip, shells and armor on a shelf. There are cells and a BFG charge on a rack.

▪ Go through the next door (Freight Control Tower), and down the utility ladder. There is a Freight Loader Access panel with an UNLOCK SITE3 FREIGHT LOADER button that unlocks the entrance to the caverns.

▪ Return up the ladder to retrace your steps. On the way, some floor panels collapse in front of you. Drop down (Maintenance2) following the path to a utility ladder to climb down (Maintence2 Lower) for Wraiths and an Imp. There is an aidekit nearby.

▪ Enter the tunnel of blood/flesh (Elevator Access) and continue until you drop out.

▪ Go through the security door (Freight Cart Terminal). An Imp spawns.

▪ Go to and board the freight loader. Step forward, close to the controls. There is a Freight Loader Control panel with a TRANSFER FREIGHT LOADER button to press. (If the panel says “Seal Hatch Before Proceeding”, you’re not up against the controls.)

▪ At the destination (Pit Elevator), there is an elevator. Behind it are clips, cells, an aidekit and armor.

▪ Ride the elevator to go down to Caverns Area 1.

Caverns Area 1

▪ Exit the elevator (Base1 Materials Transfer). Ahead are shards and an aidekit, triggering Trites. Behind the elevator, alongside a girder, there is a hole in the flooring containing armor and grenades.

▪ Go up the stairs behind the elevator. There is an Imp.

▪ Proceed to the end of the catwalk. Wraiths spawn. There is an ammo belt on a crate, triggering more Wraiths.

▪ Go through the next two doors. An Imp spawns. There are cells on a console. There is a health station nearby.

▪ Go through the next door. On the desk is a BFG charge. More Wraiths come through the door.

▪ A chaingun Soldier is on the other side of the next door (Base1 Junction 1).

▪ Proceed down the hall. Wraiths spawn as you reach the t-junction. To the left are shells.

▪ Go through the door (Base1 Junction 2), and the next one after that (Containment Monitoring).

▪ Straight ahead, head to the room with stairs, an Archvile, Imps and a Wraith spawn. There are shells and adrenaline at the top of the stairs. There is a medkit on the console. Chaingunners attack.

▪ Exit out the door on the opposite side of the room (Base1 Junction 3). An Imp attacks as Trites spawn. On the platform are clips and armor. Down the stairs is a health station.

▪ Go out the door (Heavy Transfer Lift 1) alongside the health station.

▪ Ahead is the elevator shaft heading down into the caverns but no elevator. Along the catwalk is a Maintenance Access panel displaying a EXTEND ACCESS LADDER button to press, then climb the ladder.

▪ Walk across the top of the building to the scaffolding. Cacodemons spawn.

▪ Jump the scaffolding, then go right and into the office (Heavy Lift Control). There a Cargo Lift Access control with a UNLOCK CARGO LIFT CONTROLs button to press. Up the stairs are shards on the floor, and an aidekit on the console.

▪ Go back down, and through the door (Storage 2D), then use the console to raise the lift. There is another BFG charge waiting for you in a cage, with shells and clips.

▪ Take the lift down (Living Quarters 1A) and turn right. There are cells on the floor. There are shards on the floor alongside the bunkbeds, and rockets on a nightstand, triggering a swarm of Trites.

▪ Go through the next door (Heavy Transfer Lift 1).

▪ Walking out, turn left, then press the Call Cargo Lift panel. Imps and a Hell-Night spawn.

▪ Use the Lift Access Control button, TRANSFER TO CAVERNS LOWER LEVEL (Main Transfer Lift Shaft). At the bottom, a chaingun Soldier fires at you.

▪ Moving ahead a Hell-Night, an Archvile, and a Cacodemon spawn. On the way, there is a medkit on the ground, a BFG charge at the foot of a girder, a medkit at the foot of a vent pipe nearby the cell, and around the corner armor sits on the ground. Across from the armor, there arre shards on the ground.

▪ With your back to the lift, walk to the left and to the back of the area. Press the OPEN ACCESS HATCH button on the Maintenance Access panel on a girder. The utility ladder slides down alongside the girder. There is armor at the foot of the girder. Opposite the panel, at the foot of another girder, are rockets.

▪ Climb the ladder. A Wraith spawns. Behind crates, to one side of the door, are a BFG charge and shells.

▪ On the other side of the door (Environmental Monitoring), are an Imp and a Wraith. There is a health station near the door.

▪ Take the lift up to be attacked by Imps and a Trite.

▪ Exit through the door (Sub Chamber 2)to be attacked by Cacodemons.

▪ Go around the corner, climb up the ladder and go through the door (Thermal Regulation Pump). A Wraith is waiting. There are bullets on the floor.

▪ Climb down the ladder. Along the way, there are shards at the bottom of a ladder. The ladders end at a hole through which you must drop onto moving platforms to finish the descent. At the bottom of the last ladder, is a machinery area. There is a Maintenance Access panel displaying a EXTEND ACCESS LADDER button that extends the access ladder. Alongside the panel, there are shards. There are cells and aidekits behind a brace of pipes. Crouch under the pipes to an area with a scientist. There are shells and a keycard.

▪ Climb back over the pipes, then up the ladder.

▪ Exiting (Sub Chamber 2), there are waiting Cacodemons.

▪ Climb back down the ladder to go around the corner through the next door (Environmental Monitoring). There is a Wraith.

▪ Use the keycard to go through the security door (B1 Conference Room). There are Trites. There is a PDA (Robert Cody) on the table. There is a clip nearby and shards on the floor.

▪ Go through the next door (Sub Chamber 2), going right, ignoring the ladder to the left of the door, encountering Imps and Wraiths as you make your way along the catwalk.

▪ Go through the next door (B1 Sub Junction 1).

▪ Take the catwalk moving left, then right, turning the corner, to fight a Wraith, There is a medkit nearby.

▪ Continue along the catwalk after the corner. There is armor on a crate midway on the catwalk, rockets and shells farther along, and an aidekit on a crate at walkway’s end, where an Imp and chaingun Soldiers await.

▪ Pass through the red bay door. In the back area, there is an Imp. There is a medkit on a crate. clips on another crate with cells behind that crate, armor on another crate with adrenaline and an ammo belt at its foot.

▪ Near the ladder/panel, chaingun Soldiers appear, followed by spawning Cacodemons.

▪ Walk over to the ladder/panel. (The panel resets the crane.) Climb the ladder. At the top, use to console to turn it right (the console says "105"), and then extend the crane all the way (the up arrow on the left).

▪ Exit the cabin, and climb the ladder on the other side, then walk down the crane (staying to the right) to the end.

▪ Jump down onto the palette, then jump down onto the catwalk (B2 Material Transfer Lift). There is an Imp near the pipes, then a Cacodemon spawns. There are cells in one pipe, and shards inside its neighbor pipe. There is an aidekit on top of the pipes.

▪ Go down the catwalk, and around the corner.

▪ Go through the door. An Imp attacks. There are grenades on the console.

▪ Go through the next door (B1 Sub Junction 2).

▪ Continue down the hallway, then open up the bay doors (Personnel Transfer Station), and the light will go out. Imps and Wraiths spawn, then chaingun Soldiers spawn. With your back to the stairs: ahead are shells and clips in a fallen locker with cells behind it, and to the right is an ammo belt and medkit on a crate, with armor behind the crate.

▪ Call the lift, that carries a hellknight to you.

▪ Ride the lift down (Materials Handling). To the right, are exploding barrels behind which are grenades, a clip and a medkit. On the other side of the lift, is armor on a crate

▪ Go down the stairs. Behind some crates are medkits and cells. An Archvile spawns with an Imp.

▪ Proceed along the walkway. A Wraith spawns.

▪ There is an alcove off to the left of the door ahead with an Imp in it. There are shards in the alcove.

▪ Go through the door (B2 Material Transfer Lift) to spawn Cacodemons with a chaingun Soldier.

▪ Cross the broken bridging, then go up the stairs and through the door. There are cells, BFG charges, a clip and armor.

▪ The lift goes to Caverns Area 2.

Caverns Area 2

• The elevator opens (Sub Station 3), and ahead are aidekits. Walking towards either door triggers an Archvile and Hell-Nights. Afterward, there are shards at the foot of the security door.

• Go through the unlocked door (Main Dig Junction) to follow the hallway. Wraiths appear. In the room, behind a crate, is a medkit, shards alongside the barrel on its side, and cells.

• Continue down the hallway, then head into the cavern (Main Excavation) and go down the ramp. At the bottom, is a table with an access card, shards and adrenaline.

• Go to the scaffolding, and climb its side to the top for cells, rockets, clip and ammo belt. There is armor on the ground to one side of the scaffolding.

• OPTIONAL: Back at the elevator, there was a locked storage room that the keycard opens. Backtracking triggers Imps, Wraiths and Trites. Inside the storage room (Station 3 Storage). On the left-side shelving, are cells, ammo belts, shells, with grenades on the floor. On the side-side shelving, is a BFG charge, shards, clips, Sotoxi chocolates, with rockets on the floor. Exiting the room, there are spiders and Cacodemons on the path back.

• At the site, there is a generator near the door to the temple-looking area that says it turns on the lighting. Use this generator to set off a fight with Cacodemons and Hell-Nights.

• Walking through the archway (Chamber 1 Junction 1), spawns an Archvile and Imps.

• Inside and to the left, is another Lights Generator with a POWER ON button displayed. Turning-on the lights in the temple area triggers spiders.

• Moving down the hallway, there is a left turn, and to its right, in the corner, are clips on a crate. At the top of the scaffold, are shards.

• Continue down the hallway, down the stairs and into the cavern below (Levitation Site). There are four pods. Opposite them are desks with two video disks (“Tablets” and “Ancient Civilization”), armor, a clip and shells. There is also a defective Dell tower system that needs to be returned. Wraiths spawn, followed by Imps.

• Go down the hallway (Chamber Junction 2), to the next chamber (Room Of Stars). A Hell-Night spawns with spiders, followed by Imps, followed by another Hell-Night. Along the wall opposite the crates is a generator (of unknown purpose), and shards in a wall opening nearby. In a container behind a crate is an ammo belt, initiating a Hell-Night.

• Continue down the hallway (Chamber Junction 3), to the next room (The Gallery). Vagaries descend from above as you walk in, as well as spiders. There is a medkit at the base and to the right of the stairs.

• Head up the stairs to the glowing door. To one side of the door is a BFG charge behind a crate.

• Go through the glowing doors (Excavation Transfer Lilft). There is a generator to one side of the room that turns on the lights. There are rockets and cells at the back of the room, along with clips to one side of the room in a box.

• Take the lift the Primary Excavation Site.

Primary Excavation Site

• Exiting the lift (Sub Level 4 Excavation), the room has enough weapons and ammo to raise all your weapons to full capacity (suggesting a major shout-out).

• Head into the hallway (Sub Level 4 Junction 1). To the right of the entryway, over the wreckage, there is a BFG charge.

• Continue down the stairs (Heroes Archchamber), to the room with a sarcophagus in it (Chamber Of The Hero). There are aidekits on a shelf alongside the entryway. Walk around to the back side of the sarcophagus. The wall disintegrates. There is a backpack (cells, grenades) as you walk through (Unidentified).

• Follow the hall until another wall opens.

• Walk into a square room, and the floor lowers.

• Follow the path downward, to a long path downward to the four candles at the end of it (three on one ledge, and one on another ledge).

• OPTIONAL: There is a secret room. Instead of tuning right, turn left, going to the back of the alcove. Crouch down and you'll see a stone that says "id" on it. Press it (though you don't see a cursor), to open a wall. Walk through to pick up the PDA (ID Software) on the altar. When you're ready to face the final boss, backtrack and turn right.

• The Cyberdemon

• The final boss is the Cyberdemon. Good luck.


Appendix: Items

|[pic] |PDA |Vital for your work at the Union Aerospace Corporation.  Stores your e-mails video discs|

| | |and allows you to download and access other people's PDAs which you find throughout the |

| | |game. |

|[pic] |Key Card |A key basically only fancy and electronic. |

|[pic] |Health Kit |Restores health. |

| | |Aidekit = (10 pts.) |

| | |Medkit (25 pts.) |

|[pic] |Security Armor |Protection (25 pts) |

|[pic] |Shard |Protection (5 pts) |

|[pic] |Berserk |Doubles the running speed, with 30x damage for melee attacks (fists, for example). |

|[pic] |Megasphere |Makes you even tougher. |

|[pic] |Invisibility |Makes you invisible for a short period of time. |

Appendix: Weapons

|[pic] |Your Fists |Just like a real life, you can ineffectively punch people, Zombies, demons etc. |

|[pic] |Flashlight |To see in the dark, and ineffectively bash people, Zombies, etc with it. |

|[pic] |Chainsaw |Nice melee weapon. Never runs out of gas. |

|[pic] |Pistol |Standard issue sidearm |

| | |12 bullets loaded, plus 226 carried. |

|[pic] |Bullets |For the standard issue Blaster. |

|[pic] |Machine Gun |Nice, easy to use rapid-fire weapon. |

| | |60 rounds in the clip, plus 540 rounds carried. |

|[pic] |Clip |Machine gun ammo. |

|[pic] |Ammo Belt |Chain gun ammo. |

|[pic] |Plasma Cell |Fuels the plasma gun. |

|[pic] |Rocket Launcher |High-powered weapon. |

| | |Holds 5 rockets, plus 91 rockets carried. |

|[pic] |Rockets |Gives you something to shoot with. |

|[pic] |BFG |A big fucking gun. |

| | |An experimental mother of all weapons. |

| | |4 cells in chamber, plus 28 cells carried. |

|[pic] |BFG Charge |Energy for your BFG. |

Appendix: Opponents

|[pic] |Zombie |Fat |

| | |Slow, stupid and slaps like a Zombie and eats brains. |

|[pic] |Zombie |Thin |

| | |Not as slow as his fat friend, just about as stupid and has a bit more of a sting with his |

| | |slaps. |

|[pic] |Zombie |Flaming |

| | |A flaming Zombie that happens to trudge around quickly, "Bernie" is a very relentless foe that |

| | |will trail his flames everywhere and follow you around very quickly, so make sure that he's dead|

| | |ASAP. |

|[pic] |Zombie |Chainsaw |

| | |A bit slow, stupid, and his mission is to tear you apart with his chainsaw naturally. Don't let |

| | |him get close to you or you'll be transformed into nothing but giblets within a matter of |

| | |seconds, kill him only from medium or far ranges. |

|[pic] |Soldier |Pistol |

| | |UAC security guards turned into mindless Zombie security guards with pistols, and is no friendly|

| | |Zombie. |

|[pic] |Soldier |Shotgun |

| | |UAC security guards turned into mindless Zombie security guards with shotgun and better equipped|

| | |armour etc, more dangerous than their pistol counterparts, they are more dangerous to confront. |

|[pic] |Soldier |Machinegun |

| | |UAC security guards turned into mindless Zombie security guards with machineguns and yet even |

| | |better armoury, these guys know how to strafe and can be quite annoying so you might want to |

| | |deal with them off quickly. |

|[pic] |Imp |An Imp, nasty jumpy thing that can really slap [those Zombies should take some lessons] and |

| | |throw fireballs at you. |

| | |Doesn't take much to take down but it moves fast and can really dish out the damage before you |

| | |get a shot off. |

|[pic] |Pinky Demon |Believed to be related to the Demon [of the pinky flavour] |

| | |A mechanical rear ends makes a lovely clanking noises against the steal floors, giving you an |

| | |idea of where they are.  If they get close to you, you'll be knocked around all over the place |

| | |before you know it and is lucky to get a shot off in the right direction.  Take them out before |

| | |they get close! |

|[pic]~ |Trite |A Trite like monster.  Seen lowering itself from the ceiling and believed to attack in groups. |

|[pic] |Tick |Similar to Trites, they deal damage by biting and exploding, but in packs can become very pesky.|

| | |A few pistol rounds from rather long or medium distances will take care of these little buggers.|

|[pic] |Cherub |Basically a baby demon with wings and claws, like an insect sort of, buzzing around here and |

| | |there. Easy to pick off from long to medium distances as long as they stay out of your close |

| | |area of range. |

|[pic] |Maggot |Two headed, amazingly fast but fairly weak crawling beats, these buggers can be taken down with |

| | |a single, nicely ranged and done shotgun pellet. |

|[pic] |Wraith |Relentless, dangerous, close to Imp creatures with extremely large claws that will cut you |

| | |apart, and these monsters can teleport closer to you if you’re further out of their range, |

| | |creating a rather tougher battle with these buggers. Some rounds from a machinegun or better |

| | |from long distances will serve you well against these enemies. You can shoot Wraiths even when |

| | |you can't see them; they don't teleport, they just become invisible. |

|[pic] |Forgotton |Annoying flying head type thing with sharp teeth.  Known to attack in groups. |

|[pic] |Cacodemon |Floating, but slow, beasts that can deliver major quantities of hammering damage. Their mouths |

| | |open up to offer belching fire balls, you can take them down pretty easily with a shotgun or |

| | |better, but these demons can be dangerous and annoying, so be careful. |

|[pic] |Revenant |Semi-transparent, Skeletal creatures with home targeting rocket propelled launchers on both of |

| | |their shoulders, also can swing you apart in melee combat. This creature is also very fast and |

| | |deadly, so pick it apart with a chain gun or better. |

|[pic] |Archville |A slow yet very dangerous enemy, the Archviles will shoot a instant stream of long fire at you |

| | |that will do lots of damage, so these creatures from hell should be taken down quickly. |

|[pic] |Mancubus |Slow, fat creatures, blasting balls of fire out of it's flame launcher built hands/arms, and at |

| | |a melee range can take you down very quickly, these are very powerful monsters not to be taken |

| | |lightly. |

|[pic] |Hell-Night |Drooling, sharp teeth, tall and huge beast quality featuring demons, slow creatures but the one |

| | |of the most dangerous next to bosses. Can slash you apart with their long claws or throw balls |

| | |of plasma at you which deal quite a lot of damage. Use caution, these monsters are not to be |

| | |underestimated. |

Appendix: Characters

|[pic] |You |This is the lucky bugger has to clean the mess up! |

|[pic] |Dr. Malcolm Betruger |Lead scientist of the UAC base, is what made the teleportation technology come alive and at no |

| | |cost will stop to achieve what he wishes. |

|[pic] |Counselor Elliot Swann |Sent by the UAC board directors, was sent to the UAC base to find out the reason for such odd |

| | |and suspicious happenings on the Mars base, such as the recent amount of missing civilians and |

| | |staff that were freaked out and requested transfers off Mars. He, with his body guard, consult |

| | |Dr. Betruger on the happenings in the lab. |

|[pic] |Jack Campbell |Counselor Swan's body guard, an ex-Marine completely hardened for combat and regardless of the |

| | |situation will move into combat, melee or with weapons. When things get out of control, his |

| | |handy like BFG 9000 comes into action. |

|[pic] |Sergeant Kelly |The commanding officer of Mars base, known as veteran of the UAC Marine Corporation forces. |

| | |He'll be counting on you throughout the game to straighten things out, and he won't give up |

| | |anything without a fight of course. |


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