Amoeba Sisters Video Recap: Viruses

Amoeba Sisters Video Recap: Viruses

1. Are viruses considered to be living organisms? Why or why 2. Are viruses considered to be cells? Would they be included in


these cell theory statements?

_N__o_, _th__e_y_l_a_c_k__m__a_n_y__ch__a_r_a_c_te_r_i_s_t_ic_s__o_f_l_if_e_:_n_o_t__m_a_d__e_o_f_ cells, can't reproduce without a host ___________________________________________________

_N__o_t_h_e_y__a_r_e__n_o_t_c_o_n_s_i_d_e_r_e_d__c_e_ll_s_, _s_o_n__o_n_e_o_f__th__e_______ statements of cell theory apply.


___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

3. Compare and contrast a virus to a cell. What would be some differences? What are some similarities?

_V__ir_u_s_e_s_a_n__d_c_e_l_ls__b_o_th__h_a_v_e__g_e_n_e_t_ic__m_a__te_r_i_a_l._B__o_th__c_a_n__r_e_p_r_o_d_u_c_e_, _b_u_t_t_h_e__ce_l_l_c_a_n__d_o_s_o___ on its own while the virus needs a host. Viruses have specialized structure for replication, _s_u_c_h__a_s_s_p_e_c_i_a_l _e_n_z_y_m__e_s_a_n_d__a_n__o_u_te_r__e_n_v_e_l_op__e_. _____________________________________




Determine whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE by applying what you have learned. If false, you will be asked to explain why. 4. __F_________ Viruses can be treated with antibiotics. If false, why? [If true, leave blank] _A__n_t_ib__io_t_i_c_s_o_n_l_y__w_o_r_k___

on bacteria ___________________________________________________

5. __T_________ Viruses are smaller than the hosts they infect.

If false, why? [If true, leave blank] _______________________

___________________________________________________ 6. __F_________ Viruses are prokaryotes. If false, why? [If true, leave blank] _I_t_'s__n_o_t_a__c_e_l_l__________

Determine whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE by applying what you have learned. If false, you will be asked to explain why. 7. _T__________ Virus structure includes biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids.

If false, why? [If true, leave blank] _______________________

___________________________________________________ 8. _T__________ Viruses require a host to reproduce.

If false, why? [If true, leave blank] _______________________


9. _F__________ Viruses only target animals (including humans).

___________________________________________________ If false, why? [If true, leave blank] _T_h_e_y__c_a_n__a_l_so__i_n_f_e_ct_____


Amoeba Sisters Video Recap: Viruses

10. Viruses come in many different structures. What would these different virus structures likely have in common? What might be different?




The Lytic Cycle

It is time to focus on how viruses reproduce by exploring the lytic cycle! For the following question numbers, illustrate the scenario described to show the virus and host cell.

The virus


attaches to the

host cell.

The virus inserts its


genetic material into

the host cell (or the

virus itself may be taken

inside the cell where its

genetic material will be

used by the host).

Based on the


viral genetic

instructions, the



and assembles

copies of the


The newly formed


viruses can lyse the host

cell and now infect new

host cells.

The Lysogenic Cycle

15. Can you relate this illustration to how the lysogenic cycle would be different from the lytic cycle?

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________


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