
Unit 1 – Basic Biological Principles

Are you Team Prokaryote of Eukaryote?

A. Antibiotics do NOT work on _________________ but do work on ______________.

B. Two types of cells are _______________________ and ______________________.

C. Complete the chart using a check mark (√) for the correct cell type.

|Feature |Prokaryote |Eukaryote |

|Bacteria | | |

|Fungi | | |

|Humans | | |

|Plants | | |

|DNA | | |

|Cell Membrane | | |

|Membrane Bound Organelles | | |

|Nucleus | | |

A Tour of the Cell:

1. What two structures do all cells have? _________________________ ____________

2. What do we call an organism that does have a nucleus? _________________________

What do we call an organism that does not have a nucleus? _____________________

3. What is one example of prokaryotes? ________________________

4. What are three types of eukaryotes? _____________, ____________, ____________

5. What is an organelle ? ____________________________________________________

6. What organelle in plants allows photosynthesis to occur? __________________

7. The nucleolus is where ___________________ are made.

8. The nucleus of a cell holds the genetic material called ___________.

9. Which organelle transports materials in and out of areas? ________________

10. Ribosomes help to build _____________ for the cell.

11. The section of the Endoplasmic Reticulum with attached ribosomes is called the _____________ ER.

The section of the Endoplasmic Reticulum without ribosomes is called the _____________ ER.

12. Energy, called ________, is produced in the _______________________ organelle.

13. The fluid in the cells is called _____________ or cytoplasm.

14. Lysomsomes and lytic vacuoles contain _________________ that will digest nutrient particles or break down the cell when it dies.

15. In all three cell examples below: Identify the DNA, Ribosomes and Cell Membrane


After watching the video, answer the following multiple choice questions:

1. Not all cells are alike. Which of the following is a NOT A TRUE statement about differences between cells?

a. Cells come in many different shapes

b. Different kinds of cells are different sizes

c. Some cells have a nucleus and others do not.

d. Most cells have a membrane, but some do not.

2. Which type of cell has a nucleus?

a. Prokaryote

b. Eukaryote

c. Both

d. Neither

3. The structure found in ALL cells that encloses a cell from the outside is the

a. Cystol

b. Cell wall

c. Endoplasmic Reticulum

d. Cell membrane

4. Plants have this structure that allows them to carry out photosynthesis

a. Mitochondria

b. Golgi Bodies

c. Chloroplasts

d. Chromosomes

5. Due to having less items in the cell, ___________ are usually a smaller cell type.

a. Prokaryote

b. Eukaryotes

c. Both

d. Neither

6. Where are ribosomes made?

a. Nucleus

b. Nucleolus

c. Cytosol

d. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough ER)

7. Golgi bodies are connected to which structure?

a. Endoplasmic Reticulum

b. Cell wall

c. Mitochondria

d. Nucleus

8. An organelle must be …..

a. Surrounded by a membrane

b. Able to leave a cell

c. Made up of carbohydrates

d. Contain DNA

9. The function of the nucleus is to

a. Make the cell bigger

b. Make proteins

c. Surround and protect the cell

d. Surround and protect DNA

10. Which of the following correctly matches a cell part with its function?

a. Mitochondria……. Makes ATP

b. Nucleus…….. Moves materials

c. Vesicle/Vacuole……. Makes Protein

d. Lysosome……….. Performs Photosynthesis

11. Some cells have a rigid _____________ outside of the membrane for even more support.

a. Cell wall

b. Cytoskeleton

c. Filament

d. Golgi Body

12. Prokaryote Cells have do NOT have

a. Ribosomes

b. Membrane Bound Organelles

c. DNA

d. Cell Membrane

13. Plant Cells are a type of

a. Fungi

b. Eukaryote

c. Prokaryote

d. Organelle


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