Understanding By Design Unit Template

Understanding By Design Unit Template

| |Interactions in Ecosystems | |7 |

|Title of Unit | |Grade Level | |

| |Science | |21-22 classes |

|Subject | |Time Frame | |

| |Layne Sanderson |

|Developed By | |

| |

|Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results |

| |

|Learning Outcomes |

|Should be identified by designation (e.g., USC 9.1) and written in student friendly language – words that you can share with the students so they know what it is they are trying to achieve. |

|IE7.1 Make connections between indigenous (FNMI) knowledge and their beliefs surrounding the ecosystem. |

|IE7.2 Observe, draw, and examine living organisms in a local ecosystem as all connected and related by food webs, populations, and communities. |

|IE7.3 Evaluate how biogeochemical cycles such as water, carbon, and nitrogen that model energy flow and the cycling of matter through ecosystems. |

|IE7.4 Investigate how ecosystems change due to human impact and propose actions to minimize the impact on a specific ecosystem. |

|Enduring Understandings |Questions for Deep Understanding |

|What understandings about the big ideas are desired? (what you want students to understand & be able to |What provocative questions will foster inquiry into the content? (open-ended questions that |

|use several years from now) |stimulate thought and inquiry linked to the content of the enduring understanding) |

|What misunderstandings are predictable? | |

|Students will understand that... |Content specific…. |

|FNMI science is different than western but not better – just a different way of classifying |What do you need to survive? (biotic and abiotic factors) |

|Ecosystems are made up of multiple players (humans, animals & plants) which are all connected |Can humans be herbivores? (producer, consumer, decomposers) |

|Animals eat certain animals based on their energy level which are also organized into producer, consumer,|Should be turn predators into vegans? Why or Why not? (Food webs and chains) |

|and decomposer. |Do you think a bear would ever eat a grasshopper? (energy levels) |

|The delicate balance ecosystems and how humans are influencing them. |Name everything/anything in an ecosystem. Once complete try to organize them into categories. |

| |(producer, consumer, decomposer. |

|Related misconceptions… |Why do you think climate change is a huge controversy? |

|The world is just as “great” now as it was environmentally | |

|We are very environmentally friendly and are doing enough. |FNMI, multicultural, cross-curricular… |

| |“We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors we borrow it from our children” native America |

| |proverb |

| |“A savage is not the one who lives in the forest but the one who destroys it” |

|Knowledge: |Skills |

|What knowledge will student acquire as a result of this unit? This content knowledge may come from the |What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? List the skills and/or behaviours that |

|indicators, or might also address pre-requisite knowledge that students will need for this unit. |students will be able to exhibit as a result of their work in this unit. These will come from the |

| |indicators. |

|Students will know... |Students will be able to… |

|FNMI values and beliefs surrounding the ecosystem |Understand the delicate balance ecosystems and how humans are influencing them ( in return they will|

|And identify biotic and abiotic organisms |develop skills to help them make informed decisions on how to be more sustainable in their futures. |

|And identify producers, consumer, and decomposers | |

|How every living thing is connected through food webs and chains | |

|How energy is supplied and transfers in a food web | |

|How carbon, nitrogen, and water cycle through ecosystems | |

|How energy passes through ecosystems during photosynthesis and cellular respiration | |

|How humans are impacting the environment and purpose solutions to be more sustainable. | |

|Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence |

|Performance Task |

|Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate the desired understandings, knowledge, and skills? (Describe the summative assessment in “story” form. Typically, the P.T. describes a |

|scenario or situation that requires students to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate their understanding in a real life situation. Describe your performance task scenario below) |

|By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged? |

|If you are also using a test, describe it as well. |

|GRASPS Elements of the Performance Task |

|G – Goal |Students will understand all aspects of ecosystems. Students will take part in a virtual field trip where they will recall important things that we |

|What should students accomplish by completing this |learned in this unit. They will write down what they see in the trip and how it connects to what we learned in class. |

|task? | |

|R – Role | |

|What role (perspective) will your students be taking?| |

|A – Audience | |

|Who is the relevant audience? | |

|S – Situation | |

|The context or challenge provided to the student. | |

|P – Product, Performance | |

|What product/performance will the student | |

|create? | |

|S – Standards & Criteria for Success | |

|Create an assessment for the Performance Task |Attach final assessment (e.g., rubric) to Unit Plan |

|Other Evidence |Student Self-Assessment |

|Through what other evidence (work samples, observations, quizzes, tests, journals or other means) will |How will students reflect upon or self-assess their learning? |

|students demonstrate achievement of the outcomes? Identify both formative and summative assessments you| |

|will use throughout the unit and indicate which outcome(s) for which you will gain evidence. | |

|Daily work/Homework Checks |Quill Lake floods stakeholder jigsaw – peer assessment & self-assessment |

|Assignments | |

|Interactive Notebook – taking in after each booklet is complete. Will receive feedback on answers. | |

|Entry Slips – taking in periodically will be marked against a rubric. | |

|Before the Flood Reflection | |

|“Exam” Virtual Field Trip | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Stage 3 – Learning Plan |

|What teaching and learning experiences will you use to: |

|achieve the desired results identified in Stage 1? |

|equip students to complete the assessment tasks identified in Stage 2? |

|Where are your students headed? Where have they been? How will you make sure the students know where they are going? |

|What experiences do the learners bring to the unit? How have the interests of the learners been ascertained? Have the learners been part of the pre-planning in any way? What individual needs do you |

|anticipate will need to be addressed? |

|Learning environment: Where can this learning best occur? How can the physical environment be arranged to enhance learning? |

|Grade 4 ( students learned that things within an ecosystem depend on each other, specific animals live in specific habitats, and human impact on such habitats/ purpose actions to maintain or restore them. |

|Grade 6 ( students learned that there is a variety of living things within ecosystems, they learned how humans organize them, they learned about the differences and similarities of vertebrates and |

|invertebrates, and what helps living organisms survive. |

|-- |

|Grade 8 & 9 ( life science learning about cells, tissues, organs, and systems & reproduction and human development. |

|-- |

|The best learning will occur when outside or within an ecosystem. It will also occur when real life issues are including, and hands on activities are included. |

|-- |

|Individuals needs to be addressed are |

|How will you engage students at the beginning of the unit? (motivational set) |

|Instruct students that you are going to take them outside where they will find a spot & sit down within the school track. They are not to sit with anyone but themselves and must be very quite. Tell them they|

|will have to reflect on what they sense (see, smell, taste, touch) so it is important that they focus & remember. |

|Take them outside for 5-7 minutes of silence. |

|Once back inside ask the students to each come up to the board and write down something that they sensed. Explain that science originated from people being outside, experiencing something, questioning it, |

|and then testing it. This unit will focus on ecosystems aka the outdoors! |

|What events will help students experience and explore the enduring understandings and essential questions in the unit? How will you equip them with needed skills and knowledge? |

|# |Instructional Strategies/Process |Outcomes/Indicators |Assessment |Resources/Materials |

| |Learning Tasks/Experiences | | | |

|1 |Sticky note diagnostic – questions will be posted on |n/a |Diagnostic – Assessment FOR Learning |White board |

| |the board. Teacher groups students into groups. In | | |Sticky notes |

| |these groups they will write their answers for each | | |Pens/Pencils |

| |question on sticky notes. Each person has to put one | | |*Move desks out of the way |

| |sticky note up. Students are required to you use | | | |

| |different types of locomotion’s to get to the board. | | | |

| |Once students are done have each group assigned to a | | | |

| |question where they will read all the answers (taking | | | |

| |turns) allow students to have discussion an elaborate | | | |

| |as they go on. Teacher will then get a sense where the| | | |

| |students are at in their learning – writing down | | | |

| |anything important to remember. | | | |

| |Questions – What is an ecosystem? What lives in an | | | |

| |ecosystem? What could change/impact an ecosystem? What| | | |

| |would you like to know – relating to ecosystems? | | | |

|2 |Interactive Notebook – Ecosystems |IE7.2 Observe, illustrate, and analyze living organisms |Formative Assessment – written answers in |

| |Students will be provided with handouts PG 7-14. They |within local ecosystems as part of interconnected food |notebook. |roduct/Ecosystems-Interactive-Noteboo|

| |follow directions on each handout. A sample should be |webs, populations, and communities. |Assessment AS Learning |k-2579372 |

| |provided. |i. Classify organisms in a variety of ecosystems as | |PG 7-14 of handout for each student |

| |Post Impact to field study abiotic & biotic organisms.|producers, consumers, or decomposers and further classify | |Sample of a finished interactive |

| |Pre-Impact to urban survival game. |consumers as herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores. | |notebook (no answers) |

| | |j. Interpret interdependence within natural systems by | |Glue Sticks |

| | |constructing food chains and food webs to illustrate the | |Colouring tools |

| | |interactions among producers, consumers, and decomposers | |Scissors |

| | |in a particular ecosystem. | | |

| | |k. Construct a classification key, using appropriate | | |

| | |scientific terminology, which will enable classmates to | | |

| | |differentiate between producers, consumers, and | | |

| | |decomposers. | | |

| | |e. Examine the biotic and abiotic components of distant | | |

| | |ecosystems using photographs, videos, or online resources.| | |

|3 |Physical Food Webs – Students are split into groups |IE7.2 Observe, illustrate, and analyze living organisms |Formative Assessment – “good” copy of food |Yarn |

| |where they must create their own food web. As a group |within local ecosystems as part of interconnected food |web. Ensure all students have names on it. |Hello my name is tags |

| |students will write/draw on a piece of paper their |webs, populations, and communities. |Assessment AS Learning |

| |organisms within their ecosystem. There must be equal |j. Interpret interdependence within natural systems by | |ie-food-chains-webs.html |

| |organisms to students (including a sun) Then students |constructing food chains and food webs to illustrate the | | |

| |will create name tags assigning each group member an |interactions among producers, consumers, and decomposers | | |

| |organism/sun. Then with a string or ball of yarn they |in a particular ecosystem. | | |

| |will create a real life food web. Starting at the sun | | | |

| |and passing the ball until every person is holding the| | | |

| |string. When the web is done students will pass it | | | |

| |back to the sun & then repeat. | | | |

| |Extended – have one student sit down as a sign that | | | |

| |they went extinct/ no longer exist in the ecosystem. | | | |

| |Ask students who felt the pull – these are who will be| | | |

| |effected by that animal going extinct. Dramatically | | | |

| |have the sun sit down and have them explain who felt | | | |

| |the pull and how they would be effected. | | | |

|4 |Urban Survival Game – this game will take place |IE7.2 Observe, illustrate, and analyze living organisms |Formative Assessment – exit slip written |

| |outside or in the gym. Students will be split into |within local ecosystems as part of interconnected food |questions. (Post Impact) |/activities/urban-survival-game |

| |three groups herbivore, omnivore, and carnivore marked|webs, populations, and communities. |Define herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores.|3 different coloured bibs. |

| |by different coloured bibs. There will be water |i. Classify organisms in a variety of ecosystems as |What are these organized into: producers, |Flags or scarves 2-3 for each |

| |stations and plant stations which will be located in |producers, consumers, or decomposers and further classify |consumers, or decomposers? |student. |

| |each hula hoop. In these hula hoops there will be |consumers as herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores. |How does each organism (carnivores, |40 blue cards |

| |colored cards (blue = water, green & brown = plants). |j. Interpret interdependence within natural systems by |omnivores, and herbivores) interact with each|20 green cards |

| |Herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores will each have a|constructing food chains and food webs to illustrate the |other? (What roles did they do in the game?) |20 brown cards |

| |specific number of scarves or flags. These will |interactions among producers, consumers, and decomposers |Can consumers live without producers and/or |5 hula hoops |

| |represent their lives. Herbivores = 3 lives, omnivores|in a particular ecosystem. |decomposers? Why or why not? |large open space (school yard or gym)|

| |= 2 lives, carnivores = 1 life. Students who are | |Assessment AS Learning | |

| |herbivores must try to get 1 water card and 1 of each | | | |

| |coloured plant card (green & brown) and one herbivore | | | |

| |life. Carnivores must try to get 1 water and 2 lives | | | |

| |from either herbivores or omnivores. Lives can be | | | |

| |taken by tagging the prey and collecting their playing| | | |

| |cards. To start the game give herbivores a head start.| | | |

| |Then 30 sec later omnivores can start running & | | | |

| |another 30 seconds later the carnivores can go. | | | |

| |Extensions – students who are done early can be given | | | |

| |the power to take lives from all three food chain | | | |

| |levels because of disease, famine, fire, or cold. | | | |

| |Pause the game and have these students take off their | | | |

| |bibes. | | | |

|5 |Energy Flow of Earth Video – |IE7.3 Evaluate biogeochemical cycles (water, carbon, and |Formative Assessment – verbal answers to |

| |watch video emphasis 2:09-2:43 this is what kind of |nitrogen) as representations of energy flow and the |questions. |-the-energy-of-the-earth-joshua-m-sne|

| |energy we are focusing on in this unit. |cycling of matter through ecosystems. [CP,SI] |Formative Assessment – written answers in |ideman#watch |

| |Share the Pizza Activity (Trophic Levels) – |Illustrate how energy is supplied to and flows through a |interactive notebook. |projector |

| |Teacher will come armed with a pizza box which |food web using the concept of ecological pyramids (e.g., |Assessment AS Learning |

| |contains printed pieces of pizza slices. Pizza slices |pyramid of energy, pyramid of numbers, and pyramid of | |roduct/Ecosystems-Interactive-Noteboo|

| |are kept in place my sticky tack. Students are asked |biomass). | |k-2579372 |

| |how they would split the pizza (evenly of course). |Explain the role of decomposers in recycling matter in an | |Pizza Box – pizza cut outs (10) & |

| |Explain how this is not what happens in an ecosystem. |ecosystem. | |sticky tack. |

| |Give one student the pizza explain that this student |Identify and evaluate potential impacts on energy flow and| |PG 16 of interactive notebook print |

| |is the a plant. They are producers and will take 4 |the cycling of matter by the removal of one or more living| |out |

| |slices of the pizza (student takes 4 slices). The next|organisms from a specific ecosystem. | |Scissors |

| |student is explained an insect they are primary | | |Glue sticks |

| |consumer they take 3 slices. The next student is a | | |Colouring tools |

| |frog they are a secondary consumer and will take 2 | | | |

| |slices. The last student is a snake they are tertiary | | | |

| |consumer and take 1 slice of pizza. | | | |

| |Students are then asked since food = energy who has | | | |

| |the highest level of energy (producers) and who has | | | |

| |the lowest? (consumers). Ask students where they think| | | |

| |decomposers fit – everywhere because they work on all | | | |

| |levels. | | | |

| |Ask students what would happen to the energy levels if| | | |

| |one organisms are removed? What happens if a whole | | | |

| |level is removed? | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Interactive Notebook – Ecosystems PG 16 | | | |

| |Students will be provided with handouts PG 16. They | | | |

| |follow directions on each handout. A sample should be | | | |

| |provided. | | | |

|6 |Interactive Notebook – Earth Cycles PG 6-20 |IE7.3 Evaluate biogeochemical cycles (water, carbon, and |Formative Assessment – feedback (is it |

| |Students will be provided with handouts PG 6-20. They |nitrogen) as representations of energy flow and the |correct?) |roduct/Earth-Cycles-Interactive-Noteb|

| |follow directions on each handout. A sample should be |cycling of matter through ecosystems. [CP,SI] |Assessment AS Learning |ook-Earth-Science-2586778 |

| |provided. |Model the carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles to illustrate| |--- |

| | |how matter cycles through ecosystems. | |PG 6-20 of interactive notebook print|

| |Water Cycle Lab – students will be provided with a lab| | |out |

| |handout. Split into groups and complete the lab. A | | |Scissors |

| |ziplock bag will have the water cycle steps drawn on | | |Glue sticks |

| |it and then filled with a little bit of water. Then it| | |Colouring tools |

| |will be taped against a window. Students will then | | |------ |

| |observe the changes next class. | | |3-5 ziplock bags pending on group |

| | | | |numbers |

| |Carbon Cycle Activity – students will click on the | | |markers/permanent markers |

| |link provided to them to the interactive carbon | | |heavy duty tape (duct tape, |

| |cycle. They will be given notes with fill in the | | |electrical tape) |

| |blanks – students are expected to go through the cycle| | |Water Cycle Lab handout |

| |and fill in these blanks and hand it in. | | |--- |

| | | | |

| |Nitrogen Cycle Board Game - students will be split | | |_maps/3-carbon-cycle |

| |into groups of 2-5. Each student will have a game | | |Computers/tablets |

| |piece. Students will follow directions provided with | | |Fill in the notes |

| |the game filling out the game tracker as they go. If | | |--- |

| |students are done early they can complete the | | |Enough game pieces for the entire |

| |comprehension questions. | | |class |

| | | | |Cards for each group (located in |

| | | | |print out) |

| | | | |1 die for each group |

| | | | |1 board for each group |

| | | | |1 set of instructions for each group |

| | | | |1 set of comprehension questions for |

| | | | |each group |

|7 |Ecological Succession video introduction – Ecological |Outcome IE 7.4 Analyze how ecosystems change in response |Formative Assessment – Assessment AS Learning|

| |Succession by the Amoeba sisters |to natural and human influences, and propose actions to |Homework check – do students have correct |gVAF6g |

| |Interactive Game – on tablets students will follow the|reduce the impact of human behaviour on a specific |answer correct this together in class. | |

| |link provided to them. They will go through the |ecosystem. [DM, CP] | | |

| |interactive game. Students must complete the ecosystem|Identify evidence of ecological succession in ecosystems, | | |

| |construction site. If students finish early they can |using the concepts of pioneer species, climax community, | | |

| |complete the terrestrial version of the game. Together|primary succession, and secondary succession, and by | | |

| |as a class they watch the video where they have notes |identifying changes in plant and animal life in the | | |

| |with spaces to fill in. (definitions) |ecosystem. | | |

| |If students are done early they can play the | | | |

| |vocabulary match. | | | |

| | | | | |

|8 |Exploring with Josh (Chernobyl Abandoned Site) – |Outcome IE 7.4 Analyze how ecosystems change in response |Formative Assessment – Assessment As Learning|

| |Students will be given data on the ecosystem Chernobyl|to natural and human influences, and propose actions to |Verbal/Written Answers |OwlUUQ |

| |is in. They will then make conclusions to what they |reduce the impact of human behaviour on a specific | |

| |think the impact on Chernobyl would be. After students|ecosystem. [DM, CP] | |ED1xEk |

| |will watch a video where an urban explorer explores |c. Predict what a specific ecosystem (e.g., clear-cut | | |

| |the site. Teacher will pause the video at important |forest, abandoned sports field, abandoned farm yard, | | |

| |points. |abandoned rail line, ditch, driveway, or sidewalk) will | | |

| | |look like in the future (e.g., 5, 10, and 25 years) based | | |

| | |on characteristics of the area and long-term changes | | |

| | |observed in similar ecosystems. | | |

|9 |Quill Lakes Flood (Jigsaw) – Students will be split |Outcome IE7.4 Analyze how ecosystems change in response to|Formative Assessment |attached |

| |into groups. Each group will have information for a |natural and human influences, and propose actions to |Assessment AS Learning | |

| |stakeholder involved in the quill lake flood. Students|reduce the impact of human behaviour on a specific |Verbal/Written Answers | |

| |will read through their information and discuss |ecosystem. [DM, CP] | | |

| |important points. Then once everyone is complete they |f. Propose a course of action or defend a given position | | |

| |will rotate groups so one stakeholder is in each |on a local ecological issue or problem related to natural | | |

| |group, and again discuss important information. After |or human influences on a particular ecosystem, taking into| | |

| |they will be challenged to come to a solution working |account scientific, societal, technological, and | | |

| |with all groups. They each will “present” what they |environmental factors. | | |

| |have decided. |g. Be sensitive and responsible in maintaining a balance | | |

| | |between human needs and a sustainable environment by | | |

| | |considering both immediate and long-term effects of their | | |

| | |course of action or stated position. | | |

|10 |Before the Flood – movie by Leonardo DiCaprio on the |Outcome IE7.4 Analyze how ecosystems change in response to|Formative Assessment – Assessment AS |

| |impact humans have on the environment and climate |natural and human influences, and propose actions to |Learninng |sQho4Y |

| |change. Students will watch movie and hand in |reduce the impact of human behaviour on a specific | |projector |

| |reflection. |ecosystem. [DM, CP] |Students hand in a written reflection on the | |

| | |d. Identify and refine questions and problems related to |movie. What impacted them, what they learned,| |

| | |the effects of natural or human influences on a particular|etc. | |

| | |ecosystem. | | |

|11 |Review - teacher and students will go over important |n/a |n/a |Tic Tac Toe Instructions attached |

| |content they learned throughout the unit. Students | | | |

| |will have a choice of 3 games to study from. Teacher | | | |

| |will present questions and answers on the projector. | | | |

| |If the student whose turn it is gets the correct | | | |

| |answer they will get a point and put their marker | | | |

| |down. If they get it incorrect | | | |

|12 |Virtual Field Trip Exam – students will take a virtual|n/a |Summative Assessment – Assessment OF learning|

| |field trip where they are to reflect on what they | | |/take-your-students-on-a-free-virtual|

| |learned. They will write down what they see and | |Students will hand in what they complete |-field-trip-to-the-nature-conservancy|

| |explain how it connected to in class learnings. | | |/ |

| |Teacher will pause where necessary. | | | |

| | | | | |

|13 |Seed Lab – students will conduct an inquiry lab where |IE7.3 Evaluate biogeochemical cycles (water, carbon, and |Assessment FOR Learning |

| |they develop a question they have around seeds growing|nitrogen) as representations of energy flow and the |Peer Assessment |experiment-3-do-seeds-need-air-to-gro|

| |and what they need to grow. |cycling of matter through ecosystems. [CP,SI] |Assessment AS Learning |w/#_a5y_p=3484263 |

| | |f. Design and conduct an experiment to investigate the |Self Assessment |

| | |conditions essential for the growth of plants (e.g., | |xperiment-5-what-liquids-help-seeds-g|

| | |determine whether nutrients in soil are sufficient to | |row/ |

| | |support plant growth, determine the influence of sunlight | |

| | |or other forms of light on plant growth). | |experiment-2-what-temperature-do-seed|

| | | | |s-like/ |

| | | | |

| | | | |xperiment-1-do-seeds-need-light-to-gr|

| | | | |ow/ |

|14 |Entry Slips – at the beginning of each class students |IE7.1 Relate key aspects of Indigenous knowledge to their |Assessment FOR Learning |

| |will complete a mini reflection on FNMI views or |understanding of ecosystems. [CP] |Taken in half way through marked to a rubric |3047400186/ |

| |others presented. Students will keep these all |Gather information about traditional Indigenous practices |so students can see how they are doing and |

| |together and hand in periodically. |with respect to the relationships and connections between |where they need to improve. |3047057104/ |

| | |people and their ecological environment. |Assessment AS Learning |

| | |Examine key aspects of Indigenous knowledge and First |Marked at the end |3047057072/ |

| | |Nations and Métis people’s practices that contribute to | |

| | |understanding of ecosystems and the interactions of their | |3047057071/ |

| | |components. | |

| | |Provide specific examples of Indigenous knowledge in | |3047057055/ |

| | |understanding the components of their ecosystems. | |

| | |Describe the ways that traditional Indigenous knowledge | |/fsw/fsw13/ohci-eng.shtml |

| | |about respect and responsibility for the land, self, and | |

| | |others has been transmitted over many years, including the| |3047107201/ |

| | |oral tradition. | |

| | | | |3047400341/ |

| | | | |add standing rock controversy. |

|Self-Assess and Reflection (Stage 4) |

|Considerations |Comments |

|Required Areas of Study: |Indigenous knowledge & relationship with ecosystems |

|Is there alignment between outcomes, performance assessment, and |Learning Experiences: entry slips – either a quote, statement, or picture. |

|learning experiences? |Connection to Outcomes: In this Students will examine their practices, draw examples from what they know, they will gather the information |

| |given, and overtime be describe their special relationship with the land. |

| |Local Ecosystems contain food webs, populations, and communities |

| |Learning Experiences: Physical food web & Urban Survival Game & Interactive Notebook |

| |Connection to Outcomes: be able to classify producer, consumer, or decomposer and further into herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores. Be able |

| |the explain the interdependence of food webs. |

| | |

| |Biogeochemical Cycles (water, carbon, and nitrogen) & energy flow in ecosystems |

| |Learning Experiences: Share the Pizza Activity, Interactive Notebooks, Water Cycle “Lab”, Carbon Cycle Activity, Nitrogen Cycle Board Game |

| |Connection to Outcomes: energy flow in a food web/pyramid, model carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles, explain decomposers role, design and |

| |conduct an experiment on essentials for seeds living conditions. |

| | |

| |Human Impact on the Ecosystem |

| |Learning Experiences: Ecological Succession Interactive Activity, Exploring with Josh Chernobyl, Quill Lakes Flood, and Before the Flood. |

| |Connection to Outcomes: Know the words pioneer species, climax community, primary succession, and secondary succession – and evidence of |

| |ecological succession to make a diverse rich ecosystem, predict what Chernobyl looks like from data presented, understand and summarize |

| |stakeholder information from quill lakes flood, propose a course of action to quill lakes flood, identify problems of natural and/or human |

| |influences on quill lakes flood, take into consideration human needs and sustainable environment for quill lakes flood course of action. |

| |(Before the Flood – entire world view, laying out problems from natural and human impact, summarizing various sources in the movie, and |

| |propose a course of action. Students will reflect on this and state their personal opinion and view). |

|Adaptive Dimension: |For struggling students: |

|Have I made purposeful adjustments to the curriculum content (not |Interactive Notebooks for Notes instead of lectures of textbook reading |

|outcomes), instructional practices, and/or the learning environment to|Physical Activities & Movement |

|meet the learning needs and diversities of all my students? |Interactive technology games |

| |Board Games |

| | |

| |For students who need a challenge: |

| |Personal Reflections – entry slip |

| |Guided Inquiry - Seed Lab |

| |Higher level thinking for quill lake floods |

| |Personal reflection to before the flood |

| |(So while there is content most questions that will be asked are higher level thinking not knowledge) |

|Instructional Approaches: |Guided Inquiry ( Seed Lab |

|Do I use a variety of teacher directed and student centered |Experiential ( Food Web, Urban Survival Game |

|instructional approaches? |Individual Study ( Entry Slips, Before the Flood Reflection |

| |Indirect Instruction ( Interactive Notebooks |

| |Interactive & Indirect Instruction ( Quill Lakes Jigsaw/Debate |

|Resource Based Learning: |Quill Lake Jigsaw |

|Do the students have access to various resources on an ongoing basis? |Textbook |

| |Chernobyl data |

|FNM/I Content and Perspectives/Gender Equity/Multicultural Education: |Entry Slips relating to FNMI content & their special relationship to the land and views/values towards the earth. |

|Have I nurtured and promoted diversity while honouring each child’s | |

|identity? | |

From: Wiggins, Grant and J. McTighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (pbk)


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