Lisa's Biology Class

Name:Lisa ShepherdPima Course: InternshipSubject: Biology ITopic: Graphing DataGrade Level: 9Duration of Lesson: 50 minComponentsDescription of Plan1Content Standard:Choose ONE standard. Be sure to write out the entire standard, not just the number.Concept 4: CommunicationCommunicate results of investigations.PO 2. Produce graphs that communicate data. Est.# of mins2Learning Objective:Choose ONE objective that leads toward mastery of the standardMust be specific, measurable, and realistic.Must have at least two parts: learning and behavior Using raw data, choose an appropriate graph type to communicate the results and include all essential components (legend, titles, labels, consistent increments).Note: This lesson is based on data from a previous graphing activity in which many students missed essential components.3Anticipatory Set: Sometimes called a "hook" to grab the student's attentionFocuses student attention on the objective and the purpose of the lesson Activates prior knowledgeRequires ACTIVE PARTICIPATION from ALL learnersStudents will conduct a survey of 20 people prior to this class. Individually, they will complete a corresponding graph and show/explain the results to their partners. There will be examples of flawed graphs on the board – why are they poor examples of communication? How can it be corrected? What impact does this have on communication? (data could be misrepresented and policies or monies could be allocated based on incorrect data).Results of previous graphing exercises will be shared (in graph form) with the class.104Teaching-Input:Using effective and varied strategies, the teacher provides information for students to gain the concept, strategy, or skill.Students will learn more about how to further use graphs to extrapolate or interpolate data, then use real science data to form a graph. There will be a few terms to review: extrapolation and interpolation, correlation and causation, independent and dependent variables.105Teaching-Modeling:Demonstrate and show examples of what students are expected to do (how to solve the problem, answer the question, do the activity etc.).Students will participate in a Webquest or Excel tutorial based on ability. There will be a brief overview of the steps in the process and students are allowed to work together for additional help.206Check for Understanding:Various strategies that are ongoing throughout the entire lesson.Enables teacher to determine whether ALL students have "gotten it." Progress will be checked throughout the lesson based on steps in the process.7Guided Practice: An opportunity for each student to demonstrate new learning by working through an activity or exercise with the teacher’s guidance.The webquest or tutorial provides guided practice.(20)8Closure: Actions or statements made by teachers AND students that summarize lesson objectives. Essential for helping students integrate ideas, make sense out of what has just been taught, and to improve their chances of retention and transfer.Must be done BEFORE Independent PracticeExit ticket: Name something new that you learned today. How will this help you to better communicate data?Challenge: How could data be misrepresented?59Independent Practice: AFTER proper closure, it is important to provide time for additional practice. It may be group or individual work in class or it might be homework.There will be an opportunity to do an additional webquest or worksheet depending on ability. NA10Assessment:The formative and/or summative assessments that are aligned with the objective.The conclusion of the project will be a correctly constructed graph with clear communication of data.NA11Differentiation:How you will reach diverse learners by varying the: Content ProcessProductStudents who struggle with basic skills will be given more practice, students who excel will be directed to work through the more challenging project.NA1221st Century Learning:Includes technology as well as the 4 Cs: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication.Critical thinking – students must decide how best to construct a graph Creativity – the appearance of the final result may vary and can reflect how students might use that information in an online articleCollaboration – students check others’ work to ensure munication – students communicate with each other in pairs or groups to complete activities.NA13List of Materials, Handouts and other Supplemental Documents:Webquest4TeachersGraphic practice worksheetName:Lisa ShepherdPima Course: InternshipSubject: Biology ITopic: ForensicsGrade Level: 9Duration of Lesson: 50 minComponentsDescription of Plan1Content Standard:Choose ONE standard. Be sure to write out the entire standard, not just the number.Concept 2: Science and Technology in SocietyDevelop viable solutions to a need or problem.PO 2. Recognize the importance of basing arguments on a thorough understanding of the core concepts and principles of science and technology.Est.# of mins2Learning Objective:Choose ONE objective that leads toward mastery of the standardMust be specific, measurable, and realistic.Must have at least two parts: learning and behavior Explain how scientists use history, genetics, and DNA analysis to solve real life puzzles.3Anticipatory Set: Sometimes called a "hook" to grab the student's attentionFocuses student attention on the objective and the purpose of the lesson Activates prior knowledgeRequires ACTIVE PARTICIPATION from ALL learnersThough this is a biology class, we have talked about some history that is important to science – what are some examples? (Mendel, DNA discovery, Darwin). We have also learned about forensics – what have you learned about crime scene investigation? (gel electrophoresis, DNA fingerprinting)Most recently, we studied genetics, where we learned how even if a trait does not show in the parents, a child could get that trait.What if we combined ALL of these to solve a murder?104Teaching-Input:Using effective and varied strategies, the teacher provides information for students to gain the concept, strategy, or skill.To introduce the story, students will view a short video or presentation about the Romanov mystery.105Teaching-Modeling:Demonstrate and show examples of what students are expected to do (how to solve the problem, answer the question, do the activity etc.).Students (in groups) will work through “case files” which present both evidence and problems. Students will then brainstorm possible solutions for those problems and share their ideas.206Check for Understanding:Various strategies that are ongoing throughout the entire lesson.Enables teacher to determine whether ALL students have "gotten it." At the end of each case file, each group will submit an answer in writing to check for understanding.7Guided Practice: An opportunity for each student to demonstrate new learning by working through an activity or exercise with the teacher’s guidance.Questions throughout the lesson will provide an opportunity to demonstrate learning.(20)8Closure: Actions or statements made by teachers AND students that summarize lesson objectives. Essential for helping students integrate ideas, make sense out of what has just been taught, and to improve their chances of retention and transfer.Must be done BEFORE Independent PracticeStudents will write a brief answer to, “Did the Russian authorities pay tribute to the correct remains of the royal family? How did they prove it?59Independent Practice: AFTER proper closure, it is important to provide time for additional practice. It may be group or individual work in class or it might be homework.At least 3 extension activities will be provided for notebook credit. This could include video review, research, short presentation, demonstration, or activity.NA10Assessment:The formative and/or summative assessments that are aligned with the objective.A quiz will be given regarding important historical points, forensics methods that apply to this case, and pedigree analysis.NA11Differentiation:How you will reach diverse learners by varying the: Content ProcessProductStudents will be grouped based on assessment results and will assist others in understanding of the lesson.NA1221st Century Learning:Includes technology as well as the 4 Cs: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication.Critical thinking – students will consider options for proving the identity of the Romanov family. Creativity – brainstorming and problem solving.Collaboration – students check others’ work to ensure munication – students communicate with each other in pairs or groups to complete activities.NA13List of Materials, Handouts and other Supplemental Documents:Chapter 8 of Biology: Science for LifeKagan Cooperative LearningName:Lisa ShepherdPima Course: InternshipSubject: Biology ITopic: HeredityGrade Level: 9Duration of Lesson: 50 minComponentsDescription of Plan1Content Standard:Choose ONE standard. Be sure to write out the entire standard, not just the number.Concept 2: Molecular Basis of HeredityUnderstand the molecular basis of heredity and resulting genetic diversity.PO 3. Explain how genotypic variation occurs and results in phenotypic diversity.Est.# of mins2Learning Objective:Choose ONE objective that leads toward mastery of the standardMust be specific, measurable, and realistic.Must have at least two parts: learning and behavior Predict the results of dihybrid genetic crosses using Punnett Squares.3Anticipatory Set: Sometimes called a "hook" to grab the student's attentionFocuses student attention on the objective and the purpose of the lesson Activates prior knowledgeRequires ACTIVE PARTICIPATION from ALL learnersQuestions: A young couple is going to have a baby. What will the baby look like? There might be many combinations, what is the most likely possibility? Will the child inherit a condition or disease from his parents?Bellwork: Students will share answers to vocabulary words with a round table activity.104Teaching-Input:Using effective and varied strategies, the teacher provides information for students to gain the concept, strategy, or skill.A short direct instruction will be provided linking vocabulary words to the next step: practice with Punnett Squares. Most students are familiar with this concept, but may not understand the particular terms.105Teaching-Modeling:Demonstrate and show examples of what students are expected to do (how to solve the problem, answer the question, do the activity etc.).One example will be given regarding a monohybrid cross. Students will be given three additional examples to complete. Partners will check and coach their work. I anticipate that this will be easy for them, and we can move directly to the next instruction set. Direct instruction will give information regarding dihybrid crosses. After an example, students will try 2 examples of dihybrid crosses.56Check for Understanding:Various strategies that are ongoing throughout the entire lesson.Enables teacher to determine whether ALL students have "gotten it." Understand vocabulary – student work and round table activity.Understand monohybrid crosses – 3 examples, checked by partners.Understanding dihybrid crosses – 2 examples, checked by teacher.7Guided Practice: An opportunity for each student to demonstrate new learning by working through an activity or exercise with the teacher’s guidance.Students will work through examples of both monohybrid and dihybrid crosses.208Closure: Actions or statements made by teachers AND students that summarize lesson objectives. Essential for helping students integrate ideas, make sense out of what has just been taught, and to improve their chances of retention and transfer.Must be done BEFORE Independent PracticeStudents will submit their completed examples of dihybrid crosses. Students will write a summary of what they learned in their notebooks.59Independent Practice: AFTER proper closure, it is important to provide time for additional practice. It may be group or individual work in class or it might be homework.At least 3 extension activities will be provided for notebook credit. This could include video review, research, short presentation, demonstration, or activity.NA10Assessment:The formative and/or summative assessments that are aligned with the objective.A quiz will be given at the end of the week regarding genetics and heredity.NA11Differentiation:How you will reach diverse learners by varying the: Content ProcessProductStudents will be grouped based on assessment results and will assist others in understanding of the lesson.NA1221st Century Learning:Includes technology as well as the 4 Cs: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication.Critical thinking – students will predict the outcome using Punnett Squares Creativity – questions guide student to formulate possible answers.Collaboration – students check others’ work to ensure munication – students communicate with each other in pairs or groups to complete activities.NA13List of Materials, Handouts and other Supplemental Documents:Chapter 8.3 of Biology Principles and ExplorationsPunnett Squares handoutName:Lisa ShepherdPima Course: InternshipSubject: Biology ITopic: MitosisGrade Level: 9Duration of Lesson: 50 minComponentsDescription of Plan1Content Standard:Choose ONE standard. Be sure to write out the entire standard, not just the number.Concept 1: Understand the role of the cell and cellular processes.PO 5: Describe the purposes and processes of cellular reproduction.Est.# of mins2Learning Objective:Choose ONE objective that leads toward mastery of the standardMust be specific, measurable, and realistic.Must have at least two parts: learning and behavior Describe the events that occur during each of the four stages of mitosis.3Anticipatory Set: Sometimes called a "hook" to grab the student's attentionFocuses student attention on the objective and the purpose of the lesson Activates prior knowledgeRequires ACTIVE PARTICIPATION from ALL learnersA quick vocabulary review (words given previously to students) will link prior learning to the new topic of mitosis. To follow, a short discussion will be based on the question, “When you fall and scrape the skin off your hands or knees, how does your body make new skin cells to replace the ones that were scraped off?” 104Teaching-Input:Using effective and varied strategies, the teacher provides information for students to gain the concept, strategy, or rmation regarding new concepts will be presented via PowerPoint, with fill-in-the-blank and concept map to allow increased student participation. 105Teaching-Modeling:Demonstrate and show examples of what students are expected to do (how to solve the problem, answer the question, do the activity etc.).Instructions will be provided for students to choose the method for practice (flip books, foldables, or other graphic organizer).56Check for Understanding:Various strategies that are ongoing throughout the entire lesson.Enables teacher to determine whether ALL students have "gotten it." Key students will complete their activities and help to explain the process to others. There will be a few questions include in the PowerPoint to check for understanding. The teacher will circulate during guided practice to ensure that students understand the task. Exit tickets will reflect understanding at the end of the lesson.7Guided Practice: An opportunity for each student to demonstrate new learning by working through an activity or exercise with the teacher’s guidance.Students will make flip books, foldables, or other graphic organizer to show understanding.208Closure: Actions or statements made by teachers AND students that summarize lesson objectives. Essential for helping students integrate ideas, make sense out of what has just been taught, and to improve their chances of retention and transfer.Must be done BEFORE Independent PracticeSmall group discussion: How did our vocabulary relate to the new information about mitosis? For example, we need to know about chromosomes to determine how and why they separate during mitosis. Students will then share their work at their tables and tell why they chose that particular activity.59Independent Practice: AFTER proper closure, it is important to provide time for additional practice. It may be group or individual work in class or it might be homework.At least 3 extension activities will be provided for notebook credit. This could include video review, research, short presentation, demonstration, or activity.NA10Assessment:The formative and/or summative assessments that are aligned with the objective.Students will complete an exit ticket demonstrating concepts learned from this lesson.NA11Differentiation:How you will reach diverse learners by varying the: Content ProcessProductStudents will be grouped based on assessment results and will assist others in understanding of the lesson.NA1221st Century Learning:Includes technology as well as the 4 Cs: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication.Critical thinking – additional questions will be provided regarding higher level thinking will be provided Creativity – questions guide student to formulate possible answers.Collaboration – students work together in homogeneous groups to complete munication – students communicate with each other in pairs or groups to complete activities.NA13List of Materials, Handouts and other Supplemental Documents:Chapter 6 of Biology Principles and ExplorationsMitosis FoldablesName:Lisa ShepherdPima Course: InternshipSubject: Biology ITopic: PhotosynthesisGrade Level: 9Duration of Lesson: 50 minComponentsDescription of Plan1Content Standard:Choose ONE standard. Be sure to write out the entire standard, not just the number.Concept 5: Matter, Energy, and Organization in Living Systems Understand the organization of living systems, and the role of energy within those systems.PO 1. Compare the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in terms of energy flow, reactants, and products.Est.# of mins2Learning Objective:Choose ONE objective that leads toward mastery of the standardMust be specific, measurable, and realistic.Must have at least two parts: learning and behavior Students will be able to model the molecules involved in the process of photosynthesis.3Anticipatory Set: Sometimes called a "hook" to grab the student's attentionFocuses student attention on the objective and the purpose of the lesson Activates prior knowledgeRequires ACTIVE PARTICIPATION from ALL learnersPhotosynthesis is a key part of the junior high curriculum, so students have varying levels of understanding of this process. As bellwork, students (working in pairs or groups) will form the reaction of photosynthesis from a mixed collection of molecules. 104Teaching-Input:Using effective and varied strategies, the teacher provides information for students to gain the concept, strategy, or rmation regarding new concepts will be presented, reviewing from a list what students already know and identifying up to five things that they do not know about the process. Students then search for the information and report findings to their group. The teacher will then summarize or clarify important points.105Teaching-Modeling:Demonstrate and show examples of what students are expected to do (how to solve the problem, answer the question, do the activity etc.).Modeling for the hands-on activity will consist of written instructions with a sample demonstration of building molecules.56Check for Understanding:Various strategies that are ongoing throughout the entire lesson.Enables teacher to determine whether ALL students have "gotten it." The “Modeling Photosynthesis” handout contains key questions that guide the student toward understanding of the process.In the notebook, the following questions should be answered by each student: 1. What reactants are required for the process of photosynthesis? 2. What are the roles of chloroplast and chlorophyll in photosynthesis? 3. How is the energy from sunlight used to build sugars?57Guided Practice: An opportunity for each student to demonstrate new learning by working through an activity or exercise with the teacher’s guidance.Students (in pairs) will make marshmallow models according to the photosynthesis worksheet.158Closure: Actions or statements made by teachers AND students that summarize lesson objectives. Essential for helping students integrate ideas, make sense out of what has just been taught, and to improve their chances of retention and transfer.Must be done BEFORE Independent PracticeEach pair will produce one summary statement from the experiment and share on white boards.59Independent Practice: AFTER proper closure, it is important to provide time for additional practice. It may be group or individual work in class or it might be homework.At least 3 extension activities will be provided for notebook credit. This could include video review, research, short presentation, demonstration, or activity.NA10Assessment:The formative and/or summative assessments that are aligned with the objective.A short quiz will be given at the end of the week.NA11Differentiation:How you will reach diverse learners by varying the: Content ProcessProductExtension activities are designed with differentiation in mind so that students can show understanding verbally or in writing. I have no ELL or IEP students in this class, so the choice is theirs to make regarding highest impact for continued learning.NA1221st Century Learning:Includes technology as well as the 4 Cs: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication.Critical thinking – additional questions will be provided regarding higher level thinking will be provided Creativity – questions guide student to formulate possible answers.Collaboration – students work together to build the photosynthesis munication – students communicate with each other in pairs or groups to complete activities.NA13List of Materials, Handouts and other Supplemental Documents:Chapter 5 of Biology Principles and Explorations“Modeling Photosynthesis” with colored marshmallows, toothpicks, and supporting materials(source: )Name:Lisa ShepherdPima Course: InternshipSubject: Biology ITopic: The CellGrade Level: 9Duration of Lesson: 50 minComponentsDescription of Plan1Content Standard:Choose ONE standard. Be sure to write out the entire standard, not just the number.AZCCRS Strand 4: Life ScienceConcept 1: The CellPO 4. Analyze mechanisms of transport of materials (e.g., water, ions, macromolecules) into and out of cells:passive transportactive transportEst.# of mins2Learning Objective:Choose ONE objective that leads toward mastery of the standardMust be specific, measurable, and realistic.Must have at least two parts: learning and behavior Upon learning about various solutions and the effects on the cell, given 5 scenarios, predict the effect of each hypotonic, hypertonic, or isotonic solution on the cell.3Anticipatory Set: Sometimes called a "hook" to grab the student's attentionFocuses student attention on the objective and the purpose of the lesson Activates prior knowledgeRequires ACTIVE PARTICIPATION from ALL learnersThe students’ prior knowledge of receiving IV fluids in a hospital, and that glucose (as a biomolecule) must be part of the IV fluids, leads to the question, “why is glucose needed in this solution?” What type of solution is blood? Is it mostly water? Would it already have carbohydrate in that solution? These questions will lead to content regarding types of solutions in which living cells might be present.54Teaching-Input:Using effective and varied strategies, the teacher provides information for students to gain the concept, strategy, or rmation regarding new concepts will be presented, and students will write 5 questions to prepare for the video. Then, a short video will be presented in which students will find answers to their questions. 155Teaching-Modeling:Demonstrate and show examples of what students are expected to do (how to solve the problem, answer the question, do the activity etc.).Given a worksheet to each group, the teacher will provide 2-3 examples. Leaders have been established for each group and are responsible for keeping to task.56Check for Understanding:Various strategies that are ongoing throughout the entire lesson.Enables teacher to determine whether ALL students have "gotten it." Asking for understanding during the presentation, checking for answers to the 5 questions from the video, and checking group process are the strategies to check understanding for this lesson. Group leaders are also responsible for explaining or asking questions and will report back to the teacher.57Guided Practice: An opportunity for each student to demonstrate new learning by working through an activity or exercise with the teacher’s guidance.Groups will complete the osmosis worksheet. The teacher will guide students as needed.158Closure: Actions or statements made by teachers AND students that summarize lesson objectives. Essential for helping students integrate ideas, make sense out of what has just been taught, and to improve their chances of retention and transfer.Must be done BEFORE Independent PracticeEach group think collectively and let the leader state 1 thing that the group learned about types of solutions.59Independent Practice: AFTER proper closure, it is important to provide time for additional practice. It may be group or individual work in class or it might be homework.Write 3 things you learned today in your notebook.View Amoeba Sisters video – “Cell Transport”NA10Assessment:The formative and/or summative assessments that are aligned with the objective.A summative assessment on “The Cell” will be given on October 6.NA11Differentiation:How you will reach diverse learners by varying the: Content ProcessProductELL students will receive vocabulary cards and make 5 new vocabulary cards during the class.Groups will be established with diverse learners so that those who grasp the concept quickly can explain to the others in their group.Those who need make up work will receive instruction regarding further sources.NA1221st Century Learning:Includes technology as well as the 4 Cs: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication.Critical thinking – using knowledge gained in class, students then predict outcomes.Creativity – questions guide student to formulate possible answers.Collaboration – students work together to complete a munication – students communicate with each other to complete activity, leaders communicate with the teacher regarding understanding and needs of the group.NA13List of Materials, Handouts and other Supplemental Documents:Chapter 4 of Biology Principles and Explorations, Amoeba Sisters video – “Osmosis: A Solute and Solvent Love Story,”Biology Corner – Osmosis Review ................

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